HomeMy WebLinkAboutTRUSS END DETAIL1. 1-02 f,y 12 6 p 2'-0- TRUSS END DETAIL ELD BRACING Is not the reaponsID➢sty of a truss fabricator, trues designer, nor e mmufacturw.' Truss sectors are Boned to seek profeaaiond -duke re - ding weetlon bracing whleA to always keel, to prevent t-pprng anal domnonq g erection. and por.on.I ch may be required in specific ap lies - Trusses shell bo erected and fastened a stralght and plumb posits-:. Truasas an be handled with reaaon�le sore during erection to present excessive domoge or paroafial injury. Rehr to-BCS1 1-OJ for info Sn engtasenng fa aannectlons, nalMg schedules.. irder ibo, ate. Bearing Height Schedule AO wells shown *on this Iavout ore beaina Truss rse-Uons and uppti1t sales wa eel fa the JOB ENgNEER OF RE - or the JOB ARCHITECT:t- accurately e to connection of the root to the ling structure. Designers of suppart- the a tagrit y of their 50.roEdLuTeLreapona16I fm et w - - - i Type ark .Type .. .. . .. _ w:.. THG03-SDs3 suL 26 .. _ �, HWS26-2 SUR 26 - . - ' HUS28 HCUS 2B- 2 HOUS -28-3 THGOH2-SDS3 - :i HGUS.26-4 THGOH3-SDS3 THA 422 THGON4-SV53 `. NAILS - THGO2 SD53 6d - O 1S2 elk x 3- ".... i } a•.a TNJA26 JADF ad . 0.148 ells : 3• JACK Od x 1 1/2 0.14 SPECIAL HNG BY ATLANTIC HANGER BY BUILDER eel N°rq-e ._.i .a6dueb in er eon . .' - .:sense eMld� eeatl qe wpatlod el -else drawn o source wwdd'eT o eda.d cast . ., our a for fabrication of hu i aged vaidaaall previous architetcture!- 7iFJi5 - • _ requtr 0 before an�work can be danye u M eNw�a w slam ae Date . ', .Revisions NEW AM LOAD I NO Please verify truss placement. dtrectin%a5/4/ dMensions, bowing conditions, pitches. -hopes overhangs, and heel heights. Carefully checking this plan NOW can cove costly repass and alterations later. With your signiture you ore .giving ATLANTIC TRUSS CO. LTD the 'OW to bu➢d these trusses ` -s they we shown on this layout - unless U5S ESIG P 510N L otherwise noted.. , { SHOP DRAWING APPROVAL i Approved, By. 3 A l��Id TITLE: fi /'�•'�.g .,• '•• �� Date: o �•V Q6 '• �j. "Requested Truss Delivery" • ` V t�•s� to i r quo�vd ae➢v�vy weak approval Is wth�ohaUm . - .. ' _ _ •els �O .• + 40 DutE and ship husap fine, wMn spedfMd sea _ 1 • GG Ship Week of za® go 0GG O41 `' provide map aid special ddlvwy lnstruetbns HMF WHIR II�D)DSIM ILC dill ' V `•� 'APPROVED AS NOTED neTi�0e1L pMIIst,T R ATILOW AV] : aLOL n 35" . - ♦ T . Q s : - aa1-�aD-lass _ I� •4 �i��: •��`t REVISE AND RESUBMIT _ • r Oe••�;,��` REQUESTED COPIES T — O� EST'E S � DIOMEIIOIO ClAL9O14 � BUILDING 2 FS Sl o:`� RSEALED PIERCE ,CATiGA Ave ❑CITY ORT f AT SEAL ...........©.oTy 1-1 — 11 __.' 1/6'-1'-0' SAT „�..,. GENERAL NOTES - NOTES GENERALES Trusses'are not marked in any way to identify Los trusses no estdn marcados de ning6n modo que the frequency or location of temporary bracing. identifique la frecuencia a localizaci6n de los arriostresFollow` the recommendations for handling, (bracing) temporales: Use las recomendaeiones de manejo, installing and. temporary bracing of trusses. instalad6n y ardostre, temporal de los trusses. Vea el b11ei2 Refef.t0 BCSI 1-03 Guide to Good Practice for Iostallind lit Bracing of Metal"Plate BCSI 1-03 Cu(a de Buena Practica para el Manljo In_ stalarion Handling' connected Wood Trusses for more detailed y Amosbe de IDS Trusses de Madera Connedados. con. Placas de Metaloara pardmayorinfonnad6n. information. Los dibujos de diseno de los trusses pueden espedficar Truss Design Drawings may specify locations of [as localizaciones de IDS arrtoshEs%permanentes en los permanent brad'ng on individual compression 'Refer miembros individuates en compresVetes lortga la hoja 6men members. to the BCSI-B3 Summary 6 SI-B3 para Ie" ariostres p 0ent <''Y, os d Io Sheet - Nleti Member Permanent BrecinglW Reinforcement for more information. All other miembros smundarios (webs) pars mayW' _lnformad6n. El resto de arriostres permanent! son la respohsabilidad del permanent bracing design is the responsibility i of the.Buiiding Designer. . Disenador del Etlifido. The consequences of improper handling, installing K• and bracing may be a.collapse of the structure, or worse, serious personal injury or death. El resultado de un manejo, instalaci6n y arriostre inadecuados, puede ser la cada de la estructura o aGn peor, muertos o heridos. Banding and truss plates have sharp edges. Wear gloves when handling and safety glasses when cutting banding. Empaques y-placasde metal Herten bordes afifados. Use guantes y lentes protectores cuando torte los empaques. HAND ERECTION - LEVANTAMIENTO A MANO BRACING FOR THREE PLANES OF ROOF BRACING FOR 3x2 AND 4x2 PARALLEL CHORD TRUSSES Trusses 20' or _ , - %` - 7i Trusses 30' or EL ARRIOSTRE PARR TRUSSES DE CUERDAS PARALELAS 3x2 Y 4x2 L1 `' - lJ ` EL ARRIOSTRE EN TRES PLANOS DE TECHO Refer to SCSI=B7 Maximum lateral braces spacing less, support + ' � less, support at - t , _ _ _ � p g at peak. r quarter points. I f Summary Sheet 10' D.C. for 3x2 chords Levante Levante de J g This bracing method is for all trusses except 3x2 and 4x2 parallel chord trusses. Temporal and 15, 15' D.C. for 4x2 chords Diagonal braces del Pico Ios IDS cuartos Este methdo de arriostre es Para todo trusses excepto trusses de cuerdas paralelas 3x2 y 4x2. Permanent Bracing 10' of every 15 truss trusses de 2D de tramo Ios ; C. f for Parallel Chord spaces (30' max.) es o menos. trusses'de 30 1 TOP CHORD - CUERDA SUPERIOR ; A) Trusses for more �- o IF Trusses up to 20' � I pies o menos. I Trusses up to 30 I ) information. Trusses hasty 20 pies cusses hasta 30 pies HOISTING - LEVANTAMIENTO QHold each truss in position with the erection equipment until temporary bracing is installed and truss is fastened to the bearing points. Sostenga cada truss en position con la grGa hasta que el arriostre temporal este instalado y el truss asegurado en IDS soportes. ® Do not lift trusses over 30' by the peak. No levante del pico IDS trusses de m6s de 30 pies. Greater than 30' Mas de 30 pies Truss Span Top Chord Temporary Lateral Brace (TCTLB) Spacing Longitud de Tramo Espaciamiento del Arriostre Temporal de.la,Cuerda Superior Up to 30' 30' o.c. max. ' Hasty 30 pies 10 pies maximo 30' to 45' 8' o.c. max. 30 a 45 pies 8 pies maximo 45' to 60' V o.c. max. 45 -a 60 pies 6 pies maximo 60' to 80'* 4' D.C. max. 60 a 80 pies* 4 ples maximo -Consult a Professional Engineer for trusses longer than 60' 'Consulte a un ingeniero para trusses de mas de 60 pies. See BCSI-B2 for TCTLB options. G. R HOISTINkCOMMENDATIONS BY TRUS"PAN Vea el BCSI-62 Para las opciones RECOMMENDACIONES.DE LEVANTAMIENTO de TCTLB. POR LONGITUD "SS - 60' or less, Refer to BCSI-B6ary Sh eet x Gable End Frame HANDLING - MANE)O Allow no more No permits mas Use special-caroin Utilice cuidado u than 3" of deflec- de 3 pulgadas de windy weather or especial en dials tion for every 10' pandeo por cada 10 near power lines ventosos o cerca de of span. pies de tramo. and airports. cables elecbicos o de aeropuertos. ,. to _3 - .ia Spreader bar for s truss bundles ' s•max. e0��� to I to 1 /f Check banding Revise IDS empaques LJ prior to moving antes de mover los bundles. paquetes de trusses. la cuerda ONE WEEK OR LESS MORE:THAN ONE. WEEK l-7( Bundles stored an the ground for one tJ week or more should be raised by blocking at 8' to 10' on center. Los paquetes almacenados en la tierra por una semana o mas deben ser elevados con bloques a cada 8 o 10 pies. (�( For long term storage, cover bundles to pre- y • r ",vent moist[ re gain but allow for ventilation. Para almacen-amiento por mayor tlempo, cubra IDS paquetes para prevenir aumento '-de humeded pero permits vendiaci6n. ® Avoid lateral.bending. - Evite la flexi6n lateral. N Do notstore on - No aimacene en `l+ uneven ground.. ,: tierra,desiquai. Tsigllne.ftruss length ' Tagline, TRUSSES UP TO 30' TRUSSES HASTA 30 PIES Toe -ins TEoe-m Spreader bar 1/2 to _�t —� 213 truss length Tagline TRUSSES UP TRUSSES HASIA 60 PIES - 'ach Locate 10' .c Spreader bar ,0D.C.above or stiffback- max. mid -height Spreader bar 2/3 to `= 3/4 truss length -III Tagline_ TRUSSES UP TO AND OVER 60' -� TRUSSES HASTA Y SOBRE 60 PIES BRACING - ARRIOSTRE, ®Refer to BCSI-B2 Summary Sheet -Truss Installs- tion and Temporary Rracing for more information. Vea el resumen SCSI-B2 - Instalaci6n de Trusses 4 y Arriostre Temporal para mayor informaci6n. ® ev, Q�� Do not walk on unbraced trusses. I No canine en trusses sueltos. r QLocate ground braces for first truss directly in line with all rows of top chord temporary lateral bracing. Coloque IDS arriostres de tiers para el primer truss directamente en linea can cada una de las filas de arriostres laterales temporales de la cuerda superior. Brace first truss well �- before erection of additional trusses. iteral 1 i Vea el resumen i SCSI-B7 - Arriostre temporal v permanente de The end diagonal trusses de cuerdas brace for cantilevered a) as Para mayor trusses must be placed Lateral braces informad6n. on vertical webs in line 2x4x12' length lapped with the support. over two trusses. INSTALLING - INSTALACION Imo( Tolerances for Out -of -Plane. - Tolerdndas para Fuera-de-Plano. L�J Max. Bow Max. Bow Max. Truss I Bow Length —f Len th —� i --a 3/8" Length 6' Ent Length .. B 9 rlf' Tolerances for D/50 D (ft.) 1" 16•7 lJ Out -of -Plumb. 1-1/8" 18.8' 1/4° 1' Tolerancias para I 1-1l4° 20.8' Fuera-de-Plomada. 1/2° 2' 0 3/4" 3' 1-3l8° 22.9' Plumb bob 1" 4. 1-1/2" 25.0' 1-1/4" 5' 1-3/4' 29.2' 0/50 max 1-1/2" 62" >_33.3' r Repeat diagonal braces. � ,} Repita los arriostres 12"1 �! 8• diagonales. CONSTRUCTION LOADING - CARGA DE CONSTRUCCION 1-7f Set first five trusses with spacer pieces, then add diagonals. Repeat Do not proceed with construction until all bracing is securely Maximum Stack Height LJ process, on groups of four trusses until all trusses are set. and properly in place. for Materials on Trusses Instale IDS cinco primeros trusses con espaciadores, luego IDS arriostres No proceI con la construcc6n hasta que todos los arriostres diagonal es. Repita' este'procedimiento en grupos de cuatro trusses estdn colocados en forma apropiada y Segura. hasta que todos los trusses esten instalados. Do not exceed maximum stack heights. Refer to C660 S1_-B4 Asphalt Shingles 2 bundles 2) BOTTOM CHORD - CUE RDA INFERIOR Summary Sheet Construction Loading for more information. No exceda Ias m6ximas alturas recomendadas. Vea el resumen BCSI-B4 Cargade Construction para mayor Information. ® Do not overload small groups or single trusses. . No sobrecargue pequenos grupos o trusses individuales. rj( Place. loads over as many trusses as possible. Coloque las cargas sobre tantos trusses comp sea posible. QPosition loads over load bearing walls. Coloque ]as cargas sobre las Paredes soportantes. ALTERATIONS - ALTERACIONES Some chord and web members not shown for clarity. Q Refer to BCSI-B5 Summaryy Sheet - Truss Damage, ]obsite Modifications and Installation Errors. p•' Vea el resumen BCSI-B5 Danos de trusses Modificaciones en la Obra y Errores de Instalaci6n 3) WEB MEMBER PLANE - PLANO DE LOS MIEMBROS SECUNDARIOS ® Do not cut, alter, or drill any structural member of a truss unless .. specifically permitted by the Truss Design Drawing. a.. No Corte, altere o perfore ning6n miembro estructural de los /I trusses, a menos que este especificamente permiddo en el dibujo del dise"no del truss. Web members QTrusses that have been overloaded during construction or altered without the Truss Manufacturer's prior approval may render the Truss Manufacturer's limited warranty null and void. a * Trusses que se han sobrecargado durante la construction o han sido alterados sin Una autorizaci6n previa del Fabrtcante de Trusses, pueden reducir o eliminar la garantia del Fabricante de Trusses. Lateral braces 2x4x12'lengthlapped over two trusses. . 30'-15' max. Diagonal braces every 10 truss. spaces (20' max.) Diagonal braces min, every 10 truss spaces (20' max.) 10'-15 max. =^r same spacing �` ; o as bottom chord Some chord *and web members not shown for clarity. ilateral bracing DIAGONAL BRACING IS VERY IMPORTANT iEL ARRIOSTRE DIAGONAL ES MUY IMPORTANTE! 46 Materiel Neight (h) Gypsum Board 12" Plywood or OSB 16" Concrete. Block I..Clay Tile 3-4 tiles high NOTE: The Truss Manufacturer and Truss Designer must rely an the fad that the Contractor and acne operator (if applicable) are o— pable to undertake the work they have agreed to do on a particular project. The Contractor should seek any required assistance regarding construction practices from a competent party. The methods and procedures outlined are intended to ensure that the overall construction techniques employed will put floor and roof trusses into place SAFELY. These recommendations for handling, installing and bracing wood trusses are based upon the collective experience of leading technical personnel in the wood truss industry; but must, due to the nature of responsibilities invoked, be presented only as a GUIDE for use by a qualified Building Designer or Erection/Installation Contractor. It is not intended that these recommendations be Interpreted as superior to any design specification (prWded by either an Architect, Engineer, the Building Designer, the Erection/Installation Contractor or otherwise) for handling, installing and bracing wood trusses and it does not preclude the use of other equivalent methods for bracing and providing stability for the walls and columns as may be determined by trus s ss Erection/Installation Contractor. Thus, the Wood Truss Council of America and the Truss Plate Institute expressly disclaim any responsibility for damages ar ising from the use, application, or reliance on the recommendations and Information contained herein. WOOD TRUSS COUNCIL OF AMERICA TRUSS PLATE INSTITUTE 6300 Enterprise Lane • Madison, WI 53719 218 N. Lee St., Ste. 312 • Alexandira, VA'22314 608/274-4849 • www.woodtruss.com , 703/683-1010 " www.tpinst.org