HomeMy WebLinkAboutPERMIT WORKSHEETPERMIT WORKSHEET PERMIT NUMBER Installer ei k License # 1 iA - 1 OZ51 4� Address of home being installed. Manufacturer `� (1AC�prpSC\f� Length xwidth ',(_pjG II+� X f f NOTE: if home is a single wide till out one half of the blocking plan if home is a triple or quad wide sketch in remainder of home I understand Lateral Arm Systems cannot be used on any home (new 9fused) where;the sidewall ties exceed 5 ft 4 in. Installer's initials lP Typical pier spacing ltta� � 2' 7 Show locations of Longitudinal dark lines to sh6w-these-locations)� _■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ w II ■_ ■_ ■ ■ _■_ !f ■ _■ _■ _ 1 ; 1_I r-r-r-1--1-I^T-T_ -_-�-I-i-r-i 1-i-1-T-1-r^r-ii^1_7-r-'j_i-r-1'i-7y, 1-J_'_S_ 1_1 , 'I r-r-' • 1 1 1 1 1 1 , , 1 1 1 , 1 1 fd I , t✓ I , 1 1 �-r r`-r�-1-7-r-r -r'^I l-'1-7-r r-r -1-•5 , t-r^r-r -,-l-'1-T-r-r-r-1--I-1^T.-f-r-, r-r-� L1_J J_:-L_L_'_!_J_J_1_i_L_1_J-J_J_•l=t_! _1._-__J !�-L_I__t _r_J_ �-.�.-L_L_L_I_!. , , 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1- 1 1 � 1 1 1 1 , 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 '1 1• 1 ^-•T_r-Y--/--1^Y-�"r-r-1--1-y -7-r"r -1--1-�-�^t 'r-r-r-1--1-�-*^r-r ^r'1'�'�^+-r-r-1 New Home - Used Home 0 Ipage 1 of 2 Home installed to the Manufacturers Installation Nlanual Home is installed in accordance with Rule 15-G Single wide Wind Zone 11 M Wind Zone III Double wide Triple/Quad Installation Decal # Serial # PIER SPACINGTABLE FOR USED HOMES Load bearing capacity Footer size (sq in) 16" x 16" (256) 18 112" x 18 12" (342) 20" x 20" (400) 22" x 22" (484)' 24" X 24" (576)- .26" x 26" (676). ps ps s-- -- - zbuu ps - - PS psi interpolated fromfLule 15G1 pier spacing table. PIER PAD SIZES I-beam pier pad size g_11C_0� Perimeter pier pad size Other pier pad sizes n- !`f44.c- (required by the m-fg.). Draw%the approximate locations of marriag wall openings 4 foot or greater. Use this 'symbol to show the piers. List all marriage wall openings. greater than 4 fool and their pier pad sizes below. ANCHORS Oft 5ft POP LA PAD Opening. Go /JC �e !nl a Pier pad size _MNO Emm OIL, M--- I� - itali [."3' l&11 K1i[.'��j� tt�ti►i►.syl. rs�l�� FRAM E TIFS within 2' of end of horn — spaced at 5' 4" oc TI®OWN COMPON34T I S__j OTHER TIES, Longitudinal Stabilizing Device (LSD Sidewall / Manufacturer OLeC'P4 7 Longitudinal Longitudinal Stabilizing Device w -Lateral Arms Marriage wall Manufacturer //b/ 7e4G1& Z��lf Shearwall _ , PERMIT WORKSHEET PERMIT NUMBER The pocket penetrometer tests are rounded down to psf orcheck hereto.declare'1000 lb, spil ti q_Twithouttesng. POCKET PENETROMETER TESTING METHOD 1. Test the perimeter of the home at 6 locations. 2. Take the reading at the depth of the tooter. 3, Using 500 1b. increments, take the lowest reading andround down to that increment - — X X -- --- -----X iF -11ORWE PROBE TEST jThe results of the torque -probe test is A27.�- inch pounds or check here if you are, declaring 5' anchors without testing . Atest showing 27S inch pounds or less will require`5 foot anchors, Note: Astate approved lateral arm system is.being used and 4 ft. anchors are allowed at the sidewall locations. 1 understand 5 ft anchors are required at allcenterline be points where the torque test reading is 275 or less and'where the mobile. home manufacturer may requires anchors wi h 40 Iding capacity. Installer's initials j ALL TESTS MUST B PERFORMED BYA LICENSED INSTALLER Installer Name `} - Glt v�0D&-7-- i 23 Date Tested � � 27 ectr ca Connect electrical conductors between multi -wide units, butnotto the main power source. This includes the bonding wire between mutt -wide units. Pg. Plumbing Connect all "sewer drains to an e)asting sewer tap*or septic tank. Pg. Connect all potable water supply piping to an 6iisting water meter; water tap," of other D_ page 2 of 2 Site Preparation Debris and organic material removed !� Water drainage: Natural Swale Pad ✓ Other t-aste ningr MUl" wife units Floor: Type'Fastener. 44 Length: Spacing: �G Walls: Type Fastener: ength: to Spacing: r' Roof: Type Fastener, gth: Spacing: For used homes a min. 30 gauge, 8" wide, galvanized metal strip will be centered over the peak of the roof and fastened with galy; roofing nails at 2" on center on both sides of the centerline. Gasket (Weatherproofing requlron»nt) 1-understand a properly installed gasket'is a requirement.of all new and used homes'and that condensation, mold, meldewIand buckled marriage walls are a result of a poorly installed or no gasket being installed. I understand a strip --of-tape-wilVnot-serve_as-a-gasket Installer's initials Type gasket-AP/1 ordl!'L— Installed: Pg. Between Floors Yes Between Walls Yes Bottom of ridgebearn Yes The bottomboard will be repaired and/or taped. Yes _�. Pg. Siding on units is installed to manufacturer's specifications. Yes 7— Fireplace chimney installed so as not to allow.intrusion of rain water, Yes Skirting to be installed. Yes ✓ No � Dryer vent installed outside of skirting. Yes N/A Range downflow vent installed outside of ski 'r1g es N/A Drain lines supported at foot intervals. Y Electrical crossovers protected Yes -� Other: - Installer verifies all information given Vft this permit worksIheet is accurate a sed on the manufacturer's laaWla on d ule 15C-1 /&2y,,, Installer Signature Date�s"� Page L revision 6/07 OLIVERTECHN OLOGIES, INC. FLORIDA INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE .,. •••mac' er c'rFFL FOUNDATIQ"Y$'I ENL fltt%u- ftIWDEL�1101"V" (STEMS 1 1� LONGITUDINAL ONLY:.RXLOW STEPS 1at5 FOR ADDING LATERAL- Mbi : Follow steps115 FOR CONCRETE APPLICATIDNS: follow Steps -.......- _."P I_ SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES: a) Pier height exceeds 48" e) Location is within 1500 feet ENGINEERS STAMP li the following conditions occur -STOP! Contact Oliver Technologies at 1-800-284-7437 : b) Length of home exceeds 76' c) Roof eaves exceed 16" d) Sidewall height exceed 96' of coast INSTAL 9 eTION F GROUNIJ PA[1 2. Remove weeds and debris in an approximate two foot square to expose firmsoil for each ground pan (C) . 3. Place ground pan (C) directly Ibelochassis System servow soil. esasra Pier drive under the homefirmly in -to land show d be loaded Rush with or as any SPECIAL NOTE: The longitude other pier. It is recommended that. after leveling piers, and one-third inch (1/3)b before home is lowered completely on to piers, complete steps 4 through 9-below then remove: flacks. INSTALLATIO PER FLOOR SECTION IS REQUIRED, SOIL TEST NOTE: WHEN iNSTAI UNG THE LONGITUDINAL SYSTEbI QIJLY. A MINlAAUM OF 2ICA-nON. IF PROBE TEST SYSTEM$ CHOR PER -SOIL CLAS91F PROBE SHOULD BE U MID To DETERMINE GtIOR MUST BE USED. F PROBE TESTECT TYPE OF1 . READINGS ARE BETWEEN 279 350 A 4 FOOT ANCHOR MAµY BE USEDE BETWEEN 175 8 275 ARE GROUND ANCHORS WITH ED DIIIGONAL.TI TAND TT C�A�RCONNECTIONPLATES OI� (PER FLp Q )ADO REDUIRED ON HOMES SIIPPLI 4. Select the correct square tube brace (E) length for set - up (pier) height at support location. ,(The 18" tube is always used as: the bottom Part of the longitudinal arrn). Note: Either tube can be used by itself, cut and drilled to length as long as a 40 to 45 degrWangle is maintained. PIER HEIGHT 1.25° ADJUSTABLE 1.50" ADJUSTABLE (Approx. 45 degrees Max.) Tube Length j Tube Length 7 3/4e to 25" 27 24 314" to. 32 114" 32" 5. Install (2) of the 1.50" square tubes (E (18` tube) adjustment. C, Place 1-09gim connector (F) loosely on the bottom 7.. Slide the selected 1.25" tube (E) Into. a 1.50' tube 8. Repeat steps 6 through 7 to create the "V" pattern degree and not. below 40 degrees'. 9. After all bolts are lightened, secure 1.25' and 1.50' the "U' bracket (A insert carriage bolt and leave nut loose for final ige of the I -beam - and attach to 1-beam connectors (F) and fasten loosely with bolt and nut. the square tubes loosely in place. The angle is not to exceed 45 )es using four(4)1/4"-14 x 3/4" self4apping screws in pre -drifted holes. THE' MODEL 1101 "V" (LONGITUDINAL 6 LJ►TERAL PROTECTION) GLIIIIINATES THE NEED FOR MOST sTABIL.I PLATES & FRAME TIES. NOTE: THE USE OF THIS SYSTEM REQUIRES VERTICAL -TIES SPACED AT ww' FOUR FOOT W) GROUM ANCHOR MAY BE USED EXCEPT WHERE THE HOME MANUFACTURER SPECIFIES DIFFERENT 10. Install remaining vertical tie -down straps and 4' ground anchors per home, manufacturer's instructions. NOTE: Centerline. anchors to be sized according to soil torque condition. Any manufacturer's specifications for sidewall anchor loads in excess of 4,000 lbs. require a 5' anchor per Florida Code: 11. NOTE: Each system is required, to have a frame tie and stabilizer attached at each lateral arm stabil¢ing location. This frame .tie & stabilizer plate needs to be located within 18" from of center ground pan. 12. Select the correct square tube brace (H) length for set-up lateral transverse at support location. The lengths come in either 60" or 72" lengths. (With the 1.50! tube -as -the bottom tube, and the 1.25' tube as the inserted' tube.) 13. Install the 1.50 transverse brace (H) to the ground pan connector (D) with bolt and nut. 14. Slide 1.25' transverse brace_ Into the 1.50' brace.andattach to adjacent, I-beam connector. (, I' ) with bolt and nut. 15 Secure 1.50' transverse arm to 1.25" transverse arm using four (4)114' - 14 x 314" self-tannina•screws_ in_ pre -drilled holes. OLiVER TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Telephone: 931-796-4555 1-800"2"7437 Fex: 931-7965811 www.olivertedinologies.COM page 2 revision 6107 16. Aooncreh, runner, footer or slab may bs used In Piecethei steel ground Pan - a) The concrete shall be minimum 2' 500 psi mix longitudinal or transverse. and must be a minimum of 8' deep with a minimum width of 16 inches b) A concrete runner may 60 either 10 r distance between the concrete bolt and the edge of the concrete (see below). longitudinally or `18 Inches, transverse to WIOW Pope.� Footdrs must have minimum surface area of 441 sq., in. (Le 2 V square), and must bea minimum of 8" deep. d) tf a full slab is used, the depth must be a i.ninfrnum. 1 It n is not required.. Footers must allow for at feast 4� from Me concrete bolt to the edge Special inspection ,the system bracket-installatio. of the concrete. NOTE: The baftrn'of gill footings, pads. slabs and runners must be -Per local JuriselWon. Part# LONGITUDINAL- (Model lial LC IV')11mLL in Wired c^nchete use install the bracket in runnedfooter OR &8x3' concrete wedge Wits (Simpson -part # attached to the con� crate using (2) The 11101 (ftset) CA bracket is Jai_&Q� �_ desired location. Mark bolt hole loeatibrisi then using a 518" diameter X 30 or Powers 00WIDIent); PI.?i;p the CA bracket in de's. 8162300H 51W ... is blown out of the hot". Place Wedge bolts into drilled hole to a minimum depth of X.- Makes all d6stand concretp the wedge bolts M ightly drive Tak6 a hammer and 1 masonry bit. dn jj0j (0' jatJI CA bracket onto wedge bolts and dart wedge bolt nuts it ot beLOY-MM holes, then place. '(dry aye Of down by hitting the nut (Making sure not to hit the top Of threads on bolt). The' of concrete. by tightening nuts. LATERAL: (Model 111101 TC --V-) boft into runner/tooter. For dry set installation (part # ijai-D-TACA) jol-W-TACA) Wstallation simply install the'anchor Is. For wet set (part # 1 hole to's minimum depth of-3'. Make sure al[dust and concrete is mark bolt hole locations. Men using a 5/8" diarn. masonry bit -drill Powers equivalent) Into (D) concrete CIfy WWWyerse blown out.of the hole. Place wedge bolts (Simpson part #S1623o0H 51W X.3! or -ow by hitting the nut (making sure not to hit c6nnecW.arid into drilled hole. if needed, take a hamriw1and lightly drive ttvEl wedge, bolts down , b§IQW is too QL291:12121L the, top of threads on boft)., then remove the nut. 19.,Whon using part# 1101 CVW.(wetsbt) or 1101 CV0 (ftset). Install per steps V&18. Notes: 1. LENGTH OF: HOI'IS THE ACTUAL BOX SIZE 2.,p =-STABLIZERPLAT I EAND17114WTIELOCAMN (nmclsip beboaMdvAin18ixtts'doWWdghstpEn.crcMaBIB) 3. Kj-_ LOCATION OF LONGMX*4ALBRACING ONLY 4. �—TRN49VERSE*LCNGMU14&LOCATCNS ALL WIDTHS; AND LENGTHS UP TO . 52' ALL WIDTHS;AND LENGTHS OVER 52' TO 80' it Ii��� ;F.F; 0 0 0 HOMES WITH 5/12 ROOF PITCH REQUIRE: PER FLORIDA, REGULATIONS 6 systems- for home lengths up to 52' 6 1 nd 8 system. s for homes over 52' and up 80'. One stabilizer, frame 6 1 . ng Osten plate and mi§ 6 reqolred. at each 18W01 510 I Flarida approved 4! ground anchors gney be used In all locations except where home manufactureis sPecl- fications for sidewall straps I - Transverse arm I-beam are in excess of 4.000 lbs. connector These locations require a 5' Code. -<H'� Transverse arm anchor. Per Florida Top (1.261 bottom (1.5') D - Ground F-:1 Pan transverse connectors I Longitude dry concrete bracket part# 1101 D-CPCA Wet bracket part # 1101 W-CPCA not shown anchors may be used in all locations except where home manufacturers specifications for sklewall straps are in excess Of 4.000 lbs. These locations require a Wanrhor. Per Florida Code. E - - Brace IMP U To p (1.25-) Bottom (1.5') Ground Pan C = GROUND PAN -D = GROUND PAN CONNECTOR U BRACKETS TRANSVERSE race I-beam I E = TtLESCOPING V BRACE TUBE ASSEMBLY W/ 1.5 BOT_ ground Pan TOM TUBE AND 1.25 TUBE V Bradtat INSERT 1, 0 =V BRACE I -BEAM C 7— TORS ASSEMBLY H = TELESCOPING N ARM ASSEMI.B I = TRANSVERSE A �SEAM CONNECTORti J= V PAN BRACKET . - j Model# 1101 'V" Model 11.01 QN0 Model 1101 CVW not shown Fobted Runner c Model #1101 C "W page 3 revision 6107 '4 0 tbl' VALOil WBOO...'46 %1WRTWINQL001181 INC. Telephone: 9317964555 1-800-2847437 Fat 931-796-8811 www.olivertechnologies.com t 11•. rx. I 2.''inax 1 -I 5 IT NONCIRCULARCIRCULAR RECESSED ER311.5.6.3TypdIj: ER31T.S.6.3Type III PDrvrtcler, 4'•Bj, 'PtIN1111Q10P >6i - *HANDRAIL SHALL BE PROVIDED ON AT LEAST ONE SIDE OF EACH CONTINUOUS RUN OF TREADS OF FLIGHT WITH FOUR OR MORE RISERS - - - - - -- -2 X-2 MIN. (3) SIMPSON'S SDS 1/4' X 4-' WOOD SCREWS FOR RIM JOIST TO PI CONNECTION. 2X6 P.T. LANDING CONSTRUCTION F "-4' X 2' IV O.C. FLOOR JOISTS' ANGLE USE SIMPSON'S LUS26 JOIST HANGERS rn§ BRACKET OR EQUIVALENT AT EACH JOIST TO RIM JOIST CONNECTION. WS26 -FL. PRODUCT APPROVAL FL 10655.111 30' GROUND ANCHOR W/ PE DOWN STRAP (BOTH SIDES OF LANDING) (1) 2 X 10 P.T. ATTACHED TO POSTS USING (4) SIMPSON'S SDS 1/4-X 3-1/2' WOOD SCREWS OR EQUIVALENT AT EACH 2X10 TO POST CONNECTION. (2)2X10 ADDED BETWEEN P.T. POSTS (STAIR SIDE ONLY) DBL 2X70 TO POSTS USING SIMPSON'S LUS 210-2 LUS210-2-FL. PRODUCT APPROVAL i FL 106S5.107 I11:: tell '�� •: I il� I . �� �.-,I •LE II\. •: • It 1: III MA)MM RISER HEIGHT SHALL BE 7-3/4 INCHES THE RISER JL BE MEJISURED VERTICALLY BETWEEN LEADING EDGES OF THE 'ACENT TREADS THE GREATEST RISER HQOHT WITHIN ANY FLIGHT STARS SHALL NOT EXCEED THE %(AU.ESf BY MORE THAN 3A INCH. MWWUM TREAD DEPTH SHALL BE 10 INCHES THE TREAD DEPTH SHALL BE WRED HORIZONTALLY BETWEEN THE VERTICAL PLANES OF THE"FOREMOST PROJEI ADJACENT TREADS AND AT A RIGHT ANGLE TO THE TREAD'S LEADING EDGY:. GREATEST TREAD DEPTH WITHIN ANY FLIGHT OF STAIRS SHALL NOT EXCEED THE UEST BY MORE THAN 3/8 INCH. X 6 RAIL CAP OPENINGS SHALL NOT ALLOW -THE PASSAGE OF A 4' DIAMETER SPHERE ---72 X 4 TOP k BOTTOM ATTACHED TO TO POSTS WITH (2)Ije WOOD SCREWS ON INSIDE FACE A- - — PA SAOP GE OF APB" DIAMETER SPHERE OTTOM W�22�j8 �D SCREWS OR EQUIV. (3) 2 X 12 P.T. STAIR STRINGERS 2 X 12 P.T. STRINGERS FASTENED TO P.T. 2 X 10 USING SIMPSON'S LSU26 JOIST HANGERS OR EQUIV. I c I I - FL PRODUCT APPROVAL 1 FL 10447.14 07/17/2013 DATE LCUMKU t�. VVUUU REGISTERED PROFFESSIONAL ENGINEER # 47377 ♦g f• Dr.Mrg Nuntw. STE CONSTRUCTION VERTICAL VINYL SKIRTING ( coMponente 6 installation I WALL � P BACK �TTgG NEp t�J�TM tnCK SCg6bJS 116*.gPAQr 1 i TOP 6DA T SNAPS lure Tpp BACK. ! F'LooR HlDg9 kleEtlUS 0.hID PA►u6� CvT$ VG' l TEL PA WEL +n.._.�s, 3.9 lt" cue Fool BLOCK SuPPORT g uRE14 dF VEw:lb►T •� TQ �bP 844C AND 130r1'TOM i�/kl�t V"I Vy !-NtN su2Eta.5 ' /A Q. aAMG Ls ARs cGe s�'at g F 3,; � ;R—'-t"OV IN G 'fbP %W04T &iva FLf ttq/�,•) UP ON PANeLj 8-0_rmVA T Ater ! ATTAG{{rp --��. nleTt; TtncK To GROuou& lF SO �L lS �'NkNi2E4� NAIL 19 "OC' s f i • I i I . I