HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1189 ,,' ", ';-,- . -.r. t :- ...., - . t - -if ~ .1 I ,'\ J ..., ". f j ttl- i. ,..' 'l ." " ,r "', (, t I 'I I 'I _,.... ." ,. ,.,.1 t " ! :, ~,i; , ~ I I ,I' , ' I . ,t , 1 I I . ! I '. . ~ -~ . . I . . , ,~j. , t . f' F " I', ":'" I _ I' 1", ,I" '. ;',.1 . . , If =f~~~~~~~~~~~~~::;--::;:'~''';:':r1-!' ,~'::'=:',,:,:!~:~.,~,',~~~~:~.;~,,~~~k.,~;~,~~~~~~!!,~,~~~~~,~~~~~~;:~~~~:~""';':~";;.,l~~A I \' THlSniDENTURIi'. Wad. tbi~ : 16th I ' cla1 of,' ,t August; 'I :.' . '" ~. i~"DETWE~' . , " I '1" J .: 1l0h'1 "Ana. ..~ "~do~er "", . . \1 f" 1\ .' . 1 . .',' ',', 'y " . ,of\the Co~att~f'. at.;. ~Q1e ' .rclS~le.of. will!'!"'" \ ;,1\" ~\; the &rst w-t. ~pa "" (I' \ A. H. :l8fn.~'" tna. \ ~.. , ' ' . . \- '"', 4' 'ofth~\Count)'-Qf '\'st,~ Luoie" ." . ' '~q. State ~f:...:.....2'C' j.l'or1~a ': pan...L o~ t~. ~c:~ad~'" WITNESSETU, ibal-,-thO ~I~ par~ o(,the BIit part. for aad 1'0 co'n~de~..l~n of th..;W' of '.~~"1~ .00) ,~tl qCbsJ" , . ',' , \ ' 0~nB1nr.t10~, I 'Donut, to hIm ,"n ha.adpald, \bu~ipt .,h~~f la'h~t:bj .ckaowle4aed, ~ . . . \ \ : ' . - ... \ ' , . \', ' " ",' " ' , '. " - '. ~ .' -', \ r h&.l!-, Ir.aaled, ~tcal'led; lold' &lid t(udened. and Iii'these P(CICDII dO:..aJLcnDt, ~pIa. ~Uiael-iTand~r uto the .NicS ~ of the aeeond ",\ part and..))i"'--hei;~ ..nd ....i~1 "(or~ycr. .11 \h~t ~rta.iDP';eel oil~~ I;iailaad beIP.' ill ~.,CoiJJI~ of' ' ~ t~,L1lOi. \' . ~..<, \ ~'d S ,', .,lM14-:" ',' . ". ".. .'--'--:-1': I 'd,' .L~''':'' I"" 'rheHor'th .teM'" (10) aorn ., .' \ an la.le 0 '. , ,mure pilrtlC1Hr T eacra"",.. aa, ~,,-ow.:_., '", ' ,~ , ' " ' _~~,~,~.~.;80u_~_~i(t_..n (16L~~or:!!_~f ~th~_~~.8Bt . quarter, of_ ~e SOU!h.."~ . qUarter , and tqetll'e ,acre. \ . . ,., . .' , .: '.., ' . . ." '. .... .. . . .._..~!'.~._.~r .1~~B.!.~~.~,~.!_~~_~_,~~~ on ,the' weBt..~4 rupnlpg. to :tbe' St,. .Llt01e ~1v.!r. of, SeUAfn' . _E_~~!.J.~t!.~,~,o..~~~..:..!~~rt,.. 'B~Jt. (.~_6) Soutb. R!~ge :tort, (40').. EaSt,! ~ oontalning f1.fte"n[aorea ~.i~.~~!"~,!!.!.s~~~~r';"'~_'~..''::'-',_~,~~:,__~,:,::,,_~_:_',' ' , ..; '. ~- ,.' . . -f . ~ 't I 578,: , ! .\,1 :\ , , '. :', , ~ . :I ., ~ ,'- . ~ , _._-':":..._.-":"':---~-..._...:..__......;..~~~.............~~_:.:..-~---_.-:"'---~-,...-.-.:..-- . .'. ' ' . . .... .1. R. noo'..~tamps.6 .00 ,:C~oelle4. " . ' .' . . c .; -_.~~..:----..t.:.-"'-:---~.._~"-_._'~._-----;'--"7""~-'-.""'--"'--:---'--~_......--;----...-. ~-~ ...:. :. ~ -_......~._.....,;.,."'--...._."'"'-~.....:..__.....'---_...:.....~. - .' -.. - . ~4..~__~___~:.__.:......-_.---:__.....~4':.-___-:..;______..'"-_~~~~ . -- ~ . . , " - . . .:.....~.;.._..~._..._..~_..~4 ::-4-.,._=-~....-:-:-"'~_':-"_"'_"'.-'-;'':..-_';';h,_~--':'''~!_~----:~''''_;~_'''i--r--:':'' .-....<<'-.'_.'---..:.._-_..---o.'":--:-...:....:...-~- ' '.~. "'\ . , '.' . , _...............___:-_._.__~__. ..._.~__~.._:_-_4........,....--.--~.,..:.. '_-.i. '. . . . ~. ., .-', .' - '...' . . . , . .' 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';whb "..iry f.rh.it~ge..ri.ght; ,(;lle, interelt,and. e"la~~,"9"'eJ ,and 'rill;bi oJ, dower,: fC\'USlc.n; t~maJnder aad cue~tn~ .lbertto btloUlI:1Dg or '.0 anywlie ap~rlalnll1g: 1(,) lAY K ~l\U 70, HOLO, \he, ~e ~,fee .,mple lorner... . Arid 1h~ said .~rJ-:.~ "of ~. fit.~ p~rt &;.!!- COTenant with the &aid p~tL~.lo.J~f ihe-'~COrid--p.art tha~ 'hail' . ' " . _JawluUy .ieizcd of ,the . '". - . .... '. '. ~.' '. ' . , ,eo . ' ,~- . ~. .., - '. _ ," _ . . ,Ni.d ;rem~se$, tbat they, ~j-~ r~e~frQa'.a!llaC\l~h~~n:c~. I~d th~t has: . .:, &004 rii~ all'd Ia'wiul auib~i~ 10 ~~l the.~mel aa.~ 'th~laIeI,PmZ..-;~I, .' ' . ~ . . ~ . ~. . '. :~~ '. '. . - " . '.. .. "', ',' . , ~ -' " ,.. - '. .' . . ~ ' .: . ihe tirs~' p~rt do""':" bereh)' (uUi, warTlIJ1t.the ,title to laid land, 'aJid .iII dei~ndthe hme aaaialt }belawful daims of au pulOa. wbomsOCTer. , I,N, \~ITN'E~SWllEREOF, tbehidpart: ': "of.tM6Ul,pan~-''::'':' _bereunio Nt ,b~" ,~aa~~ and MaL tbeela.7 and ~ar aboTe ~illm: ____ 1:'~~-~~:i~~:~~;,~~~--~;~~:l .,....,','],.' , . ., l ' ,. ;; ~- ',.,.a: w. 3,. 'Rob1n,aon. Q . ',;' . '.' ~'"-..'-'':':.-_'':".-,-..,__.._,;.._--:''-__....,.-',,___..~._,+-(SEAL) . " .,....".."'"...-c-...~~'-'"-:...._-_.~.~-j:,--,~-:~.......-_:-~_.(SEAL) '" , . ST^n~OF-~_.rJ..oi~..........:- .' .1 . . ,COUNTY OF.._~..~!:_~~~I~ ~- ,..-I. I ~II::REBY CERTI~I',1ba' on lhi...f!-,tteenth "7---daT~! A.ugU8L_':'_...,.,..~:_ .. ,,' .. . 'W. J. Robinson, ,It. -wido., . ~rlOf\aUy al>pured_'m,_"~___ , , " , 10 .ine~now';to bt.tbe perIOD>~~uuiliedl~ a~d whouecutedlbl! foregoiai4:oaY~yance lo.~~~n.r. ;.lno. \. . ' " .. ________,___..__.____-' '. '. " 'Ild .cv'crall)" ackpowledli:ed. tbe ~xeC1lliODtbere.of to' 'k_Jl.1.J-;--frt~ act, l' " ..' A. D.19i-L berore me , ~. ", . 'a?d deed (or ~euse. andpU(po$t'lhercin m~~lioaed; a~eltbe Zlia..--,-,;.~_,---'-."'-,;.. " , .' . ' , - - "'!. " .'~~kt~j~~~f_~.~~<f~~;.:i~;-it~;;~i;-.;i~~~';i;_~'";;:I.P',t f'O~ h~-;;i&l;;,--- --'''did ~,1iIt Ih-;-m~~~~~~ydl~rily~:e.~T;tjJ~~r ,Co, nH)'d~, "tl>un'o~t ,of'rc .,.<inK. '''I!l'luI,t,'nll,and (0'*), mil... -t; ,'~ . tilok and intH~~~~'k'x*~;~,~ r or OfltP..ai:acJC:ft, 'p p.,ttHH)")"" \liII u!~i, or'~~!,lt. Ill, ,t bn:l\ rtm.kscflbeJ, an:btllallhe ~tCllU'lt aalllt~ttd ttT &ad yohmtarifi aad~\lrllhout 'aD)' CO, allraUu,'lt~, ' ' ,e enawa. or 06tAvuls!O ,or Ir uaband.. XJQl:XX. 'XxX " , .' . ,", i't:. pler98 'DtheCouaty of~t.. tnol" _-'-:'~~_lb~ day'.n~ yur.las.t .fo~eni4.. J/'ii.J,\.<-vt',v , . A~ ..p... 'hanlJik ," , .' (SEAL) se,p,t,~&J!It,!:r. ~'o,},9!'. lfQ~," f1'n1fll-~'tp.t .'ot~~l~~'1'a;...t'~: ',co I" STATE OF FI.ORJI)A' '}' C()U~TY OF ST,LUCIE 00 lltiJ ,1fhe9_h ;,' filed for J'ecord,and'belalf duly ackabwledged and provfa,'I hue recprded t~ sam,e 00 pal~ f)~a, ,of D,oolt 64. ,:o\lnl,..' _'__, ~-r ' , In lbe' public record. of laid I da)' ,of ~Wn18 t. -\. D.19L .&JJli-O'cloc:k..b..m..\hi. ilIllrum~at wU .. . , .. '. .-. t.... " , IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have bereunlO .et mT hand and aflilled'tbe.ul of the CircuilCourl or tbe .'j(teeatb Judicial Cir~it of laid Sl&l~, ;aaa4' lor hid County" " ~ . , . ~" .,.~b P. c.~ . auk. ; o,.O'~" ,~a;-j!iHe~z::",-<~-'n<- .~~ - ---- - "~~ I, , "