HomeMy WebLinkAboutREVISION 1-8-16% 1V% a i4\ OFFICE USE ONLY: ��AIM O W c� DATE FILED: 4'�r'0 �v g�g��� PERMIT # REVISION FEE: -� (Q,1� �� ��➢PI� 1,���.t�� RECEIPT # 11191 S I PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES BUILDING & CODE REGULATION DMSION 2300 VIRGINIA AVENUE FORT PIERCE, FL 34982-5652 (772)462-1553 APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT REVISIONS PROJECT INFORMATION LOCATION/SITE ADDRESS: 2. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT 3. CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: STATE of FL REG./CERT. #: ST. LUCIE COUNTY CERT. #: BUSINESS NAME: QUALIFIERS NAME: ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: PHONE (DAYTIME): FAX: 4. OWNER/BUILDER INFORMATION: NAME: • \ - 1 �- ADDRESS: CITY: 1 STATE: _ PHONE: 5. ARCHITECT/E EER INF RMATION: NAME: ADDRESS: rd o .. - h CITY: Gl ' ck) STATE: _ PHONE (DAYTIME): 1�LL. SLCCC:9/23/09 Revised 04/26/2010 MOE ik ZIP: ZIP: Florida Building Code Online; Page 1 of 2 pi0'eSS��� Product Approval J ;USER: Puhlic User Regulation Product Approval Menu > Product or Aopllcatlon Search > Application List > Application Detail a FL # FL16445-RI Application Type Revision Code Version 2014 Application Status Approved Comments Archived .t. QBC1iNpi4E Itl3b?pt09Pa� n&Pft-i}i'.'181D7+� tiSttfACF'JBT? Product Manufacturer T M Windows LLC Address/Phone/Email 1543 North Powerline Rd Pompano Beach, FL 33021 (305) 888-0077 Joe_slxto@usalum.com i Authorized Signature Luis Lomas rliomas@lriomaspe.com i Technical Representative Address/Phone/Emall Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Emall ' Category Windows Subcategory Flxed i Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer Evaluation Report - Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed the Luis Roberta Lomas Evaluation Report Florida License PE-62514 Quality Assurance Entity National Accreditation and Management Institute Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 12/31/2015 Validated By Steven M. Urich, PE Validation Checkifst - Hardcopy Received h s 1a fI . Certificate of Independence F1.36445 RI COlFLGhOlirodPy�f Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) SAS 201 Standard r ��� r.itta �\3 0 ,. � i 4 a ,� x {� 99 TAS202 kyy` r31 E,n�Ar5 �rr199 TAS 203 i� �i �'} {\C�199 • � q ��t' �.,-�`1 �t�'f ';r '^ x4Fo-Yr��d g'I iy �.. tijl� £'-4�''«r.-. Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By �:. _ _ A Sections from the Code Product Approval Method Method 1 Option D https://#loridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDgvXaHHDwAAyb4dQ... 1/8/ COP Florida Building Code Online Page 2 of 2 Date Submitted 05/14/2015 Date Validated _ , . _ ._ _. 06/11/2D15 _. Date Pending FBC Approval 06/16/2015 Date Approved 08/19/2015 0 Summary of Products FL # Modei, Number or Name Description 6445.1 ITM 9000 PW Vinyl LMI HVHZ TM 9000 PW Vinyl LMI HVHZ 53" x 96" Limps of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use 1n HVHZ: Yes FL36445 R3 II 08-018635.0f Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Luis Roberto Lomas 62514 Impact Resistant: Yes Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure, N/A Evaluation Reports Other: REFER TO INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR DESIGN FL16445 RI AE 13-0129.27-COMP.cdf PRESSURE RATINGS. FRAME MATERIAL TO BE RIGID PVC FROM VEKA FL16445 R1 AE 13012927.1)dP AAMA CERTIFIED (VK-1) FL36445 R3 AE 13-0328.09-COMP,ndP FL36445 RI AE 13032809.pdf FL16445 R1 AE 14-0423.17-COMP.odf FL16445 RI AE 14042317.odf FL16445 R1 AE 512575B.odf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 16445.2 ITM 9000 PW Vinyl LMI HVHZ SGP TM 9000 PW Vinyl LMI HVHZ SGP Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for, use In HVHZ: Yes FL16445 RI II 08-02001A.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ, Yes Verified By: Luis Roberto Lomas 62514 Impact Resistant: Yes Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports Other: REFER TO INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR DESIGN FL16445 R3 AE 13-0129.27-COMP.gdf PRESSURE RATINGS. FRAME MATERIAL TO BE RIGID PVC FROM VEKA FL16445 RI AE 13012927.cdf AAMA CERTIFIED (VK-1) FL16445 RI AE 512714A,ndf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes I Contact Us :: 1940 North Monroe Street, Tallahassee FL 32399 Phone: 850-487-1824 The State of Florida Is an AA/EEO employer. Copyright 2007-2013 State of Florida.:: Privacy Statement ;: Accessibility Statement :: Refund Statement Under Florida law, email addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released In response to a publlo-records request, do not send electronic mall to this entity. Instead, contact the office by phone or by traditional mall. If you have any questions, please contact 850.487.1395. -Pursuant to Section 455.275 (1), Florida statutes, effective October 1, 2012, licensees licensed under Chapter 455, F.S. must provide the Department with an email address It they have one. The emalls provided may be used for official communication with the licensee. However email addresses are public record. If you do not wish to supply a personal address, please provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the public. To determine If you are a licensee under Chapter 455, F.S., please click here . Product Approval Accepts: IN ® Nk sL4:ltXt dt9C;t'1tTC�' https://floridabuildi-ng.org/pr/pr_app_dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDgvXaHHDwAAyb4dQ... 1 /8/2016 NOTES: 1) THE PRODUCT SHOWN HEREIN IS -.DESIGNED AND MANUFACTURED TO COMPLY WITH REQUIREMENTS OF THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE INCLUDING THE HVHZ. 2) WOOD FRAMING AND MASONRY OPENING'TO BE DESIGNED AND ANCHORED TO PROPERLY TRANSFER ALL LOADS TO STRUCTURE. FRAMING AND MASONRY OPENING IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER OF RECORD. 3) 1X BUCK OVER MASONRY/CONCRETE IS OPTIONAL. WHERE 1X BUCK IS NOT USED DISSIMILAR MATERIALS MUST BE SEPARATED WITH APPROVED COATING OR MEMBRANE. SELECTION OF COATING OR MEMBRANE IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER OF RECORD. 4) ALLOWABLE STRESS INCREASE OF 1/3 WAS NOT USED IN THE DESIGN OF THE PRODUCT SHOWN HEREIN. WIND LOAD DURATION FACTOR Cd=1.6 WAS USED FOR WOOD ANCHOR CALCULATIONS. 5) FRAME MATERIAL: EXTRUDED RIGID PVC. 6) UNITS MUST BE GLAZED PER ASTM E1300-04 SEE SHEET 4 FOR GLASS DETAILS. 7) APPROVED IMPACT PROTECTIVE SYSTEM IS NOT REQUIRED FOR THIS PRODUCT IN WIND BORNE DEBRIS REGIONS. 8) SHIM AS REQUIRED AT EACH INSTALLATION ANCHOR WITH LOAD BEARING SHIM. SHIM WHERE SPACE OF 1/16" OR GREATER OCCURS. MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE SHIM STACK TO BE 1/4". 9) FOR NAIL FIN INSTALLATION INTO WOOD FRAMING OR 2X BUCK USE #10 WOOD SCREWS WITH SUFFICIENT LENGTH TO ACHIEVE A 1 3/8" MINIMUM EMBEDMENT INTO SUBSTRATE. LOCATE ANCHORS AS SHOWN IN ELEVATIONS AND INSTALLATION DETAILS. 10) FOR ANCHORING INTO MASONRY/CONCRETE USE 1/4" TAPCONS WITH SUFFICIENT LENGTH TO ACHIEVE A 1 1/4" MINIMUM EMBEDMENT INTO SUBSTRATE WITH 2 1/2" MINIMUM EDGE DISTANCE. LOCATE ANCHORS AS SHOWN IN ELEVATIONS AND INSTALLATION DETAILS. 11) FOR ANCHORING INTO WOOD FRAMING OR 2X BUCK USE #14 WOOD SCREWS WITH SUFFICIENT LENGTH TO ACHIEVE A 1 5/8" MINIMUM EMBEDMENT INTO SUBSTRATE. LOCATE ANCHORS AS SHOWN IN ELEVATIONS AND INSTALLATION DETAILS. 12) FOR ANCHORING INTO METAL STRUCTURE USE #14 SMS OR SELF DRILLING SCREWS WITH SUFFICIENT LENGTH TO ACHIEVE 3 THREADS MINIMUM BEYOND STRUCTURE INTERIOR WALL. LOCATE ANCHORS AS SHOWN IN ELEVATIONS AND INSTALLATION DETAILS. 13) ALL FASTENERS TO BE CORROSION RESISTANT. 14) INSTALLATION ANCHORS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURER'S ANCHOR INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS, AND ANCHORS SHALL NOT BE USED IN SUBSTRATES WITH STRENGTHS LESS THAN THE MINIt I4, Sg E GTH SPECIFIED BELOW: A. WOOD — MIJ IFIC�G ITY66 G=0.42 B. CONCRETE �� I fM M 6h SSVE ENGTH OF 3,192 PSI. C. MASONRY — •• RE-W.1-"CONFA NC ASTM C-90, GRADE N, TYPE 1 (OR GREATER). D. METAL STRUl1RE:.9S�#EEC 1�GlS �3CSIFyt�R ALUMINUM 6063—T5 1/8" THICK MINIMUM __,.. 15) APPROVED GEO PES I EN •0 S< EqT HALL NOT EXCEED WIDTH NOR HEIGHT OF APPROVED RECT G4LI}R SN SHEETS 2 AND 3. GEOMETRIC SHAPES ARE NOT LIMITED TO SHA S SH WN �FiER -1N. ---s`L r• 7 TABLE OF CONTENTS c r% SHEET NO. DESCRIPTION f;.•.sr o :..' o 1 NOTES _ - ---+ �•;,;� ���;,� •_�;; .,�.�`,,��',��.� 2 ELEVATIONS - 3 RATING AND ANCHOR CHARTS 4 CROSS SECTION, B.O.M., GLAZING DETAIL AND COMPONENTS 5 — 8 1 INSTALLATION DETAILS REVISIONS EV DESCRIPDON DATE APPROVED A ADDED NOTES AT GLAZING DETAILS 07/15/13, R.L. B REVISED INSTALLATION 02/23/15 R.L. DETAILS DIMENSIONS TM WINDOWS L.L.C. 1543 NORTH POWERLINE RD. POMPANO BEACH, FL 33021 TM 9000 PW VINYL LMI HVHZ 53"x96" NOTES DRAWN: 08-018B3 NTS I DAB 04/30/13 IsHEEll OF 8 6" MAX rA-'N N40,,r RREVISIONSREV DESCRIPTION DATE APPROVED A ADDED NOTES AT GLAZING DETAILS 07/15/113 R.L. MAX REVISED INSTALLATION B DETAILS DIMENSIONS 02/93/15 R.L. - 96"MAX FRAME WIDTH i MAX A 15" MAX O.C. 4 kz MAX FRAME HEIGHT 6" MAX 15" MAX'O.c. 1 6"' MAX 96" MAX FRAME WIDTH SERIES "PE9303'PVC FIXED WINDOW EXTERIOR VIEW FRMEAND FLANGE INSTALLA77ON 15" MAX D.C. 4 MAX SERIES "PE9303"PVC FIXED WINDOW SERIES *PE9303"PVC FIXED WINDOW EXTERIOR VIEW EXTERIOR VIEW FR4MEAND FLANGE INSTALLATION FIN INSTALLATION 53" MAX FRAME WIDTH 15" A MAX 4 O.c — — 6" MAX — 6" MAX 53" MAX FRAME WIDTH 15- MAX A D.C. 4 6- B" MAX 15" MAX D.C. 15 MAX O.c 96" MAX FRAME NV4 7 HEIGHT DESIGN PRESSURE RATING IMPACT RATING �X@Mq, Q LARGEAND SMALL MISSILE IMPACT L-�—MISSILELEVEL-'A, WfiVDZONE4MDHVHZ 81 B & C L el Er C 4 S SHE 3, FOR DIW N GLAZING D. t F� 0 L _ZZA 000 53" 6" MAX 15" MAX D.C. 6" MAX SERIES "PE9303"PVC FIXED WINDOW EXTERIOR VIEW FIN INSTALLATION SIGNED: OM52015 TIVI WINDOWS L.L.C. N 'o 1543 NORTH POWERLINE RD. POMPANO BEACH, FL 33021 d TM 9000 PW VINYL LMI HVHZ 53"X96" ELEVATIONS mm. L DWG NO. 08-01883 Kv B REVISIONS REV DESCRIPTION DATE APPROVED CHART0 CHART#1 A ADDED NOTES AT GLAZING DETAILS 07/15/13 R.L. WITH GLAZING D - W/THGLAZINGSA,B&C Maximum Maximum design pressure capacity chart (psQ REVISED INSTALLATION 9 DETAILS DIMENSIONS 02/23/15, R.L. Maximum daipn pressure eapaeigr char! fin* Frame width an) Frame Frame width (in) Haight 30.0 J8.0 42.0 40.0 64.0 60.0 Heigh 30.0 30.0 420 48.0 SRO GAO (in) Pos - 'Nog Pas Meg PCs Meg PCs Nag Pas Nag Pos Nq (In) Pas Nq Pas Meg Pas Nag Pas Nq Pos Nq Pos Nq 2Aa 60.0 65.0 60.0 65.0 60.0. 05.0 80.0 65.0 SAO 05.0 BD.O 85,0 24.0 a0.0 85,0 60.0 85.0 60.0 55.0 B0.0 85.0 80.0 BSA 80.0 85.0 J0.0 80.0 85,0 80.0 85,0 80.0 55.0 80.0 85.0 60.0 85.0 80.0 85.0 30.0 80.0 85.0 80.0 85A 80.0 55.0 80A 85.0 60.0 85.0 80.0 85.0 J6.0 SAD 65.0 60.0 65.0 80.0 a5.0 80.0 e5.0 GAO 55A sAo B5.0 - Je.O 60.0 65.0 80.0 05.0 SO 65.0 60.0 05.0 80.0 05.0 60.0 05.0 42.0 60.0 85.0 60.0 65.11 80.0 85.0 60.0 65.0 80.0 -65.0 60.0 85.0 42.0 80.0 66.0 60.0 65.0 60.0 85.0 60.0 . 65.0 �60.0 65.0 � 60.0 64A 10.0 80.0 85.0 80.0 85.0 80.0 B5.0 BOA 65.0 60.0 85A 80.0 85.0 48.0 60.0 85.0 GAO 55A 60.0 05.0 GAO_' 65.0 60.0 65.0 59.9 59.9 560 60.0 � 65.0 _80.0 65.0 00.0. 05.0 GAO 65.0 60.0 65A GAO" 65.0 � 64.0 60.0 06.0 GAO 85.0 60.0 65.0 60.0 65.0 60.0 63.0 55,5- 55.5 60.0 60.0 �B5.0 60.0 65.0 60,0 65.0 00.0 65.0 60.0 65A GAO 85.0 , 60.0 OAO 85.0 60.0 65.0 80.0 65.0 59.9 59.9 55.6 555 52.0 52.0 ee.0_ BO.D 85.0 80.0. 85.0 BDA 85.0 80.0 85.0 80.0 85A 80.0 85,0 -0&0 BDA 65.0 - 80.0 642 80.0 64A -54A 54A SOA 50A -48.6 748.6 - - 72.0 BOA 85.0 'B0.0 65:0 80.0 - -B5.0 - 60.0 . 85.0 -60.0 -85.0 � � BD.O- 65.0 - - -- - -- -- - 720 60.0 65.0 58.9 58.9 59.1 59.1 50A 50.4 46A 40A 42.6 42A 78.0 60.0 65.0 60F., 60.0 65.0 60.0. 65.0 60.0 65.0 60.0 65.0 � 78.0 60.0 61.8 532 532 53.8 53.8 46A 46A 43.0 43.0 40.0 4D.0 "a 80.0 65.0 - 60 60.0 65.0 60.0 65.0 80.0 65.0 59.7 64.7 8l0 SBA 58A 48.9 4BA 502 502 42.8 428 402 402 37.8 " 37.6 90,0 BOA -65.0 60 60.0 85.0, 60.0 65.0 60.0 BSA 90.0 55.7 553 45.7 453 452 482 402 402 37A 37A 80.0 80.0 55.0 80 50.0 85.0 80.0 85.0 S&O 532 532 42.5 425 42.1 42.1 372 372 laze 60.0 85.0. 60 80.0 85.0 60.0 85.0 1020 51.7 51.7 40.6 40.0 382 382 34.0 34.0 . 108.0 60.0 " 65.0 600 60.0 65.0 - - 10e.0 50.1 50.1 392 392 33.7 33.7 114.0 80.0 65.0 SA0 60.0 65.0 ' 114.0 49.5 49.5 37.9 37.9 31.6 31.6 120.0 60.0 .05.0 600 60.0 05.0 120.0 49.0 49.0 38.8 30A 30.0 30.0 12&0 80.0. 05.0 6001J2.0 00.0 05.0 600 CHART #2 CHART #4 WITH GLAZINGS A, B & C WITH GLAZING D Number of anchorsrequired Number of anchorsragaired Frame Haight 30- 30.a Fnma width On) 420 46.0 660 60.0 Frame Haigh 30.0 Frame width (in) 30.0 420 48.0 54.0 GAO (In) ", H&S Jamb H&3 Jamb H&S Jamb HAS Jamb HAS Jamb H&S Jamb (In) HAS Jamb HAS Jamb H&S Jamb H&S Jamb H&S Jamb HAS Jamb 30.0 J0.0 3 3 2 9 3 3. 2 3 3 2 3 3 4 4 2 3 4 4 2 3 5 5 2 3 24.0. 3 2 3 2 3 2. 4 2 4 2 5 2 30.0 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 4 3 5 3 JAG 3 3 3R4� n3;.- 3;rt_ VFi s3. 4 3 5 3 420 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 4 3 5 3 i 36.0 3 3 3;, i;� Ei3-"" - '4 -. lwt 4 3 5 3 49.0 3 4 3 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 4 " 42.0 3 3 3 3�';', ';'-31g' -4 '-.r'�3lp 4 3 5 3 560 3 4. 3 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 4 48.0 9 4 3 : '3; �x +4 5`' ,. ��$" 4 4 5 4 e0.0 . 3 5 3 5 3E7T-- 4 5 5 5 64.0 3 4 3 3 ,, 4- ,,„ 4 4 4 5 4 e6.0 3 5 3 5 3 4 5 5 5 60.0 3 5 3 - ro$_'- )s,55 ' :a 4a2 'Y: ;5131. 4 5 5 5 720 3 5 3 5 3 4 555 ' 66.0 3 5 3 K$3 'ct5; 4 $„ 4 5 5 5 79.0 3 6 3 6 3 4 B 5 e 72o 3 5 3 ^ `13 ..5, �. 4 r 5= ' 4 5 5 5 01.0 3 B 3 8 3 4 6 5 8 78.0 3 8 3 3 8 .�$'�",i 1 4 5 5 8 90.0 3 7 3 7 3 4 7 B40 3 6 3 6 :�$�-` vw0;";, : 4, :6'9' 4 6 5 8 90.0 3 7 3 7 3 90.0 3 7 3 7 .' ;,-3_r?: ,.n,7,. , -4-" _.7 4 7 f020 3 7 3 7 396.0 3 7 3 "Y "" ' 7r}. 4:" '�'T,Y '- 108.0 3 8 3 8 3102o 3 7 3 7 3 740 3 5 3 8 3100.0 3 6 3 T.B.':-'_"3i_- ;,�8' ..r�+.s iSf-F'":3 - 120.0 3 8 3 B 3 e 114.0 3 8 3 8 ""'J -8 " _. ,_,_ - 72a0 3 9 3 9 I 3 9_. ,�- B� ,z'e%;+x :•',a``�s` �+� 1J20 3 8 3 9 SIGNED: 02/2512015 TM WINDOWS L.L.C.- ��k1lu�rrlir -3_ 2710 1543 NORTH POWERLINE RD.\\ POMPANO BEACH, FL 33021 �5 �l! ✓,� `+ Y Dn' TM 9000 PW VINYL LMI HVHZ 53"x96" ELEVATIONS ' ,- 1 {IT OF _ys �tr DRAWN: DWG N0. R V.L. 08-01883 SCALE NTS IDATE 04/30 13 s-3 OF 8 1. 3 15/16" O000 2,. r FRAME (SH9301) RIGID PVC .078' THICK 7 1"GLAZING BEAD (MM RIGID PVC.059' THICK L� 7/a" 1" 0 FLANGE (AF65) VINYL PVC.069' THICK 1 3/16" 5 16 N7W17CROSS SEQEQ, y` 4.F '� LJ PLUG (UV08) -"s�a� VINYLPVC.078'THICK .a OWE REVISIONS EV DESCRIPTION DATE APPROVED A ADDED NOTES AT GLAZING DETAILS 07/15/131 R.L. B REVISED INSTALLATION 02/23/15 R.L. DETAILS DIMENSIONS 1" 1" 3/16" HS 3/16 HS 0.090" PVB BY DUPONT 0.090" SAFLEX BYIEASTMAN 1/4" HS 3/16" HS INTERIOR 1/4" TEMP 3/16" HS INTERIOR EXTERIOR GE 1200/GE RGS7700 EXTERIOR GE 1200/GE RGS7700 STEEL SPACER SILICONE STEEL SPACER SILICONE SYSTEM � SYSTEM SETTING BLOCK _ - 5/8" BITE SETTING BLOCK = 5/8" BITE GLAZING DETAIL A GLAZING DETAIL C FOR LMI PROTECTION FOR LMI & SMI PROTECTION 1" 1,. 3/16" HS I 1/8" ANN 0.090" SGP BY DUPONT 0.090" SAFLEX BY EASTMAN 1/4" TEMP 3/16" HS INTERIOR 1/8" ANN 1/8" ANN EXTERIOR EXTERIOR INTERIOR GE 1200/GE RGS7700 GE 1200/GE RGS7700 STEEL SILICONE STEEL SPACER SPACER SILICONE SYSTEM SYSTEM I SETTING BLOCK:�Am 1kc/8" BITE SETTING BLOCK in 5/8" BITE GLAZING DETAIL B GLAZING DETAIL D FOR LMI & SMI PROTECTION FOR LMI PROTECTION TM WINDOWS L.L.C. 1543 NORTH POWERLINE RD. POMPANO BEACH, FL 33021 TM 9000 PW VINYL LMI HVHZ 53"x96" CROSS SECTION, B.O.M. AND COMPONENTS V.L. 1 08-01883 SCALE NTS DATE 04/30/13 1 SNFET4 OF 8 SIGNED., 0212512015 REVISIONS 1" MIN. REV DESCRIPTION DATE 1 APPROVED 5/8" MIN. EDGE DISTANCE WOOD FRAMING / A ADDED NOTES AT GLAZING DETAILS 07/15/13; R.L OR 2X BUCK EDGE DISTANCE BY OTHERS B REVISED INSTALLATION 02/23/15 R.L. METAL 1/4" MAX. DETAILS DIMENSIONS 1 5/8" MIN. STRUCTURE SHIM SPACE APPROVED EMBEDMENT BY OTHERS ❑ ❑ URETHANE APPROVED I SEALANT p ❑ ❑ URETHANE o , SEALANT 1/4" MAX. a O SMS OR SHIM SPACE SELF DRILLING O --- - SCREW #14 WOOD - SCREW EXTERIOR APPROVED URETHANE WOAD-F G K OTHERS INTERIOR EXTERIOR INTERIOR i #14 SMS OR a SELF DRILLING #14 WOOD SCREW _ SCREW APPROVED Q� URETHANE 1/4" MAX. 1/4" MAX SEALANT O ❑ ❑ SHIM SPACE SHIM SPACE METAL - STRUCTURE, 1 5/8" MIN. BY OTHERS EMBEDMENT 1" MIN. SIGNED: 0212512015 EDGE DISTANCE VERTICAL CROSS SECTION TM WINDOWS L.L.C. 5/8" MIN. EDGE DISTANCE METAL STRUCTURE INSTALLATION HEADAND SILL SHOWNJAMBS SIMILAR 1543 NORTH POWERLINE RD. POMPANO BEACH, FL 33021 ` v� ��L�I;N�pE` TM 9000 PW VINYL LMI HVHZ C NOTES FRAME INSTALLATION DETAILS �4-TAT INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR FINISHES BY OTHERS NOT SHOWN FOR CLARITY. DRAWN: ovrc NO.P- ��0wt. PERIMETER AND JOINT SEAb4NT DESIGNED S' E 08 REV B f�'w �`i�� NI ACCORDANCEWMASTWE2tt2STOBE NTS DAB 04/30/13 SHEET0530F 8 11A11 J '1I 2 1/2" MIN. REVISIONS i EDGE DISTANCE REV DESCRIPTION DATE APPROVED CONCRETE/MASONRY A ADDED NOTES AT GLAZING DETAILS 07/15/13 R.L.BY OTHERS e °• B REVISED INSTALLATION �• 02/23/15 R.L. ' a• ° a 1 1/4" MIN. DETAILS DIMENSIONS OPTIONAL 1X BUCK `'-°a.' a: EMBEDMENT I TO BE PROPERLY SECURED SEE NOTE 3 SHEET 1 1 o ❑ ❑ APPROVED URETHANE o 1 4 MAX. SEALANT � SHIM SPACE 0 -- - --- - 1/4" TAPCON EXTERIOR 11111 INTERIOR 1/4 ,.. G,. APPROVED TAPCON URETHANE a :� SEALANT y��= Q 1 /4" MAX. OPTIONAL BUCK TO BE PROPERLY " SHIM SPACE SECURED •;# ; -T ? ' 'NON 3 SHEET 1 ' '`�' E/MASONRY.+3 'ab • "�., v ` " BY OTHERS °: ° <A 1 1/4" MIN. EMBEDMENT • c.wc,:ui�mi��<<' ws...` NOTES: + VERTICAIL CROSS SECTION 1. INTERIORAND EXTERIOR FINISHES, BYOTHERS, _ �� -- RITY. DRAWN: ,- � •COIVCiiETF/MASONRYINSTALLATTON NOT SHOWN FOR CLA V1jEA AND,SIL6,SHOWNJAMBSSIMILAR 2.' PERIMETER AND JO/NTSEALANT BYOTHERS TOBE V'L' DESIGNED INACCORDANCE WITHASTME2112 TM WINDOWS L.L.C. 1543 NORTH POWERLINE RD. POMPANO BEACH, FL 33021 TM 9000 PW VINYL LMI HVHZ WNW' FRAME INSTALLATION DETAILS owc No. 08-01883 DAB 04/30/13 -H-6 OF 8 1 I I SIGNED., 0212512015 5/8" MIN. EDGE DISTANCE WOOD FRAMING METAL OR 2X BUCK STRUCTURE BY OTHERS 1 5/8" MIN. BY OTHERS . EMBEDMENT 0 APPROVED ❑O 0 APPROVED URETHANE Q 1/4" MAX URETHANE SEALANT p SHIM SPACE SEALANT #14 WOOD SCREW INTERIOR EXTERIOR EXTERIOR #14 WOOD SCREW APPROVED URETHANE O Q APPROVED 1/4' MAX. URETHANE SEALANT __ SHIM SPACE SEALANT WQ AA FRAMINGD:, , 0 2X BUC •;.„>.,y_ ,�: � ' " ";, META 1 5/8" MIN STRUCTURE OTHER _ EMBEDMENT BY OTHER ' - �-�- 5/8" MIN. EDGE DISTANCE 1" MIN. 1 EDGE DISTANCE 0 SHIM SPACE 0 #14 SMS OR SELF DRILLING ---SCREW— — INTERIOR REVISICNS EV DESCRIPTION DATE APPROVED A ADDED NOTES AT GLAZING DETAILS 07/15/13 R.L. B REVISED INSTALLATIOlt 02/23/15i R.L. DETAILS DIMENSIONS #14 SMS OR SELF ❑ DRILLING SCREW o � o Q 1/4" MAX. O ❑ ❑ SHIM TT L p SPACE S 1" MIN. EDGE DISTANCE VERTICAL CROSS SECTION TM WINDOWS L.L.C. METAL STRUCTURE INSTALLATION 1543 NORTH POWERLINE RD. POMPANO BEACH, FL 33021 TM 9000 PW VINYL LMI HVHZ 53"x96" NOTES., FLANGE INSTALLATION DETAILS 1. INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR FINISHES, BYOTHERS NOTSHOWNFORCLARITY. DRAWN: DWO NO. REV 2-PERIMETERANDJO/NTSE4LANTBY07HERSTOBE V.L. 08-01883 B DESIGNED INACCORDANCEWITNASTME2112 ISCALE NTS I DATE 04/30/13 1sNEE7 OF 8 SIGNED: 02/25/2015 CONCRETE/MASONRY BY OTHERS OPTIONAL 1X BUCK TO BE PROPERLY SECURED SEE NOTE 3 SHEET 1 APPROVED URETHANE SEALANT EXTERIOR APPROVED - URETHANE SEALANT OPTIONAL 1X BUCK TO BE PROPERLY SECURED ,E 1 L CONLGFL Y BY OTHERS 2 1/2" MIN. APPROVED SEALANT EDGE DISTANCE BEHIND FIN #10 WOOD SCREW 7/16 :MIN ° 1 1/4" MIN. LEDGE DISTANT EMBEDMENT I a T o O O 1 /4" MAX. SHIM SPACE o _ 1/4" TAPCON EXTERIOR 1 3/8" MIN. REVISIONS EMBEDMENT REV DESCRIPTION DATE APPROVED WOOD A ADDED NOTES AT GLAZING DETAILS 07/15/13 R.L FRAMING i BY OTHERS B REVISED INSTALLATION �• 02/23/15 R.L DETAILS DIMENSIONS I 000 1/4" MAX APPROVED SHIM SPACE URETHANE SEALANT i. INTERIOR APPROVED URETHANE SEALANT o C�� s 1 4 0 #10" WOOD TAPCON Q SCREW d ... 1 4 MAX SHIM SPACE O 1 /4" MAX. SHIM SPACE —� p p,,,., p 7/16" MIN EDGE DISTANCE WOOD ' APPROVED FRAMING s4'~ SEALANT BY OTHERS �:.ay� ° • a, 1 1/4" MIN. BEHIND FIN -EMBEDMENT 1 3/8" MIN. TM WINDOWS L.L.C. 4. EMBEDMENT 1543 NORTH POWERLINE RD. .o• �;';.,,,,,,��•r,�ry. • g •t�'.t,r POMPANO BEACH, FL 33021 4h. VERTICAL CROSS SECTION n,ZsUI 1/2" MIN. WOOD FRAMING OR2XBUCKINSTALTION TM 9000 PW VINYL LMI HVHZ EDGE DISTANCE 53��x96" NOTES: FLANGE AND FIN INSTALLATION DETAILS VERTICAL{CRQ$$ SECTIQAj, 1. INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR HNISHES, BY OTHERS, CONCRET0MASONRY INSTALLATION) NOT S14OWN FOR CLARITY. DRAWN: DWG NO.. REV HEAD9IND'$ILZSHOWNVAMB yR 2PERIMETERANDJOINTSEALANTBYOTHERSTOBE V.L. 08-01883 B $ jlH/lA " F _ DESIGNED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM E2112 scuE NTS IDATE 04/30/13 IsHE98 OF 8 SIGNED: 0212512015 I L. Roberto Lomas. P.E. 233 W. Main St Danville, VA 2454i 434-688-0609 rllomas@lrlomaspe.com June 8, 2015 Ref. N.O.A.13-0129.27 13-0129.27-COMP Manufacturer: E.I. DuPont De Nemours & Co., Inc. DuPont P&IP Chestnut Run Plaza, 712/161, P.O. Box 80712 Wilmington, DE 19880 Product: DuPont Butacite@ PVB Interlayer To Whom It May Concern: This is to certify that I have reviewed all documentation for the above mentioned N.O.A. After my review and to the best of my knowledge, I found that the products in the N.O.A. listed above comply with the requirements of the Florida Building Code 5t' Edition (2014). Please note that I don't have nor will acquire a financial interest in any company manufacturing or distributing the products) for which the reports are being issued. Also, I don't have nor will acquire a financial interest in any other entity involved in the approval process of the listed product(s). Sincerely, i��. Al :0e rr AT OF � .11lfl.l:lt� , Luis R. Lomas P.E. FL No.: 62514 1 of 1 C" s`s,M ZI Mdys'Nf+ � yl.F���f t �s� i _ -- . _ •__-• iN11�_ _ _ - 1%HAMI-DADE.COUNTY • NEW PRODUCT CONTROL SECTION 11805 SW 26 Street, Room 208 DEPARTMENT OF REGULATORY AND ECONOMIC RESOURCES (RER) Miami, Florida 33175.2474 BOARD AND CODE ADMINISTRATION DIVISION T (786) 315-2590 F (786) 315 2599 NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE (NOA) wwwwlamldade.¢ov/economy E.I. DuPont De Nemours & Co., Inc. DuPont P&IP Chestnut Run Plaza, 712/161, P.O. Box 80712 Wildiington, DE 19980 SCOPE: This NOA is being issued under the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of construction materials. The documentation submitted has been reviewed and accepted by Miami -Dade County RER- Product Control Section' to be used in Miami Dade County and other areas where allowed by the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). This NOA shall not be valid after the expiration date stated below. The Miami -Dade County Product Control Section (In Miami Dade County) and/or the AHJ (in areas other than Miami Dade County) reserve the right to have this product or! material tested for quality assurance purposes. If this product or material fails to perform in the accepted; manner, the manufacturer will incur the expense of such testing acid the AHJ may immediately revoke, modify, or suspend the use of such product or material within their jurisdiction. RER reserves the right to revoke this acceptance, if it is determined by Miami -Dade County Product Control Section that this product or material fails to meet the requirements of the applicable building code. This product is approved as described herein, and has been designed to comply with the Florida Building Code, including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone. DESCRIPTION: DuPont Butacite® PVB Interlayer APPROVAL DOCUMENT: Drawing No.13-0129.27, titled "DuPont Butacite® PVB Lrterlayer", Sheet 1 and 2 of 2, dated-01/15/2013, prepared by R.1. DuPont De Nemours & Co., Inc, signed and sealed by Allan A. Kozich, P.E., bearing the Miami -Dade County Product Control revisiori stamp with the Notice of Acceptance number and expiration date by the Miami -Dade County Product Control Section. MISSILE IMPACT RATING: None WE LING: Laminated lites under this Product Approval shall be permanently marked in a corner of the glass with: "MDCA-Butacite® PVB", standing for "Miami -Dade County Approved — Butacite® PVB", and the laminator's identification mark. These marks shall be applied by the individual laminator producing the finished laminated glass product containing the Butacite© PVB interlayer. RENEWAL of this NOA shall be considered after a renewal application has been filed and there has been no change in the applicable building code negatively affecting the performance of this product. TERMINATION of this NOA will occur after the expiration date or if there has been a revision or change in the materials, use, and/or manufacture of the product or process. Misuse of this NOA as an endorsement of any product, for sales, advertising or any other purposes shall automatically terminate this NOA. Failure to comply with any section of this NOA shall be cause for termination and removal of NOA. ADVERTISEMENT: The NOA number preceded by the words Miami -Dade County, Florida, and followed by the expiration date may be displayed in advertising literature: If any portion of the NO Is la e , tl r al t o in its entirety. yl � INSPECTION: A copy of this entire NOA shall be provided to the us he ai fie r s d rtlrr. o s� n . shall be available for inspection at the job site at the request of the Buildr O�c' This NOA revises NOA # 11-1118.03 and consists of this page 1 a document mentioned above. The submitted documentation was reviewed by Carlos M. Utrera,rtE� ^1 fir;,, MIAMI•DADE COUNTY W /�.' 13 ation Date: December 11, 2016 Approval Date: April 11, 20 E.I. DuPont De Nemours NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: EVIDENCE SUDAUTTED A. ' DRAWINGS 1. Drawing No.13-0129.27, titled "DuPont Butacite® PVB Interlayer", Sheet 1 and 2 of -2, dated 01/15/2013, prepared by E. I. DuPont De Nemours & Co., Inc, signed and sealed by Allan A. Kozich, P.E. B. TESTS "Submitted tinder NOA # 11-0624.01 " Test report Standard Date Sianature 1. A2280.01-10-18 . ASTM D1929 03/29/11 Joseph A. Reed, P.E. 2. A2280.01-10-18 ASTM D 635 03/29/11 Joseph A. Reed, P.E. 3. A2280.01-10-18 ASTM D 2843 03/29/11 Joseph A. Reed, P.E. 4. A2280.61-10-18 ASTM G 155 03/29/11 Joseph A. Reed, P.E'. 5. A2280.01-10-18 I ASTM G 158 03/29/11 Joseph A. Reed, P.E. i C. CALCULATIONS 1. None. i D. QUALITY ASSURANCE 1. Miami -Dade Department of -Regulatory and Economic Resources (RER) E. NIATERIAL CERTIFICATIONS 1. None. F. STATEMENTS "Submitted) tinder NOA # 111118.03" I., Statement letter of code conformance to 2010 FBC issued by Allan A. Kozich & Associates, dated 03/01/2012, signed and sealed by Allan A. Kozich, P.E. "Submitted tinder NOA # 11-0624.01" 2. Statement letter of c0p,conformance to Allan A. Kozich & associates, dated Kozich, P.E. E -1 Product Control Examiner NOA No.13-0129.27 Expiration Date: December 11, 2016 rosy 1 DC ' •i , , 3 i DUPONT BUTACITEO P/B INTERLAYER r A B C SECTION ERQUUCT DESC _ tPTI0N MANUFACTURED BY: S.I. DUPONT DE NEMOURS & CO, INC. A PLASTIC INTERLAYER MATERIAL FOR LAMINATION WITH GLASS ON BOTH SIDES. A TYPICAL GLAZING IS -MADE OF THE FOLLOWING COMPONENTS: A - 118" 3-0 rhm Annealed Glass B - 0.031F 0.76 mm DuPont Butacite@ PVB Inteda er 0 - 1180 3.0 mm Annealed Glass MATERIAL CHARACTERISTICS Butaclte@ PVB Interlayer (Clear) pest nation Test Properties Butacite® PVB Interia er Clear Self Ignition Temperature ASTM D1929 -788'F R2010 Flash I ninon Temperature ASTM D1929 788 "F 420 °C Ava Smoke Density Rating ASTM D2843 7.2 Burning Rate ASTM D635 0 mmlmin. Xenod Weathering (4500 hrS) ASTM C158-02 Method A • Weathering Flexural Strength MTM C188-02 Method A Before After 2940 psi 3189 I *WEATFISRING PER SECTION 2612 OF T11E FLORIDABLILDING CODE THIS IS A COMPONENT APPROVAL AND DOSS NOT INCLUDE AN EVALUATION OF STRUCTURAL PERFORMANOE OF THIS COMPONENT. SYSTEMS INCORPORATING THIS COMPONENT SHALL APPLY FOR A PRODUCT APPROVALTO 'THIS OFFICE AND SHALL SUBMIT TEST REPORTS AND OTHER REQUIRED DOCUMENTS SHOWING THAT THE SYTEM USING THIS COMPONENT WILL RESIST THE LOADS ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 16 OF THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE. on Ana*Mw ������`.•l,�....y..8A /'C��, t�► �' C�twB snt rdou s &7VL1110,11101VCstNO P.OIA34 &Ihim, 0`f NBe..'y ..,n r x . Mi�t}� Ptoduetoonitlof No t88 9 >� ,8 12 w •.� d, sp PhyneEQ 2T�922� t ReP,IIs)sa�i.Z Sheet 1of2 sypn bP ; w Drawing date: 01/15/13 •, O ••. ,� �,.�`� ooZ°+3 Allan A. Kozich, PE ••�i F�s�Q CA 111o. 1965 Registration # 16864 Alk -- DUPONT BU'"RCl " J P1lB INTERL.AYER Material Characteristics Butacite@ PVB Interlayer (Colors) Designation Test Properties Self Ignition Temperature 111 ASTM D1929 788 T (420 -C) Self Ignition Temperature 12 ASTM D1929 7887 (4201J Self Ignition Temperature [3] ASTM D1929 7887 420 �) Self Ignition. Temperature [4] ASTM D1929 .1887 Self Ignition Temperature AS D1929 788 T (420'C Flash Ignition Temperature [1 ASTM ,D1929 7881+ 42010 Plash Ignition Temperature j2]I ASTM D1929 770 FL410 9C) Flash Ignition Temperature [3] 1 ASTM D1929 770'F 410 rl Flash Ignition Temperature [4] ASTM D1929 7887 (42010) Flash, Ignition Tem erature ASTM D1929 7887 420 t Avg Smoke Dens4-Racing [1] ASTM D2843 7.2 . AvgSmo a Pegnsi Raking 2 ASTM D2843 9.1 Avg Smoke bensilhaling [31 ASTM D2843 10.2 Avg Smoke DensityRatin [4] ASTM D2843 10A Avg Smoke Density Rating [ ASTM D2843 8.1 Burning Rate 11 ASTM D635 0 mmlmin. Burning Rete 2] ASTM 0635 0 mmlmin. Burn[qq Rate {3 ASTM D635 0 mmlmin: Burning Rate [4] ASTM D635 0 mmindn. Burning Rate [51 ASTM-D635 0 mm/min. [1) Clear Butacite® PV8111terlayer �dtOb Q�nAe � a [2] Charcoal GreyButaeite® PVB Interlayer No [3] Blue -Green Butacite® PVB Interlayer [4] Azure Blue Butedte® PVB Interlayer t COI*d [5] Solar Bronze Butacite®,PVB Interlayer THIS IS A COMPONENT APPROVAL AND DOES NOT INCLUDE AN EVALUATION OF STRUCTURAL PERFORMANCE OF THIS COMPONENT. SYSTEMS INCORPORATING THIS COMPONENT SHALL APPLY FOR A PRODUCT APPROVAL TO THIS OFFICE AND SHALL SUBMIT TEST REPORTS AND OTHER REQUIRED DOCUMENTS SHOWING THAT THE SYSTEM USING THIS COMPONENT WILL RESIST THE LOADS ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 16 OF THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE. UuPont BUN b1te® PVB Interlave'r" X X+�H�K�i��� E.i. duPont•de Nemours &•Co., Inc. ��� ����:...,/ 4,' DuPont P&i (�L ���' is �.�. eel ..�' Law, v f .t,.- w ICI l`°AV�3 .7 +"af ,""1 L?� �p .y.'' `i 1'0is l s $3A'�E �� .• R,eY,�, �' ht� tr2ofl21 .� ,L .���•,Rt ���`��.•�.����l���i Dq-ra3�z®[3 AIIa�n.tA1��C��lc�• P'C� � ,,�� i�:l ��; E��9 C'.Q A } e . i'7 6 6 Regi raiC 6864 L.'Roberto Lomas P.E. 233 W. Main St - -Danville,-VA 2454-1 434-688-0609 rllomas@lrlomaspe.com June 8, 2015 Ref: N.O.A.13-0328.09 "URMST112FORIM Manufacturer: E.I. DuPont De Nemours & Co., Inc. DuPont P&IP Chestnut Run Plaza, 712/161, P.O. Box 80712 Wilmington, DE 19880 Product: DuPont White SentryGlas® Interlayer To Whom It May Concern: This is to certify that I have reviewed all documentation for the above mentioned N.O.A. After my review and to the best of my knowledge, I found that the products in the N.O.A. listed above comply with the requirements of the Florida Building Code 5t' Edition (2014). Please note that I don't have nor will acquire a financial interest in any company manufacturing or distributing the products) for which the reports are being issued. Also, I don't have nor will acquire a financial interest in any other entity involved in the approval process of the listed product(s). Sincerely, IV i '� : •. - �o STATE OF �c �;, l pRV , '�fi 4NA1.` _ f rill.► Luis R. Lomas P.E. FL No.: 62514 IofI ?�` �I per•- �, W � MiA1W11-D E MIANH DADE COUNTY PRODUCT CONTROL SECTION. 11805 SW 26 Street, Room 208 DEPARTMENT OF REGULATORY AND ECONOMIC RESOURCES (RER) Miami, Florida 33175-2474 BOARD AND CODE ADMINISTRATION DIVISION T (786) 315-2590 F (786) 315 2599 NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE (NOA) www.miamidade.eoy/economy E.I. DuPont De Nemours & Co., Inc. DuPont P&IP Chestnut Run PIaza, 7121161, P.O. Bog 80712 Wilmington, DE 19880 SCOPE: This NOA is being issued under the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of construction materials. The documentation submitted has been reviewed and accepted by Miami -Dade County RER Product Control Section to be used in Miami Dade County and other areas where allo-sved by the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). This NOA shall not be valid after the expiration date stated belotiv. The Miami -Dade County Product Control Section (In Miami Dade County). and/or the AHJ (in areas other than Miami Dade County) reserve the right to hove this product or material tested for quality assurance purposes. If this product or material fails to perform in the accepted manner, the manufacturer will incur the expense of such testing and the AHJ may immediately revoke, modify, or suspend the use of such product or material within their jurisdiction. RER reserves the right to revoke this acceptance, if it is determined by Miami -Dade County Product Control Section that this product or material fails to meet the requirements of the applicable building code. This product is approved as described herein, and has been designed to comply Nvith the Florida Building Code, including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone. DESCRIPTION: DuPont White SentryGlas® Interlayer APPROVAL DOCUMENT: Drawing No.13-0328.09, titled "DuPont White SentryGlas® Interlayer", Sheet 1 of 1, dated 06/04/2013, prepared by E. I. DuPont De Nemours & Co., Inc, signed and sealed by Allan A. Kozich, P.E., bearing the Miami -Dade County Product Control approval stamp with the Notice of Acceptance number and approval date by the Miami -Dade County Product Control Section. MISSILE IMPACT RATING: None LIMITATION: This is not a structural approval. LABELING: Laminated lites under this Product Approval shall be permanently marked in a comer of the glass with: "MDCA- White SentryGlas®", standing for' Miami Dade CountyApproved — White SentryGlas®", and the Iaminator's identification mark. These marks shall be applied by the individual laminator producing the finished laminated glass product containing the White SentryGlas® Interlayer. RENEWAL of this NOA shall be considered after a renewal application has been filed and there has been no change in the applicable building code negatively affecting the performance of this product. TERMINATION of this NOA will occur after the expiration date or if there has been a revision or change in the materials, use, and/or manufacture of the product or process. Misuse of this NOA as an endorsement of any product, for sales, advertising or any other purposes shall automatically terminate this NOA. Failure to comply with any section of this NOA shall be cause for termination and removal of NOA. ADVERun mE' NT.- The NOA number preceded by the expiration date may be displayed in advertising literature. If i in its entirety. YNSPECTION: A copy of this entire NOA shall be provide( shall be available. for inspection,at the job site at the request of This NOA consists of this page 1 and evidence page E-1, The submitted documentation was reviewed by Carlos 1V 1,4161ftlzo 13 1\ VA 1'l V. 1J-VOMMY Ex irati ate• by A o e. e i E.I. DuPont De Nemours & Co.. Inc. NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: EVIDENCE SUBMITTED A. DRAWINGS 1. Drawing No.13-0328.09, titled "DuPont White SentryGlas® Interlayer". Sheet 1 of 1, dated 06/0412013, prepared by E. I. DuPont De Nemours & Co., Inc, signed and sealed by Allan A. Kozich, P.E. B. TESTS Test reuort Standard Date Signature 1. B7882.01-106-18 ASTM D1929 02/26/13 Gary T. Hartman, P.E. 2. B7882.01-106-18 ASTM D 635 02/26/13 Gary T. Hartman, P.E. 3. B7882.01-106-18 ASTM D 2843 02/26/13 Gary T. Hartman, P.E. j 4. B7882.01-106-18 ASTM G 155 .02/26/13 Gary T. Hartman, P.E. 5. B7882.01-106-18 ASTM C 158 02/26/13 Gary T. Hartman, P.E. C. CALCULATIONS 1. None. D. QUALITY ASSURANCE 1. Miami -Dade Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources (RER) E. MATERIAL CERTIFICATIONS 1. None. F. STATEMENTS 1. Statement letter of code conformance to 2010 FBC and no financial interest issued by Allan A. Kozich & Associates, dated 06/11/2013, signed and sealed by Allan A. Kozich, P.E. 3 NOA No.13-0328.09 Expiration Date: July 4, 2018 Approval Date: July 4, 2013 E -1 COPY DUPONT WHITE SENTRYGLASO INTERLAYER A B C SECTION PRODUCT DESCRIPTION MANUFACTURED BY: E.I. DUPONT DE NEMOURS & CO., INC. DESCRIPTION: A PLASTIC INTERLAYER MATERIAL WHICH IS FACTORY LAMINATED TO A MINIMUM OF TWO PIECES OF GLASS. A TYPICAL GLAZING IS MADE OF THE FOLLOWING COMPONENTS: (MINIMUM THICKNESS INDICATED. MULTIPLE PLIES OF INTERLAYER TO BE USED AS NECESSARY). A - 1/8" (3.0 mm) Annealed Glass B- 0.062" (1.58 mm) DuPont White SentryGlas® Interlayer C - 1/8" (3.0 mm) Annealed Glass MATERIAL CHARACTERISTICS White Sentr Glas® Interla er Test Properties Flash Ignition Temperature (11 ASTM D 1929 752°F Self -ignition Temperature [11 ASTM D 1929 770OF Average Smoke Density Rating (11 ASTM D 2843 5.9 Linear Rate of Burn (1) ASTM D 63S 0 cm/min; Class CC1 Average Modulus of Rupture (1) ASTM C 1S8-02 Weathering (ASTM G 155-056) Before After 4,692 psi 4,752 psi Average Change: +1.7% NOTES: [1) 62 mil (1.58 min) thickness DuPont White SentryGlas® Interlayer Sample (2] DuPont White SentryGlas® Interlayer By Itself Does Not Comply With The Florida Building Code THIS IS A COMPONENT APPROVAL. AND DOES NOT INCLUDE AN EVALUATION OF STRUCTURAL PERFORMANCE OF THIS COMPONENT. SYSTEMS INCORPORATING THIS COMPONENT SHALL APPLY FOR A PRODUCT APPROVAL TO THIS OFFICE AND SHALL SUBMIT REPORTS AND OTHER REQUIRED DOCUMENTS SHOWING THAT THE SYSTEM USING THIS COMPONENT WILL RESIST THE LOADS ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 16 OF THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE. DuPont White SentryGlas® Interlaver E.I. duPont de Nemours & Co., Inc. DuPont P&IP - GLS G 4 t,1o. (? 65' JUN 3 L. Roberto Lomas P.E. 233 W. Main St -- Danville, VA 24541 - - 434-688-0609 rllomas@lrlomaspe.com June 8, 2015 Ref N.O.A.14-0423.17 Manufacturer: Eastman Chemical Company (MA) 730 Worcester Street Springfield, MA 01151 Product: Saflex Clear and Color Glass Interlayers To Whom It May Concern: 14-0423.17-COMP This is to certify that I have reviewed all documentation for the above mentioned N.O.A. After my, review and to the best of my knowledge, I found that the products in the N.O.A. listed above comply with the requirements of the Florida Building Code 5a' Edition (2014). Please note that I don't have nor will acquire a financial interest in any company manufacturing or distributing the products) for which the reports are being issued. Also, I don't have nor will acquire a financial interest in any other entity involved in the approval process of the listed product(s). Sincerely, .l . r� 5.,..:•.i �. o ; STAGE OF �►�r.A%OR •• bNAL 49 Luis R. Lomas?.E. FL No.: 62514 p}Af F', ION FILE C-OPY MiHM�3Ai3lr - --- ---- - - - - - - _ 1131AT1II-DARE OUNTY --- --•... PRODUCT CONTROL SECTION 11805 SW 26 Street, Room 208 DEPARTMENT OF REGULATORY AND ECONOMIC RESOURCES (RER) Miami, Florida 33175-2474 BOARD AND CODE ADMINISTRATION DIVISION T (786) 315-2590 F (786) 315-2599 NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE (NOA) www:miAmidade.eov/economx Eastman Clieinical Company (MA) 730 Worcester Street- Springfield-, MA 01151 SCOPE: This NOA is being issued under the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of construction materials. The documentation submitted has been reviewed and accepted by Miami -Dade, County RER-Product Control Section to be used in Miami Dade County and other areas where allowed by the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). This NOA shall.not be'valid 'after the expiration date stated below. The Miami -Dade County Product Control Section (In Miami Dade County) and/or the AHJ (in areas other than Miami Dade County) reserve the right to have this product or material tested for quality assurance purposes.' If this product or material fails to perform in the accepted manner, the manufadtiver will -incur the expense of such testing and the AHJ may immediately revoke, modify, or suspend the use of such product or material within their jurisdiction. RER reserves the right to revoke this acceptance, if it is determined by Miami -Dade County Product Control Section that this product or material fails to meet the requirements of the applicable building code. This �roduct is approved as described herein, and has been designed to comply with the Florida Building Code, including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone. DESCRIPTION: Saflex Clear and Color Glass Interlayers APPROVAL DOCUMENT: Drawing No.1813, titled "Saflex Based Interlayers for Laminated. Glass" sheets 1 'through 3 of 3, dated 04/06/2012, prepared by W. W. Schaefer Engineering & Consulting, P.A., signed and sealed by Warren W. Schaefer, P.E., bearing the Miami -Dade County Product Control revision stamp with the Notice of Acceptance number and expiration date by the Miami -Dade County Product Control Section. MISSILE IMPACT RATING: None LABELING: Glass laminated under this product approval shall be permanently marked in a corner of the glass with: a) Saflex, b) Authorized laminator's name, c) M.D.C.A. that stands for Miami Dade County Approved and d) Markings required by federal law for safety glazing. LIMITATION: This approval does not include an evaluation of structural performance of this component. RENEWAL of this NOA shall be considered after a renewal application has been filed and there has been no change in the applicable building code negatively affecting the performance of this product. TERMINATION of this NOA will occur after the expiration date or if there has been a revision or change in the materials, use, and/or manufacture of the product or process. Misuse of this NOA as an endorsement of any product, for sales, advertising or any other purposes shall automatically terminate this NOA. Failure to comply with any section of this NOA shall be cause for termination and removal of NOA. ADVERTISEMENT: The NOA number preceded by the we expiration date may be displayed in advertising literature. If any in its entirety. INSPECTION: A copy of this entire NOA shall be provided t shall be available for inspection at the job site at the request of th This NOA revises NOA # 12-1231.10 and consists of this approval document mentionedabove. The submitted documentation was reviewed by Carlos M. MU MI•DADECOUNTY o� jog f 2oi4 'NOA No.14-0423.17 1., E III, te: . 41 al to Ju 1 , ge'1 Eastman Chemical Company (MA) NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: EVIDENCE SUBMITTED A. DRAWINGS "Submitted under NOA # 12-1231.1011 1. Drawing No.1813, titled "Saflex Based Interlayers for Laminated Glass" sheets 1 through 3 of 3, dated 04/06/2012, prepared by W. W. Schaefer Engineering & Consulting, P.A., signed and sealed by Warren W. Schaefer, P.E. B. TESTS "Submitted under NOA # 11-032S.OS" Test Report No. Standard Date Signature 1. ETC-11-726-25078.0 ASTM D1929/D2843 03/08/11 Joseph L. Doldan, P.E. 2. ETC-11-726-25076.0 . ASTM D1929/D2843 03/08/11 Joseph L. Doldan, P.E. 3. ETC-11-726-25080.0 ASTM D1929/D2843 03/08/11 Joseph L. Doldan, P.E. 4. ETC-11-726-25077.0 ASTM D1929/D2843 03/08/11 Joseph L. Doldan, P.E. 5. ETC-11-726-25079.0 ASTM D1929/D2843 03/08/11 Joseph L. Doldan, P.E. i 6. ETC-11-726-24882.0 ASTM D1929/D2843 03/08/11 Joseph L. Doldan, P.E. 7. ETC 96491-3253.0 ASTM G26 & C158 11/05/97 Joseph L. Doldan, P.E. 8. ETC 98-191-5523.0 ASTM G26 & C158 05/11/99 Joseph L. Doldan, P.E. "Submitted under NOA # 09-0223.05" 9. ETC-07-726-20120.0 ASTM D2843 07/17/08 Joseph L. Doldan, P.E. -10. ETC-07-726-20120.0 •ASTM D1929 07/17/08 Joseph L. Doldan; P.E. 11. ETC-07-726-20120.0 ASTM D635 07/17/08 Joseph L. Doldan, P.E. 12. ETC-07-726-20120.0 ASTM C158 07/17/08 Joseph L. Doldan, P.E. C. CALCULATIONS: 1. None. D. • QUALITY ASSURANCE ' 1. Miami -Dade Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources (RER) E. MATERIAL CERTIFICATIONS 1. None. F. STATEMENTS 1. Statement letter of code conformance to 2010 and 5'h edition (2014) FBC, issued by W. W. Schaefer Engineering & Consulting, P.A., dated 04/10/2014, signed and sealed by Warren W. Schaefer, P.E. -"Submitted under NOA # 11-I102.11" .2. No financial interest letter issued by W. V1 10/2412011, signed and sealed by Warren E-1 Product Control Examiner NOA No.14-0423.17 Expiration Date: May 21, 2016 Approval Date-. Jun 20 4 Saflex® PVB Interlayer -• - A P A (ciear Wor colored Saflex 0,35% -- 50%) Product Description Manufactured By: Eastman Chemical Company Description: Clear or Colored monolithically extruded Interlayers made of polyvinyl butyral resin and triethyleheglycol b1s(2-ethyl hexanonte) plasticizer at. concentrations between 35 and 50%. Interlayer is offered under the brand names of Saflexe and Vanceva®for lamination between a minimum of two glasses. A typical glazing is made of the following components (minimum thicknesses indicated - multiple plies of interlayers to be used as necessary): SECTION PRODUCT IWIVIIED A - 2.3 mm (3/32-in) Annealed Glass W O mplYIN with the FIM& AmV� I /d B — 0.76 mm (0.030-in) Saflex® and/or Vanceva®.Interlayers yRaDUCTREVIS00 UY Mi t � Pradacr Centro! N.rn, olag wim V.* V oft 84" . pall�I�tee� Product Properties Description Test Saflex a Cad 30% i2) (1) Self -ignition temperature ASTM D 1929 760 OF (1) Smoke Density ASTM D 2843 5% (1) Rate of Burning ASTM D635 <25 mm mark (not reported) (1) Time of Burning ASTM D635 < 5 sec (1) Extent of Burning ASTM D635 0.31 In (1) Avg Mod of Rupture ASTM C158 (1) Weathering (3) Before After 2556 psi 2657 psi (1) Sp ecimen: Laminated glass with Sailer and/or Vanceva® Interlayer (2) Interlayer by Itself (unprotected) does NOT comply with Florida Building Code (3) Weathering per section 2612 of the Florida Bullding Code dgf &,,apt Vanceva are registered trademarks of Eastman Chemical Company C Combined Multi -layer and Sattex; removed IIIG name 12/12111 8 Renewed Flammabilily:test'. pt2t'a ftly 91rN e ; Q3( 111 , rZ A Combined RM & 1110 Pro ucts;InFeii e:: l Cyrr)e tF r �4`/,92/Og r Rev // Description Ma V610A M 1� �:•�, =: s ; I. • Eastman Chemlcalic"0-- p iw ''' 7 X 2012 730 Worcester Street, Sping�refd;, MA Phone: 413-730 3413 FAXIE'SO -8ta -0 • x :� �? a *r Warren . S efer, P.E. L. -; aI j Slructur ngineer 'P ti r ti P E 44135 Title: Saflex® Based Interlayers for Lam(tte GA'ss W.W. Schaefer E4111eering & Consulting, P.A. Drawing Sheet Drawing Revisions Structural Consulting Engineers Number Number Dale Date 74801501' Court North 1813 1 of 3 041061149 Palm Beach Gardens, FI33418 Phone: 561 7443424 t Saflex® PV8 Interlayer continued Saflex® Multi -layer Product Properties Footnote Description Test Dade County Saflex Multi- , Criteria layer Series (1) Test for Smoke Density ASTM D 2843 Passed (<75%) 26.6% (1) Self Ignition Temperature ASTM D 1929 Passed (>650°F) 750OF (1). Rate of Burning ASTM D 635 Passed (C-1:<1.0 --- inlmin) (1) Average Time of Burning ASTM D 635 ---- < 5 set (1) Average Extent of ASTM D 635 ---- 0.61 in Burning (1) � (3) Average Modulus of ASTM C 158 Passed (<10.0116) Delta:4.9% Rupture Before: 3842 psi After: 4042 psi (1) Specimen: Laminated glass with 8afiex9Mul1l4ayerinlerlayer (2) Interlayer by.itself (unprotected) does NOT comply with Florida Building Code (3) Weathering per section 2812 of the Florida BOIding Code Saflex@ and Vanceva@ Solar/Color and Colorant Properties Material Designation Smoke Density Rating ASTM D 2843 Dade Notification # Vanceva 0 & Saflex® — Clear S% ETG11-726-25079,0 Vanceva ® & Saflex® — While 20% ETC-11-726-25076.0 Vanceva 0 & Saflex® — Black 2% ETC-11-726-25080.0 Vanceva ® & Saflex®•- slue 50/0 ETC-11-726.26077.0 Vanceva ® & Saflex® -- Yellow 9% . ETC-11-726.25079.0 Vanceva ®& Saflex®-- Red 101YO ETC•11.726-24882.0 :. : '• _ . F`iMlAlp/ Qibl 1'ItPy[>YlCf�i. i�1F.Vl9.5Lb' ,•• `' � p lute. 1, A .TO Eastman Chemical Carmp'at r<..�" 730 Worcester Street, Springfield M'P� 01151�� ` tNah Sc a e P. Phone: 413 730-3413 FAX:50B=8 :6( uctural gi eer P.E. No 4 35 Title: Saflex® HIG Base& Interlayers for Laminated G W.W. Schaefer Engineering & Consulting. P.A. Drawing Sheet Drawing Revisions Structural Consulting Engineers Number Number Date Date 7480160th Court North Palm Beach Gardens, F133418 184$ 2 of 04106112P1 s. Saflex® PVB Interlayer continued Saftex® interlayers are known as Saflex, Saflex colors, Saflex Multi -layer; SilentGlass TechnologVrm and Vanceva® Color Vanceva and/or Saflex are known as: AR,CL,DA through DZ,,MG,NA,RA through RZ, SA through SZ, and VA through VZ. (d.g.: RB4i,.NA71). Saflex® Multi -layer interlayers are known as: Q series (QA through QZ) and Silent Glass Technology (e.g.' QB 61, QS 41 etc...). ®Saflex and Vanceva are registered trademarks of Eastman Chemical Company T11 Silent Glass Technology is a trademark of Eastman Chemical Company This is a component approval and does not include an evaluation of structural performance of this component. Systems incorporating this component shall apply for an NOA to the Miami - Dade Product Control and shall submit test reports and other required documents showing that the systems using this componentwili resist the loads according to chapter 16 of the F.B.C. A list of authorized laminators shall be tiled with Miami- Dade County by Eastman Chemical Company 3 rr -• DEC f 120V Warren W. Si Structural P.E. Ni34 FAQ4tl &6V19RO a COtn 068 woo tN F1w" swufteaft Aaomme too i#44 i Eastman Chemical Col 730 Worcester Street, Spring P.E. Phone: 413-730-3413 FAX: Title: Saflex` HIG Based. MoDif(.7' REV139D as wntpl*g wilt the Fivdda Ulatn8 Coda A¢oWsm No CkZr •1 for Laminated Glass W.W. Schaefer Engt'neering & Consulting, P.A. Drawing Sheet Drawing Revisions Structural U9n, ulOng Engineers Number Number Date Date 7480150th Court•North Palm Beach Gardens, FI 33418 1813 3 of 3 04/06/12 Al L. Roberto Lomas P.E. 233 W. Main St. Danville; VA 24541 - - 434-688-0609 rllomas@lrlomaspe.com Manufacturer: TM Windows L.L.C. 1543 North Powerline Rd. Pompano Beach, FL 33021 Product Llne: TM 9000 PW Vinyl LMI HVHZ 53" x 96" Engineering Evaluation Report Report No.: 512575B Compllar)ce: The above mentioned product has been evaluated for compliance with the requirements of the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation for Statewide Acceptance per Rule 61 G20-3.005 method 1(d). The product listed herein complies with requirements of the Florida Building Code. Supporting Technical Documentation: 1. Approval document: drawing number 08-01883, Revision B, prepared, signed and sealed by Luis Roberto Lomas P.E. 2. Report No.: ATL 1116.01-12 signed by Henry Hattem, P.E. American Testing Lab of South Florida, Ft. Lauderdale, FL TAS 201-94 Large Missile Impact Test, Level D, Wind Zone 4 TAS 202 -94 Uniform Static Air Pressure, +60.0/-65.Opsf design pressure, 9.0psf water penetration. TAS 203-94 Cyclic Pressure loading +60.0/-65.Opsf design pressure 3. Anchor calculations, report number 512575-1, prepared, signed and sealed by Luis Roberto Lomas P.E. 1 Limitations and Conditions of use: • Maximum design pressure: Refer to installation instructions. • Maximum unit size: 53" x 96" • Units must be glazed per ASTM Ell 300-04, see installation instructions for glass details. • This product is rated to be used in the HVHZ. • This product is impact resistant and does not require impact protection in wind bome debris regions. • Frame material to be rigid PVC. Installation: Units must be installed in accordance with approval document, 08-01883, Revision B. Certification of Independence: Please note that I don't have nor will acquire a financial interest in any company manufacturing or distributing the product(s) for which this report is being issued. Also, I don't have nor will acquire a financial ipterest in any other entity involved in the approval process of the listed product(s). 1 of 1 1 .N\5 a yf V,V 0 5 r TAT OF Luis R. Lomas, P.E. FL No.: 62514 02/27/2015