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PHONE 1-888-ICC-SAFE • WWW.ICCSAFE.ORG Item No. 0102PR12 -2- NOTE: Entries to this Plan Review Record that _ T s afield check or inspection of the installation must be coon;II with the Inspection phase (R109) of the project BUILDING PLANNING (Chapter 3) DESIGN CRITERIA [Table R301,2(1)] Parapets and construction Floor live load (Table A301.5) dsf (R302.2.2, R302.2.3) Roof live load (Table.R301. psf Ground snow load �fA- psf Basie.wind,speed mph Wind.exposure category (R30.1.2.14) High wind design brit ria a licable (R301.2:1.1) Seismic design category (SDC.) ;I /� (Figure R30.1.2(2)J SDC C&D provisions (R301.2.2) Weathering It 9 ✓?64� V— frost line depth Termite area X 6 / - Y tA,, JtZ4 4f/ zj Decay area Winter design temperature Ice barrier underlaymertt required 1 Flood hazardso FIR , Ri=SIS h NT CONSTRUCTION (R302) Exterior walls [R302.1, Tables R302.1(1) and.R302.1(2)] r Townhouse separation (R362.2) Continuity and structural independence (R302.21; R302.2.4) ROOM PLANNING REQUIREMENTS (11303-throUgh R3051 Two-family dwelling separation (R302.3) Dwelling unit penetrations (R302.4) Dwelling/garage opening/penetration protec- tion. (R302.5) Dwelling/garage fire separation (R302.6) . . Under -stair protection (R302.7).. Wall and ceiling finishes (4302S) Flarrie'spread .index (R302 9.1) 1/ Smoke -developed index (R302.9.2) A I Testing (R302.94, R302.9.4) IVt��nsulation (R302.10) I/ Flame spread/smoke-developed (R302- i0:1; R302.1 a2)- Cellulose loose -fill and exposed attic insulatioh-'(0302:10:3, 630210.4) Testing (R302.10.5) Fireblocking (R302.111) 'e Draftstopping (R30212) Combustible insulation clearance (R302.13) Use Area (ftz) Width 'Ceiling.heightt Natural light* Natural ventilation' Living Dining 120 70 7'-01 7'=0" .` . 8% Moor area 4%floor area . Kitchen N.A. 7'-0" N.A. 7.'-0" 7_0" 8% floorarea : 8% floor area - 4% floor area 4% floor area Bedroom 70 7'=0" 71-011 80%floor.area C/o. floor area Bathroom N.A. 1'4'. 3squarefee t .V'square:fe' - See Sections R303.1 & 1`11303.3•fot mechanical ventilation and artiflcial light and RMA for required whole=house mechanical •verttilation. t 6'-6`min. at plumbing fixtures and for hon-habitable-basements. Required heating (R303.9) GLAZING. R308 IN (R306 and R307) Water closet Lavatory Tub or shower Kitchen area with sink itary sewer (Chapter 30) ate disposal (Appendix /) .Identification (R308.1) Louvered windows or.jalousies (R308.2) Human impact loads)hatardous locations (R308.8, R368.4) Skylights and sloped glazing (R308.6) -3 BUILDING PLANNING (cont'd._ GARAGES AND CARPORTS (R309) 1.1 Floor surface noncombustible; sloped floor (R309.1) Carport: open two sides; noncombustible floors; sloped floor -(R309.2) Automatic garage door opener. (R309.4) 'Fire sprinklers. (R309.5). EMERGENCY ESCAPE AND RESCUE OPENINGS ►i` �'r`�1 Where required. (R310.1) - . -Areas; height, width,.operations. . (R3.10..1:is= R31a1.4), Window wells (R310a2) Bars; gnlleseR0.4)s Under decks.and porches .(R310.5) MEANS OF EGRESS (R311) General (R311.1) f li 9ress door (1?31 i:2) Landings at exterior doors (R311. 3..= R311. 3. 3) : _ VerticaE egress (R311A) Construction and attachment (R311.5) 17 Hallways. (R311.6) Stairway width, headroom, vertical rise, . walkline . (R3ii.7.1-R311.7.4) Stairway -treads; risers profiles (1431i 75 R3i1.754) ..Stairway landings. and walking surfaces R311.7.6, R31.1J 7 ( ) drails required (R31.i.78) Handraifheight, continuity;-gkip-size (R311.78.1- R3.11:7.8.4) Stairway illumination (R303.6, R3ii;?9) A Special stairways (R311.7.10)* . yt Ramp slope, landings, handrails (R311.8) GUARDS'AND WINDOW PROTECTION IR31 2) Requi'red-foropen-sidedsurfaces, stairs, ramps and landings-> 30" above floor/ grade. (R312.1.1) , . ; . . Height - 36" (R312.1.2) Opening limitations (R312.1.3) - Window fall protection (R312.2) AUT MATIC.FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEMS (11313) Townhouses (R313.1) One- and two-family dwellings (R313.2) A SMOKE ALARMS (R314) Referenced standards (R314.1, R314.2) Location and interconnection' . (� (R314.3, R314:5) . nv_ Power source (R314.4) CARBON MONOXIDE ALARMS .(R315) New construction (R315.1, R315.2) . Existing construction (R315 3) . C Referenced standard (R315.4) FOAM �oP�LAASTIC(R302:8, R316) f=l=_Labeling (R3162) Surface.burning; thermal barrier, specific. approval -(R316.3 -,R316 7)' DECAY AND TERMITE PROTECTION (R317 and R318) Protection required ' ' (Table R301.2(1), R3171, R318.1) Aiality'mark (R317.2.and R318.1..1) SITE ADDRESS (R319). Address numbers (R319.1) ACCESSIBILITY (R320) : Type B dwelling units applicable (R320.1) ELEV TORS/PLATFORM LIFTS (R31) Referenced standards (0021.1.- R321.3)' FLOOD -RESISTANT CONSTRUCTION (R322) General (R3221) Hazard area and requirements (R301.2.4, R309.3, R322.2,. R. 322.3) Design professional (R3223:.6) STORM SHELTERS (R323): Generaltreferenced standard (R323 t) -4- FOUNDATIONS (Chapter 4) IVIATRIALS (R402). .-Wood foundations (R402.1) Ak I C(jncrPt'e,.Cdmpressive.strength (R492.2). FOOTINGS (R403) Soil bearing value (491.4, R400. 1) Footing. width (Tilblefl403.1) �Footing edge -thickness = 61, minimum;.fooiing projection minimum, F minimum, but.-< footing thi&ne'si (14403114) IVIA Footings in SDO C"dr 0- (R403.1.2, R403.1.3 and R40. DeP!1h..b6IoW min'' .(optside) grade minimum; but below frost line. except for Rost pro-' tected.foqtings.'(R403..1.4, 17461-1.4.1-an'd R403.14.2) - Sill plate bolting in concrete/masonrydj .=. 2 - ameter. bolts,Wslhdn' 7wit within 12" but not bolt diameters -from ,:ends, 76 embedment (R403�1. 6) Footings adjacent to slopes (R4031.1) Frost protected shallow foundations (R403.$) footings for precast concrete foundation (R403.4).' FOUNDATION/RMINING WALLS (R404. 0 walls . . . R4. . P) Masonry foundation wa Is'(R404, I' Wall height; unbalanced backfili, nominal thickness * :Mbhis-R404.;1.1(1)- R404. 1.- i (4), 'h4,04. 1. . 5.1],' LaL�WReIniorqerq'e'ht-'size and spacing [Tables R404J. 1(2) - R404. 1. 1'(4)] tAd- Concrete foundation walls (R404.1.2)' 44�7_wall height, unbalanced. bapkfill,, nominal V thickness [Tables R404.1.2(1) - R404. 1;2(8), R404.1;5.2j Horizontal and vertical reinforcement size and spacing [Mbles R404.1.2(1) R404.-1.2(8),:-R404..1.2.2,-'R404. Stay -In -place forms (R404. 1) SD.Q C and D provisions (R464J.2-4, R404.1.4)' too Height ah6vefihished grade'(R.404.1.6) 8.111 plate size (R404.,3) Precast concrete- foundation wails (R404.5) DrAlh6 r6quIfed-'ff-habMbILi or usable spaces are below grade* 01 Soil class (Table J3405. D rripproofin Vk A g if basements are below grade (R408. 1) ANk. Waterproofing if. high Water table* (R406.R) If dninhabitable,"sbe Un'der-Floot Spate (R408) COLUMNS (R07) Protection n from decay or corrosion (RR40. land R407.2). Structural (R4973) Anchoragd-(R407.3)' Wood'c6luM'*ns (minimum 41, sqbare) (R40.1 j) Steel columns (minimum 9 . "diamet . r,. . Sch 'd- ule i(R ..40.pipL)' .. 4073) . TABLE R403.1 MINIMUM WIDTH OF CONCRETE .PRECAST OR MASONRY FOOTINGS a 16 • FIC OW -L0A'0'-BEAAIkd VALUE OF SOIL (ppll)' 111406 2 coo. 3,000 24,000 Conirenfidinail'1194t=fraMe construction c n I-sto!y 7- 12,. .12' .12 12 .2-story Is 12. 12 12 "ory .23.' .12 4-Inch brick ireneer over 01ght frameci Mrich hollow''concrete masonry .12 .12. ..12 .2r'stdry 21, -167 -127 3-sioly 32 24 16 12. 8-inch solid or fully grouted .masonry I -story 16- .12.,. 12 12 2-storv. 2�9 ."21 - 14 12 .3-story. 42 32-_ - . 21 16: Fhr SI. 1 ft-h - Or, A mm -1 �:_. - - --- - b .% CUV1VVt=U.V,#fVr.M. . A. Where Minimum fb�i� Is 12 11 2 no as, a single Wpe of Wid'or fully grouted 12-inch nominal concrete masonry, units Is perMllfed: -5- FOUNDATIONS {cont'd.) UNDER -FLOOR SPACE (R408) Removal of debris (R408.5) d Ventilation (R408.1 and R408.2) Finished grade (R408.6) Unvented crawls ace R408.3 Flood resistance R4088.7 Access (R408.4) FLOORS (Chapter 5). WOOD JOISTS AND GIRDERS (R562) _Species and grade (R5.02.1) Joists —Sleeping.: areas, LL'= 30 psf 1 1 [Table. R502.3;•1(1)]' — . IV Joists=Nonsleeping areas, LL — 40 psf (Table R5023:1(2)J fk Cantilevered joists . (Tables R50A3.,j0) and R502.3.3(2)] . Girder spans and header.spans for exterior bearing walls [fable R5025(l)], �. PA Girder pans. and header sparis .for interior. bearing walls [Table R502:5(2)] . Joists under bearing partitions (R502.4). Bearing-(1.5" minimum on wood or metal; 3" on masonry or concret6j and lapped joists. (31) (R502.6,.14502.6.1) Lateral restraint and bridging; (R502.7; R502..7.1) Drilling and notching (R50.2,8) Fastening. M5024. Framing.of openings (R50210) Wood trusses (R502.11) / Draftsto pping (R502:12) .. LUMBER FLOOR SHEATHING -(R503A) Allowable span (Table R503. i) ' End joints (R503.1.1)' WOOD STRUCTURAL PANEL SHEATHING (R503,2) A PA. . Grade (R503.2.,l) Thickness (R503.2.1) Allowable spans : [fables R503.21.1(1) and R503.2.1.1(2)] [Table 6023(1)] PARTICLEBOARD UNDERLAYMENT (R503.3) 41& Grade (R503.3.1)-. Thickness (R503 3.2)' Installation (fable R60230)J TR TED-WOOD FLOORS (ON GROUND) (R504) Base course: 4" thick with maximum 9/4' gravel or'/2" crushed More (R504.2.1) Moisture barrier: placed over base course (R504:2 2). Materials.(R504.3) .STEEL FLOOR FRAMING (13505) Cold -formed steel; applicability limits; in -line framing (R505.1) Structural framing (R505.2). . Material. (R505.2.1) Identification (R505.2.2) Corrosion protection (R506:2.� ) Fastening Floor construction %(R505;3) CONCRETE FLOORS'(ON GROUND) (R506) L Thickness: W/2" minimum; Concrete strength .(R506ii) Sppport; prepared subgrade; maximum earth fill = 87;. maximum sand or gravel fill (R506.2.1) . Base course: 4 graded with 2:'r maximum Aggregate (R506:2.2) . Vapor retarder (R506:23)' Reinforcement support (R5.062.4) DECKS ( 507) . Support, attachment (R5071. - P507.2.3) Wood/plastic materials. (R507.3) . lid -VALLC-ONSTAUCTION (Chapter.-,,, GENERAL (136011) _1)vPbv6 Design (R601.2) Comppnerit-and.cladding Wind loads. WOOD CONSTRUCTION (R60.2) Construction [Figures j4662.3(i) -and R602.3(2)].. aStu0 grade (FI602.2) Exterior walls (P602.3) 1 Stud spacing [R602-3.1,. Table.R602.3(5)] Interior load-bearino WaIIs'(R602.4)- Interior nonb6aring walls : 21" xijl� at 24"'o'.c. or2"x.,4"flat -at,16"o.'*c.(RqOg.5) A' - Drilling and fiotdhing--studs (R602.6) Drilling and notching=tOp plate (R602.6;)) -Headers (Tables R502.5(1),- R502.5(2), R602. 7.2 and Figure P602. Fireblocidng (RaVA;P302.11) Cripple Walls (R602.9) 7Walfbrading., lines, panels (6602"P0. 11- A602. 102) Reqd,ired.length of bracing, method [6602.10.3, R602, 10.4, Tabl6s A602. 10.3(!)a'n*d.R602.10.3(3)] Minimum l6rig'th, connections' support, u ppqrtJoihts, cripple walls. (R602. los - R602. -10., 11)' -wall anchorage (SDG- C and D)' (R602.11). ..Simplified wall bracing (R602.12) WALL FRAMING (13603) General (R603. 1) framing (R603.2) . . I Material (R60121) (R603.2.2) 0 Corrosion protection (R60.1.2.3) Fastening (R603.2.4) Wall construction (R603.3 - R603.5) Headers (R603.61) Studs; tracks and structural sheathing (R603. 77 R603. 9) SHEATHING. (R604 and R605)' Wood structural p4h6I.sff?604) Particleboard.(0005)` MASONRY CONST.RUCTION'(11606 - R610) General design .(R60)SbC 0 and D. ( Rq66J2) Unit masonry (R607).. Mu#06-Wythe.masonry (R608) Grouted masonry (R609) bias, s unit - rriasonry.(R619)' . V, .EXTERIOR CONCRETE WALL CONSTRUCTION (R61 1) Applicability (R611.2) Concrete wall systems (R611.3) Stay -in -place lbrms (R611.4). vMateria'ls','d'p.hstruction'details EXTERIORWINDPWS4 DOORS (R612) General;. performance; testing and labeling. (R012) STRUCTURAL INSULATEDPANEIL wALL. CONSTRUCTION (13613) Ap lica bility.-(R613.2) Materials W411 papOls, construction detail's (R613.4 R613.16) -7- WALL COVERING (Chapter 7), INTERIOR WALL COVERING (R702) Wood shakes and shingles (R703.45)- Plaster mate lal. .(R7O2.2) Exterior plaster .(h703.6).- n. Platter support (R762.2.3) Stonq'4 masonry. veneer .(R703.i A'hgurs _61W046 'Gypsum board material (R702.3. I). R�03.7),Steeil angle lifitels 41, Minimum bearing each end '(R10j. 7.$) Gypsum board support, application and fas- Veneer ties: #9 U.S. . gage wire or 022-,U.S. taping (R700.3.20 - R702.3.8) corrugated metal; gage by %11 6orrug' ..horizoeita ' I Ceramic. tile (0702.4) a.hd.veitiqal spacing; -2.67.tquaee feet maximum area supported (mond. >-730- psf - Other finishes (R702.5 and R702.6) and SDq C.'or D, maximum area -2- squaref6k) tP703-7-4.0- Af t-Vapor retarders. (i?702.*7). Flashing (0703.75� and R703.8)' EXTERIOR WALL COVERING (R703) �1* Exterior irtsuliationandfi. n sh systems V . -water. resistive bdrrier.(R703.2) Wood siding (07033) Ne Fiber cement siding (R703. 10) Attachment and rnih'imumthic'kness V'ip*y'l:9'id'1'ng' (R703. 1-1). (rable.R'103.4). ROOF -CEILING 'CONS-tilucTIO.N..(.C.hapte'r-8).- GENERAL (R801). pp-IingC. W--?Ddisign(R801.2 and. R80.1..,3) Species and grade mpiorldrit and cladding wind loads Span [Table R301.2(2)] Size WOOD ROOF FRAMING (R0102) Fim-retar . dant-treated wood (R802.1.3 UW0 Framing details (R802.3) Rafter tie. (A802.3.1) Collar ties W1 o.c.' in upper.third.b.f attic). Purlihs (21, -x- 4" At 41 D.q. minimum) (Figure. R802.5. 1, R802.5. i). 'dng —Bea (R802.6) Cuttingandnotching (R892.7) Engineered wood products (R802.7.2) Lateral support ainid"brid6ing* -(A802.8) - Fram, j90 openings (R802.,P) Wo 7itrCisse's (R802.10). Roof tie -down (R80211) CEILING JOISTS [Tables R802.4(1), R802.4(2)] fj _Wfthbut attic storage, LL = 1 Opsf W ith attic storage LL = 20psf Tables R802.5.1 (I)--. R802.5.1 (8)] Ground snow -loadILL =200st - Controlling ,design (LL.' or snowy Ceiling not iattached/ceilin6.6tta6hed spacing. Species andar4de . Span Size .V HdHA; Adjustment factor ROOFS EATHING- (R804.2). Grade (V-64D Thickness FR1W all6wabipstresses/grading h,/AwAllowable spains [Tabib R*503.2. 1. 1'(1)] 4_71h 1 64stailation (R803.2.3) -8- d: _3F-CEILING CONSTRUCTION (c�;..� ) STEEL ROOF FRAMING (R804) . General•(R804.1..) Structural framing (R8042) Material (R804.21) Identificatioin (R804.2.2), Corrosion protection {R804.2.-3) .Access Fastening (R8042.4).. Roof construction (R804.3) Roof tie -down -(R804.3.9) �. ROOF VENTILATION (R806) . Ventilation requirements (R806.1 - R806.5) ATTIC ACCESS (R807) requirements (807.. i) ROOF ASSEMBLIES (Chapter. 9) ROOF CLASSIFICATION (R902) P _Wood shakes (R905.8) . Roof.covering materials (R902..1) Built=up roofs (R905.9) VA THER PROTECTION (1:1903) Metal roof panels (R90510) Flashing (R903..2) Modified bitumen roofing (R905.11) Coping (R903.3) „ Thermoset single -ply roofing_ (R9U5.12) Roof drainage.(R903.4). Thermoplastic single -ply roofing (R905.13) MATERIALS (13904) Sprayed polyurethane foam roofing (R905* 14) 0 Compatibility; specifications; physical charac- Liquid=applied. coatings (14905.15) tonstics; identffication (R904.2 - R904.4) Photovoltaic shingles (R9g5, i6) REQUIREMENTS FOR ROOF COVERINGS:(R905) .. ROOF INSULATION (11908) N Asphalt. shingles (R9052) % General (139061) Clay and concrete the (R905 3) RERO •FING (13907) Metal roof shingles (R905.4) U Materials' 'methods Mineral -surfaced roll roofing (R905,5) and (R907..1) Structural support (R907.2). Slate and slate -type shingles (R905..6) Recover vs: replace (R907.3) \ Wood shingles (R905.7) CHIMNEYS.AND. FIREPLACES (Chapter-10) MASONRY FIREPLACES (111001) fS Hearth extension'(R1061.9, R1001.10) Construction Fireplace clearance (R1001.11) (Figure R1001.1 and Table R10 1.1): SDC. [) reinforcing/anchorage Fireblocking (R1001, i2) (R1001.3 and R1001.4) MA ONRY CHIMNEYS (R1003). Firebox walls and dimensions Construction (Tabla Ri001.1, R10032, (R1001.5 and R1001.6) R1003.3; and Figure Rf001.1). ---) Steel fireplace units (R1001.5,1) Corbeling (Ri003.5) Lintel (noncombustible) (R1001.7) -9- '__AIMNEYS AND FIREPLACES (con,_-_} Changes in dimension (R1003.fi) Chimney clearance (R1003.18) - Additional load (R1003.8). Fireblockmg (R1003,i9) Termination (R1003.9) Chimney crickets (141063.20), Spark arrestors (R1003..9.2) FAC ORY BUILT'FIREPLACES (RId04) Wall thickness; >_ 4" (R7003.10) Listed and labeled (R1004.1) Flue lining - matenal/installatiori.. Installation (R1.004.2) (R1003.11 and R1003.12) Multiple flues.(R1003.13). FA ORY.BUILT CHIMNEYS (Al005) Flue area (appliance) (R7003.14) Listed and labeled (R1005.1) Flue area (masonry fireplace) (R1003.15) Installation (R1005.3 and.R1005..4). Inlet (R1003. i6) E ERIOR AIR SUPPLY (R1006) Cleanout opening {R1003.17} . Intake, size.(R1006:2, R1006..4) ENERGY. EFFICIENCY (Chapter 11) l� Compliance; information (N1101.5, W 11.01.8) Systems (N1103) f� Climate zone (lab/e Ni701.10). ��✓.electrical (NiiO4) _Building thermal envelope (N7102) V Simulated performance (Ni 105) MECHANICAL (Chapters 1243) f ►�"J.. Appliance labeling (M1302, M1303) WA- Chimney and vent location and termina#ions (Chapters 10 and 18) Appliance access (M7305, M1401) ������9p'ocial,dquipme6t'(Chap.tei 10) Appliance installation (01307) ' Boilers/water heaters (Chapter20) Heating.and. cooling equipment; load.calcula- Hydronic piping (Chapter2l) tions (Chapter 14), . stems (Chapter i5 Special piping.and storage: systems Exhausts y. ( p ) . (Chapter 22) Duct systems'(Chapter 10) Solar systems (Chapter23) Combustion air(Chaptdr 17) Penetrations offire-resistance rated assem- blies (R302.4; R302.5) Application (G2401.4) General regulations .(G2404) Appliance location (62466) Air requirements (G2407) Installation (G2408) :FUEL.GAS (Chapter 24). Clearances (G2409) Electrical ,and electrical bonding Pipe. sizing.(02413) . Piping niaterials (G2414) -10- FUEL GAS (cont'd) Piping installation (G2415 and G24 19) Venting (G2425 - G2429) Piping support. (G2118 and G2424) Mise appliances (G2423, G2430:- G2454) Valves, controls, connections (G2420, G242.1 and G*422) PLUMBING (Chapters 25-33) ._�Water service location and depth. (P2603. P2604) Sanitary.and storm sewer.loc'Ation'and depth (P2603,.R2604) Piping support (Table Listed Plastic materials (P2609) Plumbing fixtures --(Chao '0/- - �rev Water. heater size and location (qha0;di28). ._.Water supply and distribution system design and calculafflofid (Chaot&29) ..D,welling unit fire spri 16 . r-s' ms (P2964) hR yst6 NFPAI 3D system (P2904. A. V Te'mperature rating (P2904.2. 1, #2964.2.2) Freezing protection .(P2004.2.3) Sprinkler coverage (F!2.90 . 4.R. Piping materials (P2904.3)- Flow rates (P2904.41 P29*04.4. 2) Water'-sup"ply-capacity (P2904-5.2) V Pipe sizing -(P2904.6) Pik Drain, --waste- anid.veirit 0!pq sizing and riser diagram. (P3004?,f3005,..C-hiptei3!)' Sumps and. bjb6t6rs'(P3007),.- /� l3a6kwaterValves (P3008) Fixture trap' $tQrm'drainage (Cftapt6i 33) Penetrations of fire-tesistancd rated assem- blies (R302.4, R302. 5*)' ELECTRICAL L (Chapters 0443) Penetrationsof fire -resistan ce rated 98se blies (E3402.2) Listed and labeled materials (E3403)' service. equipment and'lodation (E3405, E36011 EJ, 606) IkQ(A: Service'size * 'and , load calculations (E3602) KIVA: �o_0 Available. fault current (E3696) System . grounding (E3607) Required branch circuits (E3703) Feeder requirements and load calculations (E3704) Wiring methods '(Chaptqr. 38) _Re�qbiiei tl-ligoting.afid receptacle- outlets. (Ej901, E3903).-' Ground -fault acid are -fault dirbuft-interrupiibr protection Devices. and lighting fl*ure's-.(Chaptqr40)' Applia"n4e.installation (Ppapriqr4j)'..'. Swimming pools (0fta0ter42). Clas8-2 remote -control, signaling and 6 pow.er;- limited-bircufts; (Chqpter43)­ MANUFACTURED HOUSING USED AS DWELLINGS (Appendix E)'. Provisions adopted (RI02.5) Compliance with Apppndlk E verified P r RL:_JN CONTROL MEASURES (App&:... x F) Provisions adopted (R102:5) Compliance with Appendix F verified SWIMMING POOLS; SPAS AND711—k-comoliarice ITUBS•(Appendix ..). Provisions adopted (R102 5) with Appendix G verified PATIO COVERS (APPO dix H Provisions adopted (R.i02.5).• : Compliance with:Appendix H verified' PRIVATE'SEWAGE. DISPOSAL A er�dix ( PP ) Provisions adopted (R11j2:5). LCompliance with Appendix i verified EXISTING•BUILDINGS AND.STRUCTURES APP du • x J) n ' P. 'Provisions Adopted"(R 02.5) Compliance with -Appendix J verified SOUND TRANSMISSION (Appendix.. Provisions. adopted (R102.5). Compliance with Appendix K verified HOME- DAY •CARE••-R-3 OCCUPNCY(Appendix M NOTES -12-