HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1290 " I' ,. ' J 'I ,---,---___ I .- I '. '. I \ ' "'. , ,I, I I i I' ,I ' '.. "~';.";:;'::.~;j;~:C,. ,c::7.......'!-:: ..;.~~'~':-:::x,',..;:~+:.;;:~;f,~~:c;::~';:;":.;:--~.;.~~:;.::::.: ~.;::;;::~';,~"..;;;..;::~.....~?~~~i;-;. I ' \. I, t' following terms QnQ conditions:.' ,I '\' , ii' \ I , :' $,815,.001 O.~Sh\'~l hEllld,: }'~Oei~t \'i~e'r~~tl~, hO.:'~b:l\acknbwiedg.e~.: aM' ~h\e.<bah~1\c\e or 1'$0 i~ put9h~s\e; :'r~one31 e21'G~15~<)O to' 'b~ 'pa'ill 1n,t,lie tO~lO~Yl118 '~al~per,;i e437~60 Q,n 'th~'2~d\'daj .'~~ p'O:t:~.\92'~ ,'. I '\ ,'f'$437~50"on APrll'1\t~~.'1926;,'\~43Y~50 pn,ooto'b~~ 2,nd.'l:~~6l"';'," ,\ " -t -, . . ..: \ "'.' - ," ~ '., , ,," i' ~~37..50 o~l:Aprll' 211d. 1,927; ~43?50 CU'Octb,b~'r 2nd,' 1927; \'. '. . .. . \ :\ - . \" , I '~407 $0' on'April 2flQ "'1928' , \ " ..' " ",; \ "1,' ,', \", ',," '\ ' ~ , " " ',' '\., , . " -.' '" ' " ' " l.to8~,the,r.\Yi thin tereatat ,,~ per' onnubp(lyablelto:-,i'f~,t: Jon. 'lst;., July 1st;, _of e~ck'le_a:... . : .\'. l' _ . - ,.' \'. . ~ . _ _' '\ _ . . .. -.' \, \ . .' , " 1 ';'lhole sum remsi nlng'frorn .tIme to time \1.I11)8io., \Theb~ said ~u~cha8e'pr1ce,haa beeU' fully- palo' by . ~- t ~--"---o .... . :' " . .' ~ - _.' . -. - ~ . ~-.. -.; ..' \ .' . . .. _ . . < < i 1 the' pu,rohaserl t6'g~therwHh_ln ter est: as ~ bov e '0 ta te. -al130 all texes ~~~s.es:mel1 to, elJddoth'eX' , .-:-:r-'-;--,,::' ," ." c.." ',' ,'. "",\. '",\.,.. ' " i'impositions that may be.lego1l:; levied 1.1pou,Snid prem1S(Hl aubseque11t, 'to the year,192..:.~the , i ' ," , , ~' ',' , ,,' , ,.'. _ .',' . ,d,l-.cOf:lp8ny ~l~lCO!)v~y the,"S81d Vrcr,1i ge~to the, pUf:cllstier ,'b;i a, t;O~d' arill 'a~ffi(lICn't~llrro.I1,,7 d~e<l'", {'. . ~ . '. '.. . '. -- ','. . ' f' free aud clear: o:f any: 8n~ all i11oumbral1cea, except1ngt1t'e tQxes" a86eaemelltB',~1t:PQai-tion8 , . .', ~'~'_ ,._ .,.. .., ....... :.... ,'_ \.c.... _ .- ',' .' ,',. .0' :'J",: . - " "" ,,_~-'- ,"= : ,_ ~ 1:'h~roinO'bo"'e agreed to~e rafd~lli'~he purch~Ber.\'Vhl~~ sel~;d~~d, ,h?wev,~r: ,His, agreed' ~hal'1:' .j"contai,nthe fO'110~~g~co've,~en,~a};O~U11'Wlthtlle,lan'd:", ,';, . " '): ,':": hl)" :That;-':n'o ,~erJber' of" then~gro' ,race' shai~ ~direo~lY, O~" ind,1:,eO.t;'y. ,eoq?i~'e f; , ". ., ~ " .', '. ".: '. '. '. ~ ."' .". " -. ",:., . _,_...._.__~.__..____.._.._'__.:__:......'-."'~._.,_ , in the said' premj,ee,~ and 'in 08,se 0'[ an:! 'viblHtlon of, e~i~ cO'1enslltsl,'tltle'to'.t.hr",aid'd I '. '" , 'L--,', , ,I ' " " '.' 1 Sh~l'-t~O',tacto'revert to the ~Ompani.' , ' "\ ' , ',!, , (1)),, That th~' 8ai'd prer.lleea 'shalls b~'llae'd' only 'for 'Rescdenthl purpoee~' 8;a whe'D SO ue'ed ..., . ",..;<t '.. . . . -, , . .' . \'. . ~ r . ~ i the grol1,tor :ahGil fort~~lthrrovldefor 'prOP\lr'S81'iitary G1Spositlon 6feewere..' ' ~', <'. .' rr .,,:U, ' "~ ~ ' " ~',,'/.,'~, t,,',i. ',: ~.' ,~~" , , , }, ." . ~J . " I , ' , .' . " , ,,/, .. ,\ ,\ .... .. ~ (:..., , " (,~" , ,'", :' ..... :-~-~~~ . "'I, , ,Il' .,'{co'sUng leaa, ,than t400C);OO""" "j . " ! . ,: I : -tl , " , I, I. " " ') , '. !~ ,\ , - . - . . . .. ~ . . ' . . . -. -'. '. . . Co) Tha.t- nOlb~lldi:ng',.or e::oi:t1ori th,eret;o r;hall ~eereot,ea,'uPpD' th~ ~a10~er.l1se~ where~" . " - . . " . "-", ',' ,-',; . :", .', ",'.' . : ,: - . ," . ,~ -' ~. ,~ .', ~- . . 't'by th€:ftQnt,i1n€:o! .add bUn'dl!1Er Qr 8,dcH,.t1oIl, shnl1,b'el1eare,r to ,th()1'ront"tlDc dso,iO pre:nisea " Or '", , , ", , ,:,' , " ': """. , " " , ,',' , ',;, " " , ,: t.han twentj-five ;teet ~Om:,thf'!r.O'nt ],.1lt9 the:reof'. and 110 .reald61foe,ehal1 blil,erected, thereon ',' ( 6) ~t l~hereby' ep'eoft~ cally agreell ,tna t the, 7.onibg gYBt~m 1s he:reby: e".pted:86 port O,f th,~' oonaid'era tiol1.of' 'this, deed. ~' . . . . The, COr,lpnny he;r~bY',8gre~!3 to "clear 811 Lots,; ,er8:de and enr b all st;r:eeta'"lay ,neceasar;;l '11ne, sewers nnd 'herd ,SUJ:'f8C~ at lells,t,ten toot drive\Yllya. ! ' ,\ . '. '. All lots shall' be filled toep ,avcroBe elev6t1~D of at 'l~Q6t' four fee't ab,ovn aV,erag e W8 tor , ' ' ,:In ,IndiaJl River'. ' , Thl) Comp(jny~,8ere.8 to' bti.1l4 ,two eleot~101igllt' ,l1.nea along the main streets ,to' th~ '. :. , , :Beaoh " l\' ... . ' . . . ,I'r IS l!U'l'lMtLY ,AG:t.~~t?18~ th~tiIC8,.ot PJr..rmen,t':ereunder: 1a tb6, 'essence "01' ,thie' egt:ee:r.ent. land that in C8$O otdotaul t '~i the ""Ufchnser in oarryt'ng out.r. YO'! th~ teriJlahereot lvJ him to be .' ' ,per:tol;'med, el;ther 1n the makins 0'1' the' 8e,v,eml'po~':"lent3: herdn"agrf:e~,to. li~:m8de, b~;~~1~.' or oth'E)X'- ','Ri!le~ "then t~,iscont;'8Qtshnll thereupon be, 'and __~v_er~whe.rebe, deeme.Q.',to, ~,null' ai1d"old, 'lls:rmenta' theretofore made'b~ thepurchaaer on ,th1e cont~act, shall be 'retailled byt~e 'Comp8~ 8S ' \ '~ita ~n money, 'n"ot 8S,~ forfeiture, but,8a,..l1qu~d8t(l~ darJl!l?es hereb;r rL~ttu~lly tb:ed sn~ agreed uto'n " , , by the 'I.art1es hereto. The respecUbe belleflte ,811d obligatlO'naofth1i3 aercctilent r:hnl1 1mi.re to '~nd be'blndlng upon ,the so'id,part1es I)nd'~helr, r&Ppeothe'auooe8'6~, ossigns, hd:rsarlo persocsl ~.(Jpr,eBentutlv()e, bu'~'no aaa1gnL1ent 01 this contract by the Purchnaer ehall'oe 'VEiI1Q\'litho1.1t th'e ponacntof.the,Cot:ipany -endorse~ in writing upon such n~8ignr;:ent. '1I ?O!'tT 'PI:3~ ?nrA!tC~P1 A!iD CO!T~':?UC':'Iml CC!~A!IY . BY 1!'. G. lfcl!Ul.len (~o8l) 'prealoent'. (SeDl, Attea.t: Geor~e S. Saylor Secretary . " ,,' '!Hgt:cd;---senled linti delher$d t-o'l1.ffeli-rthi,ireQ.~wc. O'! us: G, L. 3ul1i Vfln C .C. ' !Hot7.1nburg .. _,___1': ~ 'Po ,-, . , ~~ r