HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1276 J ti' "T, ~-.'-:-;~ :,".---=..-- ~.-'.. -", -~. .---:.;.- ;.'-.~ ~ '-i -. - .: "I I ~ . . I! i ~ . !' ", I - " ' I ''I' -,~~......__ \---T- -~- I, ,I , "~-T'~65'''' , I _'It. .,1 , I, . ',' , I i' I' ... r"" " '\ f ~:,,~7~~~.~~7~~;~';~f';~~";;~:"~,~~;:;;',';;:~~~;':::di~~~LJ:~~;;1~-'~~c~;::~:::~~:.~~r~;S::;;~~:;:;' l " 'IWITNES~ lA7h~d \~cl' .0t,f1~~,seal. ~t.. C01Wl1~~ COW1ty, or ~ranklln. &n<1! Stah,!~f ,~h,10. .~h1s \, : \' '\' " '. I " ' ( 01' AprIl. A.D. 192.4;" " "\, . '_, 'II < I "" ,,'\) j \" t " ' , ' , \ ,Bdwil1-;I). St~o~ous~" \ ", ',' I,.;" \ , '; I " ' \' '.\ ' NotarY P\1bllo, ~ CClmm1ss10n explr"a .r~e ,1,925" \ II . I '\' I . \ \, i'.. . .\ e~ ~~~'\'1i~~' ~7t~' '~~6,~ hy'A..~. \926. .a.t 'io~19 'A.,I(";: ~.:\ """;' " , ~ '.' ", \. '\ \ ,. " ~-q,")" 'P~C' .fd~,Clark ,CirOuft' 'Co~t.\\, ' .' . \ ,'. .. , ~~~' ,', 'BY",~ ~~ D.,~,~, , '-~- -~, ~ - ---~ - --~ - -~~- -~- ----~--- - ,--~,-, --", --~' '-' ,- .'*.. ~ * .\~'* 'i,;.'* * * ~ ~ * ~,. **'~ ~ ~ ~ *~' *,.~'. ~,~ ~..*,* .'. * .J ....-. .,eo.' _ lit....... .;.."..' .\..'....:....~.'._.... '.. .,_.. e.. .:. .... .\......':~. -, . .' , .; , ~ \, ~ ~ ',' \', . 'l' \..., , ,: '+ .:, ,',;<, . . AX:ittI- H4LSTjlQ.a.' '\'. -;t~ L '\ ' . ,\mOl( :\IT MAY _:C01lOERX. ,I <' , :, ",'1..,\ .' 'i , , .\ i '- 1 \ "j' \ " , '\ , \ ' \ \ '. " r \, ' ; ,'STATE 'OF~ FLO'RIDA' . ~ :, . ,-' , 'LCOuNTYOF,ST.l4l!5'IE:',';, ", ., >, " ~, 1-' , . .' Befc)i'e me this day 'P81'sonBll}' Qaz;1e AXel R8:llStroll1tWhO~ belJ:1g~1rfJt: duly' ~w~ri1,flay8. j,'that he 'is' an~:ha'S l)~~n.'~o~ 't~ePa8t' 2~.'ye~8 a'res1cl8nt, 01' St. L~Ol~' .~9un~Yt .Fl~rl,d8..i" that' he 1s and, 11&.8 been for the ',PA~t4~":Ye&:l"S"i.>e:r80n&l-1i-a()q~1nted wi t~ ~.Yl. Haral;th~~r8on ~ed .- , a8,~antee '1~ &, certain Warra~ti Deed date~'~ep~embw.r 20th, ~907. and ~~~~~ded,OetPbe~28Y~~ ' 1~7. ,in, ~eed Boo:t'3 at page 2~2, ~~'reby',there- .Vlas ,oonveyed to "h1m ~h8 ~ou.~tieas,~ q\iarter 01' ~h~e_.No*thwest ,quar'ter and ,tp.e:N~~tl1\Ve's,t, quarter 'oftheS9'..l.the,ast Q.~r1!er. of'7~~e0t1~n731.~", ".,_~~'C"'~:' . ,'ToWnshiP';;3 'South, 'R&nB~,'40"Easti, that -the<said Ii.\l. H~rm:~e.B, othe~lse lm~lm a~ He,nryW:" " ;,. . " . " -' ' '.,', .." '..' '-,. ... , ',"" ", . , " , ",: .', '.,,', ;' '., lta.rm; whO signed &oertain,' Warranty Deed:~o~veY~nothe irorth,\'1~at.Q.u9.r'ter .o~ the Southeast- ' '.q~~~r'.aro~~sa1dto" Olaf ttel~eth 'bY 'de~d' da~,e,d',~oh 318t,,19i3,'~d r~co~d~d"APriiH,tli : 1913'~' in' Deed Book 15 at page 147; that af1'lant ~oWII that ~he .~er80n named 'as' bl'antee ' : in the:tOl'ldr d&edand'th~~ersOnn8ined as, grantor' in"th~ lat~e~' 'deett~~~ One 'and:, the ,same. '.' . ",' '.,.' ," . ... " , I " ' r ..fF I D A. V t,T .. . ' " ~ ' J ' l,::",~> ,,','.., , I F.. . ' . , the Ax~~. 'He.lls~rOIi1~ met' thls'the' ],2~h' ~01'Ua.Yj.!D.',i9.25". , ',' 'E.E. Sanderson~,' " ',' l,ol&ryPU.blio~, S,tateot Florlo.e. at Large. . " 14 COl'lllllbsion eX1>1res lIay24...192~. , 27th ~,of May A.D. 19~5. at 1.51.P.1.t. , .' .- ,". ' ." ' ',1' '. " . 'P.C. Elc4'ed" Cle:ikCirou1t: cOurt., I . .; :t~ r, ~. " f r: ~' it, .s \'1 0l,'I1 , ; < ;" .,; ~ , " . Jj~/'~tJ ',' " . ~ , " ~ /)"0,.... , " vu(( ~. , t ~. ~: ~ ~~ ~ t. , ~, ~ F~-, ~ " , ~. ~ ' ~, , ~: . ~.' t,. . .. .','. . ,. . ,,'. . "~y,"~', ".,','".,':"., ',,'~" ,'~'"',"',.,,...,',," '," 1>".c,.","".,',' " -; .' ,. ~;. ". ,...., .. ' ... - , . - : '-.. ~ '.3- , , . . . '. . . - " , .' . .'. .C..,. . f.; ......:7'.,~. . -.. ' - 'j.'. . c. B,ERXELL" AND wtFE' ,TO 'DEB D cin,QFVERO.' . . , , -~I-S--cllfI)EItTURE-,-bt8.deuthia th,c2'1th:"daY-01',December'A~lh ~9;~3, betw,een c.. B~rkell' and' ". . , Rose' Be.rkel1., his, \'111'0, o{ theCouniy 'ot .scott,' and~ta.te 'of I~Vle,~ ,part1e~ 0,1' ,the first, -,"'art, 9 , and: ci ty of Vero~ 'a LlUh~~iPaJ., Corporation, 0,1. the I State of ;~o~1,da, party 01' t~e se.cqnd part~. \iIT'ZiESSETH, tha:t'th~, said parties pi tlle',~ii-st part;.forand ;in' conSl(,iel'atfon '~:t; the ,s\~ , ; 01' One Dollar ($1.00) in hand pe.id'by ,the said party otthe seoond'part,the receipt whereot ; ". ' '. . ' " ' - .- - <,: ,_ _' __ "--1 '__". __ -'. _ ':. _ _ _:_' __ ': .. ------ - - - ,,",:' ~,.' i'. .,_ 1_ . .. - "- '.- '.. -- . ': is ' hereby aoknOwledged" .ha.v~ granted,,~a,rgalned, sold, remised andre1eaae~j ,and bX th,ese pre- . ~ " " , ~ ," I f senta do.grant~bargaln. sell,rernlae, and release unto the said party ot.the second part the , following d,esoribed property situatea in the~it~,ot,Vero. St. Luole County, Florida, tO~\'Iit. ~~' Ea~t o.Jl.~ ~~ <?ne h~tJ}..trLf~etof~ot IlJ~~'" ~.t,()g~' (tw,9.,,:E..M~lY9Q.t\'_.c , . Seoond A~ition to Vero. - -' -" .-~- r--""'. . , TO iIA~ ~iD TO HOLD the same W1to' the ,add party lof the seoond part 'for 1;he p~poses of '.lay1hg "own and Q()nstrUotfll8ati any time; sewers, draIns and. water pIpes in and upon' th~ 'above , , , : ' '. . llesoribedTprOp&r'ty;ancfto ubepan4 maintain the same for the oonvenienoe 01' the oitizens and ):Oesldents ot the City 01' Ve1;o.Florida.