HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1300 \-, . I' II, i 'f i ~ I I I I 1, I ' ,\ , I I ( , " I ' ''I ',I " ,I I : I 1 " ':. I " "~l9 , " , , , \ ,! 'fl -'d , . : I '. , " i' , ' .i' ' , ;, " ' " f '. ,:i y , ,. .' , ~~ '_"'~'~;j<':\:,' -:-.~l~ :;~:~ ::~,:,-~-:-,;: :;-:;:"".~~~;~:;-:-~-::.':':~=:~~:~:""_:"'" ",;:;;;.:: .:~=~....:~.,::~~;;::;:::::..~,.",', ."~:~I~'." '''::~~'' ':t"~~_~~_-;:__~~..!:::-;;..:..~~ .~:: .,.;..,..,,:~-:,- .,,'1: 'i p.art;t o.r the ,18,$0 on~' p~rt, tl,1& ft~e'..rl.ght ~nd; ,prl:Vl~~~el Of: 183.1~ '40wn 8,Iid. oolnlst~uot1~' ~t ~: ,.J~' ! 'tlme,se~we~s. 1,'dr~lnS' and e'or) '~f1ter'plp\e8' \l~on' thl) fol1~"b1g d,e'Bor~,bed p:rope,rtYJ" 8n4tO' ~ep,~-r--~L.~r' , \' I '. ' " ,', ' '" ' ,', \ ' " I'",,;. " ':1 ~and'''mainta,1h .thesam~ ,for'the..~onveni.eno~ or:.thtt ol't1le~\~ ~d re8~d,e~.t8' ol',t b~~Cllt, of1ero~ . '~ II I', I \ ,\' I 1, \ ", " , .,.', \ " ',' "" ',\, ',', \ ., ,I I " , I . ,,', l' , 'l""plorUa'.'to-W!t:t ~\ i, 1 . 'Ii, ", \ .'\, " I \ I ,l~he EllS' one Jl) and,orie-half (.) feet'~' , I' 'I, \ ~" . ! " \' I' $' ,; ',' , ' ,\ I" " \' I j, ',I, ,,' 11"1 "of tot ~.ri,(10)'lnD100~T.O (2) of ""\'1,,, "I. , " , ,i . " '\ , .1, I , Ostteolal'atk AdUti1 oiito 'vero. ' , , ' \', . , \:... ~ . ". < < . \". .' .,' \. '" \. . . , J,~ ~~-';' r -'.'----c-' .......-TOGETHER' wl'th' the' right c5i-'-lrigre'lfif -ah\I"egreBs~'ovei'- ee:1d-I1'relriiseij-fOi tlhe"- p~'r.posi"oY' ,,- '1 \,' ~ , ,,',' ',' , ," ' ',\ > . '\ ' \' !' Ceroislng the ~l~.ht or, J'J,ghts h&reb"g:loanted., ' \ , , \ " ' , .' " " I, ' , .. . \ '1 A:ft'et the oompl.~,ion of."tbe la,ylng ,dom ei1d, .0,onstruot1.ng b1' tAe 8aid""'ity qf Ve:ro of I ' ',',', ", ',.,,' ",," ,", ,,'- ,'I \'t~~ sewers; dra ins" '~d .'( or). 'wa~!tr' pfpe'8~aa 'he;l'~l~ P~OV.ide4' f~t. ,the sa~.~'~1t1, of; "no " , ,\ 'does ,her,by. b;the.' aoceptano~ of the,' gr~t' of' '~e eaE"emen't8h.re'1i1b'~ioriJ'~r~t~4;'agree' t,o; , , " ,. - . . II' . , '. '>. .... ".. .,. ... .' . ",".. .. :. ., ''- J (., maint'9.ln: 90ver1:ngs 'at ail 'tinies' on ~r' o\'e~~'8J!\\ 'a'U ~xoavaU0i1$n1fi4e' ori the 'pro~ertYher.';" f . .,'. - ',- . - . . . ~ .. . .. . . . . a> . l' in~etote deaorfbed ~ '80 'as' not tounneo,88arlly i~nt.rfere w!tb the, proper utIlization, 'of, t\: ,'. '. ,II ....\ .. I' ila1dpropefty bY tbe grantors '1'19r~l'n; '01' the1,r 'helrs,:or a'ssigns.. '" .' . > ';, .. -, . . . ... . -. '.. .:: : -." -: . . -. . ~ - \ ". ...". - ~ : .' - '- - . . . . " IN WITUESS ,I!JBREO". ',rtie tald, partle8ol~lie'firE1t,,'paI.:t havehe~eunt-o' set . . .,.'" .: .: . . . ,.:, ~ . ',' --;. . - .' -~ .'. ..". '. ~ . .. '. - . ~e81s 'the day, arid'Y~~~"'-:~1rBt,~ above ~itten. ,,' " tbe~ :r'h.a~d8, . ' , ,1, and --.L~l ., . ~' D. F~ Zlgrang , (Sea1.) - )irS. Elhabath'~lgrBr?8 't.sea1.) ~,' ":B.H~ Pbl~lip~ , H. G.' Redstone ": '~t,l' .4 1 8TATE'PP: FLORIDA COUeY or, ST. LUCIE" , .. -'. , , . " I ~~BY C~TIPY~: Tha't. on:tb1B ,de,y per~~)Ila'll~ ,appear(td b~f-O~'e ma.an Ofi'ic8"r4uly autborized: to adm1n1Bt~'r oath.s' and take 8!.}ktloWl ed~e~t8. D. Y.~lgf~ arid::illabet hZl*r'arig oh\. . \ ~e. to ~e we it,,", o~ tO~ ~e th~ per ..".~ .~orl bed' 1ft .~d. hoe ~4" t~d t)ie ;'0 mg~l"g ... ;lostrwnent, and they a9kl;X)wledged before ,me, that the, ex~ou ted the aii.!nufr801y,8z:td VOluntarily . '.. .' . .. ' .' . ,.'... . . ';. .' ":. - ",. .' '.' ;.. . . . . :' ' '.~ . - ~ .' - ..' f' for, thepurpo'~e' therein 8J,CPressed ~ ' " !' "the , '~D i,lU.RTHER, ,CERTItY.Th!it t~e, said 'EUz'ab~th Zlgr~g:,', kniniD.'::t~ma, to' bG,thew 1fe ,of said D'. P,. Zlgrang'.' on a ,separate end llrivate e~.ination taken ,and mf1d~ by ani baforemo, .. '. ,_.. . . . ".' . - ,. .,. - . ... 414 aokno'wledge that .ahe q6xecutedthe ,forego~ng~aBamentfol", t~epurpo8'e, of re,l1nqtl,shlngj , '. 'allE!natlng and conveying all her"r1ght,t,itle end.l'nteres,t. ..h'~ther 'Of',d ower.', homestead 0 rot, " e8p,aratep~op.eX'ty~ :s,tatui'o~1or, eq~i.t8bif!l. in and to toe landadesoribed 'there~n" and 'the.tshe ex.,ecuted ~aid Ea8emen~ fteol~,ana vo-limta'r11.1 and,w1thout" an$' o'ompulsl<lri. ,oon'st.r81nt, appre- hension or ,fear of or from her aaid hU~band., ".wlT~Ir;SSlDY.li!lnd ana offiC1'81seal, at';ero,~ COWlty of St. L~o1e, and3t1!lteof.' J... D..'1926. H. a.Redstone, lotari Pub).1c . ,JIy:oomml~slonexpTres Oot~14.1Q-25, " '01 " ~ ? ,~ :,',......," ',' , . . ' " " f ; ?llt:tdandreoorfEid on this 'the 2~th day .of Uay~' 1925', at 10':42 A.M. ( ( " , ., t , ,:'J " r.~, I' ,- { ~.. ' " " p. C. Eldred, 'Chrk 'Cirouit, Court. J'~ I . I ", ~......,. - r" " ...,' .:.;, ~: ~ , ~ I ,,. B,~~ta ," D.C.', ',I;' '" ~ " .. ~ , ...:;. ..: ~, . . ;to.~ >