HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1323 ~'112~: , ,. " ' J. J i' I I : I I, " " I' i' i 1 ,I., .' '! " , . . , I I . ;jf-'-''7'' I,' II t t , .. ! ~. ~ ' 't . . , ~~;~0~'~=~~:=I~~~~~~--y~~~~~~i~~~~;~~~~~~~~ ! ,'p~c\pert1, statutor, or e<Ju~,'abi., In..andt,o the landa'deeoribed ther,eln.'.and ,that sh~' l' pi, "",. " ,I I'" l' " " .,', I \' I, " , ,,',1.,\ 1 I '1 I, '\ ;, ~X4tOut.d8,aid" Easement freely and v~lurl\ari\l1and wit'hout ~.y :9ompuieion~ OOI1~tTfl1rit., { i I · i '. , . ' \ \ . ',,\, '. " " l.' i \. :. .I. '." _ ~ '1' .' . ~: . ~'l t - \ ~ . . . " ' " apprehen,810nor ~ear of or. fro~ ,her ~111,d J hu.sl;land,', ,':\' ':, ' :, ,I \ ,': I' \1\ , ; , " ',\' ~l nl~$S .... h"'~ ,ana oft 1 0 1 ~ ..~l . p'Iin:~.ir cui .,aowl '10 ~Ja~~. O'l,' .n. I' ' ; ::' ,'; state of ~ia80Uri~ tb,1a the ,28 tal of ApriL. A. D,.1926. I" " " ' , ,;" ~-\' . '. . , \,,". '. \ " \"; . \~ \\. t. V I" ',,\ :i ,-- \'. .\ 't" ~- \' \ \ \-;' " -i-:-',.,' . .".R':~'$~~~~ '__, . _ . ~,,~;::~i~~:~:~~O~APl. ~6"~~~8.;'.. _,.~',',' i _.; ,.;' '. . . 1. ~. ' .; . \ ' . 'f " " " 'i'~Cl.d 'at, ~~1~4 A'.}.{.' " ' 'By.~'~/d~, . " '.,.. .',', '.," ..-;. - '. j .i , I .A ,I , .., ',..., ". '~ ',' ,;j ,;t .J :i 1 i I ~ I . ~ 'i ..;- . -... o ~ 4 : , I i , , . ~. .~ " \. 'P~'C..Eld.red, ',Clerk ',Girou1t 'Court, ;.." . \ . 'D.C. ; .... . . ':. '.-' ." ' " '- '.' , ' . - '-':' - -.. . " -. . . . .~. , .- ' ". .' ",' . . . :. . , .??'r,.?~?...?..?*t*?.?,*?.~.?* ??~?*??"'?,*'?~?*??*???* ?'???'?~?~'?? ?",,?*??,,'?* 1* ?~~?~?,*'?*?:' , , '\ " , EASEWENT ,10a 'SAllIT~Y;SEH~RS. , ..: ,... ,A.. M~ HILL . ''to " . . '. - . !~IS ,IHDEUTu~.l(adett,l~8 the l~t~d81,of 'M~7~ A1:'D'~ '1.~26'" b&t9teen A.V_Hill ".; . ~ ,-.... "'. ., (~~rrled) ,of the CQ~t':,Of,St.,Luo1ee:n:~ St;flte ~t:i'1.~r1~ape.rt, ,0r:'the,t1rst'part.' ,and '. City of ~te.ro, a Munioipal corpo~a~10nof the St:a:teo'f l~,~rlda~' ~~ti of the~econdpart. ,WnU&SSETH.~lu)tt,~~, ~al'd p~ty' t>f' the, ,first ',part :for and in conSideration' of "the sum ot One, DOlla(($l"QO) lnhand'pal(r~~t~esa~d par'ttof tho'sEloond part,. t?9' r~oeipt " . .l. . >-. CITY OF VERO " , ' " .~. . . . , ' , . ,- . . whereof 'is, hereb~ ,aokm"'led~e6. ,hail granted.b&l'galned. ~o14;rem.ised. and' :relea,sed, 'an~, bi' . . '. . .; ,', ~. . ~. .' '- ~ ~'. . .' '. ,_ '. .', ;'. . : .:. . . :.-... ,:0 '" . ,_' :' . . ". thesepre~sent8 does gr~t. barta10, Sell:.'r~mlUandre1$8,3En.mtothe' saldparty' 9t the' , ' ,; seoond: p~rtth'efree' rl,ght ~nd pri.vilege'~f' 1.,1n(do~'ne.rid, o:onBt,ru'~;i~ig8t!ln.v 'tlr.ne _~e.e.r8~ dra'1n~or) water pipes apoil .t~ofollomn~ des,cribod property.',,~,ndt(j keep, and' maintaii)' tho same for the convenience of ,thec1thens and res1dents,of the City Of ":ero;, ~~lor1d8.;' to- , "~,'~'J',.;..,'..',,' ,,', - - . '.'~' , (~~. . . .1.,'..- . . .~ I " wit:, ,,' ~he :East (1~.) one (1) ,and one-half c.tr ,feet of' the '\ , r 'East Ten nO) A.9rea of '2r~ct Twell'e (12) in' Section , . . '. ~ TwO (2), TOWl.)~hlp Thirt.Y-thr~e '(33) South., Range ~~irty-:- - . \' . .;' - " . 'nine,'( 39)Eas~, 8~e~.!n~ is des'iOli8 ted on :Ul1t of ,the Indian' River 'iarms Comp~n.v or'C~tY~f ,7ero iOGETHim with the, right: ',of lngresa'S!ld egX'ess over s8.11 pi'em18es, for tM' " purpose, . . ,- . ~f 8'ltorclsing the J'ight or rights h,erebygranted. ' : " ' . 'After the comPletl~no'~ the 18Yini~~l'Il ar~d const~uot1ng .' I,' " ~1 the said City/of Vero of theae"ere. drains', apd,' (or) "a:t4r p1pes. as here1nprovided tori thesa1<t City, " of, Verodoes hereby, b,ythe aco-e,ttplc~o'Or-tlre'gr8nt 01' the, ea'ffements' hereinb~fore granted;" \, 'e.greeto me in tain oove~iligsat all ti:nea on or 'over any\a:nd at,l excavations .m~deon the property hereinbefore desoribed. so a,s 'not to unnecessarily \interfer~ with the !>r~p~~ .' .... .' " ': I " , 14t1l1ze.t1onof .,aid prope:rtyby the' ~rentor8 h.ereln,or thoir heirs or ~s~ign8. , J I '. > , IN WITHESS'dHE.BEOZ',The said, ~arty of the first part haa herounto set i)is hand and eenl thll day and yea:r first a.bove ""r1tten. ! J Signed> soaled. end del1vere4 in presenae of: B. Ii. PhillipB Josephine Scherer " lu M. Hill " (seal) I ' "-