HomeMy WebLinkAboutREVISIONRECEIVED OFFICE USE ONLY: DATE FILED: REVISION FEE: 7J� JAN 1, 6 1019 ) � � � _ ���� Permitting Department PERMIT # St. Lucie County RECEIPT # PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES RECEIVEQ -1ii -1- O r--- TT!'. TTi ♦ T WT Tit-OTAAT STATE of FL REG./CERT. #: ST. LUCIE CO CERT. #: BUSINESS NAME: t� QUALIFIERS NAME: L6A , tLLI I CITY: STATE: -r-L— ZIP:S PHONE (DAYTIME): 7Z Z-��D -��(o % FAX: I OWNER/BUILDER INFORMATION: NAME: ADDRESS: CITY: PHONE (DAYTIME: STATE: ARCHITECT/ENGINEER INFORMATION: NAME: `ttPe- � I'cf --G&-� ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: PHONE (DAYTIME): '-1i Z -9V - f-KX SLCCC: 9123109 Revised 06130/17 F ZIP....... _..._._ . PRODUCT APPROVAL GLASS ITEM TYPE II)i BUILDING DP2 PRODUCTDP TYPEs S. SWING, 5 LITE GLASS PANEL, (2) DOOR ' 14" SIDELITES ALL 32.4,-34.4 50,-50 IMPACT AFFIDAVIT MFR MODEL APPROVALU FASTNERSG PLASTPRO Fiberglass FL 17184 DOOR S. SWING, 1 LITE GLASS PANEL ALL 32.4,-34.4 50,-50 IMPACT PLASTPRO Fiberglass FL 17184 DOOR OVERHEAD DOOR ALL 30.5,-34 42, 46 IMPACT - CLOPAY 84A FL 5684.4 DOOR SLIDING DOOR ALL 30.3; 33.1 60,-60 IMPACT PGT 5570 SERIES FL 21179.2 WINDOW 5 PANE PICTURE W/AWNING ALL -- 32.4,-34.4 50,-50 IMPACT PGT PW-5540 FL 243.1 , WINDOW HORIZ SLIDER ALL 32.4,-34.4 60,-60 IMPACT PGT HR-5510 FL 242.10 WINDOW PICTURE ALL 34, 45.3 50,-50 IMPACT PGT PW-5520 FL 243.9 ROOFING MODIFIED BITUMEN ALL -30.7 field, - 79.7 edge -60 field, -82.5 edge N/A CERTAIN TEED SBS Modified NOA 17-1003.04 ROOFING METAL UNDERLAYMENT ALL -30.7 field, - 79.7 edge -45 field, -150 edge N/A TRI BUILT SMOOTH HT SA - FL16048-116 ROOFING METAL ALL -30.7-field; 79.7 edge -74.-7-field;--- 176 edge — N/A — - SUNLAST - - 5v crimp TNOA 15-0212.07 1. 'ID' as per door & window schedule, or all meaning worst case of all similar items of that type. 2. If building dp are left blank- see door & window schedule or design pressure chart. 3. This affidavit is only to verify product's compliance with wind loads. 4. Unless products are specifically submitted for verification by contractor, they are assumed. 5. If glass type is not specified more than 'impact', may use any of the impact glass type in the install instructions to achieve the stated building design pressures. 6. If fasteners is left blank, may use any of the specified attachment methods in the install instruction matching structure provided to achieve the stated building design pressures. 7. I have revs e . t bove components or cladding and I have approved their use in thistructure. C� CA rn FRANK LIE, C>ETt .� cn "j` f �7 In © C!2 Yyvi C� These products provide adequate resistance to the wind loads and forces specified by current code provisions. Z n -5 0 c J�A -c � 1 T Florida ,Building :Cod'e Online I�zI Pale 1 of'z. . �`� .ram �•kz,. �� ��� U.$ �`� � �d�.a. BCfS,kome 'Log to f UserRegfstratjo'n ROtTopirs 3 Submit surchargo, StatsB Facts: Futifi[btfo FBCSCaB ( aGtS,5itCMBp a lipii5.j `Saar } �. PrpducEApproval. {� - tl,SER•-PubIjC,User �, ' Prod , Anxroaa 31 > Prci}uct or Aooli djran s*arch-> tloplicat1On L,s+S AppliwWhbiAAj,, c * FL'# FL160Q8-RB `14, O"zlo - Applicatl4h=Type � Revision �rjh 16, Coale version 2017 7�`I 1 A 0.11datron Statys.- Approved ,4��� c,�o rornmen. ts. I e.7d` Arckeed` Product Manufacturer Tri Built Materials:Group� LLG AddressJPhonelEmaii. PO Box 7,Q Rutherford; NJ 07.070- i ($00) 516=1485 david ruin@ trib uittmg. c4th Au# fiorized?Signature David Ruig dawd. ri iz@tn builEmg. com Teehnical :Representative DadidiRuir ;Address%Phone/EmaiG 25wkoute 17. No" East Rutherford; N3 0Z073 (201)'842 2449; davida'uiz@trt6'uiltinaterialsgroup:com.: Qdailiv Assurance; Representative` AOhone/Email I :Category Roofing. Subcategory Underiayments. ;Compiiance Method Evaluation Report.from-a F16hda Registered ArchiEect•or a,6icensed Florida*ofessionai tngf6eer.. i Evaluation Report .-Hard copy;Reeeiveii Florida Engineer or:firchitect.Name"who'de4eioped Robert Neminen the Evaluation. Report } F(arida License ' PE-59166' QUaiity:Assurance'Entity- ,11L CLe: Quality Assurance ContgacGExpiration-Date 07/18/2o2o Va'iidated,sy John Vv.<Knezevi -tf, PE` `Validation,CtfeckiisC, HardcopyReceiyed. Certficate`of`Independenee FLtb 4 ::'Ro` COI :2D17ND COI fdi�mnen g��}f+, Referenced 5%anLiard'and'Year (of StandaCd) St ra p, A5TM 970 ° Y ASTM G155 005 Y F , � FM Aj.T ��'o I-, r y L 5 a FRSJT.RI Aprr12032Q4{Arai UL 2S97' J k r kk�� jGf, 'j j Ip ��*f� r�a��<�• F;� e SYi �d7 Eopivalence;gf,:Proiiuct'Stanilards E..Are� r ; y' t�i �� gr Certified. BY. _ � eRN fl Y p�f+t' f i SecHons,fram he;Code 3 u ? y Zt _. h„ s[Iww�vfloridabuilciiri .or r/. a dtl:as x?' aaram=wGEV wD tFPmdYi+tD::; 1I,1:21,2018 ` P P PP� p Q: - ci .. Fl Ohda.',BuiJqjng.cqdeOoline, PriAtidAppromal ketfioa� ' Bate ;SoAn f4qo,. Data Pending 1 Approval: date Appi•oGed SumrlMrv'6f:Pr im6ki, method'.1 b '0 /25/201' of Pe-ripti all f6U48;' !(adhering ifmits Of Use'. -AAProvezQ6r useAn HVHZ.�.No .App'i'OVe`d'JiDr,uSe my"zo Yes: 0 EL16-8 R6 11, 2017 -------9—FINAL ER TRI- QA_ jqufjskj6 R 1604QAkadl Verified rt M By PE459166. Design Pressure n Other, The -design 0 e- sl9p Pressurz-nohied her6in peiiains.,to use' Created by-Inde0endentThirdParty .;Yes, lEvaluatidn' , '6ft Rep ' of-foam on the YsteMs overtop the self h -adhering E" a6A2 QI7- 0!1 "14A TPIj- tirideriayment for one patiquliat applicati6n, S(e*.El d, ?;JkefdrtoE,R tion'5 for --9_E 'iRL..T...... -UNDERLAY ENTS,160.4$m R6,,d5,6 Created otjer'Ljftjts:,6f ' ,._ 4Y,'IPOePAqOqn,t:ThjrdPartv:Yes Sack. ta�:rt 26Q sir twfie�RO�Xpataou The StiWktf6tfdalan AAk&e�(oy�r, 60yd0t2007i913 RE�fFuidaEdna atgmncn. Xej , nY.� c�d ProduckApproital Ad&ts-- Crel*,,P, 4r.d. safe hops l/wwwfloridabuildng 'FPmdYiND., p pp r q PO Box M Rutherford, M, 07070 (860} 5164485 EXTERIOR-RESEARCHA DE51GN, I:LC: Certificate of Authoozation #9503' 353'CHRlP'A' N STREET, UNIT #13 OX..FORD,.:CT 06478; (203)>262>9245 Evaluation Report A42960.1012=116 FL16048-[t6 Date, of issuance i0J25/2012 Revision>6::09/2Q!617 ;SLOP€i This.Evaluatioa Reportis.issued under Rule 61G20 3 arid the;. applicable rules anii-regula1.tions goverrmg theuse of construction materials 61..e State of Florida: Therdocumentation`submttted has been';"revlewed,by;Robert Nieminen, , PEE. far use of the'p"rod..ucf `under the'Elorida BwldM Code. 'and Floritla 'Building Code, Residential Volume: The prod ucts.:-described herein, have. been; evaluated .for compliance_ with the 6" .Ed #ion ;(2&7); Florida; Building [ode ,,sections rfoted herein:, DgCM.PTIOiV:_ 'TRI .BUILT'Roof Underiaymenf's LABELING:; Labelingahall' be. in accordance with; the requirements, the: Accredited` Quality Assurance Agency noted; ,herein:, CONTINUED dOMPuAN, This'EV,21Uat" i Report 1' Quality Assurance d6earneittation changes,;:or:p tills: Evaluation `Reports by the: named client; o changes of the referenced:;Q�ality Assurance.'cli Evaluation, Report relative -to' updafed.Code;regi A4VEgW ONT The Eva(uation` Report riumber advertising literature;; if-any;portion of the Evali losowiowp9mrequesti,,zi copy;of this°entire:{ ifs;distributorscnd shall be available for'anspecti This Evaluaiion'Report cunsistsof`pages:l throu, Prepaeed ft.' Ham-_ Robert 1:C41i.= N'iem. inen,' ;Flor dO.,Registration No '59166,:Ftorrda-DC4ANE1983': nail sueh,time:as-the named products) thanges',140 referenced. s of the Gode, t} at relate to ",the product.'.ehange. Acceptance:of• s's agre-e'rnentto; notify Roberf:Nieminen, P E.:if the: product, ration changes, Trinity( ERD.requires a.- mpI te.,re...... f ;this: is with. each Code Cyele,. ?d by the words. "Tnnityj ERD Eva{UateL"' may tie di'splayed� in eport:is,displayed,th'Ovitsiia{I°:be:done in itsentirety, )ri Report shag b provided to,the userby the: manufacturer or e job, site abbe request -of the.'Suilding Official: 'lhe:faam7e seal appearing Was au[honzed by Robert tJiePnlnerl; 04/25[201} Wis dgesnot serve ai an etedronically signed dacumeM;: `CERTiPiCAT10N,OF:IP7DERENDENCE Ii TOO, ,ERD does not -have, nor does �Y intend'to acquire;orwiiFit=acquire-_a Mn Tidal interest:.in any ;company manufacturing or. ' distributing products it evaluatesi. ' 2. tnnttyl ERD is;not awned, operated or controlled by any company", rnanq q#gringor distributing products_ t evaluates: 3,: Robert Niemipen„.P Erdoes not have norWill;acquire, a`financial inter, sfl , "'company manufacturing or-,disiribu#ing:products:;for which ftae evaluation rep.Qrts are being issued.,,;,, a, 4, -Robert'Nieminen -P E..daes notjhai e, nor will acquire; a,fippRe 1. inieresbin any_oiher„entity involved n.the approdal process of the Product; 5. this i� a bwltling`eode evaluation-:: Neither TrinttyiERD nor RoberC Nieminen`„P. E are; in any way the"Designer'of RecQrdy'fflr:any iproject on whicfii this Evaluation• Report qr previous-versionsahereof Agas: used for'permitting;or.`design guidance unless retained specficaily for, thaL.purpo5e:, .. ROOPIM; Cbm-ObrVE"NT EVACVATIPM4t 5cqpt'. 2-- 3, 'jIERD P Ucttategor'W "900figg Sub-Categoryt Compliance ;�tatetndht -TRI-B -;a& produced �,y,,TRk7'RqILT Mate I -,VILT'96of,UnderIaymeht!, p ... rids Orckup,.ILC have h W p ' ?q7)'FjOHda'OUildIng Code -ifiro -"'esb demonstratedc iboliati�d,, thlbel0lowing sections ofth6W ;Edition q6 testing J!j-atcdr,&!*,,with tb' 110 in Siandards., Compli' equirerhenis,an&Umita�i W1 9 Compliance is,su ohs herein: ,5tAWbA6bk Section- iO4-3if 1504i3l 1151 0 1 7;2A/,1507�l-li�,1$0.7,1.2--.9.-2' REFERENCES: Ph . t 1',i<ppectles, Accelerated Weathering Ing Wirft'Resistande" Quality �uaj ty.1ton . troi Quality Control. -Standard Year FM'4474 2011 'UL 1897' 2012 'A5TM.GI$5 2005 ASTMD..19.70 2015 ,F,kSAlf.ki.A'pr.'il,'2'012(p4rl2) 2012 Reference Date S405400113-1 , 540540 11,13 ,, . 1111 18, 40.OA4 0 . 3 . /26/ 2014 S44870 Q4:14-2, 544870 04714-4� 44J10J2014 S43530.'02.144-R1- 1*/ZO4 :S4300V 5.'14 050 8/?93.4 0/81/2Oi4 :SC76'45,-'02U' 02413j-2615 'QS'127/2615 C 66/07,;/M-7 MOipid-Ust "RI'681',4 12/16j2015 ;5ei ice Confirmation: b( '07/ p. i8/2026 411 PIR-0000 DESCRIPTION; 4.1, Tif7'6Iu'Ift;,"Sand'-'R':SA Shiniie'Ooqprl' . mdrit is 6; self, i he— I d ring, g assrmatxeiiiforced; sanckudked, SBS modified bitumen—roofbitumen-roof underlayment, Wifh,a 315� rich. A6k fli i s meeisAtTM.bb!" 41, 'Ti ikiift §/A,'AT,,YU UnderlaymentIs. baefPadder ' Ing',non'-woven PiAesfer fabel -SBS�modified' kiiturhemroof !:,surfAced, paymphT, ffieets,A-STM D1570;andFkWT' RI-Apiril 2012. 4.3, tif- T Built SMQbth H VA Vn&ielaymeni is, a, se f-�' I adhering,.glpss=rnat reirifofted, fflrii-suif6t 6d,. -SB&, mpodified,ipi "r tt#h On _ 6bf - 6fid' er.layment; meets MTM 610b. 5: LIMITATIQNS i This is,,a b idiqgcode qqe evaluati6q. ,Neither Trinit_yl'Ekb :nor Robert Niernine E' _9 P;, �,'are, ig Any. way, j e bp igner.4.-�Rk -d'f' -'ebV- which WS Evaluation Report, qt previous vi� sions.,th '.ti . � dh. . t Otit "0 ''.'d L I less nitained:'Speeificall' ��O f anceun ,5.-2 'This Ev tion Reports no f.'fbr use In ,5.3 Fif&, Cjass, fidaii hisnot partof this. Evaluation Report; referAo rreft, A0 0OV6d' Roofing: ng. Materials 'W'600,y fdr-'ftre raiings'.ofthisproduct. EwluaflqrOeooit1142dA'6.i!-A xit 4A40qrOqo4q#qSOi 6n'iDITION (201'7j,FM NON.1-16iZ i"WATjort 7Tki-BuIL'T Roof 'U'vid -gI y , Me n ; p, . 'FLIOWA6 ia 3.485. Revisi 01" O9M 'Roge:7100 : I , ,ERD A TRI BUILT Rao%" Underlayments ma 6:e used, with "an - Y y prepared •roof cover where the product, is specifically referenced within F6G approiial docuriients," if, not- listed, ra' request ma'y, be," made to the Authar+tyHavingJurfsdicti'on far;appro"val`;Eiased on 'this evaluation combined withsuppc%rting,data"f-or tfie prepared roofcoverfng:; 5.5 Aflowable.,koof Covers-. Underlayment ._ Aspnarc Shingles, Naii-0ne; Foam -On Tile" ; UAetdi , - wootl Shakes State, 1 .. - &Shin es TO "Built 5�and R SA,StidSle j �" Underlayment Yes No No No: Yes 'Yes Tri-guilt sJA'HT Tt1 Yps ....:..... Underlayment Yes Yes see 5: Yes< Yes, Yes Tri Built Smooth HTsjA iindQrlayment Yes No: No. Yes Yes 5,5' 7 "Foam Ori Tile" is`Iirriitecl t4use ofthe4611owlna<'Arinrcivprl TABLE 1A ALLOwABLETILE ADHESIVE j UNDERLAYMENTOIN+�NATION$� - �r �. Adhesiva, FiPrgduct;4ppravab ,.• " Underfaymenfs ICP;4dhesives Polyset° AH �6E3 FL63321 Tri-Built S%A H7 Ttl UnderW'yMent bouu'TiteBonc v ;FL22�25._. • , ,. TrPBOH SjAHTTU066; 1ayrr►ent S.t ` Allowable 5ubstrates:l 5.61 Direct -Bond to^Decks;. Tri Suitt Sand tt"•SA Shingi-e Me men -T,r+-Bu its/A>HT TU UnderlayrrienL o Tri=Built $rt+poth HT VA Underlay - Pt applied to RlyWood, ASTM 041 pnrned-piywood; OSB; ASTM 041 primed Q$8',,S"outhern Yellow Pine, ASTM D41 prirried Soutf%eCn=Ye(low�Rine .AST.M.D4,i primed st`ructutat C inerete. WFiile not required overplywood,'OSB or:Southerri,Yefiow Pine substrates; TR1 BOtt 1V9atecialsGrqup, LL`•c' recorr+rriends priming the deck +# the final, roo#cover is riot slated ;for instailatiotirvuith+n 24 tioisrs'. Note; TRl BUttT lUlaterials":GroLip, LLG:rquirestongue=and-groove~board decking be cowered vJith• plywood or t3SB prior to installation of thaself-a( herir g underlaymenf: 5.6.2" bond=to=lnsufatron: Tci-Bu+lt'Sand Ei.SA 5hingie Underlayment,`Tri-B. wilt SjA HT T.U:Uaderlayment or Tri-BuiiL,S664iii3HT`S%A onder"layment:appfied ta> ➢` Dens'Deck' Prime; 56CUROC-.'Gyp.. Board For installation wailer mechanically attached prepared roof coverings, "insulation shall. be attacled� per minimum requirements of"tile prepared-rooff covering manufacturer's Pro. duct,ApprovaL For installations; under toa ri on tiie ,systems (Tri-Built S%A HT" iU Undeilaymtnt, only), 'insulation attaehment,,.shali des+fined by a quairfted design professional'and installed,:lased'on testingcof thensulatioisJunderlayment`. sjistem in:accordance with FM 4474, Appendix a orfiAS 114, Appendix 1' 1Referta:Tile`Nlanufnctur�r`sorAdf7es+ve>t�anuacturer'sfJA.rd'a.ProduciA" roUa! rOverturni�ry.N�omeRtResistancePerforrriai?r@: s "pgtf esearcit and Design, LL[c" Evaluation Report;1142960 50;22-R6 ferEficgte ofAud)orizatio0 #9503' i5�°#tD)TION {2oj?-j �Rc NE3N NVE#Z EVALttAT+QN d 1'6D 78_RE R1-9U+LT Roof Undedaytnerits; (goo) kis- 85; Revision b: o9J25j2017 !P.age;3_ of C)O 4TRI l 5A-3 Bond to Mechb'iicallv,Atiached base Laver: Tri ]Quilt=Sand R`SA Sfiirigle Underlay"me' Tri=Bui S/A:HT 7 tJ Underiayment or Tri Built:Smootti HT'VA Urider'laymenfapplied to ASTM:D226 Type l`gfil felt. for mstaliations under mechanically attached' prepared: roof coverings, base•-(ayeu:shall'. be, attached per mimmuni codified requirements. For installations under foam -on the <systems ,(Tri-Built S%At HT `TU; Under)ayrnent, only),:base layershall`be:attached per minimum requirements of'iFRSA%Tt I, r.j12012 :' 12). 5.64 Wmd Resistance -for UnderlaymenCSvstems in Foam -On Tile Appi I icat . ionsi. FRSA[TRI. Aprll .2012 .iO4-12j does not:,address wmd uplift resistance"of=all:ur der(ayment systems beneath foam on 06e 'ystems, where the underlayment forms-, Dart of the load=path. 'The iollowing,wind uplsft limitations apply to dire."t=deck. :underlaymerifsystems,that are, 66,t.addressed. in FRSA/TRI April. 2012 (04,'-12), and. are used in.,foam=on file applications. Maxirnum'Design Pressure 'is.:the result .of testFng for wind, load resistance based on allowabl'e'wind {gads, and. reflects„the ultimate -passing pressure;divided,;by 2 (the•2 to 1 margin of safety perFBC 1504 9 has already been applied). Refer to FRSA/TRI A0H.1' 012 (6.412)„Appendix A, Table 1A ,or FeC11111­60 , for determination of design:wind pressures,; 41 i'UlaAmLim D•esi�n'Pressure 45 O'psf Deck" Min 15' 32 inch plywood to m9dt pJeoject requirements to- satisfaction of Authority Having7unsdi�tiori. .. Primer,: (Optional) ASTtiTM DD41 or RESISTQ EXTERiOR.PRiMER' Underlaymeiit:,. Tn t3iiiftS%ATU.Underlayment,-self=adhered #2 Maximum Desieh %Pressure ,•=67 S psf; Qecki. Structural, concrete to :meet project ;requirements to•satisfacbon of Authority Having_ Jurisdiction'. Primer:: Sopreh Flastocol;606c Underlayment Tri=Built S/A HT TU Underlaym0 t, self :adh&,k[. I. #3 Nlaxinium' 'esien'Pressure 15U 0 osf; ; Mn 15/32 hih'APA-rated'BCXpiwod'(ma°be installed, deU;Deck1. 'p); tameet project' requirements to;s tisfaction pf'Author ty Havmg )unsdiction Deck tsreparat on: Plywood, shall be thoroughly, cleaned -to, remove tlust and, debris; that., may. inti"rbit. adhesio»� All :sheathing fasteners -shall be tlrivenflush with:'th`t; surface. •AII :sharp. spipnwdotions shale removed/ndedl:.., 'c Primer; I (Opts-o.nal) " 9.11 O EXTERIOR':PRtMER ljnderlapriient;' Tri Built S/A;HT 7Uf Underlayrn self adhered,, shall ;kre thoroughly] roll using. hand roller and/or weighted roller, to ensure there are no woitls; .and ensure, ttiere,are no voids/bridging at-sideand end -laps: #4 ,.MaXIMU f D6k6'Pressure = =60.0 psf Deck; Min. 19)32 rich plywood to meet pnaject requirements to: satisfaction of Authority Having J`urisdictiiin ; Rase Sheet: 5oprema Sopra-G o"r Modified Sopra-6 mechanically attached with nails'(FBC15175.1)` and<tin caps (E13C 15175.2),spaced 64nch o c.:at`fihe 4 inch laps and 6 inch o.c. inAhree, equally spaced rowsIn the center of the sheet. ' lntler)ayment, Tri Built $/A HTTII" htterlayment, self adhered, Exterior Research and Design, Li.:` EvaluaPion Repart'1142960.1ii 12_R6 tertifca%.of,Autfioruation ri9503` �ni EDITION (2b17) FBC'NON-HVHZ EVALUATION EL1�048=R6: TRI-BUtLTRoof Untlertayments;;.(800) 516,-1484 :Revision fi OS[35/2017 ;Page$°of 6`. 5,6 41 Far mectiahically attached Base Sheet, the,, design pressure for the selected assembly shall',mje orexceed;that required under'FRSA%TRI'tlpri) 2.12 (047. ,AppendIx 4 Table fA:- klteenatively, the -maximum design pressure 'fortiie selected assemily shall 'meet, or':exceed ;the Zone 1 design. pressure determined in acc6rdance with F6t 1609 In this case, Zones. 2 arid.u3;?shall' employ an` attachment densit gsigped by a �qualffied design prbfessio[ a1 to resist the e1evate6 pressure. criteria. Commonly used methods are AN51/SPRI FU Loss Prevention Data .Sheet 1 29 1 and Roofing Applicafion Standard t 117. AAssemblies marked rntith an asterisk*��Carry the:;limitations set, forth in` S, c.00n ,.Z.I 1 of FM,Loss Prevention Data Sheet,129,(January 2016) for..Zone'2 enhancements. Exposure Limitations Tri Built• SandR SA Shingle Underlayment or Tvi4uilt Smo(ith`'HT S/A Underlay6tie6t.,shall no.0 be. left: exposed for longerthan3,"a' aft_yler installation Tri Built S%A WT Tt) Underlayment,s all.not be Ieft exposed fior longer th"an:180-d"ays _after insfallatFan: Slippai;e-Limitations'tTAS 103' perFRSA/TRi Aoril'2012 (04 '12))- _ When loading roof bles on the,.underlayment in direct=deck the a.'ssemblies, #he.:maximum raaf slope shall be as follows These slope lirriitatiens can only: be exceeded"by using battens during loadmg'of;the roof tiles: - I rg h .. r k ? .„ ,TABLE 2 TII �SLIPPAGEILIMIT111lONS FOR biRECi LiECK TILE INSTALLA110N5 z y ' f Underlayment Tile.Profile: Staging:IVlethad Maximum Flat Max Mtile stack 6.12 Lugged Max 10tile stack- 5 12, . . . Max 1Q t�leatack.(botfbm 2-tiie.sfack shalfbe.invertedJ,911 rued by&#iles high ' 6:12 pn;slope, as shown below) VT ri Bui(l SJA'kTT(1: #Oil uniierlayment hugged: a k Exterlar Research and Design LLC . Evaluation ReportMig6o.1012 R6 Certlficale of Autharizoha» 119503 6 ,Ei�t7lOIV (2ti17} r BC•N)JN NVNZ E"LUAT!P f116 340 it6 , TRI=BUILT Rn':nf t Indeoaymentsi.(800) 516 i485= Revision G 09J25/2017: Page5of;6 TRINITY."[ERD, & fivSTALLAfim 6.1 , RoofM1 1 * - d TRI BUILT Uerlayment's shall be installed in accordance with TIRC UILT Materfals, isroup, LLC- published' 'installation, requiremen ts° subject,to, the Limitations,�s'et. ' forth in Section 'S Herein and the &164ioted'below .. 6-21 Ree--Wfen any loose. deckingP , anelsi and check for of6tr6djn' haillheads, Sweepi -thij g. he.substrate roughtY ,remove ,mO 'isOtiorto,applit6tioh,ahcfpelm,e�ihe,subsirate� fapplicable);: :io,,anvd'ust trLBu #t-§9nd-R-SAShin016U I 6:11 Shall bdinstalled; ' -e with the requirements -,for'" 14970� Ufid6rIbVm in An. coMpyanq F61C Tailile, .Pe,Q,-,p.roparedro.ofcovering,to'b lis,ta llpd n 'Non `filesapplicatons: V ct%veris Apply 's heetpafaj 1 61 t6-the ,roofed ft;of 'reiease film. Adhere the e i ,, exposed ,Once, the: entire length ' _ Of -mpmr membrane-tiiht. 46[y.-Tal , Irbrb6t ;H61iTontal--seams-shoulcl: bec;minln Jnches and staggered -'not less than rec6thrheqids prim _g'td66 il,the final roof: kolLoui,appro)dmai em rane c e, - el�y�i ftdfM,-.,6­ — I— -'I bak-th" first' ..,pqq pee j 3 and unroll ibe-rema" ining membrane-ps,far#s 0,6sItlblji. in . pla,66 peel -off .0 the 'release:.film,diagonally, ,while h-o'i'difig:the 6d-or6,is.thie.Mombrane;into:place:.t'o,achieve .,ij bond; inches,,,cofifigUfed -to: shed,water., Verticaf,seamsshouid-be 6-- irh,%�Qi!Mal seams in ftfe,,course, I below,; sealedin,gccordance. with When,:Installing at slopes above: 8.12,, i-R!BUILT Materials Group, UC* recommends Iback-,InailingInthe overlap area at the too ofthe -sheet at'12 irich'6.6. Fpie-Valleys -and Ridges:, bji underlaymentinto Wt6.6 fobt:16nAt4g. 1`061 --th e-:rel ease -pape rand center,sheet ov.ee-yalle,y orridge. 'Drape. and press sheet into piAtp, working from: he,center of the valley, or ridge -in. each:d'ir'e6eion..F6r-valiey,sapptyih e�shedt.ttartirigOt-the lbWeft point and workupward, 6.33 'file:Applieaticins-'(Tei-66ift-S/A AT-11JUiddriairfient 6gly.14, Reference :is- made: to FftSA/tkl, April 2012'04-;1 ) !hstallatjon M6n 'ual:, and Table i=herein;. using the'Instructions noted-above.ase a , guid' 11 . I v _ , For applicafibrisi refer ence is made, to Setaid' i5 Ij6r.eifi"for *,'wMn-d ist 'limit ance I I jfl ions,, fhat, fail outside ;th)e,sc6peof'OOtA/,+T,,Rf,Apr'1.1''201,2(b -12); T10401 be —loaded and staged �n a ,ma nner. that prevents `tile; slippage and/or damage to the underlaIYIea tee .Table Zher a-00 MaAO.ials,0 upLLCR46ilihed�*requf ements farAle ,st4ing: I^., "gul At guild1hig Official%.orAuthontyAiaving-JqrisqictiOnin order to -properly eva.lu6te°the-.Instatiaiton�df Is! MANUFACTURING P ILANTs� G 070, SORA NMNT IYY: U11 57 chancellor@us.ul.com kN41 OF EVALU 1 1. 1. , ATIQN.RFPORT- Exterior Ries6arch and,DesignJI.C. 'Ortifli Auih AkSl EDITION j2017),F6CNON7HVHZEVALU4-TiON ,TRI-BUILTRoof ,Und6rl6iiihdntsi,:(890)Sir,-:i4s!s Revision 6.09/2.5/2017 �V V— IaSt p r0 p 5200 W. CENTURY BLVD. LOS ANGELES, CA 90045 GLAZED FIBERGLASS DOUBLE DOOR w/ or w/out S►DELITES INSWING/ OUTSWiNG "IMPACT" GENERAL NOTES 1. This product has been evaluated and is in comprionce with the 6th Edition (2017) Florida Building Code (FBC) structural requirements excluding the 1-figh Velocity Hurricane Zone (HVHZ). 2. Product anchors shall be as listed and spaced as shown on details. Anchor embedment to base material shall be beyond wall dressing or stucco. 3. When used in areas requiring wind borne debris protection this product compiles with FBC Sections 1609.12 & R30121.2 and does not require an impact resistant covering. This product meets missile level "D" and includes Wind Zone 4 as defined in ASTM El996 and FBC Sections 1609.122 & R301.2.121. 4. For 2x stud framing construction, anchoring of these units shall be the same as that shown for 2x buck masonry construction. 5. Site conditions that deviate from the details of this drawing require further engineering analysis by a licensed engineer or registered architect. TABLE OF CONTENTS SHEETII I DESCRIPVON i Typical elevations, design pressures & general notes 2 Door panel detals aring decal and 3 SiderAe panel detals and g detal 4 9evotkxss 5 Horizontaicross sections 6 Vertical cross sections 7 Vertical cross sections g Buckanchoring 9 Frame anchoring 10 Astragal details 11 Bll of materials and com ants RECEIVED .IAN 16 2019 �c, �uc►e x x XX 151-7 MAX. O.A. FRAME WIDTH 37.27 MAX. 7417 MAX FRAMI WIDTH FRAME WIDTH � �s,' O X X 0 0 CONFIGURATION MAX. FRAME DIMENSION MAX. SiDELfTE D.LO. DIMENSION DESIGN PRESSURE (PSF) INSWING DESIGN PRESSURE (PSf) OUTSWING POSiTIVE NEGATIVE POSITIVE NEGATIVE XX 7N' x 98.0" 20.5" X 78.25" +50.0 -50.0 +50.0 -50.0 OXXO 151.S' X 98.0" 20.5' X 78.25" +50.0 -50.0 +50.0 -50.0 Q. BY. JK c, " LFS kwm No.' FL-17184.2 EU _1 Or_I7_ L1 lientsNPIntpro, Inc PERMANE - Flo' aProductA aISFL-17184 i ass Door-Inwin"svin 18Hl - Drmin SFL-171896TH D F-vLtw.L c-a 45.?S' MAX. DOOR PANEL HEGHT FF ;*: i re FR G g aa fF ffi A r 0225 MAX. O.A-FRAME HEIGHT O 78 T5' MAX D.L.O. HEIGHT I I 8 N-+ SR C —� o 'Cyr•' {s� I Ct 1'I � � A Gi n O _ m n I0 Ia � A 4,W 10.5• MAX z (TYP•) O.C. (TYP.) ,, 2 T c z Z w 8 X � Z� V 2.74• an o b. ~ !: 1• I r �? o Q n o O 7 _a �� 1.75 u B'a v c I59 G7 O NN 3� n ,T�iA ry OO ��` v •' Vcfxaop'Op '�. LNo.43409 Q $ PRODUCT: D«ormnts Pnpamd 9y: � r7 PLASTPRO INC Lyndon F. Schmidt ��i �OleOw j N FIBERGLASS DOOR P.E. No. 43409•%�� IN y 140119TE CORRECT WORDING IN D.P. TABLE LFS $ m `-i UPDATE TO 6TH ED. (2017 FHC JK PART OR ASSEMBLY: K BUILDING CONSULTANTS, INC. �sn UPDATE TO 5TN EV. 20" FEICJK ✓ lr P.O. Box 230. ValAco, FL 33595 K3 gY DOOR PANEL DETAILS Phon. No.: 513.859.9197 REVISIONS AND GLAZING DETAIL FBPE CA No. 9813 w0u"astpm Inc PERMANEN7\A - Florida Product AppmalWL-17184 Fiberglass Door- Inswing•Outswing (BHI)\C - Drawings\FL-17184 6TH ED (2017)\FL-17184.1-4.de4 2.3 95.25' MAX. DOOR PANEL HEIGHT -{ , a- I� o A c tz 1•` w yi (G` p I 1 82.2S MAX. O.A. FRAME HEIGHT 78.W MAX- DLO. HEIGHT- 0 ---I Az 10.5'MAX (TYPJ nc. IiYp I 2,79' o 15 818CORRECT WORDING IN D.P. TABLE LFS rNO 7 24 17 UPDATE TO 6TH ED. 4 22 15 UPDATE TO 5TN ED. 20 DATE I BYi �.l.Iil2 Q.W. h, n,_n,un Cnuw,.�T�Nm luv ZFn g� vZ a e o� v� to O PLASTPRO INC FIBERGLASS DOOR OR ASSELIBLY: 41DEUTE PANEL DETAILS AND GLAZING DETAIL o1 m oI �" 7S' I� No.43409 j Faris ib Pngand 9y1 i • •. F. Sahmldt ��� ••'•Q�'•• �`� .43409 BUILDING CONSULTANTS. INC. I P.O. Box 230, Valr(eo, FL 33595 Phony, No.: 813.059.9197 FBPE CAL No. 9813 Inc PERMANENT\A -Salida OP k r r 17 � N V .. Z N .. x N Fberglan M IM I"U, ing IBHII\C • Drawing,\11-171016TH ED ago O m s CORRECT WOROWCIN D.P. TABLE KDATE UPDATE TO 6TH ED. 2017 FHC dey UPDATE TO 51H ED. 201♦ . 0 2012 R.W. BUILDING CONOU 0 I... ```,►�1nEnrrrr/// / JPen,,, • PRODUCT: DocM ft Pnpnr.e Der, i •. � /ice '•=Z�Q�' • PLASTPRO INC Lyndon F. Sohmldt ���` MERGLASS DOOR P.E. No. 43409 PART OR ASSEMBLY: /r��/ BUILDING CONSULTANTS, INC. HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTIONS J l� VV P.O. Box 230, v5159.0 7 33585 Phone N..: o. 9819.B197 FBPE C.A. No. 9813 3T m • pp , 4 •A A n a W 7m_o ia O O y. n t- I>a N O a v 0.1s, :o j C'SINK la °' 1-1/4 MIN. (TYP.) EMB. (1YP.) m m 1-1/4" MIN. EMB. CTYP,) • Z I ' Z a P • • CD CD 7O O ISV 1� n . • .. O s • $N cgo OO�O Z I� I� 1-1/4 MIN. i EMB. PP.) 1-1/4' MIN. EMB. (TYP.) 1-11,C MIN. On EMB. (TYP.) g' D T A a `• � I • aN e• + a m • �. V � � 7yy0 .• . :♦ N m• • A \\I\1111111//j7 Z o n m g I;a 1-11rMIN No.43409 EMB. ITYP.) =*) • y:,r p $ Q B PRODUCT: PLASTPRO INC Ooaum.nt. PnparM 7��� Lyndon F. Schmidt SGµ... h 3 N FIBERGLASS DOOR P.E. No. 43409 '�i7�•/QAJA1. `;```� q Z N ti 3 2 B 15 / CORRECT WORDING IN D.P. TABLE LFT 'FF of II \\\` K BUILDING CONSULTANTS, INC. e 02 17 UPDATE Tb 61H E0. 2017 FBC JK PART OR ASSEMBLY: is x Tq ,� T f 22 15 UPDATE TO STH E0. W14 FBC JK VERTICAL CROSS SECTIONS J lr� P.O. Box 230, V°Irfeo, FL 33586 -• iv w NO DATE BY Phone No.: 813.659.9197 REVISIONS FSPE C.A. No._9513_ f 2C12 R.W. OUILDINU CGH-6 "INC. Iients\Plastpro. Inc PERMANENTVA • Florida Product Approvals\FL . n �n CA nv O p T z .4 1-1/C MIN. EMB. (TYP.) 1-1/CM1N. EMB. UYP.) o. T V � • n n �• 0 2 • A m r m V t P- •• 3. 74gqs E=1 n p • v o 1-1/.0 MIN. EMB. UYP.) I� s I N t• �y to N N °berglass Door - Inswing-Outswing (111-11)1C - DrawingAFL-17157 BI n tv ttvuLV —r—o"'B, •-r m n m A Q C�4 A O 4• I C n ; - I n " t rn IO M T b Z lO �4 ON < a 70 t— 4 0.15• MINK (TYP.) I 1-1/C MIN. EMB. PYP.) U = IT N m ^ 3 e�t = o g z n o o, V N A ,P 7Oi7 Cq,m Z 1 gymm[ CL N n N X C2 4• m O IA 1-1/4• MIN. m EMB. (iYP.) J B 15 IB OORRECT WORDING IN D.P. TABLE LFS 2 8102117 UPDATE TO 67H ED. 2017 F8C JK 1 4 I$ UPDATE TO SIN ED. 2014 FBC JK NO DATE BY 0 2012 R.W. 6u1Le1N0 C.... LT.— I... 1; PLASTPRO INC Doeum.,d. Pnpond Dr. •, Lyndon F. Schmidt ��� •'' ���� '7e/I FIBERGLASS DOOR P.E. No. 43409 `0'��' �Q:Vi��.`` !!!l11111111A I ASSEMBLY: BUILDING CONSULTANTS, INC. VERTICAL CROSS SECTIONS P.O. Box 230, Voirloo, FL 33595 Phone No.-. B13.659.9197 FBPE C.A. No. 9813 4' "P P. A II II II I I TYP. HEAL y MASONRY I I II 6 JAMBS OPENING ' II S 2X BUCK II � I SHOWN FOR REF.- i ONLY II � II c it II II m II ' II II II BUCKANCHORING XX CONCREIEANCHOR NOTO.' ' I. Concrete anchcrlocatbm of the Comers may be adRMed to nxsfnfokf the rrdn. edge detance to mmlor]cMts. 2 Concrete anchor locothm noted as MIAX. ON CFRR£•must be adkd&d to rrKgntdn the mtn. edge dstance to mortarJoMts, additbnal concrete orx;hors maybe required to oreure Me M AX ON CENMr cg7mion ore not exceeded. 3. Concrete anchorlabla: ow II 11 ° oZ.4 Z U d iYj II jj II D 4� E 9mcew t ors TYP. HEAD MASONRY I I I I G JAMBS OPENING 11 I I 8. E3a II jj 11 �I /�I II 2X BUCK 2X REINFORCEMEdl SHOWN FOR REF.•' ' 0 0 SHOWN FOR REF. I I ONLY I I I I zo ONLY II II II ovr = c� Nal r,_°O II II II mph 2 II jj 11 �I o m II II II o II II II w n II II it ANCHOR. ANCHOR Kim, M1N CiEARAtICF� CLEARANCE EMBEOMENT TO_MASONRY _•fQ ADJACEHF. TYPE. ........_....... SRE: -' .... .. . _...::..�. ..:...EDGE ,..':-AN CNOK.:.:3 ITW o 1 P / 4" TAPCON ELCOCON ULiRA 1/4 ;dW{XJUi[-xLry 1. Matnldn a adnim°m edge datarxx. Pend dtstonee, a I'o.a sPaclne of I wood screws to prevent the spUft o/wood. BUCK ANCHORING OXXO er: JK c m LFS more ua: FL-17184.2 1T 8 or 11 r II — —� II SEEDETAIL 2 '•' 2X BUCK I I It MASONRY J IX BUCK II %a — MASONRY OPENING TYP. ® II OPENING HEAD AND II FRAME — JAMBS ASTRAGAL FRAME II SHOWN FOR _ ��� REFERENCE tl ONLY t — TYP. 0 SILL ;1 p 2X BUCK N II ii 2X BUCK - F 11 SEE DETAIL I FRAME ANCHORING XX CONCRE7EANCHOR NOi6: I. Concrete onchorbcaRore at the cameo may be ndhafedromaSlfatn lhemN. edge datance to mortarlotnts. S2 Concrete ondfarbcottons noted as WAX ON CEiMrnvjstbe 0*13ted to mainfoh the min. edge durance romortorjohts, aMWnGf concrete anchoa may be requkedta mauve ft WAX ON C&M r' dimension are not exceeded. 3. Concrete cnehor table: z Z a a ANC1LOl ANCHOR' MIN MIH CLEARANCE 1A CIEARAHGE .. SQF -:> fM8FUh1FNT TC(AA30NRY fOADJACFM:;; `71NCNOR TYPE :5: .. ;EDGF . .. ._ - a'. ITw / TAPCON ELCO • BLTRACON 14' / 1.1/4' 1• rtw �/1a• v1J� r v1/z TAPGON s WOOD SCREW MS A LA1ION NOTES: I. Mohtain a ninimm 5ff edge detmtca. I"end durance. 6 1'o c spodng of o wood screws to prevent the spitft or wood. 3• (TYP.) ZIE-717 FF 3" 1 11 IA '-I. If If I 2X BUCK SEE DETAIL 2 11 II J TX BUCK — — II to TYP. @ II HEAD AND JAMBS- 11 1 II ASTRAGAL II SHOWN FOR — — II REFERENCE — — — II ONLY ^ II I I ^O ^O TYP. ®SILL I I nF TYP. - p ® SILL - N- F I I SEE DETAIL I FRAME ANCHORING IXBUCK H q OXXO 2X BUC K 10 10 HINGE DETAIL G 1X BUCK G 1XBUCK 87 L 2X BUCK L 2X BUCK 0 87 DETAIL I DETAIL I DETAIL 2 Inswing OutAft Attach astragal throw bolt strike plate to (corn LATCH s DEAD BOLT DETAIL .ar ''�''•f ruin```` oi3mz° t` r Z_01v 9 oa mast lL � 4 ASTRAGAL HINGEJAMB STRIKE JAMB ac N.T.S. c. BY. JK K. BY. LFS \WING Na; FL-17184.2 rtr 9 or 11 R'1Gients\Plas ro. Inc PERMANENAA-Florida Product rovab\FL-17184 Fihn Iris Door-InWn -0utswin (BH9\C-Drawin \FL-171846TH ED R0171\FL-17184.14 710 I TCir V V �i I A -A y 410 I P G i y _ S' y O . c Z n x h p m ~ to m y Z a o 0 30. ; H W 01 z Z � o y O.S o L9 =o o Z� w An 0 1 EOTFOM p 0.32• 1,TIII IIIF!/,,� I �No. 43409 44 Q PRODUCT: llocu—t. Pnp—d B1 i� •. • `� a ry PLASTPRO INC Lyndon F. Schmldt 'i� '•�� '•• ��� o N nBERCLASS DOOR P../E� No. 43409 ,,�HAL„ PART OR ASSEMBLY: —K �J�� BUILDING CONSULTANTS, INC. �-` a y >; N —• ASTRAGAL DETAILS ✓ 1 �YY P.O. Boa 230, Vclslco. FL 33595 NPhone No.: 813.659.0197 REVISIONS FBPE CA No. 9813 0 2012 R.W. BUILDING OONLULTANTtI I.e. I i BILL OF MATERIALS REM f DESCIBPROH MAIMAL A IXBUCK (SG >=0.55) WOOD B 2XBUCK(SG>=0.55) WOOD C 1/4" MAX. SHIM SPACE - D 1 /4" X 2-3/4" ELCO OR ITW CONCRETE SCREW STEEL E MASONRY - 3,000 PSI MIN. CONCRETE CONFORMING TO ACI 301 OR HOLLOW BLOCK CONFORMING TO ASTM C90 CONCRETE F 1I4" X 2-1/4" PFH ELCO OR ITW CONCRETE SCREW STEEL G 3/16" X 3-1/4" PFH ITW CONCRETE SCREW STETS H 1 /4" x 3-1/4' PFH ELCO OR ITW CONCRETE SCREW STEEL J 1 /4" X 33/4- PFH ELCO OR ITW CONCRETE SCREW STEEL K #9 X 2-1 /T PFH WOOD SCREW STEEL L #TOX2-I/TPFH WOOD SCREW j1.1S"MIN.EMBEDMENT) STEEL M #B X T PFH WOOD SCREW STEEL N 1 /4" X 1-3/4-'PFH ELCO OR ITW CONCRETE SCREW STEEL 7 FORCE 5 WEATHERSTRIP (ENDURA) FOAM 8 COMPRESSION WEATHERSTRIP QLON 650 (SCHLEGEL) FOAM 9 4" X 4" BUTT HINGE STD 10 #9 X I'PFH WOOD SCREW STEEL 11 #9 X 3/4" PFH WOOD SCREW STEEL 20 FINGER JOINTED PINE FRAME. HEAD & HINGE JAMBS OD 21 POLY FIBER JAMB / VINYL 27 LATCH STRIKE PLATE EEL --28 DEADBOLTSTRIKEPLATE - - EEL — OALUM./WOOD 29 SIDELJTE SPACER (ISSLB) VC 30 DOOR SWEEP VC 31 OUTSWING THRESHOLD BY DLP (QOSH) 32 ADA THRESHOLD BY DLP (ISHC) ALUM. 33 INSWING THRESHOLD BY DLP (ISCS) ALUM./ WOOD 34 1 SIDEUTE THRESHOLD BY DLP (ISH/ EIS) ALUM. / WOOD 35 TRIM WOOD 36 OUTSWING ADA BUMP THRESHOLD ALUM. 40 DOOR PANEL -SEE DOOR PANEL DETAIL SHEET FOR CONSTRUCTION DETAILS - 56 EXTRUDED ALUMINUM `ULTIMATE HURRICANE ASTRAGAL" (ENDURA) ALUM. 60 SIDELRE PANE. -SEE SIDELITE PANEL DETAIL SHEET FOR CONSTRUCTION DETAILS - 87 ASTRAGAL' STRIKE PLATE STEEL 88 2X REINFORCEMENT (CLEAR PINE. SG >= 0.49) WOOD i4se I ^ fy [-- 236"227—� HEAD A SIDE JAMB wood 456'-� 0 244"— mot+-213"—�i HEAD L SIDE JAMB 21 P*fiber 29 SIDEIIfESPACER r-� 31 oU LNG THRESHOLD QOSH 32 ADA SILL BHC s � a T 36 OUTSWING ADA BUMP THRESHOLD OSHC INSWING THRESHOLD 33 BCS 34 SIDERETHRESHOLD ISH/m O� $ � to `F 3 0 oZ0 (K 1 0 5 q = m a. a` 3 c' = BY: JK BY: LFS waw No.: FL-17184.1 rr 11 a j R W R W Building Consultants, Inc. Consulting and Engineering Services for the Building Industry B C P.O. Box 230 Valrico, FL 33595 I Phone 813.659.9197 Florida Board of Professional Engineers Certificate of Authorization No. 9813 I Product Sub Category Manufacturer Product Name Category Plastpro Inc. Glazed Fiberglass Double Door Exterior Swinging 5200 W. Century Blvd. w/ or wlout Sidelites Doors Exterior Door Assemblies Los Angeles, CA 90045 Inswing f Outswing (440) 969-9773 "Impact" Scope: This is a Product Evaluation report issued by R W Building Consultants, Inc. and Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. (System ID # 1998) for Plastpro Inc. based on Rule Chapter No. 61 G20-3, Method 1 D of the State of Florida Product Approval, Department of Business & Professional Regulation. RW Building Consultants and Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. do not have nor will acquire financial interest in the company manufacturing or distributing the product or in any other enti involved in the approval process of the product named herein. Limitations: 1. This product has been evaluated and is in compliance with the 6th Edition n (2017) Florida Building Code (FBC) structural requirements excluding the "High Velocity Hurricane Zone". 2. Product anchors shall be as listed and spaced as shown on details. Ar or stucco. 3. When used in areas requiring wind bome debris protection this produc not require an impact resistant covering. This product meets missile lei and FBC Sections 1609.1.2.2 & R301. 4. For 2x stud framing construction, anchoring of these units shall be the 5. Site conditions that deviate from the details of drawing FL-17184.2 registered architect. 1, 6. See drawing FL-17184.2 for size an design pressure limitations. Supporting Documents: 1. Test Report No. Test Standard TEL 01391120 TAS 201-94, 202-94 & TAS 203-94 TEL 01390454 ASTM E1886-05/E1996-06 ASTM E330-02, E331-00 2. Miami -Dade NOA Materials Testing 17-0712.04 Saflex® PVB Interlayers (Eastman Chen 3. Drawing No. Prepared by No. FL-17184.2 RW Building Consultants, Inc. (CA #981 4. Calculations Prepared by Anchoring RW Building Consultants, Inc. (CA#981 5. Quality Assurance Certificate of Participation issued by National Accreditation and Management Institute, certifying that Plastpro Inc. is manufacturing within a quality assurance program that complies with ISOfIEC 170 Guide 53. embedment to base material shall be beyond wall dressing )mplies with FBC Sections 1609.1.2 & R301.2.1.2 and does "D" and includes Wind Zone 4 as defined in ASTM E1996 as that shown for 2x buck masonry construction. further engineering analysis by a licensed engineer or Testing Laboratory Signed by Testing Evaluation Lab.,lnc. Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E Testing Evaluation Lab.,lnc. V.K Wright Company) i) S 11HILOOBO e�'�0F SGN;iq�vAr,,o S N $�'•'° No 43409 3ducyi-V STATE OF W and 10OR : �S 1,0 � S� • � e9w Sheet 1 of 1 ��ep,s,�Pl�l- ,�'►o Signed & Sealed by Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. Signed &Sealed by Lvndon F. Schmidt, P.E. Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. FL PE No. 43409 10/10/2017