HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1232 I 1 ". "',. 'I I ' ~- -1--- i,', t " '2'1' 0, f "1' I': , , ' , I" ,", I, , , ' . I ',0_ I . I . J ' ~ . " ," '. ' . , J ! ' r' . 1'- I ." 'I, I ' I " "I ' f~',;-,~;;~;_L;i~~"~":;;;;;;:;d~~;;:'~~;;r~~~~~I~.:S:+;L:I~'+.~:1-~;::::'''_'I:-~f.~;~~-:;r''" ,"~;~~:;;",c' \! " I ' "t', "\ ' I ! 'j, , ' ," .. " ' ",' . 1 \,' \, , .' '\' ' ',' ,,' -\ ' , \ .', ;' \', .' ..', j' "II I, 'j !~~~;~~~<::::~t:i~~t::. "; ",' ,i ' "('/~_~:' :"h~' \1 I ,\ \ I ,Ii": \'\ ,\\'" II: .\.. Ii D.o.8.19~. ,; I,"~ ,\; ,i l. i.'p"hal' \. \, " , ' r , ' \ '\' \ ,I' I., ., ',\, II' ' . \,' ' I ' i \ , \ ,i ,\. 1 ", \ "," . ,\ :fl. " '!' . \ " - \O~, ~. \.'. ,\;' . \ . I . "\ \'~ \ ,.11~4an&-,.~eQo.d~d.a3I'd~4--r.Of.Qr',~~ 1'0116 A.~. ,19'6 '" ~" '\',.." .i.." . II' /i' .'::. '. ',' ,:" .", y\' ' ,P. c. ,Eldred ' \, , , ,:,; , ,~,' '... tilert 01tou1t: ~our,~ "i.~~~" "'\:,'B.r'~~'" ,"(~' , ~'}~. . tI , . . . e... 4:_"':.. ..,. . _. ,e-"" . ~.,_'. . ..... . . \. .. . ..'.... .... -.... . . .'... ..,: " '. ' I ' I!.. I, \ " , ~ . , ' . - : '\ ' :j- , 1 \ , , ',\' .' ,'.i .. '! ' , 'I' ~. " - , t ... ~) ~~" . ~ ;1 I. . J, I _ I' . t . ~ . ;. ~ -".1 'Ie " \ , l , \ \ \,4. . I, .,,' \ I' , \ " ' \,- ;\ , ,\ \' " , , , 'AJ' D..' C.', ,\ 'J('P,e S.al' ....,\..:' ,,' ,:" .--, '\"'~-~: '. . · 1:'" .',-.,. '\ .: 1 ' . \.. ~ " . \\. .' '- ~ i' . ,'SARAH: ~()L'SBERG , .' to' , . ,,' BJRtHAUTOm , .' '. " ' "JARlWfT-Y, ,DEED' ' ' , . _ ,;;. . '. '. :' . , . . ' \: . ~ .. , 'tBIS WARRA.B!Y DEED' 0' CIltVEYANCB'. Bxeo,~te4 'th111 'Uth ~83' of lie,' 1n ,the' ,.~~ of 'our ~r.Ct . _ . . : '. . '.0 '..' .' _, :... .' ~: . . . 4,' ._ 1'" ~'..'_ _' ,on. thQU8an4 nlg.'hul)dred ~d"tweJ1t.Y~:t1Te BY.dI) BBTWEEB Sar~ H()lt8bergparti,of ,th,e, t1~8t, ," . . 'J- .' ":. '~.' . _".. '..~,," :',' -",- . -:.', . .:.~ .. , ,,' ,: .:, ..... .'. ......-. ':~ .... ':.:.' ' ..- ..' .,.. pad~' and Ber~h. lC~to:h.rf,. ~t,.... YOz:t,H:. 'Y\ of, th..,..()O~d 'part~ . ..", . . wt,TNESSE!B~' Tb~t, tb.',8ai4 ,:putI' ofth.,#r8t',>>ar~. for:"and in oonll1derat,lon 'of th... " '" , ,~" ,', ,',' . ' , ',.' ". """ '",', '. of Oli.,dollar a'nd :oth.rT.luabl.oond4erat~on~ lawful money' of the 11m, 108,4' 'Sta.tee of ~e~~, . , ' - . . . '~ . .' . . .' : .' .' ,,': ... ,;; '. . . . , -. , , , " - . , . . - ,. '. '- ,- . . ' . ",'to her ~n hand pal4' by the. 8atd '~arty. o,f: 'he ueoon~" 'p&r,t, at c.rbetf?re~'he, .ns.ea1.1Jig anI, ,< 4e'l11:erl, ,of th.... pre,sente. 'tpe" :rec~lpt'1rh.r.of 'ie, 'here~;, ao~0~~',4g&,d '1>; these pre8en~. : ' . ~ ~ ".:, - ... ,'. . . '.' . . ,', - . ',' '.' - . ,.' . . . ", . " ; ,doe8,iT.. gran_, b~ga~n,se11.; alien,' .nfeoft. ,~eill1se, ~nea8e, oonve,., aIld . confirm uti.tot_h',' , . , . ,- , ' ..... .' . ' . '. . . ..' '. c'... . . ". '. . .. '. . ~ .' J ':Q~1d, .P$~tt,fth'e'~eCOlld part~ all~h.e~ii~lr.~' that' 'cer'ta1;n' prop~rtl'ni,h. County of' at. L,1101., ~nd StabOf'~Orida"d"s.orJ.b$d,.'B::t01l0we., , ,". , i. The undlvid.d half'ln~erest 1~- Lots'fiTe, (6) and 81x (6),ot ~1ver81~e 8U?41VI81on~~~ ~~~~l~h).~"~~ll)1"}~~"',}' ,:' '.', ,', " '.' . of govermen:t Lot on.,' S.'ot1on on., towDsQip' thirt".'8ix 10uth.Rang. tC)rty la8t 171118 Ba.t,ot ~ -:_,.....- '", ,.'.,".."-','-' .... .',0.. _:'." , ',: ;1~r14a Jast'Coal;it J{a11way rlght,.~~.~~,. toS.th~'r wi th ,~iparla.Ji 'rish~8'.'~' '" '. " " ADD. , , . . - I. B,s1nn"11I at ,the S~uthW'8t oorn.~ })~;'Lot Six Oftb,' above m8nt1onfid 8ub~1T1elon'. run , ," . .. . , thence 8outh.~sterly alo~ the right-ot..ay of the','lorida last CO~8t RaUway. 'nlrty-tbree ~4: , '.' , ","'.." "'.,.., " " ' ",,'.,' "" , three,hnthll '(3~,3)fe"t th.noe run'But toth.lant 'otthelndl.&J:l'R~ver; :tbenbe-runlfortb' . " '..:.. - , -",'" . . - ," .' ". ,.' . - '.' ~' .' .. '-'.. ' . ' . 'aloD8tb.' bant oftbe IndIan ~l,..r t!rt'rty-tou aIld"8eYen.',tenthll (34.'1) fett;~',th"nce.est. .,' .. .100' the p~lnt of~.g1nnl~~ "eXQept' J'1Sht.of~wa,.'ot pix1.,h~8h."~'. TO$etb.r w'l th ~lp~lan "rIght'..: .-'---'.-. ',' .... '. '. .' .' '.., .,: . '.. ,-'~u'TOGBTBER,.Jthal1' 'an4u'i~lar .the~~----':ten.Ji.nt8~~'.rtdl t~.nh-i.n~f .jpiirt.riariO'8ther~uDt~- b.loqlng.o,r in~ls,. .ppert~1n1n8'.~nd ,th~r'T1Bl()n aDd, r..~er8ion.,.. 'r,e~a~n4.er ,and ' r'.mabder~ rent8.issue.and proUts th.reOfl Alfl> ALSO, ail the,e8,t~t8. right j~lue-,lJ1,t.r$st. hOmt,ste,a4.: . . . ' ", . - -....,.:.. '.' ~ , dow.~ aJll(\ riSlrt-c-014g''..r.' ~.par~h ~stati, property~p08S8s,s1oU., 01~111' and,' deman4"What80..,.~r' . , " ", _:..' '., " -': _ ~ . . '_ . , .' _ t . '__' . _ at law arid, In .quit,.. e1.ther' '~n4 both" of,th$ Baid ~-,arty of't118 f1rat..p~~t. 'of;,ln,'an4 \,otb. '. ,', BalM.' en4' .,..1'1' part 8I.ld )~o.l th.r.of;. TO HAYEAHD ro HO~ th.. above descrlb.d 'prem!su, eaoh and .very. unto' to'e ,..14' p/U'ty of ,the8.~0~part herh.lr.a~ 8881~., ':1n'~, -.r"'aip'lt.. abs,0l11h ,indeteaslblj, foreTer. , ADd theBa1d party' of the flrst part~' for hereelf 'and, her .h.1r.,exeoutor. and admln1strato'n ~01nU,an4..vera~,ly, OOl'enant~ prom18~ and agree to andw.1.tk-tbe aa1dpJlrtyof the seoond part, her he1n,. exeoutorl.$4m1nlatraton andaaligns" tb' the eaU party ot th8f~rst P8J't. at~he~. tim.of tb.. ..aUDI 8lldd'.l1nry of these pr.sente.1s lawtully aehe4 1n tee 11nlplt ,of ,a gOOd absolute and in4eteaa1b~, .stat. otlnbe~ltanc. of and 111 all and' .sIngular tn. abo~e 4esorlbel I ,... \. _, . ~ , premhee, .aoband, ner,., and has tood right, full ,power and lawful authorit, 'to oonve,' the t ' 'I .,' , .am. 1n mann.ran4fo~ ator.said; that the .aod part1 of th...oo.. part, h~r h.ir. and a.algna. i ' ~ { .hall and ~ay. at all time. h.~t.r, p~~o.abll aR4 qUltel,.m.~e. hold. use, ocoup" pos.es. , , .., .~. ,