HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1399 188. . : I' ~, I, I '," I 'I i I I i ! 'f, , ,1' ,I' " , ':;, .-....J I. 4 I ~.:' ; .' , , , 1'1 ,,' " 1 .. , ,_ "; ',[I, -r! \ 1 I I , l'l ' ' , I," I ~_+,,' ....l............. I" '1' L .'.,,' ,.~ .'" " .. ,....~..i_ ~ ," :,( 1.1 -......'" .. -, -,""~...- , ,....................,- d., ' . .- ..... ~_. , ' --:--r--t~"''''''~~''~~'1i "';- -'-,"---rFr~f'7":":"'~ . I" pi,p~ i~OD ~, tOll~1D" &\~.~r~'.4 ~r'op.r~': ,D4 t~ keep 'ap41~iDt~'l~ ,~. \ ..e~o,~ \h( I /\1", \ 'l!i \' I ,l . 1'" l . \ \ I .' ." .\' r . \ t . ~. ~ . ,1 ,IOon.,enhnoe ot,'th.oUhens\ aDd r~s14en,'8 otith. 01ty otVel"o.,,'I.orUa. to-wltl \ \ ";,' \ ! \ ,\ ' \ \ \ ' , ' ", \ , " \ \ I", 1\',' \ ' I, '," 'II, ,'.. i, '!b. lfO:tth oli. (1)' a~4 \ orl.-halt' (t)t"." , \ : \ ~, " t-' ".": . 1 ,I..... - - ~ -i' -; :. - ", ' ~. ',. - ~ \ . . \ . - . ~; , ~. i ~, i '\ \ ',aDO, tbe I~.t 0114" (1) '&nO on.~halt (t), : . , 1 ,'\ \. \' \ - \ l '.. ' . \' ~ ~ ' l' \ \, . \ .,' t.~'t ,~~. ~ot N~~~ ~.. I (3)\, ~n ~~~k\ \ : ,\ " ; {',_ . I, J\UDber ~..~~). 'ot ,O'o.o~a \Pal'kA401't10D' , . '\'" " ! 'oV.ra' ',1 ' . .. ,':.. ,', : "'. , " ", \. .' . -,: - . -\ . - , \. \' '.. . " ''1'OU'lBBR 'witll, the r1~t, ot 1P8,~'S~ an,~,.8r."., 0." ..,... Pfemls..,'f~r the pUrpose of "-. -'. ,\. '-', . '.. - ',. '> .-:. .x.:r~1eln8' the r1ahtoOr-~l8ht. h.l'eb7:,8r8n,~e4~ ,,-:,,' , " , "" Atter'the oompletioD ot ~tll. ~.ilD8do~ al14 ~on.tr~oUI1. b,'he .lll~Cl ~'ot V.rO '.ot'th~ . ~ 4'. '.. . _ . . _._ , ".~' , 8~.;..,'4r~~;--8;D~a-.( or).'.aUI" pip..,.;.,88.~ere,iD ~rot1c1.4tor~' the ~1' gl~7,' o~v.r~ 4o.."~,r.., ~:. '\,( " ~tth. 8oo,ep\ano.'Q~1;he 8~.D1;'"o".f ~Il.' ".aom6ntehertlDbefor. 8ftnt~4o' 8SI'.. .o...int'ain' o'QI',.r~~g~ ' t _ 1: .~ all"U~.. ~Ji oro"f~t~7.an4' "11.~oina~'l~D8 maO'. 'OJl'1;h.prop.ri'h.rdnbeto~"~'.8or'ibea., e01 ! ' ." ','" ',' ,', ."', ' '0, --~~'.' )', ".' " "', a. l1~t 1;~ ~eoeB.ari17 In'.rt.~. With the proper U1;lll.~tlon,ot sald prop.rt7 b;, the grantor. ", ,/ " , \' . I ..; I , I , I, "'I' \, ;-1 .:' ... " -~ '7 - -. --- 1\ 1 ' \, ' ,\ ... ~ \ \' , . .i , f .~-~ "~ .' her.in.' or 'thelr'helre,o'ras81Sn_;' .' " . '. , , :; '" "II ,~IfNESS.)mB.'RBO..1'h. .~10':P~t7 ;ot the:,i~,et pa~t' ~ih.~&un1;p ~et: h8l",~n4 "n"'.e,~" ..' ,;; ." the aa,anO lear firat' ~bO"f' ',ti1tteD.'..,', , ~ ' . "'i " . '.: c . ~..~. ;' S1811e4., 8.ale4 aD4 Oelh.reO- # 1n ~r.._o.' 011. ' , ! ,JoeiJ'phlne SohereJ" H. G. Re4Bton. , , Mr.'~':c.:r.l"~.. s. 'er~On'(a~l) '. . ~ "" ~- , . ' 1. STAB ;0' rLOR~'D.A , . . ' -,; " . ;, ? , , COUJ'lYof, ST. LUCIB t> .,:>-..'.'.", " ~ > ' ~ .,. .. .'"'" . IHBRBBY CIR'lI".' ~tob~h~8 cSai,per80nal:J.7 apP'8J;'d b.~or.me" 8n!)'ftlo.r,c1U11auth0r1ie4' . . . .... _. . ..' :. I . - II " . to ac1ll1nl,8teroa~h. '8114 ,~.it. .~kn~~i e,m~n te ,'ea~rie~~.,P~rsu80n' ta W~-4o'.f~",: t6'~.' ~8J.l ,kIi'O~ t' 0' -' , " .~ ':b.,th~Jl~rIJQ~ 4e..~ribe4 1n and who .x.oUh4,tl1' ':tare~oll;1' ID,8t~~eQti" an:c1 8~e aokDowl'48~4',,~etOl'i 1 . ,'. . ..0 _'. ... .-- '. , '. _'.. ~ ..' .' -'.' , . : ..' . ._ '} 'metha~.ehe ex.out.4 the same treel, Bna ~01untarl1T to~ th~ purpoe~ ther.lnexpr.e8.~. ' ;.' . -.'. .- ~ - . .- :... ........ '. . . .' -......". "" -' ," ' -". .' . ..: . 'ot' the: .aU_on a' se~rat'e an~ prheate.nilllnaUon ~ak.n' aDd '11)84. b7,' ~c1 ~to;r. _co , . . . '. .' ',: ,m., aeparatel, :.8n~ apa!t ,from h.r .a~ 4 husband. ,4i4aoknaw~.48.,t~t ah.' eX.0l1h.4th~~'ore,80i~ ~ . = . ",. .' .','. ~. . .' -. . . , Baum.nt, ,tor the purp08.' otre~inqp1ahln8..11en8Uns and oonnp.1)8 all hAl', ~ig)\1:'..4;l tie 'anJ ' lnt.re~t;whe.thu,ofdo.er. hOJl\..ha4 o~. 'ot: ae~a}'8te 'p.o~ert7,8t.t~tOi'~ Ore<lU,ltabl.. ,i'n ~d to' the '1.n4>,4".or.lbe4t~~'ln~aIi4that8h.e~~out~d"14.ta8.m.n' ,tre.~l,anO ,,-oluntarll, and w1thou,~' ,a~ oOlllJlU1el0n. oQDUi'alDt, appr.h.Dalon~rt.ar.or ortrom h.r .ald'husbanel.,, " . "'"" '.. ,.. :. '. . . ,- .' ' WI'lBES$ mJ ,haDd an4, ottio~l,'ual 'a~'V.r9.:C0\ll1t70f,8t. ):.]1),1.. an4 Stat. of ;:rlort'atl.,~1a...i '. the 26~h 4ay'ot'KIt.,;,.,.A. 1>. 1926. ,/, H.G'.~edetoi1e ' ' If otal'7 Publi 0'- MY oommi8s1on.spir.. ~t.14,1925. , . - , ',. . . ~ , " . ; . 'I .j J1llecSaill4 rioora.4 onth1e the 27.th, da, ot J.la7.1926. at 10;47 A..J.f!, ' -~-------=--=---='::'--"'---+ -, . .~._.- -,.-" f ~ i .t . f '1 i, 1 , .j l)o "jJ , . "\!'" - \ J~ no ~ '>l ~... " P. C~ I1.Or.4. C.lerk ClrouU Court. - ,i !' ,- . I~ ' .:1 ~ I i ..~... .'.. ......... lIt'..... ....... .1..... .'..'~.. ....~. ......... ....... ......~ .......r.... .,. ..... ........... ' l' L '! ' - ' ' ..' t.' BLIYlI THObS.AS SPECUL JUS'l8R '%0, I 'I i 1 1 ':",',{ t. '~-. i,. " 1- 1'01 B OPPBLLSJ.mRB QSTEft "8 1JEBD' THIS UDU'lURB. Ileae this the 2n4 ., of ....roh. ,l?26. between ~W)'J1 Thomas,a. S"Qial ,~ f' I Ua.ter lD ChaI1oer.r. of ~he tlrlt p.rt. aD' Town ot7ellemtr. ot s,. Lucle Co~tli lior1'a, par\7 i o~ ~her ..oont