HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1350 \' .~ "I ,1 I, , I I ' \' I . ,I I, I J 'I , .~~"::;:':'':,''':;~~:~~;~;"'"~~T~?<=~:'' . ..-~:~~:-~t-:F:-:::::'-:". +<:?~:.<';;!::; ..:. <. ';"~7<~T?f:';',;~' 'd. ,", ~r \ H,wn,. is al,llo to:rm.n1'sh, ~OU 0., 4u1,t-~iatm ,d~~~ tr'oq, ~enjalilnl Hogglind '1!I~.L~lto~sP.r~ and , I ' ,I I" , . \ ' I ',,' ,6~ \ , ' ' ' , ' I ,I '. ," \ I ',' , ,.' '. \ ' I" hi's wlf'"e to tlJ,e 1'olJ.l'0\11ng "'e~orl b~<\ property, t~"wlt: , '"", . ,\ , " ' \.' P' , ' ,\" ' . ,\ \, \ \ \ \ ' 1,\\ ~',,\ ' ,'.- \"\.~ta~tln@,a,t a.,p~~:e'lH.th~\ l11t\erseot\pri,,:o:~ ~'Ih~t,W.B~\Ol'!61~all:J;\~d..\,...1 \' ! " \:, \ ,'L., illorsf*rd'~,~o~th.li~ebY the,_qUart~r se~~lon:, ~1net rw:,aO~ijh al~ng -I, \ $o:ut4: sElotlon 11ne to ;the;:.S,t. Im()1e ~lVer~'~hei10e,~~th \~;'/est~I'l,Y\ _' ;\, ~\ , "I 'j\ I" \: ""II, &io~,the,B~oreot.\'said rive:-' ~90 t~eti ,th~nQ~\,i;' no~t~e~ster~y ~1~1~~~1~n \ ,_,"'___ ,~...; J 't\_~-~,.....--_._- ,';:" " :', aJ;;o~' a \st;w.c,e~.~lne ~o th~ ;PO~!it, O:}~~.11~i~, oo~~a,~n1~~~~~ M~e~~~~~..! j., \ '\ '. 9,1' \J.e3s~~ With. all t1.par,.an r'1gh'~s and \e~ng '1n Seotion',~, '~owrldh1p "3?, ' , : l. I., #' 'Squth~of ~e '41';.ast.' - - ,\', . ,\ ' '., ' " - , ~ . . ~ . . 1 'And said P'.'J. lI~isaiso toturnlsh a.:rf1davl t qho'wlD6,tha~,Uargaret 'lH.o,ol 'Wag S1pgl~and', i' \- ':.,' . ", ': ,... ". .' ~. ", ' '. ~,', , '" " ' . - ", - " ,\. . ! u.nzharrle,~' a.t. the' t~me 'Sue exeouted, d~ed 'dat.ed' April ),,],. ,: 1917 t~13~nJ'amln lIo~; . ;, .' ,~ ",\ ' " ,'.. - : " , . " " \ '1 P., J~'Han) ~d je~si~ 1.:~)lam, l}ta'\l1:t:e,:are ,to :turn1sh,~ de'ed,p~~~red: to' r~;Plo.o.e th~' deed ,\ ,!"'W';~~ ,~~dl~ . you :~el'ewl ~~.'to-daY~ :", safd, dee~, to 'b~deli~redto '..io,ujlot' ~e..~ei',"1ih~ ,th~~r~; 't ,day "o~' June ~.. "De ,19~,f),.' Sa1~.deed,1S 't.opropel'~Y,~~S()~l,b~the ,above d,eQor1b~d real, esta~e." ,i The S\1fl1 of"Twenty '~i.O'C188:lld', (~ZO.OOQ-.Y 01' ~he purohase.prioe,of siu:-a. ,real,~state ,hus" " " . -to 0, '. ~ . . ~,o.. '" . '-&"0' . '_ :" ,b.e"enthl,8day,pald :to ilal~ P. J.','~. , ,~, ,'v'':' ' , ,....-' ~ t '\7e ,a.re' ~Q(f 'ha.n!llng:rou he~eVllth. pI'Omia,sory note for' the S\im of' Forth, Thousand '($40, OOO) i I, ~ ,.,~\, \~' , \, ' }o "~I ',' f,. ' f " t -' '~ L ~. ' , i 'U . ,-I '-'~."-'" -- :.' ; '1"139 f., ",-'1' I' , , t '\ I " ,I , I ; I' F ' 'J I"', , 1 ~ '. "I. ,I , I" . , j Doilars, 'due, ~'1d' payab~e o~e yee.l'. i'l'Qm da~e, end oQ,eno'tefor the'swb,of,FiVe 'Th(nlS,~d , ($:>,000) Doilars, :dUEl and' payabie t~/O 'years' ~fter: date;, and one note :tor the' sum' 'of Five' \ " " . ~, . " ,.., , " . - . " ' , ' i' T1louu.ncidue ancipa~blethree yeal"l!l, a=tterdate; A11,>o1'8ai~ .n:()te~, dated Apr1l10,,1925,' "oear- . , . ." , ; Ing inte~e3tfr,o:Jl dateut the rate 91' eight: per oent payable' ann~ly. ,Whioh said notes are.-: .. ,;' ~o b'e' executell:ih o'Qnnecti'oo "it,h the "tncjrtgag.e'a:oove',:~ef'er'rec1' t-()~ '." ".",," -',' '~--'" - ~ . . - ; ~ ' . . : .' '. . - "' , . ".". . . J I , ..i . ~ ; 0 , . Signed, sealed and: ,: ' deliverE!d'1n 'the prese.noe, 01' 'Ul;I,' : ',~ .' , L., S.'J.{oGee" 'D.E ..Ro btioh >P. J"Jlam, '(Seai) A. J. Ogle' " .'(Sea.l) , S1dney Uadd'ox: (Sea.l) , Luoy,LeCoste, Maddox (SeaJ.~', " , " 'Lake i'lo1t)h , ,By The Ffrst 'Bal1k & Trust Co . Elor1e..8.' ',hrGeo. B; Qgle, :President., . , Per Robe:rt 'S~Co~,Secretary. . ' ~ . { ; . ., ":- ' ,FUed and reoordetd 1)~th~a lst4a.yo1' June,1925, o,t ).1:26 A.ll. , .' 4If. 'B:/~,"l'itf~i8;e~ ' " ;~.c" " . ~. '. - P., C,.' ~ldred. 'Clerk Clro\tit Court., 1.' " '.. , : 't\\\e~ , co~~~e , ' 1t.~ . " ' . " , .. .'. .' * * *' · .. '" '" .' · .' * . *,' oj< . *.'.. .. l!" . ',* " .. .' '" ... .-. 'f'. "';.'..' '" ,* " "< *, >!< * ",.. . .. . . . . . . . . . .'. . . Ii '. :'. ' . .- . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . ~ . ,', .' Ii, . . . .' . . . . ,SJJWI c. '.wCI:ER' TO AI1T01i13EERlIAL1S:I~ ' i'lAlUWiTY D~ra> , . THISnrnEli':L'URE, Hade ,the 13th day of ApriL In the yea.r of ou~ Lqrd one th~usa.nd oine ,hwidred:arid.twenty five- BETW;;'-EH Sarah C."~\lOkor. Wid-OVl,of the CO\U1ty~ St. Luoie and;State 0.1',' . Florllla' 'party pi the first part, and Anton Beerhal ter 01' St'. LUQie CO\U1ty, state Of Florida. party t)f the second part, I ,. WITlfESSET.tl, Th,at said party o1'the first part tor and in oonslderut ion lot the" sum of TEli , i ' " " , ' ($10.00 and other valuable oons1derat'iQn) Dollars, lawful money of the Unit ed.states o.f All1er~o~ 'to her In hand 1>0.10.. by 'the said party 01' the seoo.nd pe.rp,' at or before the ensee.ling' . ' , and del1veryo1' thc$e presents, t-he l'eOe'illt;- whereof ,16 herehy aobo\Yledeed, 'ag granted-, bargal n ed, BQld. aUeno~, retlised, J.'oleu~(;d, oonveyed :md cQnfirmed, and by these presents dOle grant (/ . . '-- -'.- ---,---~--------1--- , ! "l r"'ll--r-.....-~ ,-,--:-,.