HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1337 I, , l ' 1 I, . I , .,', ,I ,,' I . , I' "._;::.:~;~:- ,.;..' ~,~i :;;:;::;:;;::~k'~~:::'''~~::':;;;:':::;'';:;:';:J:::'.y:,"~~::.:~~:::~~~:~~~:~.:.:~::;~:~Tl~~F:::~t.';;-~7~,,~I~-::;;;;.;.::;.:;i:.::':;;~~':'~Tl:;rr:--~~~~',::,~'~'~::;' ! ' iI" " 'I, I", ';,.. ' ' .&i , ,\ ,,,, "? , L' , 'I' I, Oount7, Plortaa reoor4e. Ii ,;',' ',' . ,I! ' .' .;\ \ . ,. I . ~\ ,. t l ~ l -. , 'r ,I ,.,\ Ctl',OO I'.', R~ stamp 08l\~) .. \ ,\,' \~ "\' . \ ." . . . " . .. I \ \ ,',' TO, ~V3, -.\rim, TO HOLD t~e:'SBrne' \~.?geth,e~ wl,th the~erf;ld1tBments &rod '8Pp~hn8,no~a ;', unt'Qj 'the .said S rsnte~, \fl~,a' hh 'h~lra' and naalgns 1n ,: fee -S1m~l'e. ' ,\ I " , \' : , ' \ . '.. ',', ' , . ,": :' \ '~\' Ann t'he'sa1d,'grat:ltor, for. them Bnd thoir he,-re,ondlegBl 'representatives, ooven(int' ! \". ~~ \" "';, \.. ~ :I . '. .' . , . _' ~ <1-" 1 :\.,. -. : ,. ''-'1 , . - .... \ ... - !. '- wl th' Sa 1~ g~nnhe, hIs hol~a, legal represent,8 t1;vosand nBs1gr1S~ Thn ta.ald g'rantors: 8,re' in.. \ f \ \ .. \ . . " , . ',' ~ .. . } d~e.re~J~.l bly, se1z~a_ ,o~:~_M'd\ lj)l d in ~te,e, ,fi.tm~te L ~llb,t,..tHlld~ m".D,n_1;Q,I", ,._~~'ul1. ~_~JLl~tJ~_i1,gl!~:.l \~:",;. , -c", ~',' " ," ,....., " " " " " ',: \, ,'\ " , ' . , '. 1.: " to oO'nye:(sat41andQ }~~f,e()' ai~:,ple. 68 ,aforesQid; thB~ it ~hall' be l,Qwful for Bald ,g~Bnt~e. hiel " : ' . \ . . . . - - c " :'h~I~. le"M~,:r\~preserit8i1\rea,&.ncl a8si~n~,: a~:~l ~~'~&,S p~ncetlblynnd qu1et1.Y' to ,enter'uport't t":,, hold~ 'oooupy'axiden30y 8el'd"lBnd~tn8t sd.ld"landis'free from '81l'lnoumbr8no,e~; thet\ea1d'gr8nt~rs. ' ;. '.' .: ".-",\'-., \'. .' \'~..--..--..i \ ~''', '.\. .. ..... " :.,:\,,~, ~; thel~,l,ra ~d ,leg.al"l'epreeentat.1ves, 'Wl~l mn/ke' ''S~ohturth~r8S;su,r8~oes\tP perf.~9.~,:,the 'f e'e8'i~ple,' ','..". ,-'''',..,... - ,--' -' - '~,-. ' ,;, -:-' .". ,,--, ---: ,-'. '. -~'- "', '~--'- ,",~. '. . title to se,1t1 land ,in )014 J~r~ntee. '~1shcJra,.. ,b!8nlrepreael,lt~t1~e8 and 8'sfll~ns" 6,8'm~y', . " 1', ,~ re,a:~oh,8 bi.~ . be' ,re'l1il'~a;. aod ,t~e'~Q91i1 gretltor " do' ~h~rebY tul1'Y w8'rr~nt:' thet 1tl~: ,t6s~c1 1ancl~l andwni' ';defe~d ttie. Sfjmo '8g~fxlatthe, :pn't\1l:olalmi3 of $11 persons whoma(je'ver'~' ';. ...........-..-.- . ..... ~. ~.,--.. '.~:' .' ,- WIT.Hi:SS 'theh8n:d eud '8eal,,~f 8aIdgr8nt~l'a, ' the day on'(} 'yeflX' , flrst sbove wl'l tten., ~' .~ . .'; ; " i ')' , I '-, 'oO' ,,-".. '~"., ~",'" I ,', . --; . j-'" ....,....-, ..- .: -...; . 'f" --'--'-',- , " I" /, J , ' 1 ' J -..i.... ' I I .J -- .'. .. -~ -:- 11--' If I' I ,! . , . ,I ~, ' ,t I. i I I i , ,\ , , .. .; $lgn~d ~ ,seal ed :an d 'delt vere4 ,in the prea'enO"8 0(' .', . "Peroy?uge " ' ' W..H~Crowell " Pred,xUmin~r.' '-,' '{Selll' ~'\." 'BllZ8beth,i~~"(Seal'j' .... ...,.----- ...7-~- ',;. STA1'E O~ n..O:tlDA CCmlTY O? 'ST,.Lucm: ' . ',,',' ' ' . Bppea red , ',1 JtE?'EBY CERTI?Y ',That ont.,hls, day l'ersona'l1y!beforem,e, an '().t~loef 4tilj' W. thcr 1zeCS ~' to 'n~lnlstero~ the', 'and' tai<;e a.(lkn()\~le~8me~t~, ~1'~~,K~erAND raPE 'Er.IU~BETR Km~~to !!Ie," wel1kil'o'Wtrsnd kri~: to ilie' to~e" the 1nd1Vlduaie<deeoribec:ll,n spd whO, e'xooutG'd thC fore g,ol:: g .~ . '. cleed'" and ,'~'O'kn~"1eog.ed before me that they'ex~cute'd the eamefreely ~ndvolunta'rll,y fol;" the " purpoles ~ h,erelne:ltpresoed.' : AIID ,L?l.8THE~czqTl?'{: That tne aeld El i zabeth Ku."l'I.':;or kn o\'m to me ~o be th~ ,wife at the aaldFred~~et on~a 'separste,lya'nd apart from ":" .' seper-a~ e and pri vete exsplne t1 on, t;aken and m~de ,by sndbefore rn:e, .' . . her, aSid huaband,dldaOkool\"e~gl!ttha tah~ :oo,oe, herself nj1al' ty to , ' add oeed'tor the purpose 'o:t"I"enounolng, r.el1n 1\1Iah,lngnr:d,'oor.veying .!l11 her right:, t1.tleen<l ' . . ..' . -,'. . ~ .' , . lntereet, vt1"ether'o:t' do\ver, ho'meste~d'or,of ael'ar~te'properti, ,~t'8tutory or 'equlta'b1e,lri and to the lands described th8're~n" ~n'~th~t'she exeoUt,ed the aolcl deed fr~~li nnd v,o~untar~ly-.; and,': . . . . , . .... ' '. .. '. ~ . .-', ...., wl tho~t, W y,oompu1s10n, oonstralnt, sp:rre~eneioo, or tear, -of or fr,om,ber soid ~u8'band., " ~, (jf P1sm Beach and State' ot" !"lori de, 'nTn~3lJ' my h6'nd en<1.>oft'loi81~eal'Bt stuart, County day,of .J,fey A.D.' 1925., " w. H.Crowell Fotary Public, State 01' ?lori~8t Large. Yyoornm,iaslon &}Cplres J.fey'2:3, 1927. ' " ,?lle-d and recorded on this the 29thd8:T of !ay. 1925~. at 3: 07 Pol!, ' .'/;, t~~ . p, C; Eldred. Clerk Clrcuit Court.; \ \.~\!,~' _~)H I . V .. By ~711.uJ~ ill D.C~ .> .v' ' ~v '.' $ ,~~~ -.~ I . . . . ,~~. . . -. ~ .. . . . . . . ~ .. . . . . tI . . . . . . . . .. .- .. .. ' .. . . .. . * ~ . . . . . . . . . . . .~'. . . . . . . . . . . ., . . .... . . . - .. . . . . . . . . . . . I' i_' J. I, .11'\ . \ . \ ~-'- , , \ t . i r " l: .". .-L