HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1422 'I' I , · ~~~' :r>':~,~; ht , \ I'",'" , \ '\ . ~ \, ". < , " . I I I I " If' ii', I ~, " ,I' 'J !' r' I' , J. i ' ' ) I, , ' _""i,., " ., 1'[" ! I ,'II I" I .~, i, " ~~ "', , :,,,c, '?' ' J I I., :>;~;".":f:-, ~1-;;:\~~::'::;,;::t;o~dT:~~~;;~;~:f';;~~-X:::~~7--: I , .t., Z!o:U'CII{'~~.'.T' \'AL i \ 1.":0'" I I' ,\; 'I J n \ ' .1 ',1\ " I i" . \HE?JlAN 01 _ , '~I! . I ' ':l:' ' ill" pTTOll,~.USllli '.' '" ' 111' '\ \ t' ~ 'I, ,'\\ ,'\ ,.',\".'1., ,1., ",'. \.i,'~"::., "Ii,; , . ',\, \', d , \' ',\ WA~RAfl'rY' \DE",:D " ,,' \ ,';' \ '\' ,'\ '1, j " 1'''\1 , ;, rH1S DE~ lo!a~~ t~~'8t~ 4'a1 Of\'U~\~' ~ ~>>. 192~. ~\e Her.qlall :\,. .~~~~h \J~, J4ela~d~'~n Z~:~Oh'i .", ,U \ hi~ \Wife'" 'of'r~'ecount1 ~'f\~~Ott stat1e: of't,owa he~61naf\t~r oa,lle~ .,th;e'~r811t~t~, to Otto 1i~s~u~ :' ~~.;, ,\ of ::theC'ounty ,0 1: ~qOk. J8l'nlld sta te o'f I\1J.tnQ~8 'l1~~.lpafhr. oalled thr; gr ~.ntee.' , . '\ " 'I '\' \' ", . " .' ' :,' _, ' ,', ,\:\ ,,' 'I.,' \",,',: " ',',' , , '\iI,Tli~SmH.\ That thel p'aidgrantors 1n oOl1stdera'ilon af theau.m\ of One DOl.1Cil' ($~.OO) and \ -. \. .' \" .. -. . . \ \ . ~-. ~ - . .' . "\: -. \. - . . ' ': ',' .'. ' I. \ .' . 'ot~er' ~o',od ,and va.lua1>.l~ oons1aera~~Qna Dollai:a, ,the ~Oe1pt,:.h,reQf' ~8.hetebf aokno~ledg&d,:'.do , ','. ',', , ,< " \,', "" " , ' " \,"', . ,.',' .g~Te,~grant. bargallil. 8811:. alhn, re:n18e. rel,e'saG,enfeoff. oQllvel and oo.nfl~'~nto the, sald' Ii \ ", ' ' , ' ::"" \, ",' ,:,,' ' ' , '. " " gr.a,ntee.~ and,; hlahe.irS,an'd ,as~igila'~n fe~: Bl'{lple, ,t:he~l~dB,alt~ate il\Sal'nt'T.uois'CountYt ,state ( . . '\ . .' . . . . .' . . ~" . . . . '.of' Florida, d,~8oribed.B'foll().~:, ," : ' ' ' ' ;,' ,Anundlv1ded' one-half,lnhrot'ln, ~lie West1entlO)' aoree ,of the East:' ',< ~ . \ '. '.. . . - - . -" "'. ., "', ,,:. . T,e~lt.Y-on,6. and ,161i~o~ {2~;~'l6)" aor.~ . of;T.f~ot ThlrteenCl3} ,S.o,tion ' ,Elgh~' (8) . Townshlp T111rtY:-,three..c 33) SO,U.th,' Ra:ng.Th'lr,t,1~nln. (39f, . . t ~ ' r. , .. -'. ,- , "J I '.: "';,2 ~,'t " , \ . ' " ..' ~~-'~-.'-'--~- :Q ? -. - tl:Oi: ' " , , ;'~ J ' , , . "'j -- r ' f" I r:' L "the ,Iridlan'R.1Ver ,FarilUl"9o~~l\9'lifl,led ill'the office of'theCle,rk , .' , . ", . .th~ C,lroui t (;'Ourt.:8~nt' Lucie 'co~nt:v...: rlc.r1d'a." ' \ ", '. .....: .', ". . (..50 :l.R"starnp oan,.)' of .: . , ' ~pp~te~me4.t .'the , , - TO HAV~':Airn TO HOLl>' the same:togetber wi th th~ heredltaine'n~'B "and . -~.' . '. ,. . - - , - ' . ," ..' ... . . '. said 'gtentee;and hie nel-rt3 and,' assigns' in f'e,o sImple,. '.' ..'.' - .~. -..,. ..". - .' '..,' . .:. '.-,. . ~ '.' - . ". . ....: ;- .- '.. "..', " - .. . '-, ' .,.. ,..... -', . ..... .' .-' "~T~~c:_~....",~~he--8.a1d-;-.gx;$.t:o,mtJ~eJI1.Bel ns~arul:-:l;he lr.~ he1'_n"And~,legal~.l'~pr:i8en tat ,1 ~es ;, ,c,ovenant , ~..1 th8a1dgrell}'te~, 'h,ia'helr.s, ieg,il1 r'e,Ptesent~th'eB ',e.ndeS8i~n!:t:',T~~ t i'a14" gr'~utc)ra"ere"itid'r f, ~~~~1bii:sl'1:z,ed ofsa1d,latHi ~n ,fee,Bl~ph; tl1,at, ,said grantors 'h'av:e f:U~l: ~ower &riiJ,l".wiul. rig)1t .>, t~'oonv,ey' 'said 18f!ds',ln fee'slmpie;asi:lf,ote8a1d; th,a t It'sh81lbe,'lawfulfor' .a1'd gra lite,~. hiS 'L hel1'f!,leg~lrepr.eaen>ta~lvea and:a,f}$leno,'llt all t1m~peaceabll arid qti~tll :to&nteir up~n.. hQld,: - . .' - , '". "OOo.u'py,andenJoy.sa,ld land'; 'th~t, 8.1<\ .1an~ ,ll;J freetroma'-ll incurnbranc,es;, th''lt. sal~d',gr.AJltor'8, " "thelrhel~r8 'am ieg~l,repre'sen~~~fv,s" ,~,~ll, make, a~'oh, furt,il,e~a~~ui'aJ1cea to,perfeotthefee' alIIlple t1 t 1e t.() ~sld, laltdin Baid granhe,hl s, helr~, legal represents UyOS and 'assigns, ' as' ,~ay .rea~on~libe requ1~e,d; 'a,nd 'that~a1d tlrant';r.8~ do ;herebY' fully w,arrant the:t1 tl..to 9aid land (alld;11ii defend' tlie same, ag8iu~t the lawful oJ.a1ros Ofall:'p'erBo,ns whom~oeve:r~ , ; \t1'XIIESS the hands,and 8ee.1so1; aUd ,grantors, the '4'a.1' ani: year first above, wri'tten. ,Sigl1ed,seal'edand deUveud In,thepresenoeof. , 0.. H. S ohrum . 'DoX'o,thy J,t. Baoh". , ' , HermanJ. 'Zeuch ' (seal) Adelaide' T. Ze~ch" (~.al) STA~E" OF IO\iA' " CO',J;:ITi 01 SCOTT,' llU::REBY,CEHnFY, ,That o,n this' day pen; onally appeared befol'elIle,; an of ticer', duly. 8.U~horhe4 . ,. ' t9-a:d..mini~oa.th to' uie _ well known and, known to, me to be the ,lnd lv1.du'als desCr!bed' In -and who executed' the forego'lng ,_. I deed, and they ao~o.wledg.d'~efore me that they executed the ,s~me .i'l'eel,y: and vo-l\ln'tarlly,forthe '_, .r purposes 'thereln expreaaea~ AIm IFUhT:IER, CERTIPY, That the add Adelaide ~. Zeuoh known to me to be 'the:wlfeofthe ,sa1..d'}Iorrn.$ii" ol~~j~.\1otl, Q,ij.:a ~ae>>~rel.te, @(\JrJ~l1t.-!!I,~@!(nf.\tlonn~ken, 8,nd riiad..e, 1>Y "a"rdb erore,',m.,ttL~"_ .. separately and apart fno:n her said hutJuand,<:ild ,aclolO....ledge that ahe rmde herself a party to , , sri1d'deed for the purpose of reno molilg,' relinqul13hlng an<1conveyinl! all her rlght t tltle anS lntereat, whether ,of dower, homeatead or of separate property, stat tltor~ or eqult9.ble,' In 'and I' 10 to the hnds duor1 bed t~trelt:, aM that ahe executed the' said deed freely Ilnd voluntar1fy, and without Elrw coml:u,ls1on, oonstraint, 8ppl'e~e'n:llon or fe~r of or from her 'uld h';a~and. ... I:~ ", Ii",,> ;..~~..;.J..; ;t.. >",;"",';,,-0 .0:, 'II: ~ ""\