HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1215 /, .,' . I II, ,. .. . ~ . I' ~11 I, ",/. .,-" --.. i' l' : , " , I' I" I: I 'j' , '" I r,' , I' .. , . ~~~;.~:;~~4;~>~;'~~~~:~;:;~;;;~7;;;;~~-'~~: C'~~~~T~~~~;~.~:?f.'~~~~+:~::;;;;o'~:.!:)' ,I'; f' C*,1u,BSW~R~__~ I I ' .'" ",,\ ' 'l9\', ,'l!.~:~'zIRXO' .1 ..\~', ",. ' , ), 1>:... ,."'\",,' "),i\. \,i'AnRBBUlllIIT. ",,'.\ Ii, '\ ,~~' .,It'. " . I ".\: ' ,\ " \ ,... . \" \ ,( ",' " ,i,' t l , '~ ! 1 \ ' ,,' , 100W ALL _'lBtI1D9':>>Im!3n~s.,. ',' " , \, 'I , . " '\ \ ',. \ \ ' I ,.; , ' . . ','" "',' , " ' , . ',\ ; , . . \ ,,' , ~ \ \, '. : ,> 1'.\,!h'-,.,I."OllARLBS ~., ~:X~HAR~. o~ 'o*,~ ,l'i,,~roe.8~~ ~~o~e ~ount7. ~,?rld8. par~y 0', :.' .' '.,' ' . _,. . ., , '. l _' . _ ""'_'_ ., '.' " , _ \ ~he firat'part...an41i. 'ISJKXO;' of '0.. Pbr"e. '8'. L~ole .~Qun'y,\florUa. p~t~:,of th'.,eeoon'4' ~ .. .\, \ . " . - i' . .- '. .,' _ .\ " . '. \ - . '. . .. , , " ..... . \ ~ . . \ p.rt"wlmSSB'tHJThatthe~a~t1 o~:,the first, piaft'foran4 1n :con81\c1.er.Uon of the',eUm,\OrOnei' ,i I:' ~, nb~i.. ~"4 0 th.. · ..~ ";b1.~~f'~O~' tl9D'.. 40'. h"'~~:8r..> to'th. parj;~ 0 t ,~~ ..00~d ~.~ t 'ui, .' '.' . 1'1' "::::7~. ~::.::'~O:::t1 :t.:~~::1::::"::~1 ~~~~1DB.'.~'11>~OFO~.:'7': 8i~U.,"' '1D 8'~1'\1~~~ ,: . . [.' , ~,"~;"B8~t Hal~ of ,s.ott~n' 8. :'~'8hlP 36 Sou~. 'Ranae 39' Baa'. , 1 ,.~ " ',' ''lh',N~rlh'88t '~arh~ .of seo,io~17~:'~~8h~P 36' .OU1h~ lange39 Baa~,.'. . " .~ \- '-,' , , ~..;. ---'-", . ,-" ,,~--,...--.:..:~.' , . ,,-:.. ..'."., - . .'. . . . .... :' .'. ~. :!he Ea.t Half of Southes81;-.Q1;J.at'tttr'of S."Uon:.17,. !Q1Il8h,lp 36, 8outh, Range 39 Ka,st . . .. <, ~.~ .'-:.~.".: '.'-~-~~:,: ..... -' ,.' ."" '-. .. -............ -, ,." :..,....... . ,', ',. '" IJf IS' 'tJR'THBRUNlBRSToOl>JJ{'D' AGREEl> between 'the 'parti.. to thls oontraot '_tl1at the' ,," . . .'. " -....--.:-.....,'." ",.- '-." " ;....., . .'0\. ':"'. '., '.:" . . ...._.,.,. '.' '.,' _... ", .~.. .... . . .~ .~_~..~. ,.,~..". ,~. .: -', '. ,I' P81\t1,~f t)1e:t~i'et.part.w11.1"11.,'lie.bove ,:4e80rlbe4 prop~rtyln: 'tw'Jltt' aor, tr.ot8 , for 'tbe,? ' ,"~,,m,,,Of"~~~~4H~":(~.290.oq},:,~~~. per.~~~.~t'81J4:~po~ "th~-~ll~W:l:~'g'!rm.:,O!l~ ft~~.~~ ' ,'Do,~18~a 4onon,; ~8"oh' t~80tand.th~ :lHtlanoe"on o;r )lefore' f~""Y',~rl:!J" WIth 1Iitereat at 'the'~at,e, '~~ 6~ pIt' annum. 'payable ~eml~ann~lll.: , ',;, ' .'4 ,I ! I J' : I I" . ! i _'! '1', , ;\ .r "'1' . .L,...""','".".,,, " . ~ ~.- -' : '.' . -r..\ .'~ . 4 .' r i ,',. ~",' ~ ' \. : I j , If. is 'PtltmsR,' mUmST<l()D AliD~RBEJ) betw..n.' the part~~ to, th~i8 oontreott"hatthe .party of tbetli8lp$~t will :Pay.to the party of :the seoona 'ptrt'the 8~ o,fJ'lftYDolilar8 per. '. \,' , , : ' ',' ' . " ',.... ' ," , ' .' . ,..,..,' ", ,',' '.' ,,' . . , ,,' aore, ,.~: oommisslon, ~pr '80~: aore,'eolG, Whl~}l 18' to,be ',pa'i.c1 a8 ,follow,,:, ~n.half o~ the '40wil; .. "~," Papleilt .n4, the b8iano'e of 'the ~oJ!lll118,,1on' ,when an4 88, tileb818~o, o~ the'purohase' p~loe 18'pa11. " . .: . '.' ," 1. IJf ':IS, timmn,VllIBRST()Ol> ',AND AGREED;betwten, the p8~t1ea t,oth1B. oontraotthat itth. part1: o.f" the 8eoo,na pa~t' '8811:'- On'e 'Hunc1r~d ~nd S~x37 8o~ea ~~thln:'~1~t"mont~8. he shall have, ..., .~ . . " . . '..: . . . .' . .'. . . ';' ~ ' '. .~' .. , one)ear In' ~l}.loh to 8ell t'heb8i8n~..;~ If th6'i>a~ty of the ;8,eoon4 par., 8e~li'all; of~he ..bo.~.' , ..'4.e~db'ed p~operty.lthl~, O~, 'year' t~e p.r.~i of. the ,t1r,t put',8:gre,~I~.o ',g:he. hlm'!wenty~f1y'e: . " ,,',,"," . 'Dollar. more, per, 8(!r8', ~ t~ b.e~I-4, when' full puroha8.LP!~o..le ,pa14. : . . . ' . . .. . .' - '..'. IT ISPUR'l'Hlm tmD~STO~D'AnD A(;~REED ,between the parties, to'th18 contract that' party, ' , oftha' ,~.eoon~' part ...ill n,ot gl:n a.n1oontr~,lO ~8 to:purohs/3el"s, butall'oontreot8sre' t~ b'll 'S1 gnd ' b)'~ the 'part,Y of:,.theflrat 'part. i'.. ',...,."..~,',:,.,' v. '.:',. .. , '. . . 'IT~S PURTHERUlrDERSTOOD AliD AG~ED be~ween ~hepar,t1es 't6 ,thiB,o ca1traot . tbai thie" ~ ' "., Charl.. VI.' Jllnehar. , Jl1chulll1.lIo (SBAL') , .- . (~) ',~ . .Slsnec1. lJeule4 an<1 4el,here4 lJlpre8~oe,9t: If~, U.Leth !hena Alc1erm8D STATE .0, PLORIDA .. , . - ,. ." . , , COIDlnO' ST. LUCIE.. , \ Ou.'th18 4ay personally apveared before me CHARLES' \!....RDlEHART -eo<1 II. S2IRKO~ to:' me ,wel~ known ana known t'ome to, bit, the 'persona c1esorlbe4 1n and who u:eoutedthe'for4tgblng oontraot ' and'they 80kno,,1.<1ge4 before me that they exeoute4 theeamefor theu..a apa purpo... t'herelu '( ..... ( . .-. . .'~.-' 88al th\8 ~he, 22nc1 4ay of January. 1. D. 1925. , Th.klaA14erman Notar1 Publlo State. of Plor16a. )(t oocmlulon explr,a:. .Tan" 5, 192.8. , ; I L:J. . ,f{~ ~.. I%pres..4~ I of 1&:y 1925,' d 11: 35 1. Jl~ ), P. C. El4rec1. Clerk C1roul t Court " '~e4 Ytec~.\t"'.~eo'\ . _,~ ~ --.....~.-......,.--._...-- "f'-''t'. -'.