HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1159 'j , '1 ,I': 't ,:,,' I \.' " 1 - fl".\ ' ' j: I' ,.. . :-'~~-~:'--~"H'~~~r~'~, '." ,'i, '~~~'~~'..t~~:.'. ~ ~~tl~,~~ft'r~:~~N~,:~,:+.~.~,.~,~~.i:~h:;:~I:~t::.::;~.~~~~,:.,::~,:;. , I , t " .' " '.', \ . ,\' 'i' . . ;" . 1 " . mI~.INbEN1llfRK. M~de thla ,:to~'h' ',I,. dalofl , .' I 4nln.~ \. '\ ~ \. .\.1>:iU BET\VEEK' , i': ~.,: . :.' ,I ,I i l. . t.' '\ 'P. Er.R-ob1neon ana In8~bor8 Boblneon. hle .1~e, .I I, ',' " I ,A ,. . \ '" 'o{the\Couo't7.of' q,~ Lliole; .: :\~~'dSU:l~Of'''\ ....I\-':I'nJr1;d..\.' -,. \ \. ~u.h8 ~(th, 6t.t~~~ ; . .' \. ' '. . .' \ . .\ , ,\\1, ... \ \",;\ , h', ~...G,eSJ').)~ ~~.mm.r.. ~ "\' ....1 . \' \ 1" , . \ 'I' \ \ . , ' '\' '" : \, . Oflhi.cbuat1df ' II c.oQlt, ',' _' '''ad,St~uf ' . ",\l 11~,n'01B': -', ' '\ . . '\~ of ti!uecoa4 pan. 'WlrNESS~TII,~at the Did p~rt~ of tbe fir"t:~,.fo~ and hi C:~Dtlderatioa _~.th~!D~. of 'l'&ll,', ~LLARS ~~ ~ other . \.1 nabla. , ' "':":'--G-- oonsJ. hr81l1o~ " . " ~ to: thelllQ hand 'PaM.the receipt whirc'of I. .be~bl'aclmowiedgccl. , , ,j \, ' . \, '. ,.,' \ ,.,,:, ,. ,'\,'.\ . '1"" '. , ,", \' , :, ,..., ,:. .h~ ara~ted,;bariaii1Cd; toldaad, trans!er"'tI. aael by. ",ese\ pre~llt. cIO~. ....rraat, krp.1Il. 'iCU aodt~.fer uto. th~ ifd pa'rt+-~f tbe',1CC01l4 _ h . Part:a'nd":"'_b.t1".,.:.'..-he'it.~~ auigUI'forCYtr,\llltb~t ~rtalll'.~~cel ~f lanellll~B and ~elq'la' the.~~lIt)' o.r . ,! " St.' ,L~le' "', . ,'..' \ \ ., , . ""., i aad St~te~l~n2nG.' ' " ',', '. mOre p~\iculail,' demibcc! i,. follow.:_ " . ,', . . , " ~., ,_,______.~..~__ ' ~o~i Qni~lll.~~-.h9~JJ}L..m..B10~f-.bg.-' Ih of n!h~ Trop1C'"~ P4te R'Obl~eon ----'- '. I .' ~~;J~q)~l!l~~2.~..L:~..~.2.9..q~jin8'_~,Q.. ,1iJl.t.J~laut:..l8td-!:.tl"L~" ~l'et. RObitl,on 'eub~1l"".1on..' of' "'~_.,' ._.:.",~~~~.~~..J)~;f1.QLot.~'h8,"-Clark~~"'Jarouit '~o~:O.fu 8~..:Lua.le CO~ti~' nQ~4..:' c:r '_.J.D-l'.ul...12.~..t-1i'B;t..Ja.'l..;.:.-'~~..I.~,"':}t.YlJJp....n''':'~e''. hG.1~,bf the JlOJ:~h~.Bt~~.t'.(~') . > '. . "", . '. '\ . ".' .. -, .' - . .... ,.' " " - ,', ~..' . ":, '. . -..' .~ J. :~~~. thLlglllAuJ.t ~.~'tI'..j..utL~_~.hijt halt.: ot,lU...lt9.tlhn.. . Quart..~ (~L.H:.. ~.~~.t.._~~.J\~",i1.~~Uhr,~~.J.~t."S'..Q,~~6n",",~~;'; 'on,hi>> ~6\~. ,~an8.. 40 .:B~d.. ill.St_. L}to1.- . :"':'-,C~umt7;,..:.n.o.r1U,L.,..:.'~~-:7::":':-:-"'~_'-~_"~'-'.~~-::=-~':::"'':'"';~.+-~~..::..:'''.-.--:::-.;~' ',', ... ''''''::'. . , .........:-.,'" .. ,- _.."";.......__._._._____.------.;_......:_..._.__.~-_~.._.....h......._.""_;,,;,__~.-,,,,-~-"-";'.-________..______~______..:- ,~.._ .-____,~'_,___~_....~.__"_-~"__"""'-:--~~--..---:-.- . TOGET.HER ",'ith.all the lenementl, :hfr~dltamenll and apl'l\rU'n.neu, \~ilb enr, 'prlvllege, right. title. inlcrest and Cllate, dQ",er .n" 'rii(bt or d~wer, ',' ' .rn-eUlO'" remainder and easement thuclO be10nllwg ~ in anywue lllllletfllinmg; 'f0 HAVE ~~IJ ~q 1I0-l.lJ ,tbe 'am~.in fee 'Imple forner:' . 'And the ~id par~L of ' the fint p~ 'dO~ (OT~II~lit willi tho ..id:part-7....:.~f the aec:ond pirttLaL. t~.f n~ .~a,,:ruIl1: .eiztel of the:' ";.1 prellli$e~ tbat thtyare ~r~ frO~ a;1 in~braDce. lad tbat!htl '~e~.g6od Iii"! 'In.! law'ful au.t"0~it1:,~ aen ~c..~elaccl lbe.aid ~arili.8, ~ '---"4'. ",' . ..' 5 '8., / ; ~. "I '. j I'. , ,:, I, 1,.- ',j r I II I I,"] 1 ' I . , , I'.; j ;" ',' 1'" /\.' .' , 'j . L . i' I, j '1. I' ~_.... 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'. -.. , ~-~..'"":-:.,-.,-..:.,.-.~.-._.....--~v:.-~.=--_:7i.-:--....;...-+..----.... --.-:~~...--...:.._,._:_.--..-~..--....,...;.-_.-....-_...............:...-..--~:---.-.-,:..._:____:-~.~,~ ~..~.~u:,::c...~,~--:~,-'~..~~'uu........~......~.'-'--:-..:;:-.~~...~"'~ $!:.~.. ~~o.~~!~~ oano,lIe Ii __:....., .' ~ " '>~ \ \h~ firil p~rtdo_ huc~y fuliywar.r-aat .lbetille, ~o aaid 'land, 'aad will defend, tM utile agaiDst the l~wfdlCWrtll ofa.!' 'pcr~c:n. wb~m'~er, < . . , < ".' . .,.-' '; .'.-'. -' " .' -. " . IN \V1TN~SS WII.ER.EOF, lh~ .~idpari..1.e.Il of tb~ firi,t put Ii~..:... bere-atoaet.' ~hA1%o ..1IanU .ael aeala the d~, aild J'C&r above ;"riti~~> ".- .' + - . ". . . ' . " " . -.' - ... - '., , .' . . . ". .' '. - .~ " . .. . -..: ' ." ::; . . . .. \ " ". " Sign.ed, .uted.a,nd delinred ia ourpreaeQ~:" " ' . :';;"":"", -,:. ,....' "lJ'.J1a,e,a",.I,:',.,J_ea-,'.>".:,_,_,:_~",,_-.:...._,...:>.. ..."", i[-w Ihel'Dlan'.:' ',' '. " ,.' , . : 'n ._. ," _~..._.._ ..!It_. .... .:'.._u..___~'. ..._......~...,n..._...:'._.- ......~..__.__..._.":"~_.._....: .. ,..:y1n8"B....~O" ,::_..._~__:':'..., .._.'_.m _,___.........' . ~:,' ~ .B~..~,y.:.::....;;..BQ'"~..:...."'~... ..:'. ..".:._._..._......~_._..__._.....h_.; "':~! ~:.. ~_::_>_,::-:..,":X.~..:,ILJ!2lI~~~>:_.,.;:.--::.:~,~(SE;~):. ,~...>' _.-'.,;.:.....,~,!P-l!:~>Q.~..]9. blJ!'-.Q~,.~,~'...,..~~"',:.(S.EAL) . . . . ST~TEOP... '.'non~8.. .~' } COUNTY ~F_._,_ 8t. LUC1~_--:-,_,___~ .J HEREBY CERTlJ.Y,nal on tbi. :tQUl"th " day ~f AqUBt::....:..-....: . ". . ~uon.1I111p~ared._--" .Pa, R..~h11'1.,Ori ..anc)~1~8.bor~-1loblPIJ0Il;;' " . ,..' r . .' _ ". to JXIek.aown to &c l~,e pcr5(l~-8. d.e:$c~ibed iii aael wl~o ~iec~le4 tbe Io,reil:olne c:on,.eP.rc~.tl):......-Gr.o ~~.a ,('0'. i9~ before me'. bit w1:. 8~'..~.~.~_~~~~ ,Q _._,_.._.......__>_.......:....~....:;_--,..'~_____.:~__ ' ..al1d'lC.vera11,. .tkno'"lede~d,the e~eclltioll,i.beieollo,be their rr~c act .~d deN 'for lhelncs and purpou~th~reIl\m~!}tioned; ~Jjdti,eaai.L___...:._~.:..;'~pb.Qr. Bobinfllon ".., -, ~:' ;' -. - . '. ' :'''. . . - ~ '. : .' ." the' "ife :<if Ihen;') ,..~_..~___...:.::,:___':",~___>-,-:.ll!..;..I~,JJ.p')1p-8~.___-,-__,_":'~_----".' ....:__..00 a .,pmte and rri--'.te eJ'-~niin~t;on taken an,I' m..le: t,y .nd I,. fore ,mt.. .n-l .Hr..ratdy and, av.'-rt from ,her, ui-l bUlb.n,1, <1!']a.cknt;l,wle.lgc Iha,t .he m.de heueH .' p.ny 10 .the .u,JI 'o<,tof Con"'tY"Ke, lor Ihe \'url''''' ,of rtnOunCIO\l:" r~hn'lu"liJhll',an,1 co!'veYlOil .11 Ii.. n~hl, tlll,e and mltrCll, ",!>elher, of dO"'ff or ,of ..pH.le prop<rIY, ".,ulo'1 , 'or,e'lu".I,lo. in,.n.! to iht l.n,l. lhtrein<I'Hobcd. and Ibat,the uecllled ..lid deed freely I8d volunlallly,aod Wilboul 101 c.onslr~hl; feir, a{<prehCQ$lOll ,(If COrtll'ut,wn of or, rrom lur, t..ld hu~ban,d. '.' ' ' , ' .' , : , ~, . Wn:->ESS.iny .ignalllre and officlalau'..t___~_ 'Ql'l Pieroe ---iD the Coual)'of..L.,.lt . L~te __ ,an". elo ~tllt~ oi~~ori,,'O~<, '. tbe day .Ild ye'u lutaroruaid.. ' " ;, " " tv . j) .----..-----....:..--k .'. 8haroiC ______(SEAL) ''-'"c',.....,.-.. '\;' I...P. a.. 'n 'ota17..hbUo..i,taw'.a<\LaI'S.. ~1 0omm18SioD .e7{:J?1re86/8/~9 " ~~~~i~~~s":r~l& } On'.lhi'__~,~' da)' of' . ~up.t " ~ Ji 19LA.a~~c:IOC:kL~,tbi.ia.lrultlea' w.. 'filed for rec~d. .nd being. duly ad<Do\\'Jedged ,..riel pr~f1I, I ha"e ;ecordcd' the' ~.mc onpageJiO...__..of, Baal< 64.' In tbepublic. record~ "of' said County. ' , .___------,_~_'_ ___ __. I .I~~\'IT:'H:SS WJiEREOF,lM~ ~reualo .el my baa4 and a~ed tbe .ul'of tbe Circ:uit Court of lIie Fifleealh l\ldi~i.11Cirtuit or laid Stale,in and for laId County. . . /, " , , . " /"'b / . \ ~...~ ' \ Ct,. Ct. sf "Ol"q V. 'C '-..:r ~"/~' , ......,..,~_...'" I~q ....... Pa c. lqiit..a ~~,6-~~J.. ~lJ'~~^Jt. .C1erk. " An. C. If " I.::. t. " " r 1'1:' I \ .,' .~ .: j -\ \. '. ' \. ;. . ", \ \ \ .,~. '. , 'I',' .\. " .,.\.. '\ ~. . I . ,& .~~ ,'. --..,.' . .... ".'. . "-. ~ ~~ .' .:.... . ...~~ . .. . 1 > I 4 .; -----,~--'-/----- . '. ---,-- --------= " 11 ~ ; , '. ' . r f ~