HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1388 .'. r . ,'. '~~--:;TT ','~ ' .', I"" I ',' ',/' .___-.J.._.~.. '_~.' I " ,~-(J~- --T' - I ' ~. . , , " H._,_' -'''0. ,~"~"iI-_" 1"<< "I' ~ '& 't-. "'1\7~' I' ' ' " " I" OJ' ! I . .. I { I I; ~" '. t. I' II. , " . ,', " ,1\ " , I:.. . . . l.' , . . II I I ~~.~~.. ...::~~~~~';~:;:;:':';~70"'+~~'~~~;:\-'<:~~~~.,~:~... ~:::z~~~~~rt:~~~.~ \ . .., 1 " , 0,', , . ' \' L' ,.., "I' \ ,\ I, " , I , ': ~ . 'I. ',I , l. ',\ \, D i B D,', ,,', ' i: \.1' \ " \'; ,', ,'~, ' " . ',' , :,1 ,'~, I" ,\, , ' ,', ", '\".. ,', )': '~~. ",II ,; , ,~Bm\ ~-'lUR. . \,1Ia4e, ,tbie th.~' 14\b' ~7 otJ.p~j,l. A'~ '~.1921S.' b.~w~.n, Oli:a1e. B.., Z1F ,;"" -,. r," \ 'i' Can4 J.llU~\ J-~ ,Il'mi 'hie .lt~'~ ~ ot,~he' oount7, o~ St~\ Lu.ol~ a~4'~"lt., 01 ,i'1pr1~a. p.~~he ,ot ',' " \ \ "., 1 ,the ti~et ~~~t". 81\4' 01'7 o~ 'v~o. ~,?*unl01pa1, C,orPoraUon o"t 1ib~ 8~~ t.eoi.1:1o,rl~;: ,~ar't7 0\1" 1\ \, ~ " \"I,.theeeoon4' pert'...' , , ,I, " .' - \..' I' ,\ , \ \' " ' - '. ' \ ' ,.\ 1 ~__,:-,-_ L_m.',!fl~B~,.,J"J!J~ ~~'~~b_e':_~~1_4, '~rt"~~ ~Qi:'~h...:t,l~,~_1i ~..~~_, ;forc8ilt:,inuo~e,UeratioJ1:ot.the~'}2IIl. of': ~ 1:, ' \ . t. .., \ \ \ , "., ~ . ' . ' i On.,I>oll.l'e. 111'.00) .in han4 paid 'b7 th. '.814 par~, ot ,t)a, ..00n4 pil't.. the r' .0.lpt .~.t.ot 1" 'i ' " ,', , , .' ' ,,' , ' , " ',,' , ,',',',' , ' " ,\ ..!,h,r.b1 aQknowleOf$",h.~'8r~te~. b.rge1n.4~ eo14,.remlee4.an4 rele..~4.' an4,by th.~8. pJ;eeente" . . i \ ' . . . ~ . - ..' " . ., , ~ '. . II., .' \ . :, j 40 gtant. b.:rsa1n."s.11,'r8ll1..'anOI'e1.... UXlto"th. ..14 PaI"1 ot the,..conO pa~'th. free . , ; ":. _.' " . " '. " .. '.-.: ...'.,."'_'-.' '.. \. : . ... . . . ... .,~.. '1 " _ _ . Trl~t ltIla. ,prl,~li.g.' ot: 1~'1~8 40~,,~n~ o~n8,tr~~,t:ln8~1; 8n,"t1ll8, 8,~~.r.,4raln..:>an4.. (,orn,' , ',;' ~ahrplp....upon the. tollowln$deeorlb.c1 pl'opnt,_' and to ke'ep alid ,malnt8l.n ,the.... f,ar tile , ' i ',' , ~' , , '.' ' ' , , ., , ' , '.",., ' . ",' , ': " "i'oonVe~hnoe .Qt,the,Ql,tJ,Z8118 an4 resident'., otthe 01t7 ot'vero,J'lDrl4.a. .to-.1': ' i _'. , '. ~ ....e "'- "- .'" '. .... ',' "', .... . ~ " '.' .... ,.'. . .,;. '.' '. !. ' , ''!he, B~.t '(I), one fl)d aD~f ~ne-ha1t Ct) tee.:' ~tLo~"~lt'ent'~t.o (28), Bl~olt"'ort,..niX1e - , , " .". , , (.9tP1.'t o,t In~U~J1 R~....i".rm.,..Oo!DP~'~)~9'zi' ,', . , '^. t , I, .~ ' , . , , , , . ~ !.. '-.: I, ' , , '.. , .;. . '-t" : k. ,ot Veto.' 'J ~'O" ;;;. f,.., !'-' ( , "'-' . " j . .,' ~'..' '. J '~O,BTBBR 'wUl1tl1e'rlsh~ ,o,~lnsr.8s an4 ,~-~;~88 o....1'8,.14,pr..~1a.8 toz:,'the purpoe8of , '. : .xeroislpg the :r.18~'ror r~gh1i8 her'bt' Srtln1ie,4., . . ._~. ,--:-.' . : . .:... .'. . . Athrthe o Ompl,.Uon' of the 1.71n8' d0'181' anet o0l18truotlJ1gb7' tli..:'..'14 Clt7 o-t Vero---o~'th.'~~ . " , " '. . .., .' : ~ ' . . . ., ' .. . . . . . . . l..wer'.. ,dialD~".Jld '(or)~' water, pip..,.', .ehe~dn pro'f1,dd 'to~.'the ..14 QU1,o,t J.r~: 40" ',." 'j , ' " " .. , '. ~h.r~bl. by the aoot!phno. ot "the 8i'.n~ ~t the ""II1.nt.e h.r'elnbefo,r. grante4. '8ree~ to ,ma.1J;l.~n .. i. ~ . . , .'. _'. . . ',. . : J,o,overing.'. .10 all t1m~8 .on,o;r: oyer 8111, ana .11e~~al'BUOil~~d,.:on~he,p.ro,p,ertYher.ln'b.tqr. ~ - . , , -' .,) . .- . - ." .. ' . r~..or~bd! ,eo a8, not" to, unD.O.8,8arll~. ~terte~',w~ib, : the , p:rop.ruU11~t1on or..u p~,op~rty'b, , ;,1011. g:rantora hereln., or,tllelr helr8 ,or 88s1gnee' , . .. . Dr WITBBSSWBBREO'. Th'-: aa16partl'." ot, tlle<tlret par,t haY.h.r.~tol8' the1rhan4. .~.' " ., , . .. . . . ;'~'le, the4,~7' ~dY.8tfh8t .bOT....r11it~n.-, ' . ,Slgnea..:ealea .n4 dell "'1',. a .,' : lnthe pr....no. oft, ")t. ,G'.R.a.ton.' ,~ , . Cha,. .B. Zil1P 'Lillie J'. sinn, (S..l) " '(S.al ) ,-- ' [, '~)STfW'O~ ~ PLORIDl1 ,OOUllft O' Sf. DUCIB . ;,. ',\, ' ~, .' ( ~ ! E I HBBBB,YuODTln.: 'lhet ,on',th1. 4&1 pe~8~nall",8Pp,al'.' ,b.to.ram8" 1m o:t~iO.~'~,78~~"ai',l"4 : , to aclmlnleter'oa tha.IU\ tak. aotnni.4p.nte, CbRle. B. Zlnn Uel Lillie J'~, 'Zlnn:. ~o'm.' wei1 tn.-n' , .', .' .." .... '. _ -' ". ,'~.. ,-.'- ."'- '.' . .'~. . ......, " "- '"'."'."'.- '- ,. ;": ., ,to b.th~ person. ,4a.o~1b:a in, an~ who 8X.Out.4t~.fo~eg~ln81n~~rwrient .,~, th ei 80ltp) wlt ~ ,4 ~.tcr,e'lIle that th.,- .x.outedth.'.8ID.tr.~17 8~d+jol~tar1l7,tor thepurpoetthert1n .?Cpr.seed. ~ I).tJR!BER. CBRfIn t "That the a81d IU.li" J. 'lnn~ GOIlIl to 1Il8' to be the ~'lt. 'or th.. 14 ~h..l'l.. B., ZlJlJ1, on a .ep,~~te, 'pr.1~te .xamlnat~0~a~4 JDade 'b" anO 'bet.._em., .~para tel, ~Jid 8T18rtfl'om' her ..14 buaban~. did ao~0~.48. that,8h.ex.outeO the t.oregolil8,l)e.a tor the '" ",purpoeeo~~.1!nqu18hln8. .1e1iat~8, an'a~o~~71ng ~ 1 h$l' r1gbt, tl tl'e aneS .~tere 8t~hethel' -at ~ower., hOlIles1iea4or ot ..para t. proputy. 'atatutory or tqu1tab1., band to the, lan48 c1a8Qrl ball , ~~.r.ln"8Ild that .1'1. ezeQu~4' ..~ J)'.4tr.~17aneS~ ~01unt~ro'il7 aria wUhout ill, ,Oomp11lelon. oon..' I ; _ {_.,,___--"-.__-----=--_ Uralnt. appr.h.nllon ,or t.ar otorotrom her .a14 huabaneS. , . J j r. h r t. ~. f' j' l t, . , WITHESS .., hanO Bnaottlolal ..a1 ., V.ro. COUQ o,t St. 'lauoh. ant State ot flor1da,thle 1926. I, ! ~ , , B. G. .~... ton. .otar7 PU\llo. ' Jl, oollml1181on ' .XJ?lr.e.Oot. 1", 1925.' . J / ~ t ~ ~ I ' L ----~., --'. ~~ -,J, --... ~~_- - .,. '~~I'_ f;_:\