HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOCJOSEPH E. SMITH, CLERK % `,THE CIRCUIT COURT • SAINT 3' �,::E COUNTY FILE # 4445206 OR BOOFs�—=s413 PAGE 211, Recorded 06/(., �Q18 02: 46 : 08 PM STATE 4F muri10 ST. LUCIE COUNTY THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THIS IS :A TRUE AND CORRECT COPY OF THE DIV ORIGINAL. lE — rt3utrrtttraorr�t JUNpl� 0rR���., Date: 1yC CE OF CONEWMCEMEN!' The rmd 14=1 hereby gives native that tmpcl vemmi wr71 be made to cut di teal yeopvty, mid is accordance with Maptor 713, Florida Statues, the (01towind information is ptovMded in thb Notion of C.... .L t. DESC UMON OF ntoruffl tr (Lead deserip len of the property A soea address, Ifavallable) TAX F'OUO Na: 1 eoimmaran L4rg—u vv'V P t aLOCat, _=147! KM'_ W Oc utvrr�_ 3. OWMMBCPODUTMOVLLMUDGCN ATIONOTIMt-MMMt:ORMCMDMRTBCAIRAO't'IJRRr RNsotamdadAesc cter.c� ak*"lM WW. Owh a KM and Mum offsA"v 4. a. COKCRACTOR'9 NAnR: s. aURM (tfapp uAk n ow a Name a Phone s. a. ut Amomtofbmd• f Pbme amber. 7. Priam within the State of Florida d=*aa d by Owns upon whom notices orother doetmreatf maybe served as providtd by Section 713.13 (1) (a) 7., Florida Stec M: I a N.mo aer addrms: i I ' a Heoae�ba�saraatlyraepa.as � 8. a Iu additionto himself or berself. Owner desig*te to vemive a copy ofthe Bowes Notice as provDid is a PbeoeousI ofpmcs of tmhy dmWoa d by Oatrr 9. Fspration date oftwtko of commonoement (rbei aspiration date may test be below the completion of eonsonetion and final payment to tht: comractar, but wHI be 1 yearfran tpo date of recunilnE anle s a difmont date is speoifiody. Asa &r -7 . 20_if Unds peoaby ofpwjwy, I declare that I have mad ttta ftWing mtke ofootnmareemaat end that the face stated thseia are true to the beat of my imowkdga and belief: �Y r c /�gr'�fu r%li (Stantm of Owasr or I Am or Ownes or Lance's ` 41rint Piano and 1 MMO Sisaatorysa litielomm) Aatroriad Otl9eor/Dbretor/Parmar/Maaagar) State of Co" Of the ft egoing bMtrnment was arjmowiedged before me this _ _ ms fiA dayviY1.�_ .20 by veC:. e/..yT7 ✓1 gJT�M,co,�} (4'Pa ofaull�ity,...a.$ effurr, trtutee, attWney in feel) � far �✓t C 8� rc2vlln (move of vertu on behalf of whom insu mentrras exeeutedl r_ Pesonally Known__Or PradUWd 'row"'',, ANNY M. GUZMAN 1 Notary Public . Stale otl Commission GG ttev.tPllt-ncsxaoaaluW %;Fu,,.�}� my Comm. Expires Oct I itQaattrra of ivotar! Pe6tic) Stamp Commksioned Name ofNotary Public)