HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOUNDARY SURVEY'SI "LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Commencing at the Southwest comer of Section 12, Township 37 South, Range 41 East. thence North 89 degrees 55' 14" East along the South line or said Section 12, 774.41 feet to a point on the centerline of the 100 root right of way of SR A- I -A; thence North 23 degrees 49' 31" West along the centerline of the 100 foot right of way 2,921.33 feet; thence South 66 degrees 10' 29" Wesl, 296.09 feel; thence North 87 degrees 33' 17" West 393.12 feet; thence South 89 degrees 57' 13" West,133.40 feet; thence South 00 degrees 02'43" West, 20 feet; thence South 89 degrees 57' 13" West, 451,56 feet; thence Saudi 89 degrees 55'57" West 84.04 feet; thence South 00 degrees 09'21 East, 387 feet; to the Point of Beginning; thence North 49 degrees 1624" East, 42.00 feet; thence North 89 degrees 5344" East, 80.61 feel, thence South 00 degrees 05'56" East, 27.36 feet; thence along curve to the right, R-I 12A9 Delta = 27 degrees 3 P 35" an arc distance of 54.04 feet; thence North 62 degrees 28'45" West, 112.49 feet to the Point of Beginning. Subject to a road access and utility easement over that portion of Block B Lot 8 described as: The point of Beginning being the same for Block 13; Lot 8, the11ce North 49 degrees 16 24" East 42.00 feet; thence along a curve to the right R 42.00 feet Delta = 68 degrees l4' 51 " an are distance of 50.03 feet; fhence North 62 degrees 2845" West 42.00 feet to the Point of Beginning. ABBREVIATIONS: (•)=Not verified by field measuremenit H=Value as platted & field measured ' v F.F.E.=Finished Floor Elevation SET = Set 5/8" iron rebar yyyIth Vyy�ellow cap marked "PSM 5543" =Volue as measured in field OH--OH--OH—= Over Head Wires X--X--X—= Chgin Link Fence FD=F and 5/8Iron Rebor R.O. �y. = Right of Way 0--0--0— y�ood Fence PL=Value as platted R = Radius of curve L = Length of curve = Delta of Curve Site Benchmark �+ EAS. = Measured CANNUJ S.F.=Squore Fool CONC. = Con rete 83 = Power Oo I eralt Udp Q' r�0t, SURVEYORS NOTES: 1, Unless otherwise noted only platted easements' are shown hereon. 2. No underground utilities or improvements Were located unless otherwise shown. 3. This site lies within Flood Insurance Rate Mop Zone AE 7.0 Mop# 12111CO314J Dated 2/16/12. 4. Flood Zone shown hereon is an interpretation by the surveyor and is provided as a courtesy. The flood zone should be verified by o determination agency. 5. Bearings shown hereon are based on the Center line of Wahoo as being S 00'05'56"E according to the Plot described hereon. 6. P.U.D.E. denotes Public Utilities and Drainage Easement. 7. All Lot dimensions shown are per plot unless otherwise shown. = Bell South .� db= we I I ''L9 0 0 0 IV -P S89'55'57"NI u! 84.04' r r '451.56 S89'57'N1 ASPHALT ROAD q?4s p� N62• �>< °F O o. 10T 6� d s S89'57'13"W N87'33'17"W 566 p 1 133.400 393.12' 2°0 Structu 19'53'44 E.,-C-00,61' xpo PROPOSED RESIDENCE PROPOSED F.F.E. - 7.5 9 x1� mwst me Z aLO V:�'i9. "A Lyn. N89'55'14"E 774.41' MIN, SETBACK U0. F90;yT 62 % 5— t \�. o'ON SIDES - , CNR SIDES` ' __... c� �o REAR j_�_----- ZNG. 1 4AD NAIL AND DISK, TECH. IN SEAWALL PROPOSED PLOT PLAN (OUBJEdT TO doNTRACITOR, HEALTH DEPT.. AND BUILDINd DEPT. APPROVAL) 10751 S. Ocean Drive #B-8 SCALE: 1 "=30' Atlantic Land Designs DATE:9,/°9/08 of the !Treasure Coast, LB7468 754 NE Jensen Beoch Blvd. Jensen Beach, FL 34957 DRAWN: j C Mailing Address: 2008-0735 A D 543@,gma I com Beach(772) 398 42908 DATE: REVISIONS I 715112 add topo i 3/25/13 Canyerl to NAVD add prop, landscaping 5/19/14 I PLOT PLAN I GO �t& RZ LAST FIELD DATE:7/5/12 B0UNDAR`r` SUFR\/�1' Cer t i f i ed t o: orc and Julie Thryrring Seacoast National Bank, ISAOA Christopher J. TWohey, P.A. Attonevs Title Insurance Fund, Inc, I hereby certify that the survey shown hereon is true and correct and is based on actual meoseuremenls token in the field. This survey meets the Minimum Technical Standards of Chapter 61G17 Florida administrative code. Digitally slgned by James A. James A DN:CnJr. •:3 DN:=James A.CeslroJr., 1.9=Atlantic land Deslgn, ou, ye entail=ALD5543@gmail.com, Ces i r0 J'r. Date: 2014.05.20 00:35:04 -04'OC NOT VALID WITHOUT AN AUTHENTICATED ELECTRONIC SIGNATURE AND AUTHENTICATED ELECTRONIC SEAL �N r` LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Commencing at the Southwest comer of Section 12, Township 37 South, Range 41 East. thence North 89 degrees 55' 14" East along the South line or said Section 12, 774.41 feet to a point on the centerline of the 100 root right of way of SR A - I -A; thence North 23 degrees 49' 31" West along the centerline of the 100 foot right of way 2,921.33 feet; thence South 66 degrees 10' 29" West, 290.09 feet; thence North 87 degrees 33' 17" West 393.12 feet; thence South 89 degrees 57' 13" West,133.40 Feel; thence South 00 degrees 02'43" West, 20 feet; thence South 89 degrees 57' 13" West, 451,56 feet; thence South 89 degrees 55'57" West 84.04 feet; thence South 00 degrees 09'27 East, 387 feet, to die Point of Beginning; thence North 49 degrees 16'24" East, 42.00 feet; thence North 89 degrees 53'44" East, 80.61 feet, thence South 00 degrees 05'56" East, 27.36 feet: thence along curve to the right, R-112.49 Delta = 27 degrees 3 I' 35" an are distance of 54.04 feet; thence North 62 degrees 2845" West, 112.49 feet to the Point of Beginning. Subject to a road access and utility easement over that portion of Block B Lot 8ldescribed as: The point of Beginning being the same for Block 13, Lot 8, thence North 49 degrees 16' 24' East 42.00 feet; thence along a curve to the tight R 42.00 feet Delta = 68 degrees l4' 51 " an arc distance of 50.03 feet; thence North 62 degrees 2845" West 42.00 feet to the Point of Beginning. ABBREVIATIONS: (+)=Not verified by field measurement #=Value as platted & field measured F.F.E.=Finished Floor Elevation SET = Set 5/8" iron rebor• With yellow cop marked "PSM 5543" MS=Value as measured in field OH--OH--OH—= Over Head Aires X--X--X—= Ch9in Link Fence FD=F and 5/8 Iron Rebor R.O.W. = Right of fay 0--0--0—= Wood Fence PL=Volue as platted R = Radius of curve L = Length of curve = Delta of Curve Site Benchmark EAS. = Measured S.F.=Square Foot CONC. = Con rete EB= Water Deter = Power Pole = Bell South ®= We l l S89'55'57"W 84.04' tir RECEIVED FEB-25 2015 10751 S. Ocean Drive #B-8 SCALE: 1 n=30' Atlantic Land Designs DATE.:9/09/08 `'`of the Treasure Coast, LB7468 754 NE Jensen Beach Blvd. Jensen Beach, FL 34957 DRAWN: j C Mailing Address: 2008-0735 P.O. Box 1421 Jensen Beach, FL 34 58 ALD5543 maiLcom 772 398-42 DATE: REVISIONS 9/25 08 revise lender i 7/5/12 add t000 SURVEYORS NOTES: 1. Unless otherwise noted only plotted easements are shown hereon. 2. No underground utilities or improvements Were located unless otherwise shown. 3. This site lies within Flood Insurance Rate Mop Zone AE 7.0 Map# 12111CO314J Dated 2/16/12. 4. Flood Zone shown hereon is an interpretation by the surveyor and is provided as a courtesy. The flood zone should be verified by a determination agency. 5. Bearings shown hereon are based on the Center line of Wahoo as being S 00'05'56"E according_ to the Plat described hereon. 6. P.U.D.E. denotes Public Utilities and Drainage Easement. 7, All Lot dimensions shown are per plot unless otherwise shown. IL400 b j-0 LAST FIELD DATE:2/24/15 BOUNDARY SURVEY Certified to: Marc and Julie Seacoast National Bank, ISAOA Christopher J. TWohey, P,A. I hereby certify that the survey shown hereon is true and correct and is based on actual measeurements token in the field. This survey meets the Minimum Technical Standards of Chapter 61G17 Florida administrative code. = Digitally signed by lames A. CesiroJr. I s DN: cn=James A. Cesiro Jr., ' ,o=Atlantic Land Design, ou, �( • emall=ALD5543@gma,l.com, Ces�i. rC c=t'e:20 -. • Date:2015E02.2506:33:05 -05'00, TIE IN i NOT VALID WITHOUT AN AUTHENTICATED ELECTRONIC SIGNATURE AND AUTHENTICATED ELECTRONIC SEAL No S8 O 1 O f,'J N p S89"55'57"W Ci4 0 84.04' r F N 451.56' 0 GJ S89'57'13"W CN � Cr) p0 F N 89*53' j CO Kj O ��, vo � o rri �� A3 a0. t= IN PLACE P �� ASPHALT ROAD - AND STEMW TOP ELEVAT ' 43.6 10.10' LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Commencing at the Southwest comer of Section 12, Township 37 South, Range 41 East. thence North 89 degrees 55' 14" East along the South line or said Section 12, 774.41 feet to a point on the centerline of the 100 root right of way of SR A - I -A; thence North 23 degrees 49' 31" West alonglthe centerline of the 100 foot right of way 2,921.33 feet; thence South 66 degrees 10' 29" West, 290.091'eet; thence North 87 degrees 33' 17" West 393.12 feet; thence South 89 degrees 57' 13" West,1313.40 feet; thence South 00 degrees 02'43" West, 20 feet; thence South 89 degrees 57' 13" West, 451,56,' feet; thence South 89 degrees 55'57" West 84.04 feet; thence South 00 degrees 09'27 East, 387 feet, to Ihe' Point of Beginning; thence North 49 degrees 16'24" East, 42,00 feet; thence North 89 degrees 53'44" East, 80�61 feet thence South 00 degrees 05'56" East, 27.36 feet; thence along curve to the right, R-112.49 Delta = 27 degrees 31' 35" an arc distance of 54.04 feet: thence North 62 degrees 28'45" West,112.49 feet to the Point of Beginning. Subject to a road access and utility easement over that portion of Block B Lit 8 described as: The point of Beginning being the same for Block 13, Lot 8, thence North 49 degrees 16'I24" East 42.00 feet; thence along a curve to the right R 42.00 feet Delta = 68 degrees 14' 51 " an are distance of 50.03 feet; thence North 62 degrees 28'45" West 42.00 feet to the Point of Beginning. ABBREVIATIONS: (+)=Not verified by field measurement � #=Value as platted & field measured F.F.E.=Finished Floor Elevation SET = Set 5/8" iron rebar with yellow cap marked PSM 5543" MS=Value as measured in field OH--OH--OH—= Over Head Wires X--X--X—= Chain Link Fence FD=F and 5/8" Iron Rebor R.O.W. = Right of Way O--O--O—= Wood Fence PL=Value as platted R = Radius of curve 1 L = Length of curve = Delta of Curve AQ�= Site Benchmark MEAS. = Measured S.F.=Square Foot CONC. = Concrete B3 = Water Meter ® = Power Pole ® = Bell South +1AA ®= We I '57'13"W N87'33'17"W S66 p g 3.40' 393,12' %° LOT B-6 15 39' tv CO ---1 .O 56 TERS C� t -S rn 1=6.42' N m J z 1.98 15,09' � 0 po/��j2?B�FOkA 9.26'-" nor �yti v eEC7NN7 �F Slsj '',,. ati ?9,��, mho CIO, J^ N 00' �o N b Ln S�k x�OUND NAIL AND DISK n IN SEAWALL 10751 S. Oceor SCALE: 1 "=30' Atlantic Lan, DATE:9/09/08 of the Treasure CI 754 NE Jensen Beach Blvd. J DRAWN: j C Mailing Ad 2008-0735 P.O. Box 1421 Jensen ALD5543 mail.com DATE: I REVISIONS 7/5/12 to NAVD odd Drive W8-8 Designs st, L87468 aen Beach, FL 34957 SURVEYORS NOTES: 1. Unless otherwise noted only platted easements are shown hereon. 2. No underground utilities or improvements were located unless otherwise shown. 3. This site lies Within Flood Insurance Rate Map Zone AE 7.0 Map# 12111CO314J Dated 2/16/12. 4. Flood Zone shown hereon is an interpretation by the surveyor and is provided as a courtesy. The flood zone should be verified by a determination agency. 5. Bearings shown hereon are based on the Center line of Wahoo as being S 00'05'56"E according to the Plot described hereon. 6. P.U.D.E. denotes Public Utilities and Drainage Easement. 7. All Lot dimensions shown are per plat unless otherwise shown. 7. All elevations shown hereon are based on NAVD'88 Datum Z N89°55'14"E 774.41 ' St. uCi Co. e pate pTl,ve �e o 5 LAST FIELD DATE:9/24/14 BOUNDARY SURVEY Cert i f ied to: Marc and Julie Thryrring BP# SLC - 1406-0259 GM Construction (772) 781-8500 I hereby certify that the survey shown hereon is true and correct. and is based on actual measeurements taken in the field. This survey meets the Minimum Technical Standards of Chapter 61G17 Florida administrative code. FL 34958 98-4290 Digitally signed by James A. James A DN:c Jr. !;. DN: cn=James A. Cesiro Jr., ,�. 'o=Atlantic Land Design, ou, 4. Cesiro . jr' . Date: 2014.0924C1454:37-04'00' PLOT PLAN I I NOT VALID WITHOUT AN AUTHENTICATED ELECTRONIC SIGNATURE OFf titer tie in ! AND AUTHENTICATED ELECTRONIC SEAL