HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENTL I PERMIT # ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building: & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT, SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT �l��iil4u �4 �tlP�� P�ianie Wynne Building Corporation have agreed to be (Company Name/Individual Name) the Plumber Sub-contractorfor Wynne Building Corp. (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St: Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice: CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) William D. Brantley PRINT NAME 29524. COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER � State of Florida, County of (LQ_ The foregoing instrument was signed before me this day of 20.byWilliam Brantley who is personally known _or has produced a C ideuti ation. t 1 STAMP lSigrkture of Notary Public Print Name of Notary Pubic �0 Vry_ Notary Public State of Florida �(.,. Julie Ninassi h My Commission GG 038942 'Of,Expires 10/16/2020 Revised 1106/2016 SUB -CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qua i er) William D. Brantley PRINT NAME 29524, . COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of� (,G} The foregoing instrument was signed before me this day of 20_,by'WWilliam D. Brantley who is:personally known 'for has produied a: Notary Public State of Florida Julie Ninassi oa My Commission GG 038942 'orn.0 Expires 10/16/2020 STAMP i .. . ==Ml • :.... • . .• . • . ISSUE DATE' PLt1�T1INC & DELOPME1�iT SERVICES Buadi>i Code C�ml><knee Dv>lsio>m TJJQDING':PEIIT : sm"C NTItAC ORAGREEMENT ' ��.. Lam! s .'E]:ectric, ' Inc.., ha�re agreed to'be • ' (CoriipOny:Naine/Iridi' ldual Name) . the Electrician: Sub -contractor for•Wynhe Bi ding -Gbrp; Type of Trade) •. (Primary Conirac#or)' For the praleet loeated-at: ..... . . \\�' \� :(Project Street Tt is understood that, ifahere:is ariy change of status. egard ng' our paiddoatioii with -the above menfioned . project,- the $wilding and Code:Regt�latiori Division of St:' Lucie County will be advised pursuant -to •the - `filiiig of a Change: of Silt=coniraatbr notice. iCO1�MAC!TORSIGIVAT-UP.P•(Qaaoer). ' g TRA SYG1 : (Qualifier). Matthbw Lyle fine. PRINT NAME James . _W.:. Law PRINK' NAME • 08898 2098•: . COUNTY-CARTMeATION`N[ NBBER COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florlda,.County of 4 .. State of •Florida, C•oiuufiy.of .� T[ieforegoing instrument was signed before me Ads day of : The foregoing instrutnerirt Wis signed before'tne ibii:)_;' ' day of by who is personally. Down or as.produeed a. who is •personally Down �•has*proilueed a• .. ' as iderititication. • as identificatio Signature ofl�Toia bite ; ; ; :: ; • Sighatdre•of Notary Public STAMP A.0 114 Y : Pri dXimeofNotaiyPuii>;c':' ' PrintName`ofNota . Futilic'::. ;. :: • �� �DQROT•.HYANN BASKIN ' ."osr pyB'a, SUSAN:i�fAGEE •myc6mMISS1bN:#GG030145 :+:' .. tAy d; _._.___ON#F.F187647 •c= EXPIRES,' , °r' 'o� EXPIRES; C! b[tla 23,'2U19 ' bctoher2 202U ,� o� ►Y. ,-�rF••���oF:' ablic Underwriters ",Ptit; •'' ;, gon�ed tfiro;(ifl ary.PUhlic_.;tJgdsmriters. BondedThry:No4 .P.. �. . ry ' •Revised`I1/16/20I6 •: ' . .. ' . .. • _ ' .. PERMIT# ISSUE u�TF PLAIVTV7iVl DE��;OPMENT SE]kAqCES nurldin &' Code Compliance DMsion SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT Comfort Control oT St. Lucie County, I4c. have agreed'to'be (Compan�lV'aiae/IndivicivalName} • the HVAC . Sub=cbnttactorfor W _nne: bevelo meat Corp. (Type of Dade) \ � OTMIary Con wr) For the pro jeot located at "(Project Street Address or iop T'ax ID # ) It is understood th i, if there as any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned. project, the Building and Code Regoiati -on mvision of St. Lucie 'County wiH be adtrised puisuantto the . filing of a Chal,e -of Sub-contractorinotice. , CONT"CrORS � :a. �Q>aar��r>. Matthew Lyle Wynne PRINT NAME 08898. 8288 COUNTY CERTMCATION NUMBER COUM Y• C=T&rCATX0N NUMER 1 n State ofrlorida, Ceuwof State"of Fonds, County of 'r!d<e foregoiu fwstramient vas ' ued lbctore me this � '� S i �C � daiof The'fo e�oiaginstrument was s4sed before me this day of �� • 20\��b/y�� i`�. �� 20` by���. ���.°M.$�'Wfi�� wbois penonany known °1� or has produced a Who -is personalty ymown "o h-s prodund o asfdeutitcstiva. asidenti6cation, STAW (J STAhiP gaatnre of 1Vota J itlblic Signature Of Notary PI priptlVameofMA . lilic`.' : print Name ofNotatyPuhne/ S trRy;:s••. DOROTHYANN BASKIN '• :�- -';s MY COMMISSION # GG 030145 •z.k¢Ydl% DOROTHYANN BASKIN ? MY COMMIS§ION # GG 030145 EXR"IRES:October2, 2020 - ; Bonded Thru:No��pp��PublicUcdenariiers "eo EXPIRES October2,2020 ,�� ""'�• ` %6oF�w�t� '., .Bonded ThN Notary?ubl1, UndW,. am Revised I1/16/2016 L66-d Z649/Z040d tL4-1 999L8L8ZLL dioo SuipIin8 auuAM -WOdd gL=ZL 96 64-ZL