HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOCi JOSEPH E. SMITH, ^T,,MRK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT - S1P,T--- LUCIE COUNTY FILE # 3948232 l 300K 3625. PAGE 813, Recordec' /25/2014 at 10:31 1 NOTICE OB GONIl4IENCF,bi'A i � Ei The undmigned hereby given notice that improvement IQ be made to -'alD real h.4% b Florida Statues the following information is provided in the Notice of Cammeacemm�rcP�S. erns eecaNtara with C fall' ""Off CwPROPr87V (l.egd description cans sa i t address, if a ashle.) %txsorJo mmmt f/ S a I Z 3. owNIamopmnom. a d N maard wda of rw simple 4. comvAcrowsxAmr-, aImepttnprRnq C*ww.t*t ts7 5. SUIMVSIVAb%ADDRESS ANDP&otR NQItDDr1ANDBOI AMotlNit — 6. LSND�yNA6ffiADDRL49AlmP80NiNop�R: 7. Persons within the State of Florida dwignaW by Dwaer upaD whom entice or other doe $cation 713.13 (1) (a) 7, Florida Stuntez ments may be served as Pmvided by NAatRADaarssAtmPaotrstrot�t i g. In addition to himself or harselc Owner designates the 713.13 (1) (b), FloridaStehrtsx MAN& ADDRESS AND PzCN1 N[iMM; q,cci&o.-------••---- -cw tare 20 Slpstore ofOever or Owner's Authorized 0111e9rMlrect0r/Part 1Ct7?dsnager 9tateofFlmida • County of St'. Lucie 711eforegoing h-tnunentwd acimowlednd be. me eGf. __ Persocally rmawu or = produced the following We t;wNIT. Under Peroddes of perjury, l declare dW 1 have read the finegoh bdief(Section 9Z525, Florida Smtutesj Sip4tore(j) erowoer(s) or Owner(s), AathoNsed By /rr....-c,.,a/ - " ramor3 NOUN as provided in Section it 1 Year from the date ofmwding unless a differem date i, %C/C/ Y7rim& g, _ At u_/1-`f PrtutNamesadProvideSigostory'sMuelom e of,20—L4_ that the facts in it am tam to the best ofmy Imowledge and rf nlmctur 1 Partaer/N=W who dgned above Date' u: