S$ 60110
Permit: 05-122
FRX NO. :7723407996
Phone # 305 883-9878
Owner: Biltmore Commercial Park, LL(.:
Contractor-, None Listed i
an. 04 2006 03:00PM P7
Mailing .Address: 12450 NW SouthRiver Dr., Miami, FL 3:3178
Construction .Address: TBD Uleande1 r Ave, Vt. Pie)•ce, FT, 34982
Lot # 1310clk # Subdivision:
This permit contains Information,
of yolir driveway and related drai
The Name information will be used
acceptability of your installation.
i. appllcilhle to the construction
our Inspectors to determine the
If you have any questions regarding the permit herein, please call st, a,ucie
County Drainage Division at (772) 402-2g11.
St. Lucie County Drainage )Division h' reviewed the proposed driveway.
Construction is permitted subject to provlisions listed below
and attached hereto:
I. All disturbed right-of-way shall be sodded.
Z. Any curb & gutter broken during the course of construction must be
replaced or repaired and cleaned before the final inspection is passed.
3. Any asphalt broken during the course of construction must be cut &
patched before the final inspection is passed.
By: Date:?
rivem spyLl r
{ Date; •�; , �.o r::�r-_...
I% Drainage Fng neer
Board of County Commjssione�rs, St. Lucie Cininty, Florida
Prepdur;-_,_ Permit # C,Ur � L _
Final: —
l�age '!
FROM :FRISCIA ENGINEERING FAX•NO. :7723407996 in. 04 2006 03:OOPM PB
Irg"Hilled a Parulll rot. eanslt'nrlin)t of till: Pr,rl+osed dt•Ivcwny out Calunlp rlghl y)l ,v,ty ,yn „a,.,,e t„
)hida by (he rollowlol,1)
1, i21:lhli Duo to dasihn ecnslrnili(s, nlly thivaway lrovidin
1 1 (, tlCccSs Ina one or two I)litlily
dwelllbg, shall normally()r-be 11 mill lva 1, of s'IR (G) reel Imul Iha ncnrest side pluperly till,, widleld n
file mi tune mina [fir,
fret mint n allh crl. In Ilin casn Crcol'llar lots, drivewnys 511n11 be unns(rtic(ad so flint
Iha rr,)(ar IiI1C of lilt drivc}Vu)' is a ulinininlla Or(w"IIIy (20) feet lrool ill" llnrillirl bast. buihlitlg lint
(right-ar--way line),
7,• t51! LUU. All t uu ilruc(ion ivul It shall co)Ipfy tvi(h the snrcl
local laws. y provisions Of all Prdcrnl, SUIfO, and
'f• :I:I,1!1M Li. tl :Ul - IN'tLasll, au shu►1 Do pruvhlUd dotlug collsivircilon in aacU!'dnllCe
❑Murnl oil'I'mrilc Control p,d 5nft frncticcs, }YIUi lhC l Il)rldII
( lil;SnrsIinYftilcsx-'I'ha 130nrd ol'('ouoly C U-11 IlBsiOIwrs alld rat h and every ntcnlbcr Ihcrcol'
From ilia payment elf nuy cwnpousafioll or datniigos rrstlltilIg from Tile "xerci.sn of rights cold privilege,
licit -ill pr,111led.
�llL1'1L�ItS�IlI(1t(1yt11 L'111vurl inslnllnliol, Sllnll bl, ncconlplishrd iu nranrtlarres with lho
Provixions of IIIIs permir, nttd Sllnll be flin tc,polisibitlty ol'thC applieaul,
LLIInu_�itLuf.fJtf i.u�hilll(iflll 1, Tilt case of au applicant's uuncanlpfiallr o wiUl {hr. roquirenlcnls
"(mail Iterain, (lie inslnilotictl will lie promptly brought lido Colnpfinnre. Impaction orlhe work der., not
(alieve Ills o1lPlicunt I10111 r.omplinuce with Iha piMill cnudiliut,a,
y' �iiel(1s=ulaYnyl1111�1L� - FluialC(el' SI�:SIeIIIR, SIdC1V11(I S, drive}Vny or,s(tect silo boarders,
drains lianl privnlu praper{y, rlac(riO lighting, si{(1is, landscnpiI)8. older ()fail brcnkntvny typo,)nilbnx
poses, Invfcing filcll111c5 rlhd al'vsswmllcs pi allylh1118 Ihnt MAIIII Ilin,rar (fit! roollly Illniglrhnnuo opcinl(un,
shall ,ol bo P111"d and/or eonslrucled ill the (,O)ulil I it;hl-of--way
g S�VI!CLc(t; QtLAttltjllli.(_bbJllC - I'avilig o th'iVCWay 1011ill the Co)iltp right-nr tvn•y is allowril
only wile) the rullilmy to which it will joill is pnvrii.
9. at�ltili!'ll_Dl;.a.►f1ulowc,ltct 1 L.I1S�41,I
1—Ila. I t t L I IIC nppliclntl agrees (o I)ro)lptly repair ally dnninge
or injury to 1111provenlo)ts all COnnty right-nl=way Caused by rellsnn orIlle Cxcrcise orrighls and
privilC, s hcroin grunted, reslori,s sn)ic to ;I co)t[Itipil aqua, fO nla( wlllo,, exislt!d iat,ledfnfely
Ihr inllirtion orsoch dnulase or injury in a lonnuer stilisfle(ory to Ilia Cot)l(y-
prier to
. i
101 a'ULLL ],'!L►iSulillus, - All work tmtst bn conlplcl-It within S i V) nteufhs front Ilse dnlC of issoa,ea
nr tll(s perinft Will bccoll,c,till nntl void.
brivnwnys Sllnll 'be desipnad In be perpalldic,lur O (ile rondway To
1vidull nlcy juin nild be uclltel•"tl o)1 life ctllvcCt. '
12• •i'YU''1.(. L:ULl 0 1 ,c - All work in the Cotpl(y 1(iiglt(-t)C tvny sllnll be dune by n l,crsou evil,, llulds n
ccrlifiea(c Oroo,ylC(clley and is illstired ill St. Lucia COvi ly.
( )• 1KsI) e i0.U- A pro -pour f)spo(;lion shall be aomplrled mill nl,provrd I)y a C;ounfy limpeclor
prior to cu,crole or asphnll being pl:lced in 1110 Comity riµrl( of=wny. A Gnnl inspeelio, shall Bc
cu,lplclyd mud approved by It ConulY 111speelor when till file C011dilions of tlio pernift nry mct. A
atiuiMnM Iwenly-imir (2.1) hotlC I1o11r0 is Ilotitlnlly tcquirell prior to nil itlupcclioll bailig SChet illoll•
I.A. &rdlJslMU) ' pA- A reinspmtjoll Pee will br rtx uirad file I)rvcloplllaiil Dcpnt•tnlanT. The rail Ing must be hrotll;llt Iloflg tI nt
o p ly lh0 Ile lelrr J11511CC Itl))Il i(C!ellll IIC ICC lVlfl
titan Ic be pnill in person ❑t Ilia Sinitic time (lie rrillspCC11011 tagllest is Betide, The rota nfe nc Iollows:
IJirs(t ci)silvdio» For pre -pour or• ri,aL• 1,,,.,,lty (20) lull; I a ch
Serottd 1'cln5peaflott 1'ot' pl'C•pn,i' ni' final; Itur(y (40) dollars enell
1'hirll refnsper.tiuu rot, pro. -past• al- 111ml: Sixty (GO) dollnr.q enctl
pert))((#•!)5-/�� ��'
FRX NO. :7723407996 an. 04 2006 03:00PM P9
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:Cl; r,K=T ].lz"
i 991 S.W. Whitmore Drive
port at. Lucie, FL 34904
Small: trisolaeng@adelphla.net i
Jan. 04,2006 02:58PM P1
Fax' 772-340.7996