HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1339 1'28 I I ..:i ') , " " .,.... " I' /' " I, ; , . " J' ' : -'. . . ..j" I 'i '; '~..', I, '., I.' . ~ ", " . ~ ' ' r , ~I ii' I' I ,'- . i ,', . . . ~ . '1 "j.l.. " . . J t . ;, :;:rf.~::"i:;:::-~';'7",.. :~7t;'.'::::::~';.f';.~~::::'~:~~~:;;:~::::i:.~~;:;~::;:~~'~~;'::~~f';:::~:~. .'~~;'Y;;;;;7":;;:~ I. t'5~ . 'NO outside' ,'o11e1: shall be petmJ,heo in a.ny:'part'ot88.1'O tJ~lidi.~l~ion but,th~r~..p~all,'b'e Qone ~ "I \ ,; "', " . J \' ',' I - \' . '_ . ~ . l '" I I ". .. ,": \ \', ' '. . . . \ t . \ . '. \ ~ .. , ~ I' \ 'struotea ,by, .dd i,$eoopc1' p~ti, In oonn~ot1on -w,! th nny tesid~noe' on,ehy. of said 1,an'O '8' septio tank 1 ' .\ , J" .;..~. ~rd~n ~~: ~1t)( ~pe.l tl~et1.n'e, . ppr OVO 4, 1>y tho' p~r~y .\ t\io ,d. ret' pi ;. 1n ""'lung.... ." f " \ 'I, ~; ,: \ 6., ~o building ~Q~O~l:yl,knO~ :a8, an 'ap8~tment, houSe' f?r. oooupatlon of. mo.rethen;, onfl femUr,' n~"',' ,\ I 8,8Yl~,' nor ho~plt81 shall' b. erected o.r us~O' for s'uob p~poge9 on 881d l~n~, ,'bxcep~ that, dea'igna~" :' \ ~ \ . \ \. '.. \ . ~ '. \. \ . . \' \.... . t . . \ ; . \ \ \" \ . . , . . \ \ ted for heine'lI "\pr~perty 'by party \ o'f the flr~t pnt ~ \ " . ' i \ ' ~ I . "'... . .\.' ". .. .' -. ;. ~ ','. . - \. - - - - -. ~ \ - -,'. -', ~,- ~ . -',~ -' i, ,~... No 'signs 'or Mllbosr,ds '9f'8'n~ kind or <;l,b~t,(l_QhJ;'.8beU,Jie..exhi 'bi tea.~_d18playec1. :oonatlluo.tedr. ~ ,-:'-- TIn .~__ ,_~". C.'___ - .-:_ ""_.---:._.~__\'_'~"'_:_'_"._'_:___. _,'. '_'_,'__"~.' __'''',.-:-_ ....__., ~ ~ '\,,~ " . ~. " \' '*. '\'.' . ..:' " . '.. :.' ~. ;.': ~ 'or '--ma1ntUneO,ins81d l;Jubdl vision, wi thout the "ri t1:en' oonlJent, of the.}lll.rty ~f' theflrst' part'. , }: - ~" . '. .' -.. - '.' , - ,.., '. . ~ - ..... . . \ "". ; \ -, ,e:'No' lot or lot's' ineatc1 sub'hieion 'shall b'e ,subdfvUetl .0rre"'subdi~ld'ed" wi thoui.-th'o,n.it-! ' " ... ' , ' .. - ','"" " -', '" ',' .r ' ten oonaentsnd, appre'fal' ef'party ,o.f the fi rst part: ' , , " " ' , ~, ' ""~., . ' . .' "', ' ,'~ i " 9,.': ,Th:e prh11;e'g,al1d easeJltentts )loreby"f9~e"~' reservtld t~8~id party 'of, the :first ~rt,:. !. . '. '. '. ...., ....: . '\. . -- .6,;"". ' ',{is ,BnCCeSSOl'B a'nd, 8B!isn.~,~ ~'o :.reDt ~n.d ,m~,lnt-airi,poles. "~i~e8,'and. ~~iu~r:,,"ui t'abl~~,,~quipl!\~nt', ' :,tor. electrl~ 'light,. pO,wer, ~elegr8ph, t.e1epJ1orte' and .eult8bl'eequlpm'en1;,fe~$J,1~ other utl];l ties ' ',' . M .. .' . . . ~ ". ! I I'., 1 I -.'. J , , "I '; '.; k , , ... , " ,s.ndte l$y ',wat~t melns on 'or in the rear' 5 ,:teet 'o'~ the ,lsri'd here1~n.yeyed.' ,en trf,in'the 3, fo~t; " ~~rtp' ai,on,g' tb~'"e14~:;U~e~~' th~re,oi:, "th~ ne~eS8arf,:to,8&in' acc~se\o 'th~fiv'~fc,C?t e~'riP r'eservd '. ' . -, . . . - . . . , '. '"" '~'. . .'. . ,.'. ,~ -.' 'along ~~eat' lines ot' sa1d,iaJ1d, 1(n;_utll1ty'p~pOSe,8' and for:~uch_ purpoaes.Ei~.well' (1,8 to'repai~ remoT.,:,'or'r~PlQoe' s~ld:poi'~8,~qUlpment8nd lP.~in~,' the '-8~'ld' ,hi',8t,'p~ty' 'snal1'hav~' the' -right',' . . '." . '.,.' . . ,'-, '. . d_ ~'.. .'.... _. . " .. ifer rt'self. iteagent 8pdemplo~ees to., enter up oX) said preinis~s il;lreaBonab1.e manner en~ ,attM,' ; r~asonable t1m~.,' r I :' 10., T1i8t~tf ,the s'a1c1' eeoo,n,d ,pa'X:tY'~l1el~: heirs ~dpC~8on8:ti'epJ",esent~f~ v~~ Qr,aaalg!1s. er' an;;, . I.' :Mo.~.r h.la01'o.~t thG.pr~po.t7h.re~;:..nve7ea, bP1'tU~.~ .UY !Ua1?\el pr...edl.ge~ Ghan: t!W :0' to' oomplywlth .-8ny'efth~ a bo,ve' and, foregoing r!,!strlct,'icms,o Oridit1ons or l1m1"tatiQns within .Sixty '.' '. /" . ," '..' ." . . '. . . ; ,.- -'. : '. .-- .- ;:. '''. . . . , :' dayS, 8 ~ter'tJl'itten not ice to ~h~8~.i~' 8~O~~tlPartY't~81~. hett's, .r,ep~e~en ~8,tl ~~8 er assigns, 'or 'ani' " :. of them ,at ~tz:a1an~polh, I~d.'or"8t;their..18st known address,by .the"sBf~ party of the first part ~,' 1,,1ts SUcoe'Bs~rs:' ~~BoIial~epr~8eritathe8'er, aS9igns..- or e1 ther orth~m~ then' the 8a,1 a' above de8cr~- .J " . -' .' . . . " ; ,bed atl4oenvefec1 propertrehall'lmmeUatelY revert, to the',;:aldpbl'ty otthe fi:rBt -~ rt~'itB' nUCC!Il" s'ors or aeal ~9, 'whe' 'shall be entitled to 1mm~di8tely . .. .' . , , take possession et. the 96111e~Hh full tUle'ln:ree simple" toge~her '\'i tho ~11 improvelllentsthereon,;, ana no wa1ve~ ef, any of these condl ~io~s, ,11mi tat10ns or reetrlot1one ,expres~ 0.1" 'imrlIed, 'or:f~~~U;re ,for en:' l,engtli of ,time to~' enforoe thossme', sholl 'oonatitute libsr 'to such enforcement a~ any tlm&'. ~nte'lUpon ,said p.rop.erty 'Wit110?t notice, 'aI'.,d' , " , ~ 11. That the IE rty ,<rf tbefi!st.l>at't, its -successers or sssigns,: shall hue theTigh~thom't;i:m. " , , time t~ relea~e"8~yofthe~bove or< foregeing,restrlot1'On8~ ooncUtlons,or 11m1taUon8~ by s,eale~ instrument d.ulyexecuhd in acoordanoe wi. th the ,18Y(S O:t.theStBte. of Plbrlda tor the oom'eyonee oft " I I' reel est$te, I " , [, - III 'flIT1IE9~f"mrE~B01, the S8~a party e,f the firatpart has oaused the~e i'.x-~in it's ni;une'by itsPreaident, 'and ita oorpor8teae~1 to''beo'f~ixed, ,~ttes'ted r'~~nd" year above'wrl t.ten '. - . ' , pi-eseJlts,to bfr-81-gned:....":--.:...........~~~ by i te seQreta~y" ttelay , I ' I', r' XEY3!0l:ERE!J.'I'Y COHP.UY. , " S i gne4 ,e enl.ed ;}lresenc& of: \ , i'Earl E. hber ;ua~thQ J.t . Runy . llnd deli verea ' in' 'B-J Paul G . Er.na . (5eell President. " , ; 1!!T.A~ C. :~tC~IIlI I .' , ,ecm:cr O? ~T. LUCIE. 'f " -- I, '~Atteat: L.\1. Halb$,( Sea.1) SC01'etary. ' '. 50 t. I.~" stalDps Cancelled. I .- . 1 '.I H~ERY ~'l'I?Y, that on thi.s 25th dayo.f May A.D. 1996;-be:t?re,n'lever~Onul1T'81Jpinired"'~~~~'"~-'---..,-~ G. ::nnn and L. \'I. Halb.,respeoti'fel;r Presldent ana S,cor!5tl.1ty of !Ceya,tope Real ty co'mFany~ 8 I, . {oorporation un,del' '1. .knd Who encnted the l'awe of the St,ote of nortda, to me'Jrnown 'to be theperaons deoorlbed in I' I f f !:for.going conveyanoe to Reraun Ste1nwand and J... Harie 3tein'ffut\d hls ....U. \