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';, {.o . ,,'~""'.: _" '_.'. -'. " - ._' . .,,~ _ '.-'.: . . ,." " ..,~..,:. ", ", . '_ '" ". ~ . .." '..., ~ -.1'."",, j .~, all tiJDelfoi1 o'r over, all1apO.U nO.TaUoJia maOe on ,'heprop.i',,-her.1n.b.'or. ,4eeor1 ~G. .0 i > "" l. . - . ' ....'. . - .' . , .. - ':. ' - ". . g" ,,' . -, . ,.; . . .' " ' . - .f . . ~ ! ~. Dot to lUln.o.....r.1.~:-,intel'te~. "Uh the 'prop.r' u\112;..\10D 'of 11810 prop.~" b;r' th. 8".DtO~ ';, .i. . : . '\.. .. .'. . . . . ' . . . . ~ . '. '.' . ~ . '. . 'I h.rel~,'or"h.1i",h'~1'~0:r.Ii.iln8., "".., " ! " .. ~ . ".'..' _. . .' . 1 '.' . . .'. .' ". ' . IJ..'I~BSS WBlmIO'. ,The' .at( pa~>t1e. ot 1;het1r8\'pert h~T.' h81'.un,to a.~the1l'h8nO. anO, ...., U,4.1ear't1Jiat.' abQ.t, ,.rit.ep. '" " I, , ' r ' \([". '......"". .., ,I, ~:Slsn.~t Be~J..cl,uci'o.lhel'.l. 'd i ,Jo.lihIQa!8!'ra~" i ~. G. Reaston., ' , , , !hel',.8~I1u~h.~. P.~, Lu~he r .( Seal ) (Seal) " , " . "j . .' ;.... , ' , ',' . , ' , , , .} SfA,g .or JILORIIll' , COtJfTt .01 sT~LUOIB," 'I'~BBYCBRTtn. Tha' on 1;hie a'a, p.reCo.'U' IIppe.nObetore ae. .,n ott1Qe~ dU17..8u'bori..O .. . .' -'.: _. '" . ._' ... ~. # ',. . .' '~'. _' ,'-,'1. '. '." ... ~' to'<a4miriietu' o.tha ~d ,~.~e *0~~~IS~~n'8.. ':~n.a~"~ut~.!".nG:~aUl' ,Luth~r," h. ,I':h,,:,~PO" :to ..':, !' ,Ill. ~.ll known ..~, be t~ep.reQl1i 4e~0i'1 b.a 'in'~c1 who ,.x"ouh~, the tOT~oins' tD8trWll.n.t'. anO the,; " \' ,aok;noirl,.48.0b~tor. a~ 'that theY8X.OU~ea 'he .alli8 tJo...ll and TOlun'ulll ~Ol' thepurp08e th.~.ip 1ft.,.. , f~ . . -~ ;,.... : , ' , expl'.81.cl. AJDt lPU3THBR CBRTIlPY. 'That the .a14 There.. Luth.r,' known to' ae'to b. the w1.,.ot~~e .aid' ',,' " ,'" '," , ~'," ','," ,',,' '.'" " '~~ ',"" ',., l P.ul Luth.r. ,OD a I.parate anO"pd'f.'~ ,exam1n.tion .~k~~anl1mad. b, and"etorefm., .eparat.l, '.nd .ap.z:'trom her ..14 huabanO, , c110aoktloWl.els.th8teh. ~eo1?-teel:'th., tar.,01J1S D..O ~or the " , -. .".' . . . ..". '. a.' '. " ' i purpoa. 'of "eJ.~~n9~18h1Dl,allerid~'s anO O~T"1nS .11 h.,I', k'1~'~, U ~..D4, ~n~~eree'1;" .h"h~ I ot Go.er, homa'ea40~ o,t".par. 'e~ropert'; . t81iUtory ,O:~qliU.l)i.,.~, ,In .nel to' 'l1e' lenoe~.~oJ'l be~" j' t~ere1n'" ~nd ~~t ue ~!oute1S a810. D..Op..l,.nO'volUnt..1l7 eIl.'~l~hQU. ~,an,cClDPU]),.ion~ ' ' ."~-:.. ~. .. . 00n.tl'.1D~, .ppnh..nelonorfe~,ot,ortrOiD lieI' i.tO hJ18banO. ....,. " "f' , , ' 'WI'l'HRS8 my' hanO,an4 oft10ia1 '...l'.'V8l'o.'.OO~t7 of ',8t. ~.~h,-.nOState Or nat10., thla t D. 1926. . '.' ~ "," ~h.3rO . " ", :> -.., i i ~ ' . t " I i . I ;i , I 1. j . i I' I \ , " 1 .~ i :! , j I. "f' .. ! j, i'I' H. G. lldlltpn. UOi.,yPubl1o ~ ),f1 Commission' ttXp1re. Oot. 1., .1926., f1180 .na thhthe 27th 481 ot ~,l'925, ...$- , , .~, ;''' ~ '.... .ilO;4?, A~M. '. " I.L, ,.,',J'~"",..'" t:'"';~ r r ?'~ .... 8 .~ ~ I, . ' P .: o. BUrd, Clerk ,01 rQu1 'Coal' t . /, I, J By ~ /JZtP'tJ:/.JH-.,O,y' D.C. . I ' .. .. . .,.~ .'. . . ~ .'. . ~I.. . .. .. . . . ~~ . .,~ . ..~ . .. .. .~ . .' .'~,~ ~ .' . . . . . . . '. . ... ... . . ... ... . . . . . . ,. . . . . . '0' . -. . . '. . eo. . ..... . . . ~ . I - ~ I I' .' -." " J ,..-, :--- ..-. . ! i