HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1410 r' , T ---, , ....":..T' ,-'--,-' I I I I ' I I" I' ~", "1'/ '1'1 'I"~ ""', ':", '!"I"_;I "'j" '/,"'I'~991 ., 1 ',I." , f'l[ !,; , ' 'I ' ~:d:~~:,;;-+:~i._~~:ti;~'~:;~~:~;;'" .:-;~:i~~;~~;-~~::;!;;:~;;:;c:;~~:~~~~~;~~;-:';"=~~:' 1,': ".[;. ~Vk' 01\ :in~Ol'll, lnw.e ~m",ot ~~. (a~.k ~,f. t~~C1r~l t :O...\ri,~t;' s t .\x:.. +; 'OO~ t7 .FlO~,ld: ~,; . 1\' , h\' ~n,\P~~~oP~" ~~e De.:th'e ~ame\~e~n~ \a;eV18\j,O~ 'otl apo'rUon' of the' ~or\h..8t pa~~'lo~ La~-, , ; ! 'I, , 'w,?'o" A4~1~1~n to ~rll:IP~e~e.: 'Florld~, ,,~d, beU~ 'lo'oated.-1ntf1e N9>>~hwe "t, PO~U,oh 6t SeoUol1\ i ' ,'. I 1', \ \" " ", ," ,J ' '"I " \, \ , , , '\, \ ", ",: ," ',\ I :,) SiXteen (1~'>t'!own8hlp Th~rty':t1Ye'(35) South, ~anseFpn;v,(iOi),Eeet. In':st. Lti.ole'Oounty, It'19r14 :', \ ,;. ' , " \, \ \ ' \, . I ' : " ,"..." . . I'" ',,', ' " . ';' " \, , , ,\ 'FRQ~DK?'~VERTHE1aESS'j, ~he,8~ ,~~8en~~, ~~~mad~. ~~Je~,i.to\ail~o~\ th~, :t:~lO:w1Il8I\ "'> ' ' e,xpre8884- oc:m41~t<ln8~ re,tt1~tl.0~', aJ1!1 1~m1tat10n8,applylngto th:e !I",ld, propertY,and IW1l,1oh ar., t .. . . . . ~ " . '\ ,~...- \ . . . _ . . '! ,'lnte~Od tlobe,and8hall:' 'bEl aOo6pted ,a8c)0~enan~8'~IDg 'with ,said, land., 'and whlohehal,l bE. . .... . '., " ". ~ . \.',.., . ' . ,'.) . . '. . . . \ " - , " . . . .\ . ,~ rblnd:1i1ge.~l)ce' upon the he,lr8. re~re8.ntat1ve8:an~<a881gnS ot the' said p8.r~y ot' the' 8eOond ,1*r\, i;:'~d'.on'thep8l"tl'ei i)1\'th~ tirst P8r:t..~hO,'bY aooeptanoe,'6f 'th18In8trum,~fag"e :~O abic1eby. " ",' '\ " ' ... : '. ,'" I, ',~, .,.. '" ,.., ',,', ""!..',' '", '.. ;" pertorm:~~ ad,here,to,~a~d .oOndlUon8~,~,~trl~l;iOn8,and ).lll1t,at.lons, ,a$, one 'o~: ,~h8 ,expre~~oon~ d1tlons'ptthelie ,pl"e,eent8,',bJl~ onl')r\~or'the, perl'oC\ ,e,nUnS Ja~8.171.,191&., . \ '/, , ',:1. ~ :Q1.at,no'bulliting 8,haii'be ere9hd, on the '8~ld'l~: ~xo,ePt"tol': pr1y~t.'ciW~lll.~ ,~'purpo.lile8. exoep~ uaua~ and,n,.O~8,~U,./0~t..bull~:in~8 'antLt'ha1i thB"'14'dwel~1~g'hOU8~; '~xo'lu.l1:e ;"oi h ,0 ,I ~l" ,] , " . : \ "\. .:~' I', .,Jf ~ . ,- . I I.' , \', ." , ' \_q-~" r , ! '. , .- . ',~ < - " . 'i "~ other 'Ol,&8S ot 1I1pr~ve~nt8. E!ave afd ~ e:ioePt;tbe: ,a~tu81 :,ma~erl~l ~~"O?nd~tit4J1 ~oet '~t :'the ',,1: ,a81l\dwelUnB hou~e., " ~ ,.' .' ,',' . '. ~ . . . _ . _' " ',-:T__',. .'. _" , "'.. ..... .; ,'~ ' ' 2. '!l1at .not more than ODe: re81dence I,;:' t08ether wltb, 'u8ual, a11l1' neoe8Sl!,ry OU:t';bUl'ld'lpg~ ' . .r ~'-' \ .' " ..;' '-" ", ." " ',:. " .: "~,~,8h&lltb,e ereo~ed, on ea!)h .ot8ald 10~8. " "i. . " . "i" " ,~' ~.'fhat,'~~Unl~w~lorlm,r;,(),rafu8e'8hall ~e,made ~tthe premh~8 hereby: oonYefed~. " " ' :~ "nor _8!1~,n, ~be~~,J114t' 'be~8edfo~ "py,oommerolal purpos8;'no.r ~~ll the: s'ame'or"~ part' tbereot.', . " ;'L ,~ " . - , .~r a~ 1llte.reet, th~rein ~e 8,Old~, 'rele;.~ed or (),t,ti~~8eo,o.'ete,d ,to' any' per8ons',~the~ tl!-~,',t~e, ' T 'C~uoae1an }la~e; provided ,that notnlng ,here'ln oontat'ned8halJ prevent ,thekeep,lng antf ,ma1n~alnl~ ,;, , '(, , " , '" :' ", , '" ' , ; , u~al and :peoe.'8~17, 8~rvant8' OJ) tho pI:'oper~y, tor rea,s,onabl.e family U8.8'. ',' ' , ;:'~ ~,' ," " ' .',',', "" " '.", ' ,"",', ,,', '; Th18 p~ovldon, ,however~'8.hal~ DC),t, O~8etOrf~11!ure u.nles8 the :,Hol~e~.ot: t~u~',tee' is shown'to be ;'10 tau 1 t '.. ,',,' - '9' 1,.,:,:<1",].1 " !.U, r}.~" ~}. J r! ?,' ,- ''l~at 'Jio '''b\illd1i16'8hall,beo~n8trUQ'ted or ereoted a,t a 'les8 'dis1i$noe:,th6n,twe~ty (;.~ t' r-- ~~ r. [:- [ :0 '. , . teettrom the trontl1ne of eald'lot'" or eUhe~:of, them. . , :" {).:~ha t it .a1d pa~tyot' the8eoond 'part, 'h:1iI'helrs; rei>r'8entaU've8~r &$~lgn8, or 'en7holder .'ot ~~8,property here"y: 'oon'~yed,b1.~lrtue ot any Jud101al Pl'ooe~d1ng.', 8hall,tall,'to" : , , oClllp~w1 th'an,Y' ot the abotestld. toregoing reet.r~ot'1oi1s.' ooli<11t1oni.. o~11m~~at1o.ti!,:w1th1~ siXty, " ~. [ f, ~. r ~.. , f' [-, f ~~ f.~', ' " , .. -, : [ ~;, - '. . " -, - , '," - .- -' _ :" " i=- _ ~ d~8 atter "r1ttonllO't~oebl:iD&,n to the,'" 14mparty~t ,the, 8.,C?,ondpart, 1rt-:a-he'1'1'.."p.r8onal, - -.. . . - , . -' , .-,.- . , .' . ' . " . . .' - '-: , ' ' ~ " ,- + .- .. , .- .. , - .-' . . . , . . - " " " ~ ,'. '. reJlruen,tathes' or'a8s1gn8. or'aDy o,t them:,':at the la8~ ,known.-a~dre,81, ,-1>1 tile said par~1esot '~he , " ',' , " " ,. ,', " " , ,...' .' " tlrstpart, the1r8uooe88or8, per8o~al:rej)re...ntaUye8 or a88igm."or.e1th&r;ot them, tl:1eQthe - . - -. ': ,-' , ..'.. - - ,'.' ., . '.' .' . . - . ' . < .- ,...... ..',. . ~ -.. . -":'. '" saio. abo~e d88orl~ed:andoony'eyed pro:perty iJh'all~~e~~atelY' r~veZ:it~ '1ohe8aldpar~h8' ot the: ." . ','. -, , '- . . . " tll~st part, thelr,suQceeeors oraaelgns..' WhO,Sh~ll ~eent1tled, tOllilm~4!a~'ly 8'nteru'po~ s8.id' ~prop~rty wUhot;.t ~ot1oe, and take PC?sles31on.ot the s8J!1e with f\lll ~ltl~ 1n ~.~ 81ItJple:,tQgethe~,; , . . - ~ . \ w1,tQ' a~11mpl'ov,em'Jlbthereon,' an4 no waber, ,ot a~ of the8e'oondi Hon8t Hid tat1on~ or re8trlot- , ,t'e8~rlot16na. ~: , , 1 . ' . . . " .. '... . - ..---- --- 10ns ~ expre8aed o~ 1111pJ,.1ed. or:fa.1.lure....tor 8.113' length of t1me to entor.e the same 's14all . .. .~ 'a bar to suoh entoroement at'811Y tl~e. I It 11 :tu.rther under.tood and I6re~d that ,parties of the flrst ~art will not make any , , , ", Deed 1io any lot In 'BlltrnQrePark prior to JUlU81'7 1.lliU, wUhout the afore,aaU prov1eione ,alid " ' r, . '. t "'l~~h-a1~n:tht-'Unemtn\j.1i.rednameht8 and appurtena.noe., I w1 th' .,e17' pr~Yli;g;:' ;, :r1&ht. titl',. tntere8t an.:J e.~te, 40..r and r,lght ot dower, renrelon.remainder and eaaeme,~t ! thereto belongl~ ~r, iJl ailyw18e appertaln1~; TO, HJ..V'E All>> 'to HOIJ) the 8811I8 In fee . simple forenr. &lfDthe 1.14 part1el~t the flrat , " I ;>>&1" do ,connant '.1th the'I&1d put7 Qt the8eoond part th8.t thei 6~lawtully .eheclot the. .a14 i. I ,prea18e.l"thatthe . are tree of 8. ,. ye .good right ,fln4clawtul-'author... f} ~