HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1273 :f12.. ' , .' . ,I . . . " , J' " , , ': . ~ , , I " < ~ " I' ,I." " , I ' ,J 1 ' JI I.., . " f j'~ --. ,I' i .' , .t . 1. . . _ .1 ~ . .., j ... , . f; . '/ 'I . ,Q . : . , , ~~,~~.~~~~;:::-~~~:;;.::;~,:::;;;:,;~~:....~:;~~~~~--;;:.:~:: ;=.;.~~~- :'~":';:~~:"""~~';'=-:-~~--::':''';'"1:''~~:~~'f'-::~:''~''. f 'STATE ,OF'lfEWYORx: ',':,,"', 8S::' . ,I: ,,' ',', ," ", .' ' " .' ~. 'oJ, ; ~, JW>ISON C()U'N~ CURK'S OFFI'CE, " ,,:,,'.', ' ." , ~. - \ ~, .. . . - . . .. r . .' I I '. '. " , 1_' ALBERf'F. DEVIT~.Cier~,' lot 8a1d"CQ\Ultyand~ Of:'the,Sup~eme',andQOuntV. C,ourts, .\ \.. t.. ", . . \ ;', \ " 1. i . .' \.. : \ \ ~,,<. . _ '" .~' _ t~e'same.. being Co1urte 'Of Re~ord.,do"l1&:rebio~rt!fY that ,Anna B,. WOlke. who8t n~e 1-", ~Ub30rl~&d, ',~ -, I . . i. . - , . \ . . . .;; . , ~ ' to the oerUf:l'oahot the proot .ora:okDO"1:e~ent ,otthe'.anne.xe~ ~trumept 'and' ~_hereon ~it.. :;. : .! . ' .\ \ , -' . " ~.', ", - " _ . ';' \' \'. .....:.. '- I.. . .:' . . 'ten, .as at the tinie of t8.kIng suoh proof: 'or 'aokriowied8l1U~nt~ a 1IO~~PUBL1C, 1'or'lJa1d CCk.l.nt1.: " " ., ' ':, " ", ' .', \, ' " " , ' ,',' , ", ' , ',,' "',, '" )' ,twelllI18 'in :sald COUJ).ty., and 8,wo,rn Imd,duli 'author1z,d ,~o' 'take'th~s8me, ~ ',And ~ther th!1ot.I ; .' . " ." . \;. - .;. .- . +-~ ',~ ftl.l '.~""into,O-Jfi~bJ,-.h;.a~~~j,""~":"'d m~ii,b.i.~~nt""tt.he "! gUA~. f9 tho.Cort ~~lt \;; ':; ...~', I : ,oate'9t ~a1dprodt,or ao)Q;iowled8ment' 18 senlline.,.,, ";'" '~, , .', . " ','", \ \ .,,;: l. ~ , ' 'IH T!STIMQIiY Y(irEmF. I 'hav~, hereunto .set ',my ,~d and a:ri'~ed the se'aJ.d~I'8a1d' QountY~d' 'i . . , . . . " '. .', ... . . ~ · .~ t t~e'viliage '6rwampaVille. '1i1sald :c~ti,,' ~h1~'161;h ,da.)r' ~t -1 '1925~ ,"'..:~J '. . . iUbort\p, 'Devitt, ~l.rli:i . . ~I " By . '., ~ .... .,.. . ,.;, . Deputl, Oi~rk~ .. , ,,~r . '. \ .' . . '. . ' '. .' ~.' . .. .' i ',', ' .~ ' "., , " " '1 d r.oo~e~'thiB ~he' ~,ith"~~xq .A..D...l~Z5,,'~t'i.56 P.:;.':" " ,., " ,< "1 .' .... . .... '.',>,..~ '.' ". P:C.~dr.d. CIO..krr:-t, C011\'t. . ': .... ~j ,.,\;i~t. Ct. S · . ..' <fl'a'~. ....... B10~{l/'dL~.C.\'.;:! yv, 'i ' . .. *. , . ...'. .'. " . ., . . . ... ... . ... ... ... . . ... .,. ... . ... ... * . * . . ... * . ...,... * '. '. .. · . . · / ~. · . . · ... . .. ~ . · · · . · .. · . · . ~ : ~. · · · ... . ..~. · . . .,:. J.... · . i '.' - ... .' . . . '..'" . . . , .; '.. . . ." ~ J ! , ~ .J , i ! ",.) 'J'l .~. . t' , ,'\ , 'I ", '~.,'.~ " " \ ~~ ;~ \ \;' j CLAUDE"'. W()()Di1ARD. andvt1i'e. '" ' " t9 , H. 'A.., TiIOJU::f ~m liELLIX E ~ '. ',,:0 .. . \I1R1tlH~ DUD..,. , \ ' " ,J--- , '~IS:D~.Ir&a.e the3rst.~ot])ecembe~;"A.D~1924': by,Ciaud.e A.,WOOdWard, ~d,lt8ebel1e " ".",'.' ,'0 " "....., ",', ',I, , ' t. WOOdward., hia\111'e 'ot ~he C,OUl1ty' 01' St. Lu.oi.6 t, ' S~a te or.'Fi,ori dat hepe~nUtero&lled t1).e , . '; ~. .' . .... . . '.. . . .~. granto~8. ,to H.A.: ~o~a8 &lle.111e :1t.'.rl10!ll&IJ,. ,ot ,the"Countyot~t. ~o~e. .'and' Sta~e' ~t ,FlO~~da!,: ".-' . , here1natte'r qalled th$,sran...... '~;\~:_,',. : ;.'" i".~ .' : . " " nr~SSB$, that }he~aid,gr&lltors1ri, ()ow.l~erat~on' ::~t',~eJ1 Dollaraand 'other valuabie ,," " OOi1lJiderat.i~ns ,~he reo.ip'1;'whereot i.s,liereb1'a~~0Y4ed8ect, do'give'~,.g1"ant.~-b~~a1ri,-'~a-ell~~~'"'~--:;--' . '. ~ . . . - >. .. . . '.~ Illen; rem,ise, 'rel~a!le, , erite.ott. 'oo~v~y and ,~9nt~rm unto ,the sai~ grantees, apd' thei:w: heirs: and &8alsnsinfee simple. the :landa situate in St. Luoie Cou.nt7, State ot'Florida, desoribecl . . - . - - .. . ~ . . - '. . as to110ws;,.. Lot, ,~en ,and eleven. Brook eight. ~!OOd addition'to Vf.tro., ,FlOrida. inolud,ing all, " 1 lJ:Qpr,ove,lUntSar1d., buUd1ngs.' thereon,' , . ,Sul)Jeot. :1l0witver, , to&il ~s.essment~ 1.1" any' be levied' , , tOr the;year 19~.. and :all ~l)8equent year~. $4.00.I~..St8lllP8 0&rio-t1.1e.d. .' , , , {rOHA~, AJlD TO HOLD, the, eame together \'I1th' t~e , hered1 tament;s' and &.llPurte:~oe8 'unt~the ' , , '.' . -, .- . " .aid gt'antee8; an~ tile~r heir~an~asSigns',ln 'fee simple. , , . / . , , !A.lmt~e ,8:.;.ld grantors .for theIQsolv8S and' their' he1r'3 ,and legal ,representatives oovelf-ant ~1th: said grantee8 theIr heirs ;(e,gai ropresenta~ives and ass1gUs: .. Thatsa1d grantQrs' are indefeuibly'seised of ~aid land in ~eeB1mple.that sa1d grantors' he.ye:tu.ll power, and la\'ItUl '. . . .' -. .' . . ". - ',' .' ." -.-.. j" " _.. '" ,_n,.... _____,...'. ,'m'_, '_',' _',_.'_'~._ .' _'__ ..-_.----=---c~.~'c:--~-c..-.C---...7C...-..-----.-.~.,-'-',-'-~c""-..c,~o-.~-=_-.~ :~r~~'right~tO.~o:(*ye,:r-8~1~~ma:s'fn~?ee---8impye.~~9j~ aforesaid;-, t~t it, Shall be lawful f~r. saia , grantees their ~,ei~St' legal representat1'les andas81gns. at all t1.llles peaoeably and q\l.l~tli to enter u.ponh~ld, oooupy. and enJoy.saidland: that I:faj,d land is, troe from all 'inoumbranoes, " that sald grantor~ their heirs and legal repre~entat1ves. 'will mak!such'further assurances " , to perttC?t the fee simple titl. ,to said l!anc1 in 's.id eranhes the1i' heirs legalrepresentat1ves ! '. " - . '. . ~ -. - --.? .. -- -.-~ .."""..._--._-~-,.__..'~---".--~-_._~ and', .....1gtl8. -1.1 ma.y- 'reU<>n&bly be're'qU1red: and --th&t 'said -sran'to"rs -do hereb1 :ru.ily warrant th. ~~ ' '.."',.,,',,.' ,~ ~ '-! . .~ ,} " , title to ...id land' and ,,111, defend trie' slIDe ~ains~ the law1\il. olaims. o~ all persona wholll- ' 'soever. .1ped.' .taild and deliv.red in the pr...no. of: , ..A.I.. Y01lMt.. /Oha..lttaol' .~on.18on" ~~~.'';;'~. :.,..~ ~~-~:.~: -"-.2Zl:~",~r. "<"~;r~ "r- ""';~ ~ + I WITNESS. *he hands and 8t&18 'Qt 8aid 81'antors the day and, year first above w-ri:tten. , , . ~ ,Claudt.l. Woodward (Seal) ...b.ll. ~. woodward.', ~ Seal) , , ,1