HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1182 I ; j 'I 0; 'I . ,,~,..---.,-; ~r'" , . I I -~~ 1 ,. ,-- .,'J , f! l.' r/. .t '1' I, I. " " j' t .' I ' " ' ".1 ' " I, .: :;"c"21).::t'i~;;~F~;~..~1':",~"t~,tc~~;::;~.;~:!::.J::"-f-""~:;l'";"~~2;:7~t.~~~~.:'~;1!l"~~':e~~~~~-~;(':;' 1.1 . ", ! I, I, . 'fH!SlND~~~"1f- .W~dethil, ' ?-l t~ ",I ~ of \ >-}l~~t' 'I '\ .\.D, in.f:.,~ET\YEEN. I, I lla:)t1e B'; Ci.\atufJa'rl\l,l. {'Ii 10\' ......i---.', \ , " I ,', ' . -, 1 11 '. \., '\. r Of"~e',co~atJ oil ,S t .\Luc~~r , ", ..od ~t~te of. f'1Qr1i~ " pu~ '<I,t th~fi~t ~~ a.a4 ' I ~at"liT,l~llot:lki" a\l:l i.tab'el \ D16;lO~k~ 'li! i113 """1fe_~ II I, \.' " ',-, ,\,' ." \' " of th~CQUaty,of:- S~. ,tuo~~ \ ~'---;":-r~;-&~d sl&te'~L'~'l\Or~da . '~I\ ,,_'___ ~rtios ~f th..e~\1~tut. ,WIT~ESSE~I!,"hat~e ~id' partr--:-:of ~h~,fir~t 'Par~ f4r andlD coalideratioa\ 01 ~he tlluof . ~o~ ~oUar.d ,'and other, " ,\ , \ , \ \ .i '. '-.~l!~"-~.bJ..L~rlil.iilr 4't 1. 0 os L. \ ' " 1'1>ol1ar': ~O''. \~er .bbaai Pal, thereceiptwhl~reof'il:herebY ~c~;o'-le~iccI. h ,baA.l_ gr1Dt~d,~arg-alnc~~14..agd lraiufrrrcd, and by these pr~,leall do.J~iraat. barrain'-~lI anel't~aasfe' ~t~ ~e 'fel p'~~lo3 0.1 the ICcop4 \' part Ind 'thoi r :...beirtll\.d \a..igul ;orc~e~, aU "b~t :~[ial~ p~rc'd c>fland'lilnaand belJl.lD_tb'~1!i~f_<j, t'; :,u'pi ~. _.\ , '. &ad 'St_le 01 ~'10:1'~ ,.in' ' . mor~ .paiti~llrI7 de~aibe.l ~ fotlo:'~"'. H~at. furl! " of t'il a ~~'outho :1St " '1, IUil,1:~,~.r-...Qj~,!~19~~hQ.,iJ.i!]..~~~~N~~~1;~...9.:;(',.,,,-~g~j.~~iL~~c.~9::m)~hil)..35.'. ,};um;() 30; C'ol1-t~i1iH~ .20' aoros. . _g9.X,~,:..9.r..:...l.,9..~j?".!-J,:-*-'?;.9_:21.t i l].~gS9.!J.Hl~lLn no ' ~,..:l" r 1.: 11 t' . of ',' r;.y. ,)'\'.. . ". \ - . - ~ ,', -- -' .?';. > . . 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IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the ,uidpar~+-- of the lirst i>u.t baJ:"'ber~uato~~' ~,or' h~aL. and~al;":~~1 anel.year abo,v!l ;..r;iI.tCII. , I ! Sign~d. .eal~d lU1d dClivered iD pur prueD,ce: . '. j' . J -.' , y =~:D~;~;~~ ~?:~---~:::-:-.:~; .:::: :::'::--'c , . _" _ __....._ ~ _. _. __.'. .. _ __._~ _____._ ..n. ..........__..__._.._ '.' . '. ~ill1.e.,J{.!-ic.n~.:..;;b.:J.tUn:L~.._i:__.-......_._...'m'..,.(SEAI.) _~.- .,- .:.. -..,.-___...._,. ,-.~~....., .,:. ...... ..,. . ,::.~:,.. ~:..,_.. ....~.,...:__:( SEA L) -.. .'. . \ , . " :"TI:\C,'ID' , ,'" '} STATI' OF.........~' ',_. ~_-+-n-:---:--~__ COUN~V OF ,3J. ,LU~.f...?~~,'~':"';',_.~,~..,-,-" .' . 'J HEREBY CElmiiv, Tt;~i oa~hls~_-~J...tA;;-,:":~~da1or- .l.ug'l it. W.Qa~J1Y .p~a'ted Hat tia~G~!1:rSer liil'., \vUO_\!.,..-.:.:_ A.D. 19L: b~rore'me ' .t~ meknow!I to be l,he pc'rioD:''-_ 'dmribedlil anel ...bo CltCculcd thdorc.ioiagcoliYC1anc~ to car~ , L1:':no:3,1-"~be J; '.11 ~n~;~i'd, hi;;wlfe -------;--~~--:-:--....._.....;...;.._----:--.._- > " ~' . ,nit seyerf;11y aik.tio..l~dg~cl'tbe 'utculioil' thereof to be he r ,', 'I re~ 'act ~ ~adJl~ed ror the Ulel andpurpoJcs th~~ein mezilioaed; .lId till ..w.i. ID thcCouat)' of :.t. ~~....-_..:.,....,~..:...,.. -,,...-'-_the ~y and fcar lall aroruald. J ->...evt..-4f-l~;lli ... ", ,..,1,' ~.J."" ,:.f1C~:;on _ .' . '.. T~-""--"7'!T~-~-""'r"-----""""'-"<fHL) --,-,-~:..---~-~~" ~f~r~t~~---"g:~,9L="!.'~"-:<;;"'c1)2:l~c"'O" . ,"~ -} i ,<,', !I,' .". "'g On thil12th (1. da, .of :.u::u;t , ~ D.19~ 1111; 26 o'cloc~m., tbi.lallrumcnt W&I' /il~d for rccord, ~Dd beini' duly admolYledged aad pronll, J hayc recorckdthe .ame on pageJi7.l----of Book 134 , I(OIIDlY_ ' ' ' ;~ th~ public t~ordt ofsald IN WITNESS WHEREOF.,l ban f>crfunto let 11I7 hal\d anel abed the leal ollhe Circ:uit Court 01 the FlftCfath Judicial Circuit.of Hid Stale, ia an4 Jor Hid CouOly. I 1,,,~e6. _A~~ ' "-3 e'" - 0"<'6. .~IlP ') " ' ., 1 . , . . ~ \~~"_' flJ . ~. J '.c----~~".,,~- ~ ~," ,,',' '71~~':"'~ ~"'~~$..oL. Clerk. D.C. " I 7-~--