HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1360 _w__~ f~ .' -I i" ! I I-u 1"1 }I '/1 ,', rl,49 , , , Ij , ,- I I '. , : '. " 1 ' .1 " i ' "I{~" - \ J i' ' r'" ",' .' 'i , " I'- "I, ' 'j , I, y.. ; ,I"'.., ,1 'L, 'I" ,I " , ,', .. " - ' :",1", . I '. '," 'I" , It' 'I' . I " , ',I ' 'I , I . ',,! i _.:.;;:;i:::~.=J;.::;;..;,:.;;~~=:::;-.;.:~r:::(:;;:~;:;;:;.,,:,.~:::::~~~::L>,,:!::.;-:-:.:t .~..\ r:':'~: ~~ ':.L:;:::"~,' ::"'~ :~~:~~~~~';'..:_~=;;:-;: ,~;:;~' ,\, I \ I I' 'I r' I r' , .' '( ~! ' I I' , , , 1 '; ~, I I': I . I, i " . . ' J' " \ ~ ; t'< ". ...i.50 I.R.Starips oaq~)' " 'II ~ " "i,' \. j \ . i' I ' " I ,I " , ' " ',' \ \ I , :. \ :,' ; t., " ': .. \ . I' ,I ' , \ " " 1 ' , ' , .---.-, 'It , " ' ';, \ Fl+ad,~uid~OO~~,ed.On) tV1sthe',':'~rd"~ "pt iJ~e',\ i925~$t\ 9:5{A~U~ "\ '! 'I' I " ". ' \' 't' \ , , \ \ ; \',.. ' \, \ ' ' i ! ,\, ,", \, ' " I" ,',j \ ' ,_'~~~\\\e3.;' \ P,-C. :~\.~.~l.,rk Clr6w,;,,,:m;~~ .. , I ;. ',( \' . ~~c;~t6.." '" ' , '\ By ,~JfI) rJ1;;"t'~ I-e.:'~' D.C. '.'1 II",.")" ~ ,\\.' ' '.\, ,'. ,. . \ . \' .\( ',' U',. " , '\ . , . . \ \, \ . -.., .,.-- \....' -lfr .'.... ,* '" ... * '" '" '!' '" ",'I", '" .',*-* .' '" '*, *_* .....'.... . .*,,,. '*' ...;j<-*~*'_.~-""",~'."*-.*",,,,,*,"',-*,,,,,',,,-,*-'''''~-''-'--' i,. . ....,.....'............ ._~.... e.. -\. .'..,-.. '..t..':'.. . ....- ..... -. .... . . .'. ... ':\,' '."l"c..s~ 0'. C~hlt~TIAnS31r3T,AL' TO, "C!'1.'Y bF'\'lE~.'~;--' \ , \ . \ 1: ' I' iTAIU'L\JJTY' .D::t;n.' ", ' "\ \ '! , \ \ .. '- .' I) ~ ~. ,- r I' I'" " .' .'. '~ ~ I' II '~ . I , . o " II '. ,', ','I \ , \II \ . fl., 'U ,\ I' t .. , , ~. , ' .' f ;. j' , , -;-Z.AS:18HT,,;:'OR BAiliTAH~"SE'~R~" \ ' , \ ' , " , . I, " ~ . ~~ .,1- ',' ' . , ','tn~ IHp:;m~u;rr:D~ l!a,de thfB the 19t'h da,," of llay Ii. . " ,"."," .' \', ' '.' '.- -"'-"-" 'Chrtatians~n~,hiB \',1feof,' t~,e,06uriW' bf' 8t. 1>~ 19~. betvlIHIU' p. S.' 0. Chrlstlonsen and, ~uo1 & 8nd~tateQi' 'Florida" par.tIes '6f ,11;hO 'fi:rst:r,a rt',and Cl1;y"Of,;Vol'o. .8 1;!un1clpalCo;rPPra t~'on of"thaStat,e' <?f Flori-da, 'pa1:tJ of the' , f' ' . '-;,,:, : ~ , : p3Gcond po rt, \ . , :, ;t. , I :,', ',:m:T)rEss::-~~,'That',th8, Bald P!litle( of th~firstpa_rt fO'l', and"1n o'ol~~do~tion ot, tho 811m ot: :.lone iroll'Br:{~1:.00r'ln'ha~d':P~id bY't'~e Bjh\'p8r~,;f ~he'~ocond pa.rti',..tho reoe,ipt wherecf 1a : " ".. , ",' , " ' ' '" ' , , ,,- .J ; '!hO;~b:(,',a?l<n6'''ilOdl:~'(r~'h8 :~" \p:re med ," b,argolned, sO i~ ,'re'~l,B ed, and~le'aSGd.t, ~nd 'bj those '!lrlJSonts':\ '; , ;do gl'llnt, ba~iialn" sol)., ttt.1ise an,d-release unto,thesaidl>arty,'9r <;h6 seoond ilar,t,thefrGe rigHt, I ' '" ',' ',,' ,',' ' " \ ' , ."-~<~--' i and' p~.1vt,le;:-R 'of; ieying'dowri :ond const,ruot1 lit", at any t.ime,$ewors ,"drains, and (or} watf6r'Pi~~~~~,n . .~ -0 ,. " i, . .. ;., ',: , ' , . ' - '-'" ' . . ~ plpon the.foli01iin:g:descr.ibfl,d j)roperty, anA to kt!sp'Ql1d r.ainta1,n tho, ~. . , '. '. '. ,. ' '~ : .^' .'. .,. ,.' ,:, ,jyile Ci-then.sand :resiilen,ts',of. the' ~,ity 9~ '1.01'0, !lOridfl~ to;'w1t: ' ,'1'he,r:ast,'.orie (lLand Oil~;hQl,i' C?;l',t'eet oflot~'l;timl>erT~m'{lO) ,lnm.o.ck'ifumber 81%:(6) of. Oso601aPark'hddit1onto: Ve!o, 6ano forthtJ oopy.onlenu-o' ,c)C~, .i:" ... . \ ' 'TO~T':G] with the 1:"ight of In~6s ond'odess ov~.r 'S~1d premises for the purPQse of e;it-'.'. 'ero,ls1ng't.he. rfr:t or' rights herqb",: grre-,;,ted. .. After t ,11 ~jt:lpl~tionQfthQ l~'in~ dO'\'a'1,and oonstructlng by,tne 'suld Cltyof 'rero -Of the l'. , ' ; ,Be~eI'S'. dr",ina;,and;' ' Cor).. water 1'1i)eBJ~ae bore1n pr9vldecl fo~,ti.leBaid'City 'of,Vero does I' ' .' be~8by.t. .b/ tne.-aocept.p.~e.' vf the grant' . of, th,' eacemQnts h,re1hb.efore &r8nte~':.. ..Bg_rae _to rnalnt_"a1n. - -' . 'at'a11 t1.r.i~s c:oY~rlr..gf3 OILor.~ver8n.:,'ond,811exoa'laHons r..ad$ on,t,h,e propert:l hereinbefOre 'dOBCribf.lu, ,00 f)S'not t,o l.tnneoossaI1.1.y In'1;Brfere with' thfJ proper utElzatlon of sa1d' proporty 'by ,the frsntor$here,i,n, o:rthc1r \eir~or08S11ins. ' ." . '" ,-: ... In';'/~TH~Q9:7't{E;:30F '.. 'l'h?, ~ld, part1~ ~ of' thefir,8 t ,port have_her .':u.nt 0 se 1;. the l:rp.snds' and , 6'3016 thflday andyeaT first abOV6 .iu:l tten.' ' " i -'~ Sirne'd,' ~ealo'd and'De,liverod' " .in Pres,enoe.oi: ,~' '," , <- , , c. s. O. Chr18,tl~nsfJri Ol~8 Cnritlansen (8t all (Se all ,,~~~ , ,", H.~.'R.d6tone ',Josephine S!3herer' d' , . S?Ar_'~ 0:' ?LO~ID.\ CO!r:7~Y O?" ?':'. 1.1 t~ I;: I !t;i::~y ~3;rn:'Y~ ~haton thia,do:l j.lOn;OIJll?t1'j' appeured 'bofore r:Je,t an ,officer dul; authorized to addh1star out;hs und take uc:<nowled~entu. c. S. O. ChrlatialJaen, &h,d Olga ChYlstlansen, hiS' yli fe, to nil well known tone tLo penlons u080rlbed 1n and who exocuted tho :',;)rOfcine inotrc:r:ent /, ,and the~,' ,acknowledeod. bofor 0 me ttut t,toi executed the sa:le freel;; tllld .)blu,ntar i~! f0.r the / ' ,purpose theroln e~)ToaBed. " A;:J) I, ~T??'!:C:: ~ C~ ~IFY, Tho.t tl.e a ~ 1<1 01g~_Cc~tf.3t 1.a..1!~enLJ:Ii~il1_ tQ Ji.f! t.o b!L~thf1.j'i ifeoi'thL / a id C. ~. O. ChrlatlrWBen, on 0 SOjiaruto and prlvatooxu;:l.L:ation tQ~:en and r.iade b;,' lwd ne:'o're l:1e' , fror.lher said !:~bona, did aGI.:.(1uledfe that eho ctxeoutod , ' , , .. ......----':,.._..,.-......-..-