HomeMy WebLinkAboutDENSITY OF SOIL IN PLACEA. �. ENGINEERING AND TESTING, IN 3504 INDUSTRIAL 33R STREET SCANNED FORT PIERCE, FLORIDA 34946 LOCAL OFFICE: (772) 461-7508 FAX (772) 461-8880 MOISTURE - DENSITY RELATIONSHIP OF SOIL Client: Budget Construction Project: 3763 Oleander Ave. Contractor: Client SAMPLE DATA 2006 T. Report Date: March 17, 2006 Project No.: 'I / f Test No.: 8479 Permit No.: 05090906 Date Sampled: March 16, 2006 I Sampled by: R. Ankrom Location: Composite, E. Pad Elevation: Fill Description: Brown fine sand, little sylt and clay, trace rock nodules 118 116 112 110 8 10 12 14 16 Moisture, % TEST METHOD - ASTM D 1557 Technician: M. Barkley Test Method B Preparation: Dry Hammer: Mechanical Hammer Face: I Sector RESULTS Maximum Dry Density* 116.0 pcf Optimum Moisture Content* 11.0 'The maximum density is reported to 0.1 lb./cu. ft. and optimum moisture to the nearest 0.1 % for information only. ASTM calls for these to be reported. to the nearest 0.5 lb./cu. ft. or percent, respectively. Distribution: Reviewed by: = '' Client - 2 A. M. ENGINEERING ANi) �T-ESTING, INC. Rebecca Grant,Ascoli- RGA/pm Florida,Registration, No. 51 1�63 A. M. ENGINEERq*AND TESTING, INC. 3 504 INDUSTRIAL 3 3RD STREET FT. PIERCE, FLORIDA 34946 LOCAL OFFICE: (772) 461-7508 FAX: (772) 461-8880 OF SOIL IN PLACE Client: Budget Construction Contractor: Client Site: 3763 Oleander Ave. Building E, Foundation Fill Report Date: Technician: Permit No.: 3/17/06 R. Ankrom 05090906 Test No. Date Tested Location Eleva- tion (ft) - Field Test Results Proctor Max Dry Density ( ef) Com action Pass/ Fail HCP HZO Dry Density ( cf) Probe Depth (in) In Place (%) Min Req'd (% 8480 3/16/06 Map Location 1 0-1 50 8.4 114.1 12 116.0 1 98.4 95 P 8481 It1-2 60+ 12 116.0 95+ 95 P 8482 it1 2-3 60+ 12 116.0 95+ 95 P 8483 Map Location 2 0-1 45 9.1 113.0 12 116.0 97.4 95 P 8484 1-2 60+ 12 116.0 95+ 95 P 8485 2-3 60+1 12 116.0 95+ 95 P 8486 Map Location 3 0-1 50 7.8 113.9 12 116.0 98.2 95 P 8487 it1-2 60+ 12 116.0 95+ 95 P 8488 if2-3 60+ 12 116.0 95+ 95 P 8489 Map Location 4 0-1 55 8.6 114.8 12 116.0 99.0 95 P 8490 of1-2 60+ 12 116.0 95+ 95 P 8491 2-3 60+ 12 116.0 95+ 95 P I Remarks: • All elevations are below bottom of slab. j • The field density tests were performed in general compliance with ASTM D 2922, Density of Soil in Place by Nuclear Methods. • The Hand Cone Penetrometer (HCP) test, in conjunction with information about the soil type, is empirically correlated to the relative density of the subsurface soils. The laboratory Proctor maximum dry density was determined in accordance with ASTM D 1557. Distribution: Reviewed by: ; Client - 2 A. M. ENGINlEERING •AND ;TESTING, INC. Rebecca Grant Ascoli;.P: E. = Florida Regi8tratioii Nc. 5'1863 S: IFort Pierce Of ceWetAppsUME LOG BOMCommercial IobslBudget Constructionl3763 Oleander Avel8480-8491 Density _o A�. EN � N ft- GINEERENG AND ESTING, INC. 3504 INDUSTRIAL 33"" STREET FORT PIERCE, FLORIDA 34946 7172) 461-7508 OFFICE - (772) 461-8880 ELK .Z AsT b ' � A�. EN � N ft- GINEERENG AND ESTING, INC. 3504 INDUSTRIAL 33"" STREET FORT PIERCE, FLORIDA 34946 7172) 461-7508 OFFICE - (772) 461-8880 ELK .Z AsT b ' � Pre -Cons 4. LN�IAR 2 4 '2003 FJ gor�ltww on Termite Treatment 1-500-255-7375 Property Information Treatment Dace - Tyme L�l Lot Block 3 Subdivision, N=* Street Address (If known) city State zip Owner Name (If known) Product, Treatment Type; iU'nderslab Wood Treatment Mu %%�� lder/Contractor .8(_d ee: f & N 1tra c CJ) Name of Btulder Shell Contractor �-- Constneti" T' pc Monolithic Floating/Stemwall Product! Disodium Octaborate (Boracare) 1 Other � Concentration < I Square Feet Treated 0 3 Patio Entry Driveway tment Information Patio/Driveway Final Frobuild TC Cypemetbrin Y Mixed Product Applied S �S Linear Feet Treated o If this box is checked, then Final Perimeter treatment has been completed and the following statement is applicable: Certificate of Compliance: This building has received a complete treatment for the prevention of subteruanean termites. This treatment is in accordance with the rules and laws established by the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. 41 le� 'E7/! s Applicator's Name (please print) Applicator's Signature l 'd M 'ON HO-TO19 Rev I2/05 ®Hulett Enviw=cntd services I WdLI 9001 '66 'M IRj 005/005 ``->1%29/2004-10:36 FAX 7723354052 NOV-29-2004 10:18 F ITY aTIONRL TITLE 56162250e9 P.03 File No.: 04-010-416264 Policy No.: 26-33.92-04-010-41fi264 EXHIBIT "A" A parcel of tend lying within the South one-half 11 /2j of the Northeast one -quarter (1 /4) of Section 33, Township 35 South. Flange 40 East, St. tLucie County, Florida. Said parcel being more particularly described as follows: Commence at the Northeast comer of the Southeast one -quarter (114) of the Northeast one -quarter (1/4) of said Section 33; thence, North 88 degrees 09 minutes 16 seconds West, along the North line of the South one-half (1/2) of the Northeast one -quarter (114) of said Section 33, a distance of 692.03 feet; theriee, South 00 degrees 22 minutes 55 seconds West, parallel with the East line of (said Section 33, a distance of 224.50 feet to the Point of egrees 22 minutes 55 seconds Vilest, a distance of Beginning; thence, continue South 00 d 112.25 feet;. thence, South 88 degrees 09 minutes 16 seconds East, a distance of 600.00 feet to the West line of a drainage right-of-way; thence, North 00 degrees 22 minutes 55 seconds East, along said right-of-way line, -a distance of 112,25 feet; thence, North 88 degrees- 09 minutes 16 seconds West, a distance of 600.00 feet to the Point of Beginning. Authorized Signatory FORM 602A ($19411REV, 8197) (altaa92.0011 I, Page 2 II ALTA OWNWS POLICY (10.17•021 SC14EDULE A WITH FLORIDA MODIFICATIONS �.716,y t_,69 Lf Yy ' +yf • „ r',•L.._.. ... arp-� �� .._ Y_�.�r �.� -- r . _ ZT; ,u i ,_ _ _ 'n�u�.' o..m ___ '•____ ----'A' u __ 'I>� l el�l� gill 40, — — — — — — — --- — ---- — — — — — — — fit p p d dA' IQ . ............ ... Ir sd wd00:20 gooE vo -u-el_ 9662-OPM-L: 'ON XUA SNId33NISN3 UIOSINA: WOdA FROM :FRISCIA ENGINEERING FAX NO. :7723407996 ran. 04 2006 03:01PM P10 -' — 1MVIVOu • .uay, IuuI A] R/W LINE SEE PAUF .F.DGF OP TRAv�I,WAY' PRIOR TO INITIAL INSPECTION, SAWCIIT EDGE 0P PAVEMENT TO 6" VEA rIC:AL DEPTH tj PRbPUSED �RiVEWAY-, PLAN VIEW Driveway Widths,-9 Nearest Property Line//? NAIL. � i �- R/W. I ILIA I"="'i"'�I'•t nl ClgE _. `I cl�lii'� �11�� +r :A'! // l.{•'C�.�J Ci�:lrl'% X1lIs!C!l DESIGN INVENT = OZ. Vi- 4 - SECTION A Notes: 1. Surface Specifications: a. Asphaltic concrete driveway extending into the right-of-way or pijblic easernent shall consist of 1 j of Type It Asphaltic Concrete centered on a 1211 wider base of 4" thick compacted limerock or coqulno base, density shall bp, 98% of maximum as determined by AASHTO T-180, 2. Right -of -Way Restoration: a. Requirement: As good or better than condition prior to construction (includes adjacent areas). Use sod as necessary. Sod must be placed at at' below the edge of pavement! Any sod placed above the edge of pavement will not be approved at tho final inspection. b. Drainage; Drainage ditches disturbed during construction shall be gradod in such a manner as to provide for restoration of the flow line. The County will not approve the final inspection if the placement of sod partially blocks the driveway culvert, The top of the sod must match the invert of the culvert. 3. Concrete or Asphalt briveway Surface: a. initial inspection: When the driveway is prepared to accept the concrete or asphalt, notify the,St. Lur,.le County Drainage Division at (561) 4t32.- 2511 for inspections, allowing at (Past one day for scheduling. b. 1=inai inspection, Regardless of the type of surface materlal used, schedule a final inspection after all requirements are met and right-of-way has been restored. Permit# ,'4,i.�a?. Page # FROM :FRISCIA ENGINEERING FAX NO. :7723407996 an. 04 2006 03:01PM P11 18" DlA. C.M.P. W/2:1 MITER �Dcveied of Rounrltd Colnert l � f ! � t j'//r•f �\� tl• 0 WE ►?tinfgrcCd wilh —' NIr.Em nAl�6H TOP VIEW SINGLE PIPE ~_ 4 l f �tr Itff••� llnhw�� Cwrn"cq MOlnt Pipe I i' SECTION TOTAL LENGTH FROM :FRISCIA ENGINEERING FAX NO. :7723407996 Tan. 04 2006 03:01PM P12 Pipc ir[lliltnt; ll()lc;;; 1, �lll ru�uuf[!c[[lrc:rs rccom.mcllcic[tiolls must be w]lnwed. i �. 1111 cqucrcfc a1w • � t �t the J!'iVLtVu rarltuvci! frt7n7 tlrc rlsht of 1vny, !r c(urlll ltiut I laitccd cnr� sacifans must vc ,ccllutls, luiy cojrcrctc ovcr r !a na[ ilgrJlctl t❑ !! C a1,.1 culYcrt C'Kcrpt Wd [1[c Ljrivctiv ry •I1�itrcd :. '!7[c 1,anQing MKI pip, cicvn; ull Iqur, c,vc:r the v:cirir i11 question. I [ bc. in51'Ir..l[eci bC(urr_ tlny cnvcr is i1 ►" �ccri