HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1242 I 't .' ~ : ' J . , I . . : '. .' . l.. I . I ^ ! A.~ 'Ii- ....'" 0'1, :""':i;~"l. 'r!' ", ,/. ',I I " ! ..'. i, " I.,', ,(; < " ' '; /L'.' , , I" "!", ~ " "I, '{ , "".,'" I I , " '1/"'" "I' ' 'I " ,,' ", , , "'7~~;~;~~~\;T'~~'~"~~~~';::':-;;}T~~~~~~~t~~~~:;f,. !,'!.1.A~.~.V~IV~;'~T,U~ I" ,'I;'fO "\ .~:). 9~ ~~~Alf'I':II~\. L, '\\, 'I ' r.\ ,,"-':,' ," " \, ,'! (I:,' ", '\tARRANT~.. rl:iro ,'. ,l ,":' ,I ". ' ~ ,', ,I, \ i' \ \ j\':" ,Ta.r,a,.IlfDENT!1tlE. )(ade tpia18th'day O'~~., A. 'D~: 1925~.,BI$TwED Lau~ Jh\V~UTee'~' , " l \, \ ,': ' " " ',', " ;" ;' \, " ", I, , " " , " , I, ',,\ ,'," \ ,; \ \. w~~o"" ,~l,are,noe ~. V'anU veer,. la: b~Ohe}o~"Ghar~ts. \vllf~,l~eer ;a~d Be'~~~ V.and,i~eelr;h1e" ,~ ~', ,.i,:te,and Allee' C,'Earl, andW,'qA. lar17~ her , husband, of tne:Cou.nllt of,'St. Lti.61ean~ St..~e " " ,.'" ',' , : \ " ",' \ " , \' ,', ", ",,', \ \ ", ',' \, '" '. ,O~Plor14ap~rt:esof,the: fir8\t put. ,~np J\_ o.',Vorgap ~f,the~ount~ of at'.\r.uol~.\an,~ " -'- ' '. . . . '"',". { - . " -.. . \ , \ _ ,4;, '. <I' . . " ~. '. ' , '. .~ . . st.ate ofrlorlda putT Of;' the. seoond part 'WITNESSBTH Thattbe' 8ald parties of the 'fire' , , for and 1~ ,'oons1~,',l'a:tl'o~ Of,:the ..,inn of >d:N DOL~S~'A~ ~~~.VALU;t-;CONstDERATtON' Dolla~8 " ''', ,\ ',', , ',,',',' \,' ,"', "...' , ," ~ to, 'thelll in hand paid.' the reo~1p~ 'whereo'f i~,'q.ribT' aoknowledged have < grant:ed,( bargai~e~,..' ,',' .', .... _ .- ,'~", . _~-,.' \" ',. ,"'" ..... '. ..,. ", ~'..'... .f,:. ..'.,.:... ......,. , 8,011 ewd,' lIral1,af err 84 , and'.b,y t!!,ese presf!lnts do grant', ..bal"galn.~ell and, transfer ,u~io ,th.-,:, . ',' ~.~ .... ' . ". .....-.. ," . '~.;' . .... .' '," 1: . "., ',~ . " .' .~..' .',_ '8dd, PB.1;,t, of, tpe s,oond' par~ ,.n4 hia h~ira, Oria', a'sB1g~B' fo\"eve~~l~th'at; oertain. paroel, .. . -:,"- '. ~.. . ~ .". ,. . . 'o~ land 11in' an,d,bei'flg ,ih: iheCpuntT \O,fS',t .,',LU,O~~. 'and ,Stat~, OrJl~or.ida~' :mo~e, p~rtio\ti,ai-l',' , I . . . . _ " '_ .. \. .J' . _. ," . _:I s ,'_ '._~_',' '. . "': _ ,_' . ,;, de80rlbl4al~ t,ollowss, ,B.glnnl~ at, a 'p~1i1t:1Q:feet:"eat an~\~. 'r~8 nortbo~,~:the ~80'qtbe8st' .. ,,', ' , , ' .: ' ", ' ,," .. "',' ,'. I" "..' ' . " 'i 'oorner"of. the ,Northeast, QU8J'ter. ofthe:Sout'~"e8t 'Qu~rt~ of,seotlon 28.To"~8hip31 Southf..', " \; ,: R~~39 "B~S~;'( b'.1~'tii., N~rth'~Mt: '06~ne'r '6i~~', B. S~l ~ti. 8 'fi Ve~a'o're lO'1;')';:~~~nCl~ North " i, 24 ~od8 p'arailel:"ith easF i1ri~ 'C)t_ said torti acr'e8,;'-,1;ilenoe ~e8t :thlrt1':~~re. 'and,: orte- thl~d: ,', '-' ;: ~d~ priallei ,;1t~ 8.0'ut~: 11neof '~a1d .. forty 'aoie~$ t~~nc., 8~~t'~, 24, r04s '.nd '4/10 "te'et to , , ;' the'~o'rthw~~t oarn~r'ot ~aidB.. E.S~1th'18"ilve~aore:'to~c:~then~e~'~s~ on"Northrine~/': ' : ,~E, E~ ami thIs :tlT8-aore-l~~'thir'tT,.th~ee ana~,th.lrd '~OdB ~o ~Uoe '9f, 'beg1no.1'ng,., oon*ai~'i,ng , ~lve aores. ID9r'e or,l.s'a'. ' ,,' ',., ,'EXcept' However. ". a traot'C'o14 ,to ~lfYDERUEUORIAL J.fETHODI$T eItURCH~SOU1'lt, and dt8q~lb.~ .. .' - ,<' < . c. .. _ . _' - ' _ 1> . , ." " '",' .' '; _ .: , _," " . .,' '. ~ . . '. ..' . . . : '. . - . ; . ". " 88 fOl).owsJ,i:B;eginn1nga:t a point 10f~e,~ west ~~c).thlr't,-t~re~ r!)d$' a:;dthr~e ,~l,o!1~~half' t .' . .", _'. .'. :' _ . _ .' . . .,," . ';. ~~etnorth ,(fft~. South,eil~t' 00'rn8r of :t~e,' Northeast, quarter :of t,~e's~utli"eet,1~a:.t~~ of ' Seo tioD 28._ ~'~Shl;' 31 ~ou tho a0D8s 39 Eost I thono.*or,th, 8(} 'eft!' t.1;;.;;<, ~s (126' f o.~tl ,then~~, east ,126fut to pofnt, o'~ beginning. and, also exoepi~ a traot801'd t,o 'TRUST~tE5 Op,' , OJ>' . '~HE ~THODIST,EPISCOPALCHURCHO' WABASSO; ,pLolilDA. ~nd~.sOr1be4 ',as fOllow.,s' , Be~ini1ing, attheNo.rtheaatoor~er of the lot.u~on Wilioh',: the, wabiuis9 Methodist 'Epi"lIoopal : 'Ch~rch~o~ :'a't~~d8 ~a1J pOlnt' of beg1nning beins' ,a~Ptox1ma~~li'230 'feet'rio'rth of ',a ~oln~ 10 ;' '~eet"weat and 24r.4s iaorth of toesouthea,stcorner of no.theaet' qU:,l1rt~r..'of' 8'ou~hwest , : quart'~r otseotiozi' 28,' to,rnshlp31 South;~8nge39 ,'eiat ,:(beingnortheaat,oo~n'~',9faf~~e'; "~, " . " ,,'" '., " , , aore traot previou~ll known a8 ,the E. E. Sm~th'hom.); tbeno~ running north 20 feetl'thenoe: ~WUil~ we~t'~120,: ...t; t~.nc.r~nnl~: ~,~ut~ 2Q ~dt ,; thel)oe' run~i~g, esst"~120 :,:~eet ,to' ',point ~of begiJ1Jll~. 'oontaining' '1/20 ~ore8. p10re 0.1' lesS; Q8~d;"p,arOelofland :lling" 'sn4 ,bdng ~.' ."'. . .- '; directli north aodbol'derlng upo'ritb&19t 'upon 'wh'ich the,8,aid '~huroh'no;, stands ..' , IT: IS FUR'T'?EF. AG;l'EEDA!fI) !Vi)E 'A pART Ol'1'HISl>E::D, THAT A ROAD OR'~ITHT OF 'rIAY nOT i I, , \ .' ~'.I'" . , +-.c. , ~ , l,I:," I ~ :,>' , . .' ';,;-:1 " :'.,.., .~ - " , ' .. , I.- -,; ." 'r, i' :31 I' I . ' " .: ~,. i '"I "I ; .' ~ESS :r':iAN FIPTEEIf'EET-IN~IIDTH WILL BE LEF.T ALonG TID: SOUTH LtltE: Ol'T~ts PR6PBR~Y!"' , , : TOGET:t.ER w1 tb all h,nements. "heredllament8 a~d appurtenano~8 with every, pri vilegt. rl~t~ - -'. . . . ~ ~.' . t1ll '" ~ ' ~ '. t1tl.;:lnter~8tand estate. dower and'~ight of dower, reveJ:"8ion',r~1nder ~d hsemerit thereto belonging or in any wiBe, apperta:1ning: TO HAYE AnD TO ijOLD the same in tee" simple forever. ' "And thesaid,partiesof,the firet part do oovenant wIth the said part, 'of the 880.nd ,'~ p,art thd, I the, are lawful ~T ,881 t&~ of the said prem1s ed, , thfi t tbey are free from all Incurnbrances.lu~dthat they havegoodrlght and "lawful autllorit,to 'sellthe same; and the, sald parties' of tht first part ,do hereby fJ11T w~r..~t the titb, to. 1&14 la.n~. ,end W1t1 ' " - - . ': l!"" defend the SalJ18 agl1nst. the' lawful olailXls of,-all pet'sons' whomaoeYer, In WITUESS WHEREOf, the'/8aid parths 'Of,the- first part,haye hereunto set the1-r hands ' ,---' , "I >" , apd 'ltal. th.' ,dsland year above wr1t..~. Signe4. Sealed and Deli?~re4 in our Prt'tno.. ... - - ... ~ ~ .----