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HUD Labe! #:, FLA-0000767928 -State of Florida : .. Dealer's Name; Paim Harboryillat;e
FLA-0000767929 Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles Address; 605 S. Front;Jae Road
MH ID.#: PH09-15629AB-FL ... .
Division of Motor Vehicles City,.Slate,.iip; PJant City FL, 33563
Neil Kirkman Building, 2900 Apaiaciiee Parkway, Room 129 ,. '
Date Manufactured: 2J9105 .Model Year ; . 2005,Tallahassee,.FL 32399-0640 i3faP3A Name: PJ=S Coru'aaration'
Model #: 12L348B3 Q:estination (State): FL Address; 202 Daniels Street
Mfr.. Name:. Palm Harbor Homes, Inc. Type DOUBLE (length(S) exclude(s) hitch) CitwState, Zip: Jtiiladisor,, iA1J S3703
Address: 605 South Frontage Rd. Sizetsi: Wdth(ftl xlenuthift:i ISizefs): widthtft)xlenuthtft)
City, State, Zip: ' Plant City, FL•, 33563 11 8" x ' 60'40"
11'-8" x 60'-0"
This manufacttmd taame itas been ihermattY insulated to conform vnih the
requirements ai the Federal Manutachired Home constiucfion and Safety
f• f� �� �• � �:' ` +_ 5tridardsloralllocafiatsvAbinUtDvalue:
'Zone I
--4.�1--� �•�I �-- :iaEti'— „ � i .` Yam, �°... .,:� 1-� � �.� �_.�,. � � ..
- - 1 � cone Ewa � : ore mI .°o xaN: , i .... .. zu:e a�� �?r•"i... • � ,,, ':: '" •'� ' 2�-' _ _ '\ 3 Perimeter Blocking Required
This home designed fort South 20PSF Note. See Sevion 32ao 3o5t e)(2) roreapntles melWed in each wind Zang Y• •a. ,4 `' .
ry This home constructed for-, ;
The facto metalled equipment 'includes Wind Zone 2 Exposure: _ C .
Equipment Manufacturer -Model:Designation Unless the Exposure column indicates"D", this home: has. not Factory recommended max ArCsim 3.54on
been designed for the higher wind pressure and anchoring .
for healing NiA NIA .. Information necessaty.to calculate sensdtte heat vain provisions for the inaeased requirements of EXPOSURE D. as _
Smoke Detector BRK 41208 spec fled in' ANSVASCE 7-8B, and should not be:located iv)ih)n Wails : "U"='l) 082 At ea:' ' 111]6 ti'
Microwave General Electric JVM1630WJOI 1500ft ofthe coastline in Wind Zones it and III.. Rriois .
"t)'� t1.f333 Area:
.. 139E 31z'
Range. General Electric JBP26WH2WW This home has NOT been equipped with storm shutters another'
9 Floors "t3='0.ta43 Area, 1400 it-
Re(n orator General Electric GTS22W CPBRW W protective coverings for windows'and exterior door openings. For-
g tomes designed to tie, ]Denied in Wind Zones 11 and 1 I at is • FloorlCelTinn Ducts "uJ ia•193 Area: 46 fe'
Water Healer -. Rheem 72401 Air'ducts outside' 7)"= i3136 :. Area - A� '
strongly.reconrmended the home be made ready to be equipped
Dishwasher General Electric G9=0DJ00WW
wt3h.these devices in accordance with.ihiimethod recommended
in the' manufacturers r rriled instructions. The heating equipment listed has the rzparity io maintain an average 70V
*}For Tallahassee Contra,] Office Use Only ** in this hame, a( ouidoortemperahrres ai,:' NiA 'F ' To maxirri¢e
Red Tag 4K. a _ Region: iunsaca opeiaf'mg economy, and 3o.canserve energy, it is rewrrimended thal
jC Camptainant's this home be installed where the ouidowwinter design temperature.07 iRT.)
Name: i is not higherihan NIA ° g, Theabove inforrnatiorrhas been oatcutated
a I
suin a max. w) veibcity nT 13 mph at standard atmospheric pressure:
Address: The air drstribu?ion SnysTem of ihts ),ome. is suitable for atalL3tron of a central
ir. conditioning System AlMns)a)Ied (Y1N] N
� .. Rey ion:
%V. This home is.designed'to comply with the Federal Manufactured Home Construction and SafetyStandards in force ai the time of manufacture,
Signed: / <�,r.:',•_ Print Name, Judv Kent ..Bate:. Ftua 9„'2005