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10 l o E IV G C 0 Lf, i11C.E 1791 Blount Road unit 907 Pompano Beach - Florida - 33069 Tet (754) 307-1319 Fax: (754) 20: Email: En9co@A01-com 1.0 Product Manufacturer: 2.0 Code Edition: 3.0 Evaluation Method: 4.0 Product Classification: Dynamic Metals, 340 Pike Road West Palm Beaci Florida Building Applicable for N Chapter15 Engineering Eva Category: Roofing Subcategory: Metal Roof Not Applicable for HVHZ 5.0 Product Description: 5.1Trade Name: Dynamic I" Na))str) 5.2 Panel Properties: Material: Average Fy=64 Panel Thickness: 0.0165" Coverage:16" maximum Ribs Height:1" rib helgh 5.3 Panel Clip Properties: Not avallable SA Minimum Deck Requirements: Minimum 15/32" 4 PlY spaced at 4"oc. 2x SYP j Deck to be properly ins spaced no more than 2 Slope Range: 3:12 or grw less than 3: SCANNUJ By Florida 33411 Date: Bf17�2017 RE.F.#: 17-29610 1" NAILSTRIP 26 GAUGE STEEL PANEL le 2017 - 6th Edition FIVHZOnly THSE PLANS AND ALL PROPED ARE SUBJECT TO AN ORREOCT O SORK ANY REQUIRED BY FIELD INSPECTORS THAT MAY BE NECESSARY IN ORDER TO COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE CODES. method 1D in accordance with 61G20-3.005 F.A C. ST. LUCIE COUNTY BUILDING DIVISION, -non structural REVIEWED FOR COMPLIt REVIEWED -BY DATE PLANS AN P RMIT MUSTON ]OB SITE OR NO INSPECTION(S) WILL BE MADE 26 Gauge Steel Panel x various lenghts with 3/4" lower rib at 16' D.C. ;EALED FASTENERS OR ATTACHMENTS ARE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR OR RECORD k CDX plywood secured to 2x SYP with 8d ring shank nails Its spaced no more than 24"oc. ed as per the FBC requirements over minimum 2x SYP rafters r - without lap sealant - with lap sealant j.� i .. uc.r744< .� �og7E OF o- Oct •........� FILE COPY ENGCO! 1791 Blount Road unft 907 Pompano Beach - SaNda - 330 Tet (754) $07-1319 For (754) Email: Engco@AOLcom Date: W7,2017 REF.: 1729810 5.5 Minimum Underlayment: 30# Asphalt saturated organiF felt paper Installed with a minimum 4" side lap and 6" end laps, Underlayment shall be fastened with corrosion resistant approved fasteners as per the Florida Building Code and] spaced 6"oc at all laps and two staggered rows 6"oc in the field of the row. Or, any underlayment having a current product approval. 5.6 Minimum Fire Barrier Board: I . VerseShleld with a minimu 4" side lap and 6" end laps. VersaShield shall be fastened with corrosion resistant app oved fasteners as per the Florida Building Code spaced at 6"oc at the perimeter and o erlaps and two intermediate staggered spaced rows at 6"oc. Or, any approved fire barfie having a current Product Approval. See Limitations #11.2 5.7- Fbsteners: Installed through Nall Strip fasteners spaced at 6"oc (Not Pre-existing slots): #10-9x1" Panclip MTW 6.0 Product anchorage to Roof Deck: 6.1- Panels are to be secured through Ithe nail strip leg of the panel using #10-9x1° Pandip MTW fasteners spaced at 6"oc. The fastener are to be positioned to go through the nail strip panel and not the pre existing slots. The female I�g of the panel snap fit to the male leg of the panel. 7.0 Uplift Pressures Rating: UL 580 - Standard for Safety, Tests for UUplift Resistance of Roof Assemblies Installation Design Pressure Safety Anchors � Factor Spacing Field 131 psf I 6" oc Comer Extrapolation is no allowed ,11 -'. No. 52609 �Y'. STAGE ; fi1OArt". r-' Date: 8AM017 E�) lit G C Q, inc. REFA. V-M10 1791 Blount Road unit 907 Pompano Beach - Florida - 33069. Tel: (754) 307-1319 Fat (754) 2t Email: Engco@AOL.com 8.0 Summary of Test Results: 8.1Architectural Testing, inc., West Pi 8.2 Report G3443.08-450-44, dated Of 8.3 UL 580 - Standard for Safety, Tests 8.4Test Speclmens: 120" x 120" with: 8.5 Testing Assembly 8.6 Report 116854,01-106-31, dated It Beach, FL Uplift Resistance of Roof Assemblies x 120" panel coverage Layer 1: 30# Asphalt saturated organicfelt pape installed Mith a minimum 4" side lap and 6" end laps. Underlayment shall be fastened with corrosion resistant approved fasteners as per the Florida Building Code and spaced Voc at all laps and two staggered rows 6"Dc in the field of the roll. Or, any underlayment having a current produd�approval. Layer Z: Versa5hield with a minimum 4" side lap and 6" end laps. VersaShleld shall be fastened with corrosion resistant approved fasteners rs per the Florida Building Code spaced at 6"oc at the perimeter and overlaps and two lnterrt ediate staggered spaced rows at 6"oc. Or, any approved fire barrier having a current Product Approyal. See Limitations #11.2 Layer 3: 26 Gauge - 0.01875" thick x 16" Gavaniied steel panels secured to the wood deck using #10-9 x 1" Panclip MiW fasteners spaced at 6"oci The fasteners were positioned to go through the nail strip Field /comer panel and not the pre-existing slots. Th� female leg of the panel snap -fit to the male leg of the Installation adjacent panels 9.0 Installation Instructions: Panels to be installed as per instructions and fastening patterns described herein. OCT 2 0 2011 a Date: &'17r2017 E N G C OJ REF.: 17-29610 1791 Blouni Road ura 907 Pompano Beach - Florida - 330 Tel: (754) $07.1319 Fax: (754) Emall: Engoo@AOL.com 10.0 Design Procedure: 10.1- In order to verify product adequat Design Rating on section 7 above with ti chapter 16 requirements. 10.2 - Product Pressures Rating mustbe 10.3 - Supporting structure are to be de! 10.4 - Deck sheet must meet the minims 11.0 Limitations and Conditions of Use: 11.1- installation must not exceed the Neither rational analysis, nor extrapola pressure zones (Le, perimeter, extende 11.2 - Fire Classification is not part of tl Directory for fire rating of this product. 11.3 - Product were not evaluated strut loads 11.4 - All Products listed herein shall hi Building Code Rule 61G20.3 of the Flori 11.5 • Drawing numbered 17-296.10 dv 12.0 Certificate of Independence: for an specific project, contractor must compare Uplift Project Design Wind pressures calculated based on FBC . tater than the Project Design Wind Pressures led by others and In compliance with the FBC thickness specified on item 5.4 above aximum allowable design pressures listed in this report, )n shall be permittea for enhanced fastening at enhanced corners and comers) acceptance; refer to a current Approved Roofing Material to resist shear diaphragm, axial, transverse or racking a quality assurance audit in accordance with the Florida i Administrative Code are part integral of this report. TAS 125- 03 - Uplift Resistance Test - G34'I3,09-450-44 TAS 100- 95 - Wind Driven Rain Test - H2687.02-450.44 ASTM G26/G 155 - Accelerated Weatheri11 2000 hours - PRI Report- VLS-004-02-01 ASTM B117 -Salt Spray Testing of Coatin 1000 hours - PRI Report- VLS-005-02-01 13.0 Certification: In the professional opinion of this evalua requirements of the Florida Building Cod (Broward and Miami -Dade counties) wh( ing engineer the product herein described meets the t 2017 - 6th edition, for use in the NON-HVHZ and HVHZ n utilized within'the limits of use noted herein No. �r 7 °• STATE OF Wi' 11. Ir 1/3f2018 i Building Code Online Product Approval Method Date'. Submitted Date Validated Date Pending FBC Approval Date Approved Summary of Products Method 1 Option D 10/20/2017 10/20/2017. 10/26/2017 12/12/2017 K 0 Model, Number or Narire Description 24221.1 Dynamic Metals 1" Nail.*ip (26 Ge 1" Nallstrip, 26 Ga Galvalume Steel, Non-structurai roof panel stee , Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL24221 it 17-296.10_ DWG.adf Approved for use outside HVHZ; Yes -RD Verified 5y: Pedro De Figuelredo, P.e. 52609 Impact Resistant. N/A Creaked by Independent Third Party: Yes Design pressure. +N/A/-131.0 Evaluation Reports Other: Maximum fastener spacing 6" o/c FL24221 RO AC R17-296 10.odf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 24221.2 Dynamic Metals 1-1/2" echanlcai 1-1/2" Mechanical Seam, 0.032" Aluminum, Non-structural (Aluminum) roof panel Limits of use Installation Instructions Approved for use In HVHZ: Yes FL24221 RO It 17-296.02 DWG.ndf Approved for use outside HVHZ, Yes Verlfied By: Pedro De Figuelredo, P.E. 5Z609 Impact Resistant, N/A Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design pressure. +114/A/-198.5 Evaluation ia;epprts Other. -198.5 psf at maximum clip spacing 10-1)2" o/c FL24221 rZ0 AE R17-296 2.odf -179.8 psf at maximum clip spacing 13" o/c Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 24221.3 Dynamic Metals 1-1/2" echanical 1-1/2" Mechanical Seam, 24 Gauge Galvalume Steel, Non- (24 Ga Steel) structural roof panel LTmits of Use Installation instructions Approved for use in HVHZ,. Yes FL24221 Rl) 11 17-296.04 DWG.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ, Yes Verified By: Pedro De Figuelredo, P.E. 52609 Impact Resistant- N/A Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: +N/A/-171.0 Evaluation Reports Other: Maximum clip spacing 13" o/c. FL24221 RO AE R17-296 4.ndf Created by Independent Third Party; Yes 24221.4 Dynamic Metals 1-1/2" Mechanical (26 Ga Steel) 1-1/2" Mechanical Seam, 26 Gauge Galvalume Steel, Non- structural roof panel Limits of use Installation Instructions Approved for use In HVHZ,. Yes FL94221 RO II 17.296.05 DWG.adf Approved for use outside HVHZ-. Yes Verified By: Pedro De Figuelredo, RE. 52609 Irnpact Resistant: N/A Created by Independent Third Party; Yes Design Pressure: +N/A/-221.0 9vatuation Reports Other; Maximum clip spacing 12" % FL24221 RO AE R17- 95 5.ndt Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 24221.5 Dynamic Metals 1-1/2" Mechanical 1-1/2" Mechanical Seam, 16 Oz Copper, Non-structural roof I(Copper) I panel Limits of Use Xnstallation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ. Yes FL24221 RO 11 17-296.06 DWG.ndf Approved for use outside HVHZ. Yes Verified By: Pedro De Figuelredo, P.E. 52609 Impact Resistant: N/A Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressures +NIA/-198.5 Evaluation Reports Other: -198.5 psf at maximum clip spacing 12" o/c -153.5 psf FL24221 RO AS Ri7-226 6.odf at maximum clip spacing 16" o/c Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 24221.6 Dynamic Metals 1-3/4" Saplock 1-314" Snaplock, 0,032" Aluminum, Non-structural roof panel (Aluminum) Limits of Use Installation I<nstructfons Approved for use In HVHZ: Yes FL 4223 RO II I:-296.09 DWG.pdf Approved for use outside FrVHZ: Yes Verified By: Pedro De Figuelredo, P.E. 52609 Impact Resistant; N/A Created by independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: +N/A/ 228.5 Evaluation iZeports Other: -228.5 psf at maximum clip spacing 9" o/c -168.S psf FL24221 RO AE I?17-2g5 9.odf at maximum clip spacing 19" o/c Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 24221.7 ' Dynamic Metals 2" Mechinical 12" Mechanical Seam, 0.032" Aluminum, Non-structural roof 213 DRAWINGS #: ' 17-29G. I Q_ REPORT: 17-29G. 10 J•N,�' r'p ra GEN f1fio. 52009 S STATE 0 . J F' DRAWINGS #: 17-29G. 10 REPORT: 17-2 9G _ 10 16. a0 0 6 7 1 DYNAMIC I" NAILSTRIP 2G GAUGE GALVANIZED' STEEL PANEL PANEL #10-9X1 PANCLIP MTW FASTENERS SPACED. AT 6" OC FASTENER POSITIONED -T-HROUGH-T-HE-NA I I= S R 1-P-N©T-T-HR-OUGH THE PRE-EXISTING SLOTS ROOF DECK MINIMUM 1 S/32" 4-PLY CDX PLYWOOD SHEATING 0 _-.4ortlit *.o_.el�(!