HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1279 ~,i.'c;! ' I. '1:: f,\: j I, ,I f I' '~-"-'-lr~":~i"'~-~~:-I..." ..~--'~- , , I" .. '", ,_ r f " , ' " I' '~1. "";;~~f';2;~~I;.i-~.";;..'"~~~,~0a~~~;:~,.",~;L~:......~=~~.L;~~,tc~,~~~;;~ II',: ,rUed ,8,IId hOOt'4.d. ,thll ~pe ,21th., day 'Qt'1lay \~ 11. U26. at>l.O.~9, A.~.: , I . L" \ . .. ,\ \ ). -l I '\ ' \' 1 ~ " \ \ " I \"" " " ~,I ' "\ .. ,i I" :tIll; :' P"O,. Z14red.' blerk Clrou',.t C:olil't. " , , \ ' .'.:2f, ',\ \ \ ' 'I, j , ');""',. / 1 ~ 1 '.,1"\ , '. ,. I't" ,,\,~. ' '.....!. /- I' -L' / './ r/.(, "I , l ' ,\' ' "\ C\~v\t.:Je l..~, ' ' , ,1< '~" .. l ,Dj(" 'l'1L<,)..~Jl'<,f I" ,t:'\"../"\",,,a'r-t;,l _<<'D.O." ", " ; ....,,,.; ~... '.'., "","*. "....,. .,.'....:... ~. ~',* .,..,..'* ..,.,. '.,..',.,.. r*'. .-'\..'; ;, · · eo. . .-. . '01 . .' . . . '. .. .., .-. . .' . . . . .'. .- . .' .,.....'\. e. . . . ,. .; . . .. . . 1 " "." . !'. . ".~ '" \ \ -,." ,_ ( . t, ':' > l ' .. . \\.- I " ,: 0,' ,_: .t' IURBEY SLOAll,' ,\ - \ ,'to,,',; '\ \' RO'SIE PW~ \,'- ,I ' l.' '\, ,I;. \ ,\ ',I II, ' ,.\ ;'" I' \' " \ " \ " ' ' ., , , ' ' '. "~t.UT~ 1?~ " I, " \ :': \ ',', , ' ',' " , "','.' \ ' \', THIS DE!U), ,lIa,~~' th~ '26\h d~y \~f~a~. 'ol~, D. 1926. by Bal'ne1 ~loan" ,.-. slns~. 1D8~ ot the:: , "c~unt;'o~St"Li1o~e \:8~;t~'~t' ;i~'rldi~,h~~cel\~afh; ,O~~-l~""t~~ 'tn'~-~t~;-;O:;~,~1~:~~rk.;~';t'~~~---' Counti .otst.iLu01e 'State &f j'io\'id.ft,.~reinaft~~ oalled'the gl'antee; ',', ,\ \ ,.' c, ' ' ," " , ".. \, , ,~, ' ' " " .' "" ...., " , , . \' , r ',: ' , lU'tNESSETB,that' ~~e',,1.d gl'~'~n~ln. ooos1detat1on of'Ope;J)oil.(~x.xl,oth8l' Valuable ; ), er.t'1~,~IJ'~~e,I'''oel~~ ~hel'eOf '18 be1'eb7~oki)oW1ed~e4. ~,~ei'~Ua, '.r~u'. \b:~l'_~ln,." sell" ,.lhn",l'~-' L ..U... ~ .id .e, ""eDt'ON., o~n"J.nd GonU.. llli. 0 n. ...,d 8'.nh.', .nd ~..; ~.l.." ood li. .1808 .lli ~ t~e ,81~pl~:.the' l.~. situate lnSt. L-uole' c,oWi\y~: ~tate o~ riO~1c1~;\de80~111"d"a8' f~110W8':~"",' . ,"'. .. '. . . : . '- .' . . . ~ - . . ..... '. ". . - ......- . " . ',', .,....' , ," , .' 'Lots 1. '2,3 aoel "ot:'Blook'll-; _g,wood A~~1t1,Qn h ~et'o... ., 'TO ~V~,A1ID. ~() BOLD .t~...m~' ~Og'..tb"l'~l~h' 'the' hetecl1t.melit~\lnd'~P~U:l'te!)ft,~o,s~to' theeald 'gl"aor. t~e 8~cl, ber, he11:8 and. 88818n8, ,1.1, fee '1mpl"~" ~' , : ' ~D th~~J ..14 'gr8O\01 torr.ihiiaultaDdh18, ~el~a 'a.nd.:1eg81 ~p'.e~eI1t,8~~n~,~oonnazi~ with "1~: , ~rant~,e.he'r'h81t8, 18pl n~l'e8enht1Tee .'nd, aeslgnil:That .a1d'8"an\Or' 1s: 1ndef.a.l~ly 8el".d'- . " ". ,. .,.'~'. . ';., . . ~. ~ ..'. -." - :. ., . .. . .,", ,."'. ~ <. . . . '-.' . -.. . otaald, iarid 1nfee ilmple; ~~h.tia1d grantol' hae fi1llpow~d lawtul 1'1ght ~o' OOn.,.y'sald land. ' " . ." _' ,.-," -' '. ." ..~."'. "._'" ';:. .; ~ ". '". ": .' , ~ '... :',,,,' <z,.. .~". In fee, 'sillple, ae', afol'e-.ld; ~hat it shall be ,lawtul' for u1d gl''-lltee, ,hie heil'lI 18gal'l'.preBeilt8~~Y'ee "'," a'n~ '~8e1sn~, 'at ,all: t1me.spe~.oe~b11,~!lci ~t;.\,ly)o't"nt~r ,UPQ~. !lou., OQoupy.a~d enJoy .ald land;-, " th8,t.ai4' land, ie tree #O'll!~llln~~br811o.s tbat.ald$r~n~1)r hh he.lre,ai1d"legall'epreaentat1ntf, , , ".. ,wUl make 8:U.oh tUl'ther'as;ur8Ooee '~o,' perfeot,the fe~.llDJ>.1.e' tl Ue' to ~1~, 'land Inaai.d ,gra'nh.,,', r l: . ' , , , , her ,hel~s.l~gal repr~Q8,~t,aU~~Stfud as'81gna~88 ~i l'eas~JUlb17.lJe 'requii-ed; andthat.uid g\'ai1torB,,' " , d,o hereb,F f\llly w_l'l'imtthe:t'itie to,eald land and\-i1l1' det,nd\he' .~e, 88~ln8~ the lawtul 01a,lme; '''. ' 'i. .----~ f' ~,,: " \"1' \~ :' \ ,\', '\ : \ \' \. \ , . \ .~ ~ . \ \ .' ~'~. , .. \ ~, ~'''' , i ,.~ " . - 'l . '. of $11, pel'8oni whomB08Ter.. ' "~llESS 'tHE ,ha'nci ~4 'sesl 0~._1dgran~01'. .' Siped'. <8e8184.-, aDd ,dell v.r-.d. '; 1n the 'pJ'8eeno~, ot ' , ' " Alto Adams ' , ' , , :the dot oilQ.y~a-c: firet ..bove,wrlUe.n..' , H8rn87.. R. Slo.n. (S.al) . , Evel)'.n JeDk1.n8. STlT!OrnORIDA' COUNTY Op.ST., LUCIE. . -,' ~ . .. , '"l1W1~~ OJ:RTIrYtha~'on th,lI dtlY pet.~~U1Y appe.r~4' b,e1'ol'. me. an otfi.oerduly.aut,hOl'hed', \0 adllllnl.hr 'o.the'. 8114 'take' a okncrwledglnenh, B~l'n,e7 Sloan a 81ngle man 'to I}l8 w,ell kl,1C?lrn ial,1d . . known ,to, lie 'to. be ihf)dindh'1.d~i d..o~1bed In ~d who,:exeou'te4 thefOreg01.~.,deed,8nd ~~'aok- nowledged'beiou,lI!3that he eXE-outed the eame fr,e811' aDdvolJ1Dtarl1y tor tbe 'pu'l'posee ther~ln ". , , tX~l'eBB.d. , WITlESS 111 hand endotfl01al ee81 at rt. Plel'oe, COjUlty of st~ Luoie, anlt--5\"e'of .. l1orld8 ~ th1a 26th '...y ot ~y, A. D. ~U. B.P.Stal. > ' Alto Adaale HO\.f3 Publ1o, State of rlorlda at'Let'ge, My 'o01lllD18a10n explt'uJeo. 19, 1928. ;~ ,Ud and l'eoor4ed thla the 28th dey, ~f ....y A.D. 1925.. at 2138,P~M~ /' . I' P. O. ~d~,d. ClerkCll'oult COUl't;. " 'Ct-,'4)t. 5eal. , ,I ~~7/,i;;i~~ In' ,:i I )f.. ,...., /" - ./ .I /,-. /,1><1'''-'''- : '1-, (,\ 't(. "1 "(",1' '(' , 'D.O, I' ~ ,I ..