HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1427 .j~16, " ' il I, " I, ' I ' " I , , , , I " ,i I' f li. ' I ji .. .' ,i'l I '.> I l' -. -! I' . -I. .. 'I, t' , , '" I 1'1 I" " ' , ',I' , ' \' I ' ' , I , ';'-""""\I::"'~,t:'::T7~i'~:~~'~~~:';::T~~-T~f~~::~' 't,~~~~ ~,' ' ',' ""..~;,~,~~~;:-:::.~;:;:.t7;~~:.~71~~~.. . -~ i ~-+f~ ,:;;~L~.~:, \ . . 1 ' .", ~' f \ I . . \j . 1 . ! . AI B. MIC~L ,\\\, ~T() ",:. ...\ ,<J ,T~E PUB~I~. 1'" " ,.'",1 ,l' I, \ '1" \ '\,' 'I I" I ,I ,\: \ '\ , , . I .. \ AI ., ''1 l' i? A V' I 'T, I ,Ie " I,' ,qh ,\: ' i' i, \ i \ ' ' I, I ," \' " , \ 1, STj'rE '( ~L~~DA' ", .. ',I \ , " \" , . 1',; '1' ! ' \. 1 CO\.lliTY ,Q1 .SAINT IitCI~~, ,\ ,\ \ ii, ,\ \ ' \, \ . '6~ th1a day :peraonailY\ app~ared b&fore me, A.B. )lIClUEL~ wbo b{J1J1i~, . i . \. '.. .' .. . \. " " ' ~ " . . \ '., " ..' _ . _ \'" ..' ~ . \ I by l;ll~ .f'~ rat duly'awprn" de.p08e~ andsa:/s\ that'" he, h,M, been, a d t1 zen;' of the qowity 'of Urev~d 1 ' anlist. Luoie, for' 'a~ . ye~'rs;.< th~t h'e :was' ~elt 'aof!uai,t:lted' ~d',' pIer aonatly kne" QeorgeSear~, ',tl)l;1" \ I "",,' , ' :'", ,', ", ',. ' '\ ,'," -i , \ " ,-~' ':',' ' , I, granto$ In a patent from 'tbeunlt ed ,States, of Amerloa to George 'Seat:a;: ,de. ted' lla$ '4th ;1991, '. ! ;' . . . '. . . -, \ . '- . " .,. ~ . 1\ ' ' ~ , t ,'- I I " J, , , ' :t, , I ! I, \, : '.\. '" :(" , ' \ - \ \ ' , \ \ > '\ " \ . \ . "' ,. , , " " "\ 'i r13oorde~\Oct6ber, 26., l?2,3,'I,n, Deed ao,ok. 63,. Ptge'1~8 of I , I ,1~ ,tInal re~e1pt, from J.,T. a.Crawford, ~eoelver,'to,~Geo~ 1. nu~ber',i30~7. andreci~rdedM~ 1'.;>1889 ~~ D~e4 B~Ok .~, page 211 of Brevard Coun~~ Reoorda !lnd'''the1' '. , " , ',,', 1, '...', ',' ,.,', . 'i srant'or:lna d,t.ed.of" co~'~ey.n98 ,dat~~'APr1l27, '~?Uandfile!l: l!ay~, 1917 ~n ~,e~d"Bo,Ok 34, P~~1" 29 "ot st. Lu'ch County Reoorde;'aaid :gtantorln' sald':de13d fa name6 George E. ,SeaI;'B. . "-. - . ".. ....' .". -', " ,...~ ."'".~ .0 -'." .\ .: ". '<' ~.~. - " '. '. ." ,;' 'A:tflan~,'furthet' a".ars, that. G~o.. ,Sea"t"liJ" Geo.rge Se~.re and'George B.Seare, 1 $,t.' Ulcle County'RecordfJ' an(} the, gra~t.ee'; . _' . ". ., . f Sears !lated ,AUg\lst:ll, 19~e: belli'g ~ .~;, ~ '. .", . i' ,A~ B., ,1I1ohae1., , , ..." ,\ ! Sworn to 'and. 8u;baodbed before- .:th1s, ' , 2 dayof,)48"J ~ A:. >>.', ,1926." ..,,', ~'., Notary PubHo fOr the ,State of ~'l'Q'rlda . t' i.a~ge.', , iii Obm:nis8Io,ne:!tjllru Uovemborll, ,1925. \': ' , , , " \,- ; '1'Ued and ,reoordeci 0 n'thla ,2nd "ay of June. t92.5., at 1;3~ J.Il~ " . \t,~ , ,(\'''\ ' ' : ~~, , . ()(O,' , e.v ' ,..., ' "r" , , - - .. . - '.' . p ~ Q. E~dre4~ ,C~erk Cl;,c~1 t' Court~ .r I . " .... ~ ' . , '- , " ,",.,"," ,", ~, "'BY~<"41~' , " , ' , D.C ~ " . . ' , - .. . . !:,. *...~.~ ..*.*.11I .....~ ...~..-. ...~. ..... .'... .,.~. * ~~. *. ..~ ~ ... .'~... ...-...:- ._...~.. ~.,*'~ ...~. "'~..:III.".~. ...~". .~*-. ~.~ . .,~. .' "- - - ," " . -, ....? . , IA. 'R.' !oUtLER ET, ,AI; , ',TO "JOHn H.,U~~I,GE. ' " ~ARTlCLE8 " 0"/ , AG~.T ~ \.~! , , " , i 'j nine hundr~d. a.nd t\'lenty-f1ve 8ETIIE1::n~.',~. Miller '~liQiaon j.{~llerb~8 *~r'epar~1~e,8.O,t ,thec.l.t:8t.." ',1, 'ARTlb~~' OF AGRE:J,lEwri lIad,etil1s 8~th day of, !laroh.' in the~year of our,:Lord,,' onethouaand " part auo Johh H.}'{lpg~~a_r~!~,..cofu~ho_ aeooll~ J5art'? ' , ~ WITliESSETH, That if the said party of tbe a600'11d part 8h~llfit'8t maketbe payments and,' , jperform the oovpnants be,rUnafter mentioned o~h18 pnrtto be :!lade and verfonned, the s,ald parties , I seo.ondpart, hiBbeirs, exeoutors, a'dmi'ni-atfators o~ a1'34~Il~,bfee$lmple, clear of' alJ ,of'the first 'part,jH~reby ,oovenants ~nd a~re,ea to',CQIlvey and 1l>35llr~tothe said',:par.~y of the' ..... ': IncumbraIlc8B whate-ver, , by 8 iood and sufflclent 'deed'. the lot, p~ ece, or parcel'of groClnd.' , , , , , ,,' ,\ s1tuated in the-. Gounty of st. 1..'.1018, st~te of Flor,1da, known and desoribed aSfOllo"s, to-wit: , , i \ ' , i i, >. } .l ': . ~ i Lot 54ft'.xl90ft. bOt.llldt)d on'1:orth by Shaw lot, on Sotthby Searl:J lot on l::aHt by ne\. D1xle' and an \{est by old Dixie located II, in Wabas50 d part Ilereby ooven~l1ta and agrees ,to pay to the' aald party of "I, ~i , :~ r I.' 'the first part tbe sum of~...entyThree Hun~red Dollara, in the mallller fOl).owl11g', nity (~60.00,) J" f- .f ' ~.., ca<lh, receipt of which 1~ 'ackm\llladged (t71o.76)Se....en Hun,,,redund tllxteen, t;leventy-,f1ve, o,n '/' I acceptaooe anddel1ver:; of deed Witil rnorcil,wltable abstract. BalaJlce of $lo26.tQ ,be prod ln ( 4 << ,t I q ,1' an years equal payments. , I " .lti11hhrea~ at the rate ot 8" per'oentu.m ~er annwn, p!l,i'ab1e,~.;nl-,annua':11,81lIlua111 on th'J I ' ,....~'~.,..'il....,.~" I I, I'