HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1166 r. t. . 1', .1 · ..;-q~' - ! l' 'I ' "'. ' L r, ,'1 i" .1 I,'. I . , \:, .' ~. f!. .!j """ " ,J ... ' :.~' ~ t. . l~i~~~;::~;~~;:F;h~~~~'~~;:l.~;~;.t$:';;;:"~~~~;:;'~~~;,1' ;1"".C:~J:.~~'f~ ~~;ih~:.~,~!~.~~~'~~~;,:. '.~.... L I ',ill" VUSlNOl-:NTURE,iIadtt\llj 'lOth r" , '~:;')'~fl '..1n11\', " p: ."AoD;'~~B&nVEEH ,.1 1 ' ':""'L..._ \ ',,\.., ,"i,' i'H.h*7 ..~~ir.' Il!l~ &~"'~'+'1:\ ~i"41- I,' \,\\ ',' '--'~-,,\, .... j,' (.I -: t '~. , . ,1 , \ \ I \' I ~ \. \ i. " . q . :~) . J'.,~;oftheCoualJor' ,S,~iJ,uoll" u4Stattor 1'ln'l'ili~ \ I \;, \'pUt.1aa.ofllie'~ItPart.u~";" \ ,\, I" "\'" Il i '.\,,' 1 ' ' '\ \.. ..',' '\ 1\., '!',' 1',. _.__.__~HA.1IIl1 Jnhn.~hn '~ ~t ,l\. ,\ " \: ' :' of the 'Coun!y or s~. L\ioi~~----I-~"'-:---4Ii~ Sla;~' ~f~~ nor~~. . ". pai~~f tht ac~ia4 ~ · WIT~JESS~T:n: tb,ai t~f I&idpar~ of ~e 61'1t part. (or'~nell~ ~oa'14cratl~1I of'tht IU~ of \,~ln\~Op,.r. IUUJ ~t~e;".l~~~\'e.',,' .' t I. L..---:CoDJ!.~!r~t1on..,- ~, .. \1>o!1it"l,to 'h~~hantlPaid,thHetelptwhtrecifllhueb~aekn'o..ledged. \ '\ . ". . ' . \ . ." .,- .'. ',' .L' -. < . .: ." " \ " .':) ",' .... .. . ' ' ,- , . .', \, b...... 'gr.lnled, bugalaed. sol\:. and ,transrer~d. aad'by ~hCle prcacot, ~. ~~t, batpin,.lell' .aael tranlle'- lIato t~t. iaiel p~ of the itC:0cJ4 \ .' " ,". . ,'." \ ',''- '.;'.', '. "", . part '~...:...~~eirs all<l a..i~s' f9re;er, at! that certalll parc:el ~r,la~d l;r1a~ ~~. beinrla fhe Couatj of' St ~ . Luoie .' \ \ &lid S~te of..,-:....,-nO~U. " . '~~_~..:...'mo~ pa~,ti~~larl/dheritd ~ foll~'I'SOVt_.1t'8t ' qP,.arter' Lull. ot ----,-." \' . . . \.... ."' .', \, '.' ". '... .' '. : ~ . '. .' .' \ '-: . . -Jlor'~U"t-..qurt". .tliB..t..L~-!torthean~QUanadg.~..Rjt4 SftutlJlIIl~dOnA~t.tt.J;u...~} " O~ \~ , , 'of Borth,se' quarter (JlI "1... .;.ctll\h 48 fe'" of SoU\h...8"qu.rtlr (81 tVot .orth,a,e', -~_."-'~'--"'~._-"".__-_.:~.\--.o.,,,,~c.~.'-7'~~,___u~--r-;-'~_----"__~-:-:-~~ _, . .. _, \ ....... ., .:. -' .'. . " ',' . . \. __~..~1i.~;r_~~~JIJ-11-7l1..,~1..:.!9.~.!...l.J~1' SeoUoD' ~~n!L!o\U', H~4) a'01rD!.~Tblr\)'~l"~ ~.~6)' , , ~\l\1i...-1l...ih1~~:,"1n.,..(a9~'~i;,-~'ontA; ~~..~o'rt)'- · e1&lJ,.\._IUU\,' 66/100a.i8..0&} '8l)'UI- . \ \,. ',' "'. .' - .'. ..~~_~ .'~ .'..' _ ,0 "" ',_' . -'. ' ...... . 1,' _' . . '-'7~.mo>>.,_~~i.ua.~~..hQ..~ei~..to-4...o.e.r~.~_Il~.n~-Gj 'mor,tsaie '~.of...J?282.60., :'~ ana ': " . '. ':"~~_.~,4..(,.t.,>>'t.cl_.X,,6.il419At:._~~_..J.:,-q~~,.4, 1.n ,~~'ok 2i~...."li.-t~-, 'Oftl.~.:?f -tbe.-~l8rkO ;'1" ,...,~,.' . _~__,1!!-'-.g.trou.H"J!9Ul~nJ?.t.:.~U_.:.~:!!<Ll_~_n~_C?~-'~I.~o~U.L.!Dd _,to" p.,...:~ll~ex... 'glneral,: .p~oial' '. . ~ .... -". ". I . . -. '_ .".f: :- . ..'. . _', '. . . '.' '.. _ -.' .. .': '. .", _:~_~.~.'.~~.~.!il8.&L....~ICtL~1 .!l_8,!~!.~,!Ie~1~L,~~:1~!_4!'~'7J'~~~:~qtleD !..~~ ~e~.!mb.r 31, 2..! 924,..:..ari.4. ", .",.. ' , :' ~ .' . .- .'- ...... .., "- '. ..... , .. . '.:' -' .. , . '.- '. .',' '.. . . ',' -.... -' ~ " " ;~,:.al8.g:...8llbJ.e:nn".lQ,___.4e~uQ.Uo~_.:t2l~lih tS..$tU.)" for '~ubi1Q Jil.Rh..:ge ;.' o.l' for' 4S: toh.. :-'_:__..oz,'.rl&h.~...:o.f,..~_:.at.._th~~~..al.a..hOleiiiy~i,Dra1D.le: Dlldno.s.-" . .', '. " . ".,.. . ' o ' .,..... '. . _ . .'\_ .' . ~--.--~-:-.~~-~ ~'fi" 1 ',1,," f,.,. ' , ~. :', ~:; , .: ~. .' [, r ! . ,,' , j' " !" ; , ." . i' j. I r ' I , I I I I . ,\ ',- , " t' . j [ 'fi" "", t~,.,' , ,:j~, ." f I 1,' -... -- .._-, " I, . . l "U"" "" .... : -'f . '-:r~' ',I' '. !j 1 'I' r, -. ~ ,. I"..,... ~..._:.,....__.......-. . I.,..('c .f--"",:, _ --. f"555J _-1", "_1'_ " ., .- --;' -,.< ' " , I, '~ . ',1' . \ , '. . . 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" . . . ~ " ~ . }"id'the ..lei ~art~rt~; firl-l .partdo_':""'" C:()~t"ant. wilb!be aai.d I>ar~ ofth~lCe.olld p~ruliat..th.e, ..r~. '. :..'Ja...ru~I~, ~~td oft!Je. . . ...-. , ',~,,".' _..~~"~~, .. . -'. ~ " . " ~jd :preniisd, that the)' iar~ f~ee from 'all iacumi,ranu~ and that '~.J 'ha..600drighi .ndla,...tul' ailthorit, to acll t~ lame: 'anel.tbt: laid ~~t.1.,eJLof, ~, , . ' - .. . -' '. ,- .' ~ -. ., ", ' " - -' .. ..' . , . - . .tbe lirst part 40..:....-he.rebY fuUl"warrant the title to laid !and..lt~d wili detrnd the ume ~iainltthe la~rul claj~1 i>f .~u'~e~SOD.l'~hQ~socYer; '.'" _ . .', . " . ,- . . IIi 'WITNESS WllE'~EO.l'; the'~id 'pa~t..JAa of tbe lii,It p~ ba~"~ b~~-;a'to act ,'u.....:. haildli'ltld HaUtht da)'~d ye~ abon _titlea. . ..... ,. .'. , . .... .':' .... '. -','. . '.' '. '. , Signed, .uled iapd deli.ered ;11 our p,ruenee; . , -_-.,.,.,.,.... ',..'..:".,'.,'...".,.,.-,R.'...~,'...,~...,.,.,~,'ir,.~, it,-"Q,;-.:.., ,~.','...--:'-,--~..:~,..,~-~~....-.-.--'---:".--..-. ~ -. '.. '. . '.. . .;_. ._~----- .-'.:~...._....-...~.._........:.......,H._...Z?..::......,"'" .'. . !i.nr)' W. B.lra ,'. ,', '.' " -,.--:--..._..~~~-._------:---:-..m.._.'.._~:."7:...~,.._,,....(SEAL),. '; --iiilib.thB.lra. -', :' -..--: .,-..,,_,~__...._,...___..'~_.mn'm___mT._._'...._ .__....(SEAL) .-:".'..--- ~.:..~. -"i.'~" .:....---,_. '...~~..._. , ' ..--...... ... ---...........-......-.'........ ..-.-.- '~T AT~OF,....:'nS8.OJ1l'.1~~~.::...__:"""_:"':".I .' C'~U:.;:ry ~F J'Q~'Of1 : ___~~.~,_.:-~____~r-. . .. I Ii'ER1~:riy CERTIFY. That.'OD, th~.~~.uL\.~_~~~_da1 of~ ;~~ '7 ' . ~-___ 't\:'D. I~~ btfor~ ~e ,'. f'CnonaiJy ap;~rt~"':"""":~_' 'JI.Jl~ w..lta '-aA4--n~iI~bl,t~ B.ll~aiju...1r1ft " '. ---~-7~---.--- to me. known t~ be ~Jle'pcrion--'r dtlCtibt'd 10 (lael wb~~itf(U\ed tlie foregoiag c:oayc)'all~eto ' B.I,l' John8t,On' jl be~' _____~. _____, aa<lIC,":er~lIy 'a(kno.~i~diCa 'the e.xceutioii:tbm~fto '~~hli r 'free :ci, > lli..blth Be1r4' '. . ..' : lad dttd fo~, the usel and purPosu thfre!n. meniioried; and the nil!'- . L 'r', 'I 'L . "d' . ',' . '. " BenrlW.Bair4 .,.. ..'. " - I " .' . " . tn,e WI e 0 ,lnt 1" ..'...._-~...._--.._-_.-~._-'-___---m.7 ' _____----, ,..on1l pepua, e .an" pflvate uamIDal'9R . taken alld ma.!e l,yan.1 ,torr",. m., and ..paaltl)' and apar" frorn her 1>,.J,h",.""n.J, $11<1 ad,.n<1wltdRt lhal she ,O)ade herse!,J a party 10 the uid JJe.d of . Conn pl1ee, lot, thrpllf(,ose '01 rtnOUneinll, r.hl1'lui\IHnll' and conHYHTll all h,,' ,,)ChI. hIlt lOnd interesl, 'whelh., of do.,-er or orS~l'arale proj"!r11, .latulor)' or e'l!l,raLlerin al\d 10 lh. land. th.(~in ,!ucuL~d, and th1t sbe-eueuttd 'uid de.d frt~ly aad', Yolun~f1ly IUld' ...&tholll any coallralDt, lear,- avprehen$lOD ' c.; cOUlpublon of. or froin h., 1&1<1 hlal;and. ' , . .'" ..' . . l ""d Stale or d offieW iUI a~IHt.&-..c.l \;. . lie, . ,-~~the .day and yeai lastaloreeald. .' '" . ., ,. -6-"-.__~J!L~.b.~.~.ttf.l1_-v;;.-0"t<;FtL) ,.,-~' -,- ~~~B-.i' r.J~.1.~'.f~2.!.~8'.. AM- O. ,.~ · ".OJ:l I'l the Couat, ~i . J~.k.oa ~ h On thi. , da, of. ~-e-' .... Ij,l,~ 1.!,39o,tlIXIr P.JL;t~1a ~SlrulDen~ wu filed for rtcord, aad being duly ack,nowlC<lged anel prQyen.i hue recorded lbc same on pai~~of Boolr . 6'" I~ tht pub)ic recordl of salel , (;...unl.r~ I . ' , l '. ',' ,~, ' - ',' __, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I bave hereunto act my hand and affiud the lul or the Circ:uit Cour! of'the Fiheealb Judicial Ci~uil of &aid Slate,la aael for laid CoUDty. . " '~~~ ' C ' O~,.., . :.., V. .~~. ItlQ" , _ .__ Gc~.a ~O'~lV'O ' ,'.'"..' a...,{~_ '!...';~~~ ~. .'j. ~ 'f I nerk, ...-D. Co . . --~-,------~ " " '... ~' ._~~