HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1405 j, ,l~~'I' ",'I,." ,: · I, Ii .""'.~ / 'j:/'" ,;1, ,,', '11", , ;' ' ,': I' , " ' . > i '\ ' " ,!' ','" I 'I ' ' , , ' ' I, I, , "'+";::;=:':::~':"'~~:;':~~"-;""r': :~~~;;:-';;::-::~~..t:::t:I::;;;~;:.;.:~:,~..::;;t~;.:::''T:"~~i-';:'~ l".::::P;:;;.~ ,~:,~~~::;::~;~~-~=:';;cf;:j~~;:'",:,::.~--:, ~ i oomp~7 ~1th, aD1 !i>f Ith. .b;d~,U.~ fOU80;1~S \r..'rlo~lon.~ odm ~ 'l,~n8! ~r .11~ t8 ~~i'l~t thln . \' :, r. 'I':; 'I \ , ; I ,\ 1'" 8ixt$- 'c181e l~'fh~.ltt'n~notio. h7' 1Il8ill to ~h. '''14',P8rtJ.~t th', ,~.o9n41 p.r'~ 'pi, li~l~.~~~""": '" ,\ ~ . '.,' I ' , I " f \" ,\. \, \ I '\ '. I I I'", \ \'" .' ! 1 \, ,> 'p.r.~Ji.l. fe,P1' ..tn~"h~. or es818118;' or' .. ~ 'of ~~..., IJt th~ i.I~)D10~.aara.~"b1, .~. \ _,aU' ! '. ,r ~l\U~~ of tlie.:t'lr.'tp8l't.'h,'lf .u~o..i!Jor,.'~ piU,'~80n~1\ re~f~8~ii\8 ,iT" ~*,MslP8.Qt either '\ \ Ii' \\c ~ \" \ ., , . -. ~ . '. . ;J' . . 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' .- . .. -, , thereto. ,bel~n81ns' ,or,: bi ,an1Wl.,e',8pph.t81~ln8i, '" ' , ',.'~ '.. , _: ~ " ";,..',, '_'~ _ ..... ~'.. : .' , r ,,~.~ .. .' f ~~~,~,Hl~A1fD ''ro,ROLD '~h.. eam.' in<'.r..,il;npl.: :tor.~er. " :,_ , . . ~. . - .', . . 41ID 'the '.U4 parU~. of'theflt.tpiart" 4~;oqTenU't wUh-the ~ltpartl :~fthe ..cond, P,r~' ,." .. .' . . '. . . ~ . . " '" .. ' .'. ~ ,that, they,ar~, lawfullf 881..4"oft118 ..,~el P~~8.'i ,~~t"they' are,,:tre. o~. all lno.~braDo.8i. ~n.~ ' " ", - , - " " .. '- , " '" -- '. ' ,l,' that th., ha"eso041"lsJit .aD.4la~fu1, allthor~1i1' to..1.~ tl1'81!1D.;8~4,th1at..U par,t1eB: atth,e, ~, . . ,_ . ' . " '.. - e-".' .' ,.' f1.l'.,f p.rf40: her.bYflil1,w8rr,.ntti1ftU~. to ..al,41and. and wh.l',cSe1'enO, th~'-a!4e'88a1ll8~,th~' 1 : L .\ f \, J I ia.:tulola '48' of' aU p.r 8On8.ho.m'08T~.; , " .. " ". ,_ ,"IJ{:WITNB.,<<!S WRKRBoPj~'The'..14,p8rU~'8 "Of:tl1e' ''In'1; :P.r:tba,'f8:hereant~ '8ea.i8'th~4~1 'a~~ i~ar .~o",tl, ft.itt~I1'. .' ' ' , " ' ~et thalt" 'hancl.. an4 ' , ,Slsne4. S881.4' andblh.rf.d.' lnpreuno.,of'z' " ' Ma,.. Sherman · ,,' . ilel.~' 1>>. 110.. ' ~ o it o~,Bi"a...il (S.al) (Sea1.) , "R~b1'Br~8..11 (..50 Iit~.St.mp oan.), '.. . . ' STA TE 0 P ?LOR IDA qOtnf'rY OF ',ST. LUOiE , .1' HERiBl' ,CERTlft, tb.at. o,n th18 l~t~. day' ~:t ).[8" A., D. 1926; bdore ..', p.monally appe.r.a 0'- C. Br....U- .nc1 Rub7 Jr....l~. his, wi:t.. t.o me ~0IIJ1' to b, > thep.reonB 4..od beeS,'ln8n4 . . . ~ . .... =- , , .whoex.ollte4"th.forcgoinl'Qo.~,'fe7anoe. '8n48ner,811y, aoJa1ol,rl.4S.4 the ex.o.\1titn 'h.reo:t to :b. their tree aotan4 heeS f.or the .11 'and p,uopO.'B therein '1DInt1.on,edjan4 the Idel Rub, . , ' , Br....l:l~ .1:te' of the .,14 Q~ c. Brei..ll, on a ..pat8te .neS ]Ehah8Ulliln.t1on taken.ncl'~ae , J b, uti be for. .e. 8n4e.pardel, 8Dc1' .part fJ"om b.r "14h1l8band~cuc1.oltno.le4s' that .he ..4. hereelf 8 pa'rl, to the 8a14, D.ed ot Con"e,~n~., ,torth. PlU'POII8 Ofr.DOUDo1JiS. r.... l1n9u1.hlna .nd~ClIl'W"pJl8 ' aU..ll.r, r1gh~, 'title .neS:1Dter..t,'~eth..rot, dower orof'8'lparate ,prope,rt'~tl1tOI7 or 'Quitable., in .n4' ~th. lands therd~ c1e.~rib.ci, and tba 1; 8h..x.oui,eA thl8aU D.ea tre.l,'ancl "ol~~rll, anel wlthou;an, 'oondr.int,:tea1". ttprelr~n.1OD or o om,:, , . pule10D of or frolll her 8.U hue_neS. . ',' :.WI'l'BESS rq au tl of ~ort 1;>1ero.. In the C~UDt1of8t.Lllo1,e, an4 la.t afor..aU. ~, .,. .. ,nl c1 and ;;W. 11) ..1" C' a I'r: ' : 1.t'.~Of Jun.,1926, .... ' ~ 4 Helen P. Rowe 'Notaqfubllo. Stat. at l..S.. " ),[1 0-<<nm18,a1~n .xpir.. 2/U/29. . ,'-j at 9j21..A.K. -. ,,-, . -~--~~--~'-.-------":~