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And~he ~id pa~t...1..~r thefir~' Pa~t<lo~c:o~en.nt willi the'lai~ par~ ofihe~cQnd part Ihat~lh.eJ-~~.J~""fuIlY uiz~dof'th.' laid prtmi~e., thUhe,' 'are Cree fro~ ~n i~cumbraact.and' th~d;h.7 hAY'oocf ri~bt ~ael ~wf...'a~thor\i,., to acU 1)1e ~ami;' and th~.ald ~~L..1JI8 ~,. . . ......' ' . - . '- . .~. .. ~ , tliefiul p.art do"'-':__hereb1 Mly w~rr&At .tbe title to~llf bnd; .nd wilL defend th~ laDie .g~nlt the'lawfaldainu of all. pcuoal, ~boni5OCver: . 'I~ \~rn<E~S 'V~IEREOF.; the. laid part~ ~ft~~~rlt partb~_Ce~;uato,.e' ~~~,U; han~~d le~~ecla)' aJld JI&i:'aboTC'wriuerL . , . Signed. .~al~d and deliTCre4 ip oUrprucn~e: ' _.::..... J'Jaa-,Q.,..t)ame.,.,..;...:....._..~:".:.....;.._-,._:..:.,"''''~.....'-..~._..,...--,,_...; ';';'.' ,.B,thel..'~l:t9J1.Coohl'-aA-"-:'_',,,,,,,,,:,,-,,~:,,,-,,,,,,,,,---,,,,,~,, .- ,I l3 .' ,'., .....c.__JaaLIoA,Ur-:.._o._.,_...:_..__.._.;......:.(S, EM.) , . ". 0> . . ' ~ ,0. -', _ .",. . 0.' , _"~..,,.__......P-9~O ~~,-.l9.~J-,~:,..~.....--._....~,:__..~tsE^i.~ . , ,_... _..........u'".. ...._._.,_ .~..___'~.,......__.._..__,._...:.____.__.... ..' . , , STATE OF noi'14a~ .~ 'S" LWJ..:_~_._~~:.....f" -~--- COUNTY OF. . , . .~.. . 'fJlEREJJYCUTIFY, Tht Ol!.!Mf ~_.?5tl:1: "~~ol'.' Ju.l7 , '.':..,' Jaok Joehr, ,.and, hl,I,.', ..." e,;' 1\..,' 1'ot)....rO,ete.. rcuo"ally appcmcL.,.~______...,.._~__ :-_._ _-:-_ _..... ~~_*W- . __ *' tome known' to be 'lh; Pc~s';ri_'" de~.cribed l~ aadwh~ e>>:ecuted the foregolAgc:oayetaac:e t<! .~ D,19~ bdorc me :,' ..' ..... f; I ---'---~.-.-_.--:----~ J. )I. Venterl ihe1r 'free a~.' . , . ' ,-~""';'~-r---~~~ andaever&1ly edUlowledgeel, the uec:ulion thereof to be .' Ind dt!d fQ~ the IlU~ .ndp~5U ~hertin me~lioaed; .ad d"~ Ja'icL.-.Jklr.o,..1IhJ '0 Rtu ' i.. . . tll., wif~ of lhHaid___2,..,_~___..._hnk.:..I.o.a1i8%....._,_~____~2~.. , one ffl>allle~ndp;;vate uamfttalim\ ..l~hn .0" ma,Jt h'"n.' hf(~re Illt, and ,I~raratdy~"d ""all'from .'It! uid husband, d~d '&L~no."'.ltdl1~ thatlhe.'made htutU a par" to'h~ UI~ I)t.~ :of (om'f).I1(('. for lht l'u,p,'" Qf. r<nnunc'tl~, rtl"''lu"h,nR and cQnH)'lnRall h~r fll/hl. ,.de and IDltrtll, ,!,hnhtr of dowuor ol..paraleproperlY. statutory or t'l,i,.I,lt. in' and 10 lIlt l.oIls th...in ducflbed, and that _he eXfCuced .aid de cd frcdy and yoluntarlly &lid ..ilhou.t &IIy conJfrault, ffar, aliprebenl.on 'or compulsion of or lr9m htr ...,,\ hUlband. . '. I . . . . f1er~. I" t~e County of st.' L~t1.I,_~..;-':":"""':- t1ie elay Iild 'yur lut .~orClajd.. . ~ '\If iIUl_.s1ial!ttitm, ',' " ' aiLf--'~" '-ft~ Ii. _(~F.6L) _~~f'"oi e., e . 0 ' all L&1' . '-"'~OJIII ..ion ~, r..'loroil.- .:,.. 8 On thit !l. JniJ j - . /\.D. 192..6-. at' J 460'c:1oc~ thlllnllrumellt ,oat day I of_ filtd for record. ~nd ~iDg d~ly acknowledged and proven, I han recorded the same Qn pare 6S~ , (OUllly,' f of Boo" 64 in the, public reC,ordt 0; said' 'OF. I have bereunto "',my hand and atf..ud the lui of ,he Citcuit Court of the Fillecath Judicial Circ:uit 01 old Slate. in an4 ~~a 91'-(/. ' '. v~ ./ ~~q P" C.. tiue4 l);....j}~Pt1~ ~ ' ~~~ ) Oerk. D. C. , ~~".,~~ . , . . ...---~_.._--. - -----.