FILE # 3853609 OR BOO J37 PAGE 792, Recorded 07/10/2013 2T 01:49 AM
Doc Tax: $349.30
Rudy P.
D 7
Steger & Stage
d Avene
Stuart. FL 34994
File Number: 13.208
Will Call No.: 21
SForc ADorend1t&eFar RaeordingUd1
Warranty Deed
This Warranty Deed made this 261h day of Juee, 2013 between JOSEPH BIRR, JP, an tenramart tid widow whose
post office address is 112 Potank Lane, Werthsopton Beach, Yy_l f M grantor, and VANW W ESPOSITO u Trustee
of the DANIELA ESPOSITO LIVING TRUST U/A/D THE mMDAY OF JUNE, 2013 whose post office address is 471
Grande Ale, Verdun, PQ WE IV4, goatee:
(whte nx used hacin the um 'pmeP' and-swtee• iedu(m on the pu m to thn irmn fit xm tiro bees, had rT.—td-% am mttge, of
theurccsars mdmsirpeof adM tM)
eth, that Id gran , for idermi of the o TEN N !00 $10.00) otj
good and la nside tote id grantor hand 'd by said a the recdpr htxeo Is hue adm
has grmtted, an said the Said mid s be' tuid igm f the llowieg
situate, t, 0 in rat County, Fro to.
Lot 208, Secllo It, O DOOR RESORTS F ERICA T , according to t
Plot thereof stied a Plat Book 16, 1, throe IJ IneleAve, pub records orSt. Lade
County, Florida, Toge er with oil the en hcredim tea ante thereto belonging,
subjecVulhe to e, c ditions and 1 Itatio as set f the Declaration of Condomlolmo
Subject to taus for 2013 mud subsequent years; covensa s, condhlon% restrictions, easements,
reservations and Ilmiotiooa of record, if any.
Subject property Is vaeaut tend.
Together wilt all the tenern", hereditamenis and appurtenances thereto be)anging or in anywise apperialnin8.
To Have and to Hold, the senate in fee simple forever.
And the grantor hereby covenants with said grantee that the gme r is W&W seized of said lend In fen simple; that the
grantor has good tight and lawfut nuthofity to sell end convey acid land; that the gaeWr hereby fully warrants the title to said
land and will defend the same against the Iawlid claims of all persons whomsoever; and flat said Land is free of all
encumbranoes, except taxes accruing subsequent to December 31, 2012.
of, grantor has hereunto set grantor's hand and seat the day and year first above written.
D Uwe
OR BOOK 3537 PAGE T"--
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,State of New Yak
The foregoing instr anent was aclmowledged before me dh f lure, 207113
Josm But& BL, who U is
personalty lmown or )X) has produced a driver's license as i om
(Notaq Seal) o c
✓Pria[ed Name:
my commbsi SEMLY J. PERWWSKI
0Wmrmtylked• zco