HomeMy WebLinkAboutCERTIFICATE OF TITLEuen Satlaiaatton to: Oept Of H19hwa1rSatety and MdtarW -a- ' `Nell Wrkrtmn Building, Tallahassee, FL 3T3ft.0 p - r T* 1018655554 D IdenKcakw—Kumber .... - --- year - $# 2923681 'Matte- ---_:-- Body - 'Wf-L,BtIP ' -- � - _ FLHiIDTg20527897A 2989 = MERIT HS 52 tRegs No.-_'4779941t9er --: .Registered Owner. Date of issue 03/29/2018 uen Release mrof JOHN Mi'.TTHEW BELL Date the described vel-ide'is hereby re easetl 20 RESERVOIR HNR APT 13F By t SEYM )UR, CT 06403--3671 ■�//�'AY1■A�� TWO Dale IMPORTANT INFORMATION t. When ownership of the vehicle described Herein is �,U a�� Q transferred, the seller MUST complete in fult the ( r Transfer of Title b Seller secWn atthe bottom of Mail to: the txdficate oftitle. JOHN MATMON HELL 2- Uponn sale of this vehicle. Me seller must complete - 20 RESERVO 1 the notice of sale on the reverse sEdeof.thisform. IR APT 13F 3_ Removeyourkenseplafefnsmthevehide. SEYMOUR, CT 06483-3671 4. See the web address below -for more information and \A \�N ��� the eandrpristertevehicle, mobile rvesse \ the and registerthe formsrect d for he pur crvessel: httpJ/www.hsmv state ii:us►htm►anf_htmj M:E, ffil - .{..,....ssefe�_ :::Ft+AMBZ`I�20527:897 9 IiIVim6er:r _ $->i- :y'�: cc .994• - -- - - - r _ - - vettaae`:is - -. --" - - - '.-i''f :: _ -':r-,=•:_4.- - - - - = sK`,r -'"- - - :. Pr�atYBrartd.,_ . ay BrariA : •. No of?*' _-:r-.,•::. --`t;;:�- - y�y� ,.=�-1-:; .�,+.eV Issue:Dale::.::8yr-..•.: t �: •.Y3 :•Bran. q.i;,• i' .1 3 1.5 l - u 4. :-OtlonielerS _ _ tatusorV Ltle ;: asset: Manufat or: offuse �u 'H - i= - 77 _ Regis[eiedOvtnei :JOHN MATTE&W HELL :EESERVID=-1`NR APT ;:3F SE7CMOUR;. CT :.06483-3671 stLictihal , - _ - NOW..: _ DMSn 9 C{Ftdt CRlSYSEkWCF�. _ - - - E&Ai tFA_ �iTtDF Hi�ti3lVw'ySr1FEiY11t¢b OR VEI IICLES.. isir RohertTtXyndcti . Director : `ems `s - � '- :' -Tergrt;Rbddes-- I' Cnrttrdl-'�tratbe3 ' t ) .. 24 /1 ..:131623.635-Vt�N Si ER tlF t17t E 81� SELLER'(7his sect on tmustbe tompteted atthe timed sale:) •. •: • ' : ' ; _ .. . . Fedeial'eddrorstateistvregiriretitdthe'se4vsiaLetbe ... �.::��__..a•. - - - -- Fm7taatdorPnceanddatc'su7dni'ca i�mhfftr>msfab£aµutisiup:-:. ,• - �stitteist+tmtmmtedin befree6owaaytimsoc«ptes �> ; a6andthbpmwr�e:crvewd&srnliedish-a-ebytimd6vi�tis&' _ SeileMaStF *Sets ffeas�Prfs i - :: i UN'estetethetthi5' Sor -$tDetMustilitapstoSgtd'...: a Q .� 6rbgitadomemrdawzeadvl�l',_:_.1�1J' !-.'i_,.,ii_7C,-.j(nofenilisjm7es: da'te.resd ':.' -'°�d�l�tiuCliY�c�Sryflratta4iebr+st:of•'•'�mowt'..•. ' ��':�.�. ''.: '.• '.' �'.. � : .. .. '' ' . �' t_retleersACTtrAr:[i3r.EetGE:'- `- � ?PY �d�id�+etai�eedm&'•..::'-:: y [1' 2 is Lit t3SCES9 0F1iS MECHAiVt6kLEitv7[FS ... ::: �'V is N9TTHHAETUAL MIt FJ1C,1 '; . - lgdOf]iPENALTIESOFVERtU UDECIARE-THATIHAVr-IWA T14FORE60Q1000tx1MENTAIJDTNAT7fiEPACiS.57ATEDWITg1;E7RpE. :. �- '.:. SELLEIfMiat-. _-:'si�;x�_:..'-..:... .= �.i��-::. -: ��-'casrrr,Fxii�ttii:::._-:::'.�.•::.:�:;:-:::::•:••.'.••.'•-..:_.�.'.'-.; ,: .:._. Ma Tem- :.. SeOgigfl@alets eK IJa:: -: - � ' � �• . `'Tax;Coltecte'� _ •�--" Via- --`ptlttekats ~ -- �3tist . ...CQ=YIJR+ Ct�%C5):1C11Sust � - - ,f - - _f Mail Lien Satlsfacticn-tG: Dept.at HighwayS.Edlityand r4ctarW,_.__ iFsll trJdm1aRBullft9,T2JWWssM. FL32399-Mo T# 1018656866 B# 2923684 FLi Year Make-1- BadY Wr-L-BHP VessalResir'NO. WeNurnber 0527897B ::L989 mmi HS 52' 47799426 001111 Re... ,gistered Ovimer. ...... . 1 JOEN bMTTHZW BELL Date Of Issue 03/29/2018 Lien Release 20 RESERVOIR MM APT 13F Interest in the describedvehicle is hereby released By SEMMUR, CT 06483-3671 Two IMPORTANT INFORMATION L When ownership rship of the vehicle-desc ribeil herein Is transferred. the Bellet MUST complete In full the Mail TO. Transferof Title by Seller section at the bottom of JOHN MTT$RW BELL the certificate of title. 2. Upon sale of this vehicle, the seller must complete 20 RESEW01p Ma APT 13p the notice Of sale on the reverse side otihis form. SEYMMM, CT 06483-3671 3 Remove your license plate from the vehicle 4.' Seethe web address below. -for more Wonnallion �5 VA\\A\ and .r, MID appropriate forms required far the purchaser to title and register the vehicle, mobile homeorvessel; bffp.,/Awm.hsmvs.tate-fLuWhtmymnf.himI -F f7 v., RA e& W X r. 0527 ..... .. Re§r 9 qr 7A. i .7 ii-1--, . 11. - _. kit 7R 1119, 1 - -_ - -- ?'A *aq�ed� P -Ia MV �(fapbta, 7% 15/20Odo 7­­- tahis -Tril" 7 H hgiiteriet' Prop f Rib 01-iter 7 ...'20: R ES9Rv.()-jjj WM APT' 'SEYMUR, Cl :.06483-3671 AstULnholder ftsmm OF VOYC PJST._SERVXtS VILLAk4E FELOW04 A r. Director Control N umbe,r enry L: Pdiod J --E 'inust be.0Dr6pleW.Aihjj 0jhEj Cd sali.} FederalmShcor TRANSf4k,0kl:nz8Y.` SELJ_ER (Mit s6cvofl ahm Yail= rocpmpteaor p.vjft c=11fic"I'—d d" -I- v4lk —Jd—. h..byv=kd­ -!ANCxwe'rh.5bt Ej .6'0sftvd4rnct. pow mi,64 T !�ic1leMACrUALMflXA(;& is IN EXCESSOPM ]i3EAL7U -MU7AG11% A)NDERVENALTIES OF PERJURY, FIC)ECILARE TMT I HAVk READ jilg pbRliGDlNG loidCljuE�ki.AN,D-T-H.AT'T..*Rt" FACT$ST List ATED RE' '[NITA "TRUF dfuhir ellIVaui ...0 C lllag Llen Satlatawon to: Dept Of tflghway safety ■nd Motor vem�, --a KW=n eullding„Talbftaseo, FL?.=94600 T # 10186568 66 $# 2923684 r _ tdentfio6nn Number — _ Year ------ Make l-- Body -v W r L-BHP — vessel Regis. No. — Tito Number - t -� •47799426 _ - I `2 Fl iMTW205278.97LB ` 1989 MSRI i HIS 52' t m a Date of Issue 03/29/2018 UenRelease, Registered Owner. mterestlnma desrnbed vetide Is Hereby released BY JOHN HATTHEW BELL Tille 20 RESERMOIR MNR APT 13F Date SEYM UR, CT 06483-3671 11 IMPORTANT .INFORMATION Mail'Io: JOHN MATTHEW BELL 20 RESERY :ER Mani APT 13F SEYM UR, CT 06483-3671 1n Sr:ici'1111lla+:ti- 0 1. When ownership of the vehicle described herein Is transferred, the seller MUST complete in full the Transfer of Title by Seller section at the bottom of the certificate of We. 2. Upon sale of this vehicle, the seller must complete the notice of sale on the reverse side.of this form. 3. Remove your license plate from the vehicle. 4. See the web address below for more information and the appropriate forms required for the purchaser to title and register the vehicle, mobile homeor.vesse): http:/www.hsmvstate.fl.usfhtmUhllmf.Mm1 - 3._£1._+� �1L -. 'J Use c Ptevfssua:Daba BY - ? °y . T <tiptevz, Color Fnmary Brand SeeottdaryBtanO PgIti2i p /�12Y15/20 7 w ^ K Odamte�Stebrs a vessel Manufacturer OH use er Hut(^Material Pmp t ` :Date of Issue F _ - s 03/29/2018 oats - Registered Owner `JOHN'MATTHEW BELL .2O RESERVOIR MM APT 13F SEYMOUR, :CT _ 06483-3671 =S • DMSION OF MOTORIST SERVICES TALIAFIASSEE FLORIDA DEPARTMENTOF HIGHWAY SAFEfYANO MOTOR VEHICLES Ir ,y" �1 Tony L Rhodes £ Robert R Kyn6ch Con i pf: Number " . �1"� 4 . / Executo Director piieclor. Ci L. 24• °/1. 131623636 _. , - - TRANSFER OF TITLE BY SELLER (This section must be completed at tltm atneo! sale) tramf . Federal aIId/or state law rarymtlfretfe WSW stele We mf14"; P 'rs.>vme.fo P" ®d dpe sdd `°fineca .wti}! tk° er of cwlletshlR I . 'FzpuretoMaTleteorproviclinafdseiiaremeetVwrooltmrm=sfdJmrmpnsoninmt ti . This tide is warranted to,be fi= fiom aay Goa omept as =ed on the face tithe a;erefirate m� ttae motcrvelueleorvesei dacnbed is heelry vma{arto ed = . Address: ! Seller Mfam En erPuicbaser's- - x .. � ,.. Seller \lust6ataDa!eSdd. "" Shcer-Must Eawsellingprice: aadlboobywbfytbastoftbestofmy swwledgethoodaasterrea�aa fAVe stnie that ttia 5 ar ' G' .b dipt odoaae:ta now tends l 1 I I.I_IJ.J LXJ(aa mufa) tmles. dMn read 3A, NOT2HEACiUALMILEAGE' 1. td)ecu ACTUAL Mn F11GE 0'2. is 1N EXCESS OFIIS MECHANICAL L1M1TS {� UNDER PENAL TIES OF PER tURY, I DECLARE Tt±AT I HAVE 7HAT i-AS FACTS STATED IN rT AfiE TRUE READ THE FOREGOING DOCUMENTANG ...' � �j��� ':COS.LERtdiat SELLF.RMusl ytt �'1 Sign HocEi Sign Het PrvnHere: .. PrmtHete i ; x "` a; r ' Selling DediesLicrrmeNumber _ fP,} • I r'� Lmwtse Nmaotic r / A Name. -e- z l i.. - - GOPUR4Y Mutt% sq'+tY.F am. ,H.:T „,f.. x d f s r �.a .�� ,n �., t ? ,.:. .a `' ,.�:. ..0-AFnntHCre:.Ten note ncouC[_N10E i< - •5r r __ r bn ;�... o>!t£ Nan Lien Saaatactlon to: Dept of tilgh` ay Safety and Motor Whld" _...' Kirlanan Building, Tatlahaasee, FL 3239MS00 _—ram_-. Identifio6on tqutrtber — -----Year---g--"Make--I-:-- Body WFL-BHP VesserRegls. No- ---:--_ TitleNimiD. F7,�TW205278978 1989 �� i ES 52' I t477.99426. T# 1018656866 $# 2923684 __-_—Date of Issue, 03/29/2018 uenRelease. Registered' Owner. interest in the desaDed vehicle is hereby relemed JOHIi mATTREW BELL 20 RESERVOIR MM. APT 13F SEM46UR, CT 06483-3671 r Mai1.To: JOHN MATTHEW BELL 20 RESERVOIR MNft APT 13F SEMOMR,.CT 06483-3671 V w Odr, o.. , Hudhta ;xrt 'iStalus a V-SW Manufactumler OH use $ 1 By Tttle Date j Im==T INFORMATION :I t When ownership of the vehicle described herein Is transferred, the seller MUST.compiete in full the Transfer of Title by Seiler section at the bottom of the certificate of title. 2• Upon sale of this vehicle, the setter must complete the noticeof sale on the reverse side of this form. 3. Remove your license plate from the vehicle_ 4 See the web address below for more information and the'appropdale forms required for the purchaser to title and register the vehicle, mobile home or,xessel: httplhhww.hsmv state fl.usfhtmUtffmf.htm) im C 3 � AP Registered Owner, JOBN I+g1'PTHEW BELL 20 "RESERVOIR MfiR APT 13F 7711R, CT 06483-3671 1st Lichboliier NONE i a "l7M.CLES FLORIDA HGHWAYSAFETYANDMOTOR VEHI DTORISTSERVICF� TALLAHASSEE SIONOFM S ,. • - Terry L Rhodes v ' r RobertR.Kynoch 3 DuectW Cont-1'I3tariber 1 .1 �' .�' �ExeaNveDgbdor 24- /1, ,131623636 .. a F .. section mustpe rzmpleted at the ame.of sale.) •,. TRANSFER:OF TITLE BY.SELLER (Tttts , .._. ... _.. _.._. _,_ smme.'sdtinSPa-and 'daddc :mr�uvon wn}i dietran4'u ofawnersMR res. Federal aad/or Sfate law regwe thin the mHer sane the m1a„'q Did •Fatltaeto xraplew Cr provift a fate stammit ray ncinu m f6cs and/or imp* L This bile is avaaaated to M See Soar aoy liar except as toted as cite fax of the cemfieete aad the morcr vducle or vessel desrnbod is hereby trmsfvred ro z :i SellerMtut:Eater P=b es Name ; SdierM dEiitKDateSold { Sr]IerMtsstEntv5e11imlPnar - IY .. aadiierebyo'j*,Eatjoi6ebrtofmY:lamwlcdeeduodo>mterreadm3 • •, IAye stets that this s or [ j :6 dia irodometa aow wads I ; I I- I.t I r t1 xJ (tm,temFa) rm7es,. Erin rem , . Q�Zssn•IEXCE550FIIS:MECHAtaCALLQvIITS ' r �E.] 3'rsNOTTHEACfUALMB.EA n I.refleMrs CIVALMR.EAGE . - - - ,UNDERPENALTIES OF PER.IURY, (DECLARE jfHA11 71-HAVE READ_TKE FOREGOING DOCUMENT AND THAT 7NE FACTS'STATEO IN R ARE TRUE. t CtASELLF1L1Nust sEGIERMusI ;SigtHec� x Sign Hera • - ',r I Pt6tt Here: prottHae. a ° Tax Collated: P �,: z Selling Dalds license Notttber - `t t rr a s a a s Lrw>SeNt�ber � Y Fi ys '� . , i '.o i �` .� �• ^ \ 6 .CO-PI�IRCHASER Must ' �. �:.�, ,.� s s' { i £' "} } x :�:. •F '' ti-PURCXASSf.RMuss SrgnHar � _ � ."bn / <.. { g ? / z \t '``,y ,e ,.k'f'',✓,:,tea '�ao l ..d_.yK e' . ^'i �.., - -. .. `,t. .s . -. _ .. ,. v.� , §, Pi6diierc ..-•!�v etc nevnlaCHdSE t _ _.. -:_.rz ::..Fr ` s�?-.� , x.t a�.- F.S�"f