HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1429 r 218,' . :I'J,,:~ '" I "I!, 'L, '. 'i}, "" I [, ,- ,I 'I " , .i .. i' " \ ,)' ,I , I ,', .~ ., I ",' ''',' .. t ! 1 , . '." , I ,I I' i [I I,. ' I :1, . I. " I,' ., , " I I , -' ,I' ' ~ I _ ',;, I 'I. ' , , ' , ( ::::1;~-::-':~ '---::;::T:;~~~:~':L:'>~.' ~ ,~.~~ ~:::.. ~-:-';;i.':;':";.;':':~~;'::-' ':\;:'-~:"<-,!.''::-:-' ;~..:~:;:c_--:.~~_.- '-<'~-, '~.:..::~:~~~.;;;:.::;:~~~~:.:-~ ,~~l-t~~-"-:'~'~,-~~l ~! \. r 'fMreof ,1,$ ~ere~Y8ckli()...1o!dg.4, h~~'!g~'Mied~' ba'r:ga~'ned,' s\014, ali~ned., Nmi86d,:r~~,~as,,4, ," ',ii,' ..; i", ' I! : l, l' ,oonvle~~~"and 00 nfj,~ed" ,~n~' by thelli. prIes_rita, ,4 b,th ~r'ant .',: b'at~~ir' ~ell"i al'h~,_' r~~i a~" r~l~&8'~' 'l ' . ; ':,'\! l: o~I1Te.Y and o~p#nn,' ~'t\othe' ~a111 party' of :~e ~~~ond p,a,r~ahd !iis helr~' aM ~SO!g.18, fo~eVfir,,', ~l,I, \: J .thP,~.?('i'tal~ pa1'9~lS0;.1!8.nd ;lying, ~n4' bel'hg'ln' the 'O?U~tl of St~ .'Luo,i~\and\'S~;\t e' ofi1.~rid8'\i i ,:" "I; I" ~OJ,~,'p~\r~lQ\llar'lY,d~8crlb'e4 .a~,:fo~l~"i? ,',' '\ ,'\' :: \ ',\> " . \ '.1 \, \ .' ..-. I' f ~ TraQt, N~.l.~Th. '~lort~'weS\d~far~er, ~f t~,e north.laa~Qtrf..rt.r ap.d, I '\ '\,'" 1 ',the' WeatHalf ,of the south,weat Quarter of the tlorth~aa.t QJllarter ' " ' , of S90t1on ,t~' Township' 32,Sodth 6f Range'39 East (Exoep~~ng " " '\(: , ' , '. . 'c'" '" ' \ " _ \ ',' '\' \, ':all iha t certain p1e,oe 01' paX'Cel of -land in ,Seotion Ii Township " .. , , t . .' . ": \ \ - ' \ .' , 32 ,so~th.. .Range, ,3,9 East, l?eginnlng, ~t '& .po~~t; on, the Ea.~t shore', ',o'f the,' Ind~an' Rlyei<lh'a~id s.e(,tion.,T.ownshi'Pf1,na,R~nge '~ere' c' _ <'-'-+- t,he 'lforth ~ni' SOU~h~'pdlvi810n 1'1h'e 'runnl~8 thtough t-~~ I , ce,nt~ o,f s,af~, ~otion 1 'li1t!lr.,SeQt,8 .'\11 th :the s~ld Sas,t b~nk," tro~'th'e '~Olpt ~f; b~gllm1ng',ru~, Il~rth a10'ng, t'h'e,said subdlvi8,1,on ' . _~ '. . -..., . . . ,'. 0". ~ ~ '.'. :_ '. lin~ 626~~ ~eet" th~oe Ea8~ 41J.9 feet,' tnerlce South 41~.9 "fe.at, thenceZO~~4, ~~et'\1est.thence sou~h 209 ~aetf,:~or.e or>> ~S: . . ;)", .. . .,.., -'- .' '. . -:' "to the Indian ~1.ver,~thei1ce"\7~st,er1.~209 fe'et ,niore or l.ess, , to," ' the"Il()int'~f~e~1nl\~'ll8.," ,:~n~!linl~~5 acres~'hiOre\o.r les,8,. ;~ , I I '. I, 'I ., , I I' ,( ..... i 11 I ' " . ,I.. -j. . ~ .. f \ ',\ . '~ \ ' \ , :1 ': ,1 \ ; j I, ; .~; , ' .:' ,-. ---- , -, ... .' \~' :; . ... 'lo'. :rraqt Zloe' 2.: In~eOtloh'l~ To.ri~hlp '32 south,Bang~ 39 Ea;rt~ ' ':\,~' beginning' a:~'8poirt:-~ri'" the East 's~ore ~t . ~he ind.ian RiveI' ln ...(- salli Seotlon'. Townahlp find -Range~ where the north at:id .,$-Outb '. . ".#' .....~. .'" ~. '........,' ...--,.:.... . '.~~- ':.... subdlvi slo~, iiqe runnlng "through the ceilt ero'f 'sUd Seotlon ,,1 ,. .' .,-- .' "." '... : -.' . .-......- " '" . .;;' :.. illterseot~ '8ai.dEas~b~,k~~:iro'm th1a ',PO~?t o~'be~ltinlqgrun J, . - . ~. ,',' - "r '. .. . llor,1;n al Olltf theIJa1d sa'bd.i "1~1~n':l1ne,626.~ fee~;~h6noe'~st, ~l?r ~~~t; thence' SOuth 41'1.9 feet; thence West 20814 feet: ',:, , , , t1i'enoe',~O,U~h 209, 'feet~more or. hsa," ,-to the o8Qk o'f :the Indian, Rly,er;thellc,,~run westerlY-along the ban~~ofjl'1e' Indian ~lv.r, '20~ feet', ,lI!ore ~'or~e8s~'to' the point of begin~i ng, .contalnlng ,G aor&s, ~ore or ie8~. ' Tract :ro.' 8. Begirt at: a' poi:nt on, th.e 8ho re of the Indian , , Rlver62 1/3 yards -he South to.the'}lorthwest Qorne't" of Lot '. ",. ", .1 " ' . :1.' .. ,I '. , ~ , , '~, in ~ect1on 1. TO~~~hlp, 32' 801Jth~.t,'R,8:nge, 39 Eal:lt, '1~ sti._ L~ole,Co1in~l, 11orida; t'henc.. run due'!lorth62'l/3y.arts to )he 1!orthea,3t,C'0~ner ',~:f a~ldLot 4" thence run ~ast " &l,On8th~ !lot't,h boundary l1n,eot'~a1d Lot 4',880ivdito the," ,~~lortn~e.~t cQ~nerof.>said, Lot ',4,. t.h~nce Nil 'Q?-e SQut~, along, ' , , t.ne E~stern bo~at1 11,1'18 o~ said ,lot' 4, 170 yaids to a point; thence ',frornsafd point run due W~8t, ,733 yardtJ and 5/16 of a . ....:. _.~ :-, 't . ~ ~,' 4 : ',.. '" .1 " , j , " yard to ; the Ihdlanr.l ver. ~nd thenoe Nortuwestwardly along' the shore 'of the iud1an:!1ver 173 2/3 yards to the p01nt of .~.: j .i i i .j ,I ! II , ~ " \' , " I , !." . . > ~~gihA~!ig. The foregoing' tract Is, alSo'o therwlse desor1 bGd as, th~ :iortil 29 Jeres of Lot 4, of Sect10n 1, ?owna~p 32 south; I \ .J.' ? . " 1 1 I J 1~ang6 39 Zast. t I Tract Ho.1 . I, '.::he ::':aut Half of the' Southwest ~uarter of, the ,northeast ,Quarter of Seotion 1, TOW!1Ship ~2 South" ~ange' 39 Zaat, containing 20 f,lci'o8, more or lellS" , . I =- i~n~t ' r\ ' ~ . - '-: