HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1222 !I" ", ,"" ',' , ,,' "'.',,,' ,;-,.",): ,~.." '::, ',",~1, Y I' " " I . ' - I 'f II ' " ., ", ',1 (' , . ", ? ,: \' I,:'",,'" " ,,' '" ' ".',. ' ,'~ f ' " " : " I ' ',1, " ~' ~ " '<, ~"'-----'--"-'______~____.L;.,___ f--";- ~----...._-.._~..I~ ---.~-~ j._...-.........t.~______---:-.........___~--..____ V ...t~-L-"..__~~""""'"'~__..~.._~,.........~ f ....- 1 ~_ .....-~ ~-~.,...............,..r~{"'<_~--=--"' ~ 'C""'-..r-..,.-...~~~~....,..,..-,..,- ~'"'--~ .....~.-._~-.._..____.......-..;~~,.............,....~_~..~~ ~_...~~"I.~-~''!':;l'_........~~.~r.~~'''"~~~~~..~..~~.,~......".... "'____:-2 ( : 1,IIAil~o: ~uRI"~"~ . , " '~,; , '" 'WH6J/, O~CERllB~ ':: i : , " " ' , :' " \' L',~ '.f1.''1 ~~, ;\' " I ."I~1IT ,'I \, I .' '1,\ ' I , .' " '\' ~ :" ',. I ~b~st;~,\, , " , '. 'I ;, On .hl" \Clay' p-eraOJla~1,1 ,appearell, bittor8 ~. J.lAR.THA 0., OHRI8~SEil,~'~~o,b~i,'n8.i~' ,ine ~1~et ' . I"~,! ':, ~~7 .wo,.,,', dit~o:... ''and'' ..i. th~t llb. ,\>8. 00~unuo~'17'~"1..a o~ tho P'OP...t7d.itorih.~ ..' , , . \ 1. \ J,- 'to\.low.,..tO..Wlt: i ,\ \ ~ \'\ \ ( , , ,\ '. ., \ ~. . ,\~ ' J ' ~.'N~th 11.'36 ,ohaln8--.0f- Lot 21n,'Seotion 36, \'Towp~lp,:31\ S,outh .of, R',nge' 40 BaB~,,' ,'\' ~ .' , ~" ' ' - . _ \ " " \ . -'I - . ',." .. \',' ,..': . . . - , ' \.', .. \,' - '~_,. ,_ , ,'.. \ . '-,' t- . ,[ :' oopta,l,nlngl1.38 80'1"88 more or ,le8~, tog(!t;ber wlth,':rlpar18Drlghta. '" Exo~pt.,.h,ow.~er, ',:,; : \ . \. ' -' >' .. , '. . \ . \. . . . \~. p:~, ,t,~e ~rlght-o:t-w8Y ot .the~or1c1a:~8d'CoaBt; R,dl1fa1,Coin~n1throtigb. ~h.e ,~14 ~rim18e8.' ", " " \ ~,-, ' ' ',.",,' .. . ,,',' , , ,',,: "inoe '.brue.rt~~ 1917 . Affiant tUl'ther .801' t~8t' -eh..- h81 ,wfpn 'In' aotual' p08BeBBlon of th., : ' , ' '. . -, . ' - .. " '. . ~ . ~ .,jl?OTe',lleaqrl~a'p:r.O'P~~~l 81'ri'ae J'eb.ru~ri19i. '1. 8al ll'posBe8$l~n haBbeen open; pe80etul~ "-an~' ' , ': f '.' . '. . . ..' .,..'.. >- '\ ~ ..: +_onUnuou8, aill 1inln,t,nupua. " . .' ~. '~:' ,', .~:.' ",' '> -." "', . :..,. \ . . . " . .I ' "Att1an~ turther,a8,Y8 ',that s,1n:oe:8he}utB, been,ln'8otualPoa:e~sBlon of',the abp,V8_ .del30r~be41 .~ t ~" ' .' ' . .' - . . '.. ..' . ' . " . ~ . _ ." '. .... ". . ,,' , . .... ... .' . - . .... pl"operty th~t8h. ,ha,splan~flc1 fr~~ t~.ee anll done' general: farming On ,the above 'deaorl bec1 pr~-, ',' t' -, . > ,. . ' " .' .' . ' . , ).r:~1.Bino."~))r\i8rl,l,9':U.'" ,,_' . ~ -. -,' . ' . . '.' . J.. ~ . t " " ... '.{\ '\' ~~; . no;,""': '1:\ . ~. '. :Ql , : ,. . ' l' ,,rcrnio and BUb80rlbec1bef9re i , " ,1 Angus $lUDJle~. , J' 'i'" Co~'tt'Judge ' ~' 'd , ',.~.' " -.y. ",' ,', , , ...... .. ", . . ! '", ,'tllec1 811:d ~. " ~ . , d81',ot Uali9~.' at. 11 :'31 -. .... '.. . '. "-..-'- '1 " " -.. P.o~ ~~re<l.C1.er!.-cClr~ui t COUI:t By '~. I)~ ,.'.. ,D~ Q. '.' ~ ; '1 ~. ~ ~ ~~ ~ - --"- ~ - - ~.~. '- .-~.'~ - - - ~ - - -' - ',.' ? .' ,. . > . ' '. ' '. "..~ ~ ':~~,PS'fONE LUJ.lB3!t Ie SUPPLJ 0(1:, '" 'T9 osc~~' , "~SCIE~~NIr. .. . , ; .. mrSrNDEllTURE, ~J.{8'4~ th1e16th '081 o.t April'!. 'i>~.':1ge6~ WWBEn ReG8tane LUDlb~r an'4 Supp1)' ; , . ' "; ... . . '. , '. " - " .' . ' . ':.' ~ -! -' . .' . -, '. ," ~ ' ~. '. . '-. : .': ." .' '. - ',' -'. '. .. ',. .,.' .- ..' .' , . " -' lCom~any a ~O,rPQr8UOn '~18tlng under .th~ law. :of the state 'o.f.. norld8,., ha~lng ItB'prlnplpa~' :plaoe ()f lSUBlneS13 in' the, Co~tYOf'St. L,uc1e aD~S,t~te,ot Plor~a~.par'l()'tt,he t1rBt:~8rt~ ana, Osoar',. SoheplllaDn of'theOltyof St. Lou1e,a'ndSteteot U1Bsourl jlfU.ty of.,th~ .eo~nd'1>art,. . . . 41 -' , '. ' '. . , . _ .' ,~ '.ITl~ES9J<;TIt, tha~t 'the 8al 4 party Qf"the firs,t pa:r:t.tor, an'~.in O(>n li,14era,ti on cd ~'~llum otTen: ~ -. - -' -' - , IN' . . . " , " J>olla.ra. and other v,luable 00DBide:raU9ne tol t 1p hall~ paid~. the rt!oe1 ptwhereot ieh.reb;;" l, ' " , . .... . . '. ,. . , " :8o~ow1edgec1,' ~a;8 81'arit,d, bargained":80l<1,, aIi'ened,' remiaed!' re1eaucl.,oonveyedaDd' O~)I!flrmell, .. '.. - < . . . ': . -, '.' , f' I . ". . . " .. \ ,', , , , " ,', , , , ' " , ~ndby, theBe, presentB cloth. gr~n~,bcirga,1n, Bell, ele1n, .,rein1B~, l\'e1ea8~, convey and: confirm;:", ' , .' ~ t~. the a& 1 d ~p8rty-~t' th.-8~oon c1' ~~t-Bnd- hi e-'hei;.fan d'-a881'~s~-ro~e'v~nr,~th!.-t~-oer:t8fil-c-1>8r-~---'c':' :, i: ' .', ' . - ",'. - .".. . :.r. ' ,. ':' " .,..' " '. '. ," . ...., . -'.' . ' .. _ ." .." .;: .... _' '.' pel ot land~ying ana be~ngi~ the"o~~JY o~ ',S~. LU01'~rid St!lte' of Plorid8' more p.art~'ou18rly deeorlbed a8fo.~lo"B: ' 'BegInning, at a pOlnt'to~hundred'fi~~~-n",:e (455), feet :Baet ana tOUl' hundred twentY-Bhand seven-tenths (426.7) -teet north ot the Southwes~ oorner~t'thelfo:.~h... . ;. :' ., .. ,-.,' '". '" . .' ' . . . "est ~ull'.r or Seot1on On. ,(1) Township Th1rt,-thr'.e (33)So'uth, .Range Th11" tY..~lne(39J,' , ~ . I' . '. . ' . ... . , . . . ,,~a8t; thence Ncr,tli on. ~l)J1drea ~ortl ,.(l~O)feet ~o 'a stake ,in, the ~o~.th i~ne ,of 'Twenty-first " J3;t,reet 'crfthe Oity "fVero, thenoeWeet wlth~the South' line ot Twenty-fir'st' Btre~t One !lUndred JUghty (18~) feet to a ~hke in the',Ba!'tedge'ofallet,tl1enoe Southwlth Ess't.aage.ofsl1ey ~. ' . 'i, ", .-_-: :OJ ' On. HW1~fec1,.'orty(140r feet to 8 s:ta~~. ,thenoe.lWlat ,One .HlllXlred ~ighty {l80) feet. tobflg~nning; '~:xceptlng 8 fittecn-footptib;lio 811ey acrose the south end of; the above de8or~ bed, frop~rty. . '- I t'OGETR!Rwl th 0'11 the tenct:1ents,hl)red1tsr.lenta aod apPUrtenanoes,with e.er:f privilege, r.sht' I ' ~ '. . titlw, interest and eatah, reverBion, ret::a1I1~er end easement ihereto belonging or In' anyw1se . ',' f , "rppertdnlng:, !O HA~ Al!DTC HOLD the88~ lnt~e Bimple fore"er.' , Andtheenid party of the flr.t put doth'oovepont with the Bsid'party of the second part ~hat it 18 1awfulll seized of the sflicf premiU8j that they are froe of all inQlunbrance&, and . - that 11 has good right 8~'d lawful ~uthorl ty to 8ell Itbe scnle t. and the l18i d party of the tirst I, f ,ar~ do.. ~ereby tully'warr'out the t1 tle to ..14 18n4. and wil,l,t.teDe! ,1:31. .~[C. agalnat .. '