Mission: - `t : Governor
To protect, prornote&inprovethehealth
of all people in Roddathrough integrated Celeste Philip, MD, MPH
state, county & co munity efforts. HEALTH
State Surgeon General and Secretary
Vision: To be the Healthiest State in fhe Nation
b June 14, 2018
�Q Welf) lk 01; �
Mike DiFrancesio, DiFrancesio Construction
8840 Lonesome Pine Trail
Fort Pierre. FL 34A45
RE: Modification to a Single Family Residence - No Be'droom'Addition
Application Document Number: AP1349501
Centrax Permit Number: 56-SF-1307
32 Soveriegn Way
Fort Pierce, FL 34949
Lot: N Block: 9 Subdivision: Queens Cove
Dear Applicant,
This will acknowledge receipt of a floor plan and site plan on 06/12/2018 for the use of the existing
onsite sewage treatment and disposal system located oh the above referenced property.
This office has reviewed and verified the floor plan and 'site plan you submitted, for the proposed
remodeling addition or modification to your single-family home. Based on the information you provided,
the Health Department concludes:
1. the proposed remodeling addition or modification is not adding a bedroom; and
2. it does not appear to cover any part of the exis ing system or encroach on the required setback
or unobstructed area. I
3. No existing system inspection or evaluation and assessment, or modification, replacement, or
upgrade authorization is required.
Because an inspection or evaluation of the existing septic system was not conducted, the Department
cannot attest to the existing system's current condition,) size, or adequacy to serve the proposed use.
You may request a voluntary inspection and assessment of your system from a licensed septic tank
contractor or plumber; or a person certified under section 381.0101, Florida Statutes.
If you have any questions, please call our office at (772) 873-4931.
I Dianna May
j Environmental Specialist
Department of Health in St. Lucie County
Florlda Departmant of Health I www.florldahealth.gov
in St. Lucie County • 5150 NW Milner Drive • Port Saint Lucie, Florida TWITTER: HealthyFLA
34983 FACEBOOK:FLDepartmentofHealth
PHONE: (772) 873-4931 YOUTUBE: fldoh