HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOTICE OF VEGETATION REMOVAL PERMITa F� vtl 1 UA 61 "*0 � .0 M - OU NTY ., VEGETATION REMOVAL it #:20050910 erty Owner: Biltmore Commercial Park Issued: 9/6/05 rector: Clinton Barker ;et Location: Oleander Av. PIN# 2433-131-0001-000-6 PERMIT Project Name: Biltmore Commercial Park Date Expires: 9/6/06 Site Inspection Date: N/A Project Description: Commercial Facility Flell Notes: Refer to your approved site plan 1. HABITAT: I Uplands- Slash pine/oak flatwoods Wetlands: Norse Identified 2. WR DLIFE: None identified 3. vEGETATION REMOVAL: 92" of trees > 12" 4. SIGNWWAOq ARCIIAEOIbOGICAI. OR In$'IOUIC F0(DINC-&- ;•-Xi*:: k : witty .J plan on itions wse " vdl"ye ' to p and 2 ation at' ;,,, .. es and incl diu�g 9»�_`" t ed a �v>i efifi tree or plant 'ng 52q►!s. 1 a`d t q#ec� b� r group of tr . Q tie a eo ar eava►+t!el'sr111 ed daily e�'r1"1 PTi s S eetd'' drae to Gonstuction damage will and epaire .e •.ate 'y A 9 R y r 1,S , ,t T%9 1.3' k, .i.,: Rig �� be ired....�. �;.;.,,," . au S IS AI!1fO O.Giri>lC PItP''I°1r'. IiLEASE CONTACT A PROFESSIONAL SURVEYOR TO DETERMINE.IF 'YOUR. PROPERTY IS AFFECTED BY 'OR LIES WI'TIIIN A FLOODPLAIN. y TIE t APPLICANT SHALL DEEP THIS EXEMPTION POSTED ON -SITE AT ALL TIMES DURING LAND CLEARING. TH PROPERTY OWNER AND/OR AGENT SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING ,ALL APPLICABLE STATE AND/OR FEDERAL PERMITS. Rehyansky e Protection Coordinator . ourt 41'4 Uo U4U§p DATE S'UumrrTED- _-_- %� ck�C / P X R M N NU: ST. LUCIE COUNTY 'NOTICEOF VEGETATION REMOVAL AP PLICA.TXO N id sribmit to the St. Lvxie County Bui]dine & Zoriny a contact the St. Lucie County Ervireymental Resources ::on does rot result ID waurborLaoon to comr_ience any cotrit oncemm of any vegermion removal an approves ;canon is required, Ineomplete applications wilt nut be ►with section 11.05•66(c) of the St. [•uric County band k R(J.I� C T I`P'FO R,hx O'NNERS NAME: PROJE;C': LOCATIOI","ADDPESS;_ 0®&',.,9V.,✓m AVY - - — CITY: P! i'' S STATE: /,L . Z:1': S=iS I CQNTA4 k PHONE T: E! ...�. SLTIIDI�%ISIO�:: ZONING: PARM SLZ PROPERTY T A-X ID ; :! 1.S13 3 _~_I �. * ,CC7 �. • c 1�rL.—__ ...._ ..._ .... -LC..- Fi..OPUDA _Rz0:CEi.•r ST tLXIE CO. CRRT. rt 37 �J PLEASE CI3ECK AINY OF THE FOLLOWING THAT APPL Y": ... °TTUS PROPERTY COLT. -INS A WETLAND. THIS PROPERTY CONTAINS SPECIES LISTED AS ENpAkrERED, THRE.=ITENEID. OR SPECIE$ OF SPECIAL COkERN, THIS .PROPERTY AJiLTS 'I' X NORTH FORK 014 . '. .. ,U( E ' t 'N it4TLE XVE,4►ILE CREEK. ,1 1. 9 ,PPOPE77Y ? BUTS'IHF, INDIA 1_ 77 ; 'Ir , Jun Ua Ub Uq:wP ,?Anj . E,,�zNIPTION I : C T tz .1 % t I , 111 r... k;lj wo-, :0 r �,::!c " t - .1 -n T! r bo"I'le Ur, At 1-11 t'W.s, wit,% rl,,c person nr r-ri-sons staining The rxernption, PLEASE CHECK ONE OF THE VOLLO WING: i. The nirl'.'r4alyeniu-cal otnail fe Vqt-.ationneacssaxy for the cit=-;ing of path riot to --x;;eed a width, to pro -vide vbnz ical access OT Vic-M necessary to conduct surve-,! ;Ij:1-,,n Oik 10' in o Y ide vChi CulAir access necemdry to coirk6adt soil percolation or Sail bo:e rests FW c: e or rc suc �n F". providoc. -ft Ciearin,,a -noval 15 cf bona fide afte developmeat plAnS Cz vegetation.; ve7',VT' -- a c,inducte,; under the direci:'on of a,t lorida ragistcred suryeYO-, oc 4:ngmeer. -vagetation in a utility �ae .vats M e=CMCnT7 stcg 1'�e removal of native Y ' c� the - - -j;� -,oil is cor.trc. "TIP L-T Operating Ulffiry corrpatq ar-q thriv -C=;a,1Y rar, -,bt-k:red all accessary lice -Lees OT Pena ;ts to PICNifiC utility ,Iewice thTolaeb the easement. ?vr vegetation. which haslocco deten-,;(--ki IV: 1, dcstroYed of d bvye-ad saving by natural causes or causes tiol covered by other sections 01� this Cti;:,PtTr, LS amaze infected witL cig&Lse or �s nfested wjl'h insects, or which constitutes 1rr;z--,94;—e Pell] 1-) "14 urQP� 0r Qrh:r trees. 61 Iadm vegct a -ached bjl;g;e ih "L;j CcSiodliti2l 1L). 01 W;Liz Tan— — 4.1he reirutmal 5111v!nIz In area of Qae (1) acre or less. This exemption is. however, subject to the fallo-mg ny per -,on Moil: Lie ',anxiscapinsE rN1--i;-cwerts 5e: Al VOthing ilit 'his exemptio-a Lliall -a-.\erup� a g) his f,001 i-I S?=Qr. 7 .0 '—Co �Dllp th�; CC-di;i C'I'MMptiot, shall. not be construed to allow :he removal or alieraTion of any protected -.cnoui a p.,=*c on any exe.-Mced ic-4 cr -jar�ei of lznd by its vegetatvurl w qr sa-b-6ivider unless the s-Adividiv intends in . �-:)od faith -.6 nonsrr= a es,.terfial uput or anils I ,sdverr.sernent or listing the '.01 or Parcel, r,:' upon the lot or parcel of land inior to its sal:. - 4 laud ;-'or :1-z!g pLesuruption. mttmd to construct suchI a. utu- and that the inter.( i; F-)j- a. jumeqvcDc pure . =aser to d=-v:!1op the let or parcel, C:) Nr-, •rThh sbsiT *�,- !-e—.j,)vrH Fr.-)r-n any resid=,Lia parcel u-:jsa i�u ait A&5APoL"r G-2--`- -it AR-1. RE,[, in6 R,1C Z.-JUL-Ig distnev), meardicss of i-rcel size, without an ap?Mved Vegetation camel -JAI Posit aad an approved =tigatior, pion. The Public Wor.kc Director, or 'his designee zeducc the requirements far rnitr.:,,-14ion on in(l.vidua: r- where a protected .Eider,tiaj Mr- �, rc.e o- Leis Prot w � tree 2P 2-11' dbL or greater ml-atjbr rc:r%3vein 31&f to provide fof :he -,-easonablt use a Fth& pro-tMV. /5. The mmQval of any non-riative vegetation, f0jjo%-.nLR activities do not xquira 'he application of a Not.ce cf vt:zemrior. ?,--Mc-val, atwever. one may be reqx;.ired ;or B616n-q PerMAMPPTO"a, Or Otht1, sock 3,U1h0Ti23-ion- 'S0.0C stet a No vevegetationvegetation10 be erricved. b P-.C5Cx!t and Parks 'Yj;i-,jageTneit Activities, Vt:gt:r14cr remov-,'*. ac-,i/Jjes associated w,rh zn adopTea m2nageme-m plan for Oovcr=cM ML:nMiMed parks. recreation are;u, wild ife L ,ilinage-rie-Ij areas, coracriader, xeai anal prnscvves- e Purpose of 11 h 0 vegttativa :enioval activity x1doris 0.- tF:e Cc0iO.q1,;2i , shall be to protect =4� prtsc-rvc t,�d :=tjrall valwcs And �Uz- Communities Prt-se-, sue" �s, clearing for 5-tbre:*3, =nductirg pre c-- : !!d 1�urs, c- .IL s rb C F_XIStIng Zrictj:r=1 Operalions. Vegetation removal associated ac,j'vi;jcs, excrpr within mqui:-cd preserve nrcnz or heeded conservation eftsem=-1:5, Whi--n are putt of ff.�t or. yning activities of dieexdisri-7 op--ratior, $ball lint require a pernlit. C)evmg of a silt is no, or. tx"l lelivity. Sona fide agp-i4:ulturad activities include Mr-MMial nur5ery, tr6e farm, aqu=11twc., rw;h, or ,irnilir operation, d. Routine Landscape MainrcrLazieP, or prunir.j of ve,;ttfttior, irmAded h-, suit jr :he ;, 'C Itual C, :f vards of iz~.i-,=Lpine or gardening cf. I is orrimosly reco8nized as rcuEine maintenance, replact.ment or rtlandscap.n.. i- resutT m rhc evenn;n] death o: Ar-e 114,4--Ylon, doeq kici. require the apprr.va ticgcMrl= removal : I , Jun UC U4:'I'IP / �\ r _ I I PART I1- VEGETATION nMOVALYERMIT Applicants removing vegetation, and who co not qualify for an exemption must Fill out Part 11 of this form. Please complete ALL of the requested inzorrmdon. The Public Works Ditector, or his desipee shall issue a Vegetution Ramovsl Pcrmit on y if sufflaiem c-tidence dernO0ri3tratiVS that at lent one of the fQ0CVt r & criteria has been satisfied. I. Tire applicart for vegetatiClr Terrovai pev it shall demdmsttats why re;noval of the =iStrr)g vegetnt,an i5 necessary fbr the reasonable devcloprrll t of the site or why preservatl,or, of the ex>.sting vegetation is itot praGticaliyfeasible and pmvertts the reasonable dcveloyment of the site. 2. The removal of the native vcgctatioo is ;he r►it.irnum necessary in order to impl,menk z Fira. :,-evelopm.ut Older. 3. A Final Development Order ha.s rl b"a Issued, or is not required by this Code trot :i:s intendec non-agricultural Inc of the land and vogetatiott i, the minim= necessary to allow for the constucti•on of the intended use or i-rTrovemertt I SUDMITI:AL REQUMEI«NT'S FOR VEGETATION REMOVAL FERMTS: 1. Vegetation/Tree Survry - For individua! singele-family or dup:ax developme-at lots, the site vegewdor. survey may be a sketch provided than the sketch accurately and completely depicts the areas of vcgetutior i removal and protection. For any resicetxtial deve°opmen: activity which . egttires the sub=ttal of a site ?:ar approval, or any non-nnidcntial dcvelapmerAI ackiv,ty, the site vege:aticn survey must aaeuratcly dcpict the location of All proposed buildings, structures, drive--veys, septic ta&s, and ot:Aer improvements dr;;vn tc and the existing vegetarive condtriom oa the project site. includ'_ng an idearfcat.on of what areas mill be irpacted by the taropormd davelopmer:t aotiviry and wHar areas are proposed for proreeuon/preservution. The individual locations of i_Il County -protected trees, me3sv6,)g the naittisr_urr. sues outimen iz 1 ao.-e i of Secricn o.Uv.uo, mar are locotea within all areas oz proposea =yrovernent aric :.i,:- hvenn� ; ^'11 ip�r r.P a,11 n.r,,,r.g.!.1 ; ., nr ere+e r{.ell },? rhn\yM n� r1,iw �-�•, 1:'n. *i". • ..,....o ,. tivs requirement haprovzment areas ;hall imcludo ail s,ibdiv4,4io3rr lot lines and m,mirix)rn buildable areas. as identi_ied in Section :1.0 .10 (A_)(q)(;..)- Z. List the number and tyae of treeslno it retnoved'exarrrl.et ^vc ! L" hive Oaks, cne 24" Slash Fine. CCC} �tia_� I MAN—_ I -.Iv::rigahcn Czlculations and Plar, (1f iequ:sed) The Vegetarian ft_rnoval Permit shall only be issued after an acc=tablc mitigation plan has bccn revicu•ed and approved, Fr'or to rht issuar i;e of any zorik.g corrpliznce, cem.ficste of capacir7 ':or other recognized authorization for -he com encemenr. o:' the perrtvred development setivity, :he Irepiacerrea: trees shall be planted, relocated, or preserved or the appropriate rnizgaricn fees shall be psi•d to the C..twlty, PPA.RT M-YEG.ETAATION SALVAGE PROGRAM The apnlicans_. couraged to {lar-ti3efpate svith the salvare of this vegetation. `ative upland vegetation Aich canLnor be preserved cr relocated on site shall be corsi•dered surplus. T'se applicant shall artach to tl^_is application a :i£t of the available vegeraricn including me species narnes and cpproxitim a quandry and sizes of each species. The applcirr shall physically mark (so no inadvment destruction occurs) available vegetatioa on sire `o afford.casy icen:ikicataon. The vcgerarioti shall rcrrtoir: available for removal for at least twenty f201 business days after issuance of the pe =ru.. The cpg:itant :s encouraged to participates with. the. r .,, jun u¢ VO u4:•IZP j rNa,�[iMwP+�h*w+►�w�[�iiFM•***X�**Mxai MWP+kf[1k MIN►k.M YNbwWN;'1r1•* rr0Mw-*►Www MNr Wwr N�►♦ PUASI= KA.VETHE FOILLOWTNO ACKNOWLEi~CEMENTS NOTARIZED: I CZ i'II-Y THAT: (CMECK ONE) A. ( ) I AM TIE CW tFER OF RECORD OF -rHE ABOVE DESCRIBED PROPERTY. 3. I AIYI NOT THE CWNER OFRECORD OF TEE ABOVED DESCRIBED PROPERTY: HOWEVER, I HAVE AUTIH0RJ7 Y TO ACT AS AGENT FOR THE OWNER OF RECORD, (PLEASE PROVIDE DOCUMENTATION), I CERTIFY THAT A _L TIFOR.VLkTION5UMMITnD W14TH T* R1S A.PPLIC:AT] 0N :S TRUE AND COIN'I.Z TE TOTHIE BEST QF MY TtNOWLEI;OE. w,NER/ AGENT SIGNATURE- CONTRACTOR S:GI:ATI:Il E SATE OF FLORIDA, COCINTY or ST. LUCIE The fcregging xw1marmut w s ack-nowied ed be:ore me this da Q4- by , who is pu3cimilly knowto me or has produced as ideotifcatior_. "3,I1~afC E77 Notary Ck!:I; �?do per Pnnt Name of Notary is Title _ Commission ��urgj:r STA,'TZ O E; I10L CIAA, C'OUNTY OF ST. LUCIE lie fcreping whci, Fe-swiatly know tome or has produced �s ide. Hscatior Si r_aeus of 11Otart� n T5"pe o- ?r1rlt Name' u:1'otar, tictar-v Pu"'c ✓r Title Cc-S1'iIISSIG:t \umber �e..♦�ri.M. xwr:.wwwrwrrr,� i w�. r.r..�w.'w*q w.t�xwww—ni,�BxkdMMw.e.�y sq,s N�Ni,leM wxxww.+.h.•w�s. y:k*'hx*:r>'%.w Mh FQkT QFIt'iC:E L F. ONLY VEGETATION REMOVAL PERS•ITT A,PPROVF ) EXEMPTION VERIFTEID APPLICAnON DE'IUZD _ SALVAGE OPERATION APPROVE? CONDITIONSICOMME:NTS, , AFFROVED BY:' - ENvIRONNIENTAL RES0tfR(.-F.5 Ai`r-ISIUN / 1)A A Miscellaneous Fees Rec Code CGMPIl13nr.0 DlVislon 230a Virginia AVenue Ft. plarce, FL 34082 (7T2) 402-1553 Fax: (772) 402-1148 Data: 09 September 2005 R ived By: Michelle JPha36a pale with: Cheek Paid By: BARKER LAND DEVELOPMENT ! Sign: Receipt 4 M200500987 Amount: $102.00 Credit Cara Numper Check Numbor: 2233