HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1233 I ~;~t,~#~.i~;.~""1;~;c:~~::f~'~~~;";;I;;~:;:"-"~~~f'~7;"~~_'~'~~~~:d~:::-,;:~~;j~:.;,.c:' , I,' I . I ,r, I " "I, " 't", ", \ , , \ 1, ' , " ' ,,'. r . I "I" i I 11 . jai1d tn~07.,th. abOl'I'''eeoribeLprem~8ed, :and eTerl P8:rt, and p,aroll t'hereof,.i~hout any.let.' suit..' , ", ' " I , 1 ' I '., \, -' ,I ", l' I \' i, \ " . J :,\troUbl.tm~188tat1o.n, eviotion ,~r,4i8turb:an~. ~f the 8a1;d\pa2:"t~ of the :t~x:..t P~ll\t~' l1'r. heirs or: " ,', \, 'aae1~n., or of ~ I ctthet' \perso~ \o~ p.n~~s la"iull, O1.~ll!llng, or t.~ 'Ol~.1 ~h., ~'J.81 ttt~"\-th'.'" ~. \ \ , ,I' , ". all and 81nguila1-~ ar, ttl', '. oi.~r,\ ,a1a~argea 'a'nd,1 ubtnO\1Jlbered of an~\ troll a~l fot:mer \at1d 'Oth8~'; \ . ',:, , I' '\', " \ ,," \", ' . ", "', ' 4 " \ \,: \ " t~l tles,~ olou~s and 1nowabrlan08s ot whd nature ,and i tln~, 8o.,era th~tth. 8lJ.14 party ot, the t1f.t, " \' ",,' '--- , . . ' ' ,\ \, :' 'I pa~~ Iher he1r8~ e~eoutor8 and \a4111nl\strato~.,eaoh' and '~.r,1'.hal{.ak.,' ex4touti' an4.0k~owle~g.i 8UOh'I'. , ': ,".\,'," ,", '\ ' ' " \ \ , ' , ' " ,', .' '. . .fu~ther. ~dother dee~~\ and,~8~,u~an~'B 'a. b7 ooun8~1 \learne~ 'In' the~a~ Q,1\ be oonIUt1"e" t'ea8o~a~l7:' > " '- " ",- \' '. ' _' __d~'_.:~~r~--~'-- _~X~ '. , ., " \~, ' . \ \' ~ pr~pe,r to .t~.ot\~te the, ~Ul.l l~n,teri"an~ 1I~!1.91Jig ~~"th.i' lnl~r~.,". ,i, " ':. . 'J .' , "And the 8.~lci part7,~,ft~,. f~ret'Jart tor, ~.r~elt 'end her' h'e1,re,the" abo~8 d:e8Qt~bed: p\rell1ee~~ ~4 f '\ . . , . .".'..,' ,. . '. .'., ". ...' 'tnri ,~arte.ndp8roel t,hereot;, unto the '.ald: part1 of-theetoorid part, her h,tlre Md.~81gn8;.', _ ~', .'. _, . l' _', .: . . '. . . . . .. , ' _.' : .,' \" . . _,' .~ ..1. '... '. '. : . , . .";. , . '. ;.gainst tht laid part",y o:t the fint part and. ~er h.ln. ana as'ind ali- and .'el" peraon -0. r " : . '_ _. . r, ' \ '< , ' ' . '+~. .. .,~. -. --.. "_ ..... ~ . _ I.... . .... '. _ '.' ,'. '. ,~ , , ~ar8on8: whomlO,tVer .ia,~fu111' 01a1ialng ,'o~ to, ,~la1..th''''8met ahal~~e.nci' Wl,lt warrant, a.~ by the.I"", , " . . -,~-~-;.' _.t~~.. . presenl8, fort.,..r .defend .:, , ..' '. '~' " , ".' ....': , . " ; . 't~is aJ.,h,.atloD 18 li1,th-th.' ~olnt 'oons.lSt ot,hulba.nd8;I1d ,;u...,'-,rb.re: that ,~elanon.ex18t~. ;;' '.. ..,. , . _ ' ". ' ' ". . . , .- '. ., . . _.. . .' , .';. " ., '~ ~': '. ...... .... . : _ .," c . ',IBWITNESS' ~RREO', the,..ald part,1ot thf t1x;.8t Jlar' has ~er.unto' 8e~ 'h,r han~'an~"sl3~l",eaoh' :' In thep~e8enoeof t,;oiJ~b~9ribt~g ~I't~~8S~8.:, '., ,,: ! : '. ;. . .,' . ~, " . . . . -' ,-=--- "s1gne~~ seale;d8:~d 4.ib~re4.~npre~e~o. of,'us: :' " 22 ii1' !' 'I" I It' : ~ ' . ," ,/ . 'I, I .~ ~ ' , " , " "j, ,', ' , I," ,l ,. ;. . Max HOl: tsbtrg , j ~ N., :Quaen .. " Sarah' H,Ol1iab.rg, '. (S,a1) ,', ., " :.- ~ ($7.001'.' ':;. ,Shmp.)' " '.* "'-S!rA~EO"'LORIDA ' .) , ~' ,... . , ' ,.' ) 58 COUBTY '01 .,ST.;WCI.E, ).' , ',', >, , " , ' . ~', ,1~HERiByC, CER~~~. ,:!b.t~I~Il:~hl,$~\Vf')(q'A" D~~9~5 ,b~tor... a 1fo~~r~, PUblio .'personal~;"appear'd: Sarah J{olteber:sando-hlQwUe" t\lme;weil known '~!l tno1!n t,ome> tc) 'be, the " l~dlTidual'de~~r1b~a.,1n ana "hO. .;.eo~tec1 t'~it tC)rego~~ oonve7~oe to:Bett~a xat'oher. otlle.",. . , ' . '. ~' .. " , '-'. . , " , ' '~o~k~ 'Ii. Y. '~d 'stvera;l.l, aO~OWledg~t-he n:.o\l.tl0rl thereot :tobe her,free tl()t and hea, fo,r ,t~e - .' ...., , . . ". 1i~~8. and>>urpo8e8t!te~elrim.~tlon.4;'8nd the 8ald-.--'---~the'.ite of"th!t, 881d-~"-",- <on ~' , , t, ' . . . ae>>arat..an~ pd~ateexam~nJtt~o~ta~.n' 8~d ..48 ~1''' aod befor. me, 'a,nd 8~pa~ate.1J', >a~ui .par't. f{o'; , her '8aia 'huSband. 41;d aoknowle4s~ ~~at she rlalSehtUelf ,a part,y.o the sald deed ,of conv8yanoe;< , " .: .'..' , . '. " ~ . ' " . " tor the purpose ot renounolng, ,~elinqU1Bhlna ~n'd olnve7~n8...~1 her right; t1 tie ,e.Ii~ Interest', " "'.. _ ' '. . _', - 3. . . whetherofdower.o,r of separate, propert7'~ 8tatutor7or.,quhabh~' j.n'and '1;. .t8"landa ,thereIn' . -'. .'- ' .' . ' desor1be,d,- llJld,nthat 8h" extO~te48a1d 4e~dtree1.v &1J~,:naluntar-l17$n~"1~q.ouf anyoon8tralnt, .', ;.:.~j"e81', appreh.nsl~n or . - . , oompulsion of or troll ".r 8a1dllusband. _, '. '. '-. . .. . ", -=J " . '. . . . ".'.'"' WlTBE8S'ID,y,.iS1gnatu,re:. an40f#01a1 s~a).at. It.- Ple~~., 1n :the Count, of,st.'Luoie and~tate of 'l~tlaath$ s83~n4 year last aforts,a14. " -........,. (PO SiJ ~~1e4~n4 reoorded (8e81) . 1.~,B. ~r.d.n , ~ I '.otar~,ubli,O' for~ the &tate'of ;lor14a at LarSI Ii7 001lm18810n ,xplres J.pr11 6,192'1 23rd d a,y ofJla7 .at 3a18P. M. 192& . l' . C .ildred , Clerk Cirouit &, ' ~7 ,~ /J>,i-_....-....~......., "ct. 001 D. C. J _0 I i i '~ 4' ~~ ,r ~ ,_.-r , ~ ~ ,.. I; \' .1 I. , '1",.,',:1 .' ; 'L \ ,\ '\ '\ ..~ . ( " .; '. ';, ~' - ;{ . ";:< . ' ''- ~~~J I'