HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1219 . . i '. I .j , ;, . . ~ . .' j . r i. . ~T;":'~~',l:v:r:""~;;~~:-~'Z~'~~"~':;f<':;~;::"~;.c:~~;~~~.::;;::~::';.:_~",,,~ f'~;::: I:~~~~~~~::~~~~'~~::i:;:~-;;'~I;~=:-~;,.J~:,:.~~~~~:;:'~' ::;~:::: , ," I ',;. ~ms's ~t' t~'.\ R~llW(l)'\ 'C9~;y ehap,., when fequ.e~.~ to 40, eo ,;y the ealc1' R.~, .,:;- ,',', I', \ X,Obl.g~~ci. tilk~; 40~ap'O;' ,r,_Q~e '11.', ~er.tal{n 1r~oa.p . tenoe 'a'bq.. tltso,r1,bea .no~ l~,oah'4,.albng, -: ,. ,(' ,'. I \' . , , "\, \ " ,', . I ", ' : " , I I.,,' " , u.e..sternboun4Gl'Y ').1n. 0:i"1ter1ghto~ wa~ ,~.cUpt.ly '~10J[l8IJU~ Lotinen ~t, Bl.ook one. ' , '\ " I " \ " ' ',,', \ \, \ .' ' 'I , I al 8tor""a14;. .114,.,14 R. lI. Kobl.g8M 8$1"" to,o,on8truot' aud ..lnbln' on 8814 l'1gbt ot way" . l " \ :.1 . . .. \, ". . \ ,~ ',' ." '_ ~, . \ . . " . .\ \" \,,~ 'l.1~.. ., tll~polnt'\Wher'.88~~ ten~e:wa,~ \}ooa't~cl,. a\aU~8t~DUe'1, oonorete tub ~~0~w111Qh.\.t~.:u,.;', " \ '.. , ,,',', '" .." - 't. , ',_' ,"' j aha).l b,e ,at all. ,timis -Olearly v181bl'e.\i~4ent.,il1.n 8Uoh~onor.te'oUfb th.wo~da~ncr14a' .' \ ' , " ""', ",,\ ' ' " , ',' \ ,';' , . \ \ . , . \ \',' ., ,. \ \. ,.a..t,ccia~t'R81lWa;yRi~~t ot', way.e" ' '\' , . , , " '." '~, " SBOON1>: That- aB1a'R. H.' lCoblegarcf,expres81;y agrees tha~ 8a~d ~1',i~ew8Y 810ng the . . ., '. 1 eastern 'p.o~~l~n, Qt ..~I'd,rl\ght 'ot\~ay\ ~~81 c1 R.l1WB'y',C0ll1pa~'Y' 1-tI the ,pr1Ya~' pr()p-""ty 'ot ~e ',; '." _ ~\.' _. ." . \' " ",' "\ ----:-1r-. '~.. ,', " ' ," ~ - , '" ',,", ,,' ~'" ,,' \" \' . RallwflY Oompan;y ~8nd1s not,s p~bllo .tt.et~ ,waj or; tho~Ough"fal'...\ld ,hat ada R. 'H. lCobl~gar. \ _ " '"',,' \" -i " .- . . ",' " '.;' .' - , ' .. ". .,' " .' . ,... ,.-' . ,,~, \ ,,' " ~ : . , . ':' ,,"~' , ' ~a04;a- not by ,~he .xeout1~n,ot t111s: ~g~~em.n,~" 01', t~e -oonetru(),t,,"oi1 o.t 8'al~ 'bull~1ng., ;oJ:.thetak'f ' '. " " . . ~' J; ~ '.' . '. '. ' ~' . '~ ',,' ,.' '~n8 "aoWn ot,'-88~d, tence.. aoqutr,e' a~;y rights : In" edd.prhah' drl..,.ey orptop,ertl-1:or)lJ1Y\ right r:: ' _ ----;:r- ..... _....~, \,. !,. ". '., " ", " ..' . . . , _ ,\ .~ ..to 'ha....8em. oo'nt1Jiued ,a., ,an 'ope~, 'drin.a';v,. . " ,,',TariU);"~8' 'lt~eai4 c1;rlveway 18~~s,lred;b1, the' Rallw&yCompani.-, or lt~ '88s1gri8~ . ,"_"'\'~'_\'''.~' ,'. .\ r~_'-_ ,'",". '.'.. "~_' ,."' .,-=--__--:-___' .~'. ~~t~'~ :l~e .1~1,the, tut~. f~r"lts ~~'thel~ oo~~~nle1'10e,~, neo.B81 ~'or~ ~nl ;Law~~ 'fs,e" or;:i!' .' " " ' - " .' . - ~ , . " , - -, . .. -. l~h ci~;S1~~d:~bY,tbe Rtt.llwa"jcompany :th~t' eeUd~l~ewal ~'~" c11eoon,~lnUedt ~r,s81d'rlg~t9~' W8Y'; " :-c:.~.>t~ea,c.r.t"ri~e4.,orenolo~8'e~' e1t~erparU811to~~hOlly, no'thfn.s In th1e,ln8t~en,t: 8~all " . . be 09njJtr~flctQl"'lnt8n4ecl'fieln,~h1 wajllinU1ngor,;ourtaqlng the,1'1gh1;s ..of..,el,~ 'gallway,Com..;; . "_: '" '. -. ... . ..: ':; ,.' . '-,' ~. . ", ~ .. . . -' ".' . :- ,"~ .."..,:i . p~ny 8_0 to ,do.' ~a8 ,requlr1J18 J;lJly"not1o~-to' b.~~~~.~aUPOJl l.l~R. B. ~obl'~g8~4, or h~~fhel~ ,i', .... 8,,1,1, " I' , I ~ \ '!: J .. , I , < . ".' ','1 .' " . ' ,.Ii' " , ,.... " I , 'I, /, I' , / 'I I J j .' 'I ' \ I ,,; ,\ '. ~, [\ ' ; \ , . ' 'or sS,shIiB by saU Railway c'o~pan7 'before prooeedl,Dg to ~ool:-ose. 'a,ho9n~lnue-.,f~~oe' or',re-, ;.' 'i , '. " . , te'noe' aBid ~ropert;y.oranij)art ~:r portIon <tbe,l'eof. , ,'-~--~- . . , mWI1nESS WHEREO'~th~'~81clRallw8yCo~paD1_ haB'oe~ed,:theB'e presen1;~ .t'o~ b~ elgne~ ~- .' ',' .... ~ ~ , ".'.,', .., ' '. . '~,. , ',' , . . , . -' ,.. " : . .' ,- ' ! . .:I by He Gen.Z'al Uanager, ancl1te, oorporate eeal to, b"e.hereUnto eft1:ud. anp. ,~~e- 8s1d,R. I{." . , ., ":.'. . ". ". . " . , - '. " ~ . . . .' . ," .', ,'. ': ' . ,Xoblegard.'has hez:eunto 'set h18l1,andap4eeel this the, 30th clay of Y8l'oh, 'A.' D. i9 . - .' . ,'.. .'", . ~ . Slgne4 .~al.4 and' 4elherea ' .,. ~~Og~AB!-ST- COA!'l RAILWAY COL 1n t~e pz:eseno"ot-: . " ~'. ., :,:87: H. B. Ro,hn~u8h ' " , , V1Q.-prea1d.nt. : W., E. HU:~eo'n ' ~. ~ .'R~nh'o. . .', W.,B. U~JlUrtra;y 'Rup.er't-iiT-Kobl ~g~l'd~t--.c~-~,:- (Seal) R. li. 'Kobleg,al'c1 , '. " '. , ",' StateotPlorlda, ) .' )' u ',~()~~l-,_~_~,~~~._J-co~_~~L_~:.: '_~_u_C~'__7~:__ tJ _____'___'_______'___y _._, -_0.,--,,-0' . . .' - , - ~- I~EBYC3RTIPY .'l'b8t 'on thl,S'4,y personally app.arecl betore me. an officer du,1.y' . .... _: - , , '.' -; ~,' ,'au tho'1'1Z!.ild to adminlster oaths 'an'd ,take 8ckrlowltclgmente. .Ii. n' .Ro4enbaUgh,to me 'well known . .' , <' . - " . ..... ..' ..nato me' well, known to'b~.Vio.pre~1dent ot'nor1lla, :&as1o Cosst Rallwsy'CO!:lpa.lll. aooorporatl'on 8nd he ao~owleag.ed to and be~ore ,m..that he .xeout.e4 the toregol~golgr8elllent 88 suoh ottlo'er' . r . >' In the Dame and on ,behalf o;t'eai4 oorporation for the. usee 8~1~pl1rpo"'eather.ln8et forth and, . . .., ,. ,.. _' ,"!I . under du~ authol'l-ty from aaid oorporatlon. ) , niWITNESS ,,}{t.REO'.1her~unto8e1:' my hand8rid 'offloial aeal1ri Ul c1' State &nd r " Coun ty. th1e 30~h de D.19~5. \ I. W. uter . liobry Publio, State at Larg.,' " KY.' OOIDllll8s1onexp1ree 6/Z1/27 .: ' ~ state ot 'lo'r10a ) , ) , County of St. Luo1e~) It', , r R!RF.BY CER'l'I". That dn th1Bdsy pkeonallyappeare4 bet~re me, B... Kobl.~al'_I.' , '. 'lIIe ....ll: );no. '.en4't'"m.ikllwD ~o 'be the ptl'eOJ1 who e%~oute' the foreso~~ 'lb.tnUaen~ . ~---... h. "'i:Ilo,,,"ets"r1l0qatl' before ..' that he' '~.01ltea.aU_'1~.t1"dll.n\'1of' th. ....' be p'CU'.lo ,'; ... -i ';', I ~.' [ ,90~~~~_.t..1'''I''e"'''-! <: " '0-:: ' , , r '"N!!~~~JIO.~ ,'I' 11....' "~",bailt .., .tft.1:-1'.....l'1kl ..l,~=~t:v.f~L,:,;~ . -'--h" ,-," ~, ' -, ," , " 'I' " . . ' ,~ ~ . ~:. , ' ~ ". " , . ;. .. " ,;-~'- \, ' '.\ " ~ , ~'... :: ., \, ,. ..-.......,.. " I ,,; :?,0i "~.~ ) ;-;~ '.i., , ,'\ -'- .' , ." _ _,_,",,~_ ~__,_____,,_u,,_._~ . . ' , c ~ ,'i Ii]