HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1229 ,118 Ii' '-'. ~~, :,' ,-. 'I ,','I, ,,' _ I, ',' , , rl ':' ,1", ,', _ ,_' I. ' i I.".... ,f " i' i ._... ,.! . . .. . _ . ~ . ~ j'. _ ' . . . .... ;. . ~ I. ~.', "._ 1 I " :, , ... , I: I, : , ,', '~ 'I. I . ' " . I" ,,' ' " I , , ,i ' '" I ' , ,'.. ,'I I ' ;:;:;!~~'}~~~~~i~7~rf'~';':~~;:~:;:;;'';~F~~~-~~~''-'~~~~;;;~~~;~~::,c:;;~:.>t'~;~~;-;f~c:.~:,~~;..~~~::=:r;" .:'.:' '; "', 1"-.' .1~P.,t.IC.Cl~ ";""~~,"\ ' ,I " to I' .' dh?'~;'! ~.~t onUl~' '\ I; ;," ',', "\. '" ,,', ,,' ,: , ", , , , " ',\' \ \ ,',',,1 \" , \' I ' " ,,' '\' \ \, I' . " \.. ' " \1' \\',~ ,1',1 I'll \, .1,1:", .ar~~t,l,D~ed..' \:1.,,1,.'1, 'i'\' \,'\ I.\,l~\, :1\I,q~;~. , . ,"1 , ,fllIS, J)EJD~ lIade t\11e ,5~b 'da1, of lIa,. ~n' th~lear'o~e 'bb~.8an4 nine. himdre4.' ~ ' \, ,-y'} , " \ ,\. , \,"" , ' ",II -' " " ',I., ( , ,,' \, " "\" ,\;.' :', \ .' ,,,' '(, , ;\ \ '. ,I) ~w\~nt)~~I,V~,<,b~~ween He~;y Wireman c.:.:oo~, ~d ~llln Da7enport :C,oot"hl&Wl,~~~ o~ tbe~lt~, , ',\,: " "\I,:ot MinneapOliS,' 11\f\t!1~ hat~ of)4nneeo'ta,' ~1l4 "h....:G'. \Cclo~ and G~ao. Blgelo.Co~t,! ,I \. . " , " ,""",:..' ,\ ,i ':\ " ," ',,', "".' \, " "" 'I' \ :. '~' ~~8 w.ife, .of, the .n~ of Ba,r, Harbor~ i'~ the 8\ate Qf Ma1~""~'.~,el;1 ,~f)b~,~~r.stp~rt\)t,~4 "Ke1Y11l'O.~ tbrl~~e14~' ,of tiie,~ltl'f 8tn\''ir'an~1aOO'''illth' ~'ah' of' pai1:torI11a' ,~ I!' o( " I" :'," -' , , ", ,',' --- '," I ,', .',. '\ " 'be ,e-eoond p~'. .- ' "'\ ;\' I ' ' 'I '\\ . ' , , '1 , . '1' .. " '. l , I I , " I- I " I , '/ I " , I 1, . 'I ! \ .... < .,.~ '\ ,.", 'I'"" "', " , " ' : 'tfUnssBTH, tb.~ in oon814er~t1on' of', 'th. ..~' ~~ 'hlrt,-e~gbt "hun4re~ ~nd :tift1," .. .. ,II" " ' , , ' ".', , ' " ' \ ' \, ' , , Dollat- (tZ860.)and -other,aood and 'Yalu_bl.e ~ons1d.~at~oil., 'the 'recdpt,wiereot'ls hiteb,:, : ' - '_.~." .\, .._' . , :." . ":...---:,"" '-':'--r'I~:- ...., ,~..:., "':;, .' _' ".' .'-~'. " ~ , . '~C)tno.lldg"4. : thlf 8ald:Henr1 wlreaian' look and' 1111n ,Du.npor' Qooi..h1e ~1f.'. ,-alIlS. boaaa- " .. ." ..' '........ " ". .' -.' -,' . ..:. .-----.----,.--.--....... -...,-....... .. .:. ........-'-,. " ,:' G . Coot and; 'G~ao.' 11g.10. ooot, 'hie,' .If'~ .do ' hu.b;y 'Iran': 00IlT8" a's81sn, 'r.i..s. and'. '. ,'.: ,,:' .:\' -----.---- .,.. f.'. :":','. . ,-', _"0 ::..' " ':.-.- -"-.. ". "..', "_ .'_' ..'.-. :. -_--.---" : '.. ".~. ." q~t, ~~~i., unto,t~,' .a14', K.l""l~~:,q. !hr'lt'l~... hi. hi~rl';aiI4' 8I~l~i. for'.'Yer",.,ll~--,t~eir ,: ~,>: ri.8bt, , tUl,.,',lnter.Bt: and ',..l.t'!'te ,wha~8_0~T.~. ,b~t.h, at-,:,l"~,Qr lne.qu~,,;y,.lri,~ndtoall '.' , th~t 'p1eo.~' ~r, p.r~d ~f' grOund 'and' pr,e.18el 81hl!Lte', 1,1118' G4,..be~: inl.t. J,ug1e counti~',' , in 'th..'~'a~-.ot;'l.rl~fl,"an~~~~l~J1larll deorlbed 'a~toll~.8',t;'._w1tJ~,':", . ' '.,','..,:: ,.- .-~. '~. ...1':"/,,' ,:.. ~.'t-"", "-'. :...<.,'... "'.~'~' '.~' ", .'. . ..~-...,.. -- "~_.' .-'.....~, . ,0 ~..... '.". . '" 'THIRft an4 -e1glit-':hntbl' ao~e8~.' a~~e ~~ 118~,. r~~re8ent~1II the Bou.th ,po~tl011' of' tit,' ",' .'R8nge(~..St~ 'L\1~l~ Oo~t7,"'lor14.~:,' . , 'BBINGone of'the iO,t, ~esorl~e4',ln,a bed ,4ated~2l8",191'7. and: r'eoord'f4"ln ' . ,.'. . . ~ . '. .. '. . " .,.' < ..... . . . . . ,'. ' '. Dee4, Boot No;' 32pa~ i8S,frOfD' Lueier: Rortald" widow, toEmlia, Johanna GrotJano.oot,:~I, . .... ....'. -. . .: ......... . , ,:t1tle' to ~be '811De ~v1ng: be~ome n.stt4 in the Bald grantq're 'as '~be 'he1rs-at--iaw ,9f their ',' - .... " \. . i ,: I I "1 , J I ; , , .. - ~ .0' ";<.l I I ! , . , , " I .f ! ,; 1 .! j .; i A ~92~. " ~, OJ'' .~ " , . -: , , , ' , mother. ,:the: B8ld Emm8Job.e.n,lUi. GrotJeri coo.t. -who,' diec10n or, _bout tbe,21't 4$1 ~ of ,JanQ.$1";y, -',;------ ,of : . ... ' . . ." . " ", ,~HAVE 'AND TOH'OLD all ~be.:~ght.' ~.1tle"ln~,r.8ta~ "..~,~ ~ .hah~~vert bQth at Ja~' and In.eql11tl, ,of'tlie8aid gr~toi';8" unt~ and t,o the 1188 ,of, the' &aU ')(81rtUe .' . .. ',.' .. ',' .- , ". . '. '. . . O. '!hrelteU.'. hiB h'l,rl,and 8adgp8.; ,!ar.ver.' , , , , , "'NESS the banclBan4 ..a18of tbe eai4, Grantor8; the 4a1.an.cl iear flr,8t hereinabove written.' ;, I1!BESSES a8 to , HIIJr;Y Ilreman -Coo~ & . JUltnDavenport cC)ot.. Arnold Hobo8 . . .dl tb E .San4quiat WITNESSES a,8 to Tboaae G.coot& ;Graoe'Blge~o. Coot, , · C ' ,... . Re.lPh"Bui'mann. ' ,Bora l' .Xugbe8 .... " ~ ' -':.. , lle~1.'.' Coot, (S!A:L) ~~l'.n, ~av~nport ~~ot (8EA~) ':-":_~ 'iJ '.")0 , , Thomas G. CO!)t. ' (SEAL) Greo'.. Blgelow Cook (SE.f.t) . ,"j \.." " STA'm OF KnmESO'1'A ) BUNIPEN COUNTY ,)to wit: CI!Y or MllUlEAPOLIS)' , , I HEREBY CBR'rIry, That on tb189th 4a1' of Ma,y,. Intbe year One thoolsnd'n1n', " ~)1nd 1'$4 and t..nt1;",nv'.plr~,pnall.1 app.~e~. before .e, an of,flcer dull e.ll~borhed to ' a4mlnist,w oa th8, an4tak. aoltno.le4gme~tB'. Henry W1rem811 Coot and ,Ellen D~venport <;look.-hle I , ,wit., to me .el11alnm and tDown bl..e as the ,individua18 d..,orlbed ,In. ao4 wbo exeoute4~e-;-' , . .. for.go1ng d..cl~ a~ aotnowledged before IDe 'th&. t thel e:uoute4 the Balle ,tne118M voluntarill 'for the purpo8es ther e1n .xprueed. .un I'rUp.!HER, CERTIfY that ~e Ba14 Ellen; Davenport Cook. I " pw~nall1 k,noWn '~o. to be the wif..! the aaid H.DJ';Y WlrelDlACoot, named 1n laid deed, ~, onl of the gr~tor8 tberdn, 414 thll d,a, per80na1l1appearbeforeiM and on a priVate and ~ ..parate 'eXllll1J)at1on ti11~ 4a, taken and ..dl before _ l,perat,11 and .part from h.r 8&14 .e .eel. her.aelf a par)1 to and I_o~tecl la14 bet ,f~ lh. ~~:"".".".,;, \~.. l} _----....:m_-_.__~ ,...t