HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1380 I , \,' ' 'I I ' ,', , ' I' i' ' I , ,:., \ I '. 1 I I J , · 1 " I , ,.. . , I I, ,.'. i' I I, I ' I . , . ..J...... I _~:;.t-_....:":_..t..A.;""", ,l-_~.~.-u... ~--..~ ...........:..'9T#J,....:,...._tr-....~--.J'_~....-o__....:~..~.! _~6."L:. ~~~~~-......:~_-6L..lo...;.a._.._~~.o..-~r...O'_..-~..~~~~~._~~~~~ ~.r:~___ ~~<t~~..~.f_1""~~~~~....."""l:~.___..--:=- ~~ ~3. ~..~..~~.,..."'~iI' .~~n ~...~~~.(. ...;,~. ~ ,~~..LtllleJ.__._.._~ _~ \ ,'\ .\, I, t ' , ," I' " ",', ,r II ' I 'i \ I ,I ' , ' . ,I \ 1 :- ' ,- ~ h' ' , I "I, 'I' . r! , ,.,iDR~B.,'B..~, 'J!AL, 'i,' , ,...,'IIfO"" '::" ',I,,~ I:, \~1'1'y"O,.~O. \,!\ \' , I. i 1, \ "', " , ,t., 1" \\' II', ' '. ' , , ; il! " , J ,', 'luSBJalI!\JOR, SAnml S.~\ '\ ' ) ~' ,'; "\ ' "'\:' \ ' , j '"I' " \,' ,,' 't , . ",-' , ,\ I . \ ..' \, , ,\ \ ' \ ~ 'I ,'\ I '. ' 'I ~\ !HIS'lNDR1f!O'Rl. ~. tb18 the ,86 -7 9t April, ,A. D, 192~tl\ b.tw"~ ,DR. BJ B. BGI. an4 '1'1 i'[" , \ ' I I \ \ " . ,'" "',,' " \ ", " -, ,,' ,~, i ' .1', \".l',~ B,Bell, ,h~~~W~\f. 'ot"~~.\oo~tv ot.\A~itn ,ancSis.-t. Of IncSla~.~ ~ru..\or tbe~1#.~ p&-lt.~\'., .: ,\, I '!'.~4, QU7 o"t Vero,' ,.Jtunloi~,l, C~rpO'l'.uon of th~ 8'.hotinO~daJpq". 'ottJl~ 8e~01la, P~l't,. \, '~...-- '-- '~"'.- \, .-~. ',(- - ,; .'-~ . "- '...,. .-.'~; '. \. -.." \, \ -' -\ : ~ \ ' \ ,\ 1'1 ,lfI\1!fBsSBft.\fl;1at '~h' .d4 puu..', ot,~he,tlr~.i; ~8I't' tor 8nd ~n OO:1t~~8t~O~..~t"the' '~_ ~~i,'.,~ .. ,:' " " ! ,One \D01.18J',(tl,00),ln hl!an4 "pa1c1J b7' ,~h. '81. "~t1 ot-. thft ,8eoonc1 part. '~lle nu1jl\-O:t....Jrh1..olLJ.a..c.:c.:...,c.....'.}-. ~~~':--'," '" ,', ~ ' " " , --:-':7 ,._._-~\-, , "'~, " ' "", ','.:, , \ ' , ': :' ",'; ,I h.r.)l7,~,~k;Do~1.O~.d,~". sran~~4, ,1)arp1ne4f \eoU~ ~1I1..~, 8~ .re1..e,4, '~n~ 1J1\~.~e8" ~r'.en~. i ' . ~ . . -' . . -' ,'. .'. .. \ - . - - ~-,- '.' \ \ - - . _! . \ . .' '; to 8I'an~i b8rs&lO,8.11.' 1'.111. 8Dd r.l.as. ,unC.\ht 8a14 ,}>al'\7 ot,~he .Ioon~ par~\ '~h&tr.e \ " i ~lsht ~D4 prhh,g. ';ot'l~)'lng 401lD;'ana,oonet'ruot1ng., a"~ a~'Umti 8~.el'."aralli" anO, (or) wa~.r:'" ',< 1,' . t . i ': - . \ . J. ~ '. . . \' > \ - .' . '. '. _ , .' , . , '. .' _ '~ . '. '! p~p., upon ~he'.:~ol1OWlns ae8or.ibeclprop~~f' ..n~tokup and ~l~,ia1n .~h. '.IDI;:lor th,'o~oir.ml'DO~,' . . ': .. \ ""., -' '..., . .'.. ..';. . ~' 1 "',1~~th.9~"hene an,cl,J'.eldtntB o~ tlieOit7,C)tVero,', n:OJ"l4a, ~o';'wh:" , "i' , " ,',' ' ";, ',', '",.",," .j , ",. ", - Th~ ..it ,OD8 (l) .~4, o~e::hait (t(t~~~ ot ,j .. ~'':'~LO''81X~~~ &l~"ll"'~loOk"".'. (3) of 08o.01~ . " ~ 6 ,~~ .! ' " ,...'P~~'~4CS~ tio~(to'ero,., ,_,', , ' " \ . : ~BTB:!RW1~hth8, ngh' of '~8rtee ande8l',B8:',",r', ~a1d. ~em1eel!ftor the,:pUrpClt. 'at " :'. ~-'. ':., -', ", -.~' ,", -"-.";. , ,;' ..,. _a'..... ..~ "..' ,-' .-'" ~ .,' " .. . . ' .!:lxero18l118 ,th.'rlgh* or,rlshteh.r~b7 '8I'8n'e4., "~-r' , l' -. - - ", '.' ",'. .' .' 4 .- "" .... . . '. . . 'L _:~ . }', Afhr- ~.oOcnPl.UOn Of, t,he '18;rhig.~oWnan~ o~etrucft~n,g, 117 th., ,..14, 01~ .of Vero o~ the. " ,}...en,-<cS~a1I;li. sD4", (or),' ~ter,'plpe.'La8 h.rdll pro...l,~.4 tor, th.' '~l,,s'Clt1, o,t Vero, ~o.8~er.b7, . .:. . : . .. ..." '\ _' "" .:', ". '.,' '~;, ''',' "'. '. . t . .,', .".. " . - ',' "';'" . .'; ...:. }'b7 tl1e aoo.ptano. ot th,e'8rant ,of the,eaeemeDte h.r.i,M.tore sra'D~e4,' .gr.. to ma~,~taln 'oo'Yclpge: ' " .' , \ , I ' ~ ,:U ,\ ":'(:1"" .' ," I;, ',I . , < '. ~ r: , ,: ~ I , I' r '..,,16,91 , I ' · " .1 .,~. - . I, I .' I' , ... :, , " l~' ,~, . ..-\ l " " t-. , :, 1 ", '1 .. 0, ld '.811 t.1m.. on:o'r O...u...n7. and all .xoa'Ya tlqn. maeSe, on th.prope.rt,h.re1pbefor.. dt8or1b'.4~, .0 'i. '" ',', ' .. .,,', " .,,'.', ,', '" : : ~/ '" ' " '" , " ," " ',' , " ", , ':8Bnot,t,ounneoee.ar11ilnt8l't.i'ew1 ththeprQP.r, utillzation of ..14 prop.x1'7 bJ:the:granter. -, ! " '. ;liere1n~ 'or 'their he1l'e oraedgn.. '. ~. . ..' . , ":; . ' . " ',t. 't~-. " 'iB ,:WITln~Ss " WlIlIREo', '!h.....l,4 PerU .,ji, , , . . . '" - ' , ' . , '. . . ,..1. the -487 an4 7.81' ti,rat abo~'. ,Witten. f : .' '. '. ~. f < <SlgJi.d, eealed,ancl' 4.1here4': :111 pieunoe of:' " 'H. 'G. Rdeton. 1Jo..ph1ne Soh.:oer (Sin) (S.al) , of ,the ,tlr8t'p.~thA''''h.nUJ1,1iO ..t:t"ll' ~n,a. '.111 )hoe. 'Kmu B.' Bell B', 'E4wln Bell," ~ , ' t' ~T.TE':OJr 'Ilii>~:.l OOllin 0' .lLLB!f , ". ,~.,. -~---,- ,'.I'HBRBBtOBR'lIft, That on' th18 c1a7P.~~ona~7'.ppeare4 b.~o~lle,aD ottioer0U11'authorlze4: to adlllnleter 'o,eth8 aDd\' tat. aoknow~ecS~ent,i,:B~'-E. Be11~Dd ,'BmIit8, B....B~ll. hl.. 1Il t.,'to:'m.' _'.~ .~ .' "-.. -~-'~- ~--'------:-.__.. -- -.. ."? .~-_. ------ -~._-;---:--.-._.--;~. ' "w.ll tnowntobeth. p.rlone' 4880tl b.,cS 'in and who ex.outed ,th..t.o r 8a01ng 1na t~ent ~ ancS' th'.7 ' ~ ~. ~ 'aok'o?wledged ,b.for. me that '1i~.7 .x.out.d the ~ame tr8817 ~!.. Yol~tar117tor ~ce $>urpd.. thor.- in expres..4..' UD I ruRi'HB!t '.CBRTI..PY', That the .aU ~ ~ i.lell'.laioim to me'to b. t118'.1:teot the aid ~,J)t. I. 1.'.11 on 1na.tlan taken :an4 mad. b78'nclbetor.;'eepardii, i and apart, froai he~ .al~hU8baDcS, 414, 8oknoldedg8that Ih. .X84uhdt~e fOl';.,80111$' E8I8IJ..~ for } 'th.jt1U'POB~' ofr.l1nqu1eh1ng.. 811De8't1ngend OOD:V.711lg an"her :i-18ht" 't'1tle~ and .1ntel'ee" " , ' , > . . - - , . . . ~ " whetl1er'of cSower,hoaa..tead, or ot...parate'prop.r~7, .tatut'or7 or .quuai,l., ,~i1alld to.th. ~ncl8 c1880rl'b'~h.t .he' ex.out8cS' ~1d Sa.'~~Dttr..17 aDd" ~olunh~lr .aD,~ wlthout 8Dy oompUleloD, oon.tral*~. appr.hendoD' or tear ot or trom' her .aU h~ban4. WITlJESS 117 hand and ottlo181 ..al at ,t. Wain., County of .lli.JJ, and State of Indian., th1i the 26 487 ot.l)rll A.D. 1926. ,I " , 1171"1 A. Bullerm8.'c , ....rJ Publ1c;-. 117 oommleslon.xp1r..---: 14' oomm1eelon' .xplre. 11<<. 16. l-92'1. I, ~~-.., ._~-. "'t". r- - -_...~- -.....-" ~ -- - ..