HomeMy WebLinkAboutCEMEX CONCRETE{ �IT e 7 RECEO".'fir .wy p 5 2015 Customer Code: Customer Name: Customer Job Number. 3107606 MCL.->'RY C;ONS i' R• " T ION 1 - Prcrj+� __ ... ('roiactN:tm'9:. , . _. •- :- ... ; ' ,', _ �,S •, ,.•PrplmGtR.S2J!1omk6r,. TtCkst'Date: {}pliveryJlddtes3: � , 04! IS/ Iy. Ni: TTLt a IS�-AK SLVD 5`]etWery Iristrap4lgns; - '.• - F `_ . i Due On Jo4: Sti 3 f+: Sturtgl: Truck Num 1:�4Z� :r� tti`. Driver Numtjer. I r:� �?1��t ma: Driver Name: T�IQCRf�;3 t. l�C�s7a LOAD -—�GUMULATNE { QUANTITY QUANTITY Cash !!teat r1 r Arrtlt Code: Ghedr Charge Comments ORDERED tMARUALCOOR PRODUCTION DESCRIPYION QumT14,, �: J:. 4('.)n(.) TIES Order Code I Data: 94c7 04i15/IF, order P.O, Number M$p page: Map1ROW/Column. 271 271-18013 ' . • OlspatC€+dr. " . Ticket Number. 34-,3a4•2 Ford Use: UNML;� I iiNFD UOM 4 uNrrPRtGE I !AMOUNT i t 4-1`1H 10r APR 15 FM 2:43 "�1' 7. Signature oT env Recalvirig Gaxh: Gash Received: Toter COD OrdarAmaukke to Correct Without 5tpndby CharGOS: 1] 1 WATER AODHD: GAL YAR►�S IN DRUM 1 1 WHEN ADDED. SIGNATURE CURB LINE CROSSED AT OWNER'SIAGENT'S REQUEST: rEp SIGNATURE PARTIAL F'LEw.I LFJAV � YARDS © LOAD WAS TESTED BY: Notice. Our drivers wilt make every effort to place materi4p Aih8ra the customer designates, but the SPECIAL TERMS: Any water added is at CUstOMM MA risk ifwet& is edited on lob, mrtreta saengUl Comp&rh OM"T s no responsibility for damages Inside curljr property line, Customer agrees to the is no longer guaranteed. WARNING; Product may cause skin Aim dfor eye irrhalion. CAUTION Material terms of We and dOlvary and accepts concrete as is. Dui$ o important factore which are out of our may be hatardoue to your safety and health, please rofer to Iha baio"[de of thin Gd+Ot for 'urkporanl control after dolivery. thlS Company will not accept any respo s for ln¢ finished reruns. No crad'a for asfoty handling information, and to the material eafetg data sbeetafor addibonal information reb,med concrete. Buyers exceptions and cld" Shrill be de ad waived unim made to us in writing AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: Within one business day after the receipt of materials. 0 6BUNWERSAL PR5 V T R4. 10064624 B I WA --I= NFOL..D LOAD NLJM: 3 2/2:a6ed 0bb6622:01 :mo,aj b2:L0 ST02-SO-Ad14 ZZCC-M'EX 58`9 �tLs'�'D t. vM3 '�' `1l -ti'.: w `�'tic-�l�nr.: 42'f t.. { �11t�-rtvrY� it - J (7 'vi y i9 �iti•+4'�b��� "Y1N .ti. j. +,n �-Vilai�°t �'1!_'11.�G �� x .. ,t� �7 ,�Yti�t 9pi�°ur oc)��^y)�Y�47���blflt?�',�i�Y 7 ..S aM Lt' w w•>>�, M¢ 3a�;Ysr 'Av _Hl��.��1�'7c��� 1.^t:"'_..,�� a Customer Code: Customer Name: Customer Job Number, Order Code I Date: 3107606 MEL--R ( GONS FR ICT 1 C}t�l 940 04 1 i s i � Prgfect'f3oda ._Proiec Njtne:. :•'• _ ;Projeej:PrQ_N!Fn�eF' "' " 47�orP.0"Numbar .. LOT-19 NETtLES Tia.iiiate: ` . Qei;veryAddlesa: � -- - ' I tAapFage• map/Row/Column: 4/15f#_6•• NeTTLE�3 1O'LAN BLVU �.; 271 ;�!31'76013 W;ii _ D1spe�lfeC 7.vm Iy q - TiCkat Number' Quo On Job: Slump: Truck Nuro r: Driver Number; Driver Name: End Use: 1 �¢ a �3 N r ca 1a��'y " �a•Si~�� !. ��Pj004 151 fA,.Y F'�'W(31_L LJ)rli�IDa X1;i�EL't LOAD CUMULATIVE QUANTITY QUANTITY I ORDERED QUANTITY PRObUCT1ON UESCRIPTiON UOM UNIT PRICE AMOUNT So t t ' ' v'�i dt' 1S Y � t�id7�, FRJ[AE ooti n s Yi w •� ��rh 1 a {�ta ��y�y•jy, }��• 11 `rt,��'1 r�•y�ar f •�i7• '+YI I` UCL_ I —SURCHARGE :. X0() .. ahCF�Ft FM :54 4.�i�� Cash Check # rAtM Code: signature at Driv r Receiving Casa: cash Received; Total COD OrderAmotmt t4 Collect tNdhout Standby Charges: Qheck Comments: WATER ADDED: GAL YARDS IN DRUM. WHEN ADDED. SIGNATURE CURB LINE CROSSED AT OWNER'SIAGENT'S RIEMWEST: 1ONC,F?EM... iy.t(soo•`-ini. rEE - SIGNATURE PARTIAL — . w, FULL, � L.(3AD ®� YAMS J LOAD WAS MSTED BY: Notice. Our drivers will make avaiy aft a to p oei materia)s 6hara the customer designates, but the SPECIAL TERMS: Arty water added 13 at customers awn r'dk. It water is added on Job, concrete strength Company assumes no respona miry for domages inside cwj, property fine. Customer agrees to the is no longer guaranteed, WARNING: Product may cause skin and/or eye frr'dation CAUTION* MateRsl torms of Sala and delivery omdl accepts concrete es is, Due important factors whim are out of our may be harWokis to your safety and health. Please refer to thn backside et this 11" for important oSitar onuol daily". this Company will not accept ally tespopsl Bity for the finished results. No credit for safety handdng information end to the material eatery data shests for additional infomfahon- rewmad cancrpte. 6uym exceptions and clalms shell bed ed waived unless made to us in writing AUTHORIZED 81GNATURE: within one businosv day after the receipt of materials iG7, 68UNIVEFiSAL nRE,V T F KJr i 002 348137 vilpaft ciniz 4URD NUM: 2/2:a6ed 0bb6622:01 :wo.aj 2£:1LO 9Z02_S0-AdW II � CO. mEX OCJ() f 1 �rl CUetttnr 1!L"pY LONS+t UCTION Customer JopNumber. W1V- On:11 ��kkSSoda/Date: ��' r E• .Fr¢joct�Pdas . . , •)�$ptNAriia:• .... ... _, ,• --t - _. >�• _ .•.3.�:-. : C'r�l�y?'R.4�N4hltidt: • Orp rPJJ�U NETTLES TlckeLDeta 5 / j 6 DalW.Addl T ilm€� �? $L I } tO �•" �F/6tj, •tt�t�1 k'E � .. .._ :.. _ _ _ _I. :- -.. i-=^:; " __ -. 'fllsp ' y Ticket Number. 'i Due FF,F, p ; �y srrunp; n c_Ii3 lruc DnY r{ar DrivQr c_mj,C) R C RU Z End Use; UNASSIGNED LOAD QUANT" CUMULATIVE QUANTITY ORDERED I QUANTITY PA ! TERIAL CODE PRODUCTION DESCRIPTION UOM UNIT PRICE AMOUNT FUEL SURCHARGE: € 1 FM f°a6 Ca. -A Check N f Auth Code: Signature of tSmJ r feecefving Cash: Cash Received: Total COD Order Amount to Collect Check Without Stsndpy Charges: Comments: J I WATER ADDED: GAL YARDS IN DRUM: i WHEN ADDED, SIGNATURE CURB LINE CROSSED AT OWNER'S/AGENT'S REQUEST: PARTIAL FrU I" L_OnD ­ YAIID8 81GRATURE Q LOAD WAS TESTED BY: Nance. Our drivers will make every effort id place materials ere the customer designates, but the SPECIAL TERMS; Any water addpv !sat customers own risk. If water is added on Job, aoncrety strengv� Company [assumes no responsibirrty for damages ins a wrq o property line, Customer agrees to the is no loftger gvaranteed. WARNING: Produce mpy eausa skin attd/dr eye iniljtan• CAUiIDN: htatertM terms of sate and peNVary arto accepts rgnt78fe 8a 1$. Ott$ al tmpoRant feclOrs which are out of our may W hazardous to your Safety and h60M. Please refer to the backsjde of this licks[ ear importPnt conppl after dativary, this COmpeny will not accept any responsi ity for the finishod results. No Creditfor sefaty handling rn(ormpfvn, and to the material safety data sheet_y for additional iNommtion retuhrad MXFOM Buyera "CePrions ano claarna shad t18 des Ted waved unless made to us in willing AUYry9RRED SIGNATURE: within One buslnt*e day after the receipt of Materiels. 68UNIVERSAL PRtaV t q LOAD NUM i PLANT Z,T:a6Pd 0b76522:0l :WOJA 22:,LO 9TO2-SO-AUW ((I� —Me x f i`.t Fes. Fes ' 5. 92 Plant: -Begin Loading: To Job: ° " '. Arrive Job: StartUnload: Finish Unload: Leave Job: Return Plant: Customer Code: Customer Name: 3107606 1e1E --RY CONSTRUCTION i Project Code: Project Name: Ticket Date: Delivery Address: 05 f'0 = ! 1 6 { L_O� I'-1.58 , 141E 1-1-L_ES ISLAND AND Delivery Instructions: 3'C' it1C-?InN PEACH i Customer Job Number: Order Code / Date: 887 05i i i 16 Project P.O. Number. Order P.O. Number. Map Page: Map/Row/Column: Dispatcher: 'C"1-1KL UC I1`4LC Ticket Number: Due On Job: 14 -. 4 Slump: 5. oc,. Truck Number: 102 o,1 Driver Numtier �. ca, f,a�.'4 Driver Name: V I NMN'} I� ORR t S End Use: BLDr 'U . WALL LOAD QUANTITY CUMULATIVE QUANTITY ORDERED QUANTITY MATERIAL CODE PRODUCTION DESCRIPTION UOM UNIT PRICE . . , AMOUNT ' Go 00, G. 60 00 y',^j;,;.'9`;tr;4!5 .3060 'FL.E(�iD DPrR, lYO 1 c.3c t 1 4 i`318 , F UE:I_ SURCHARGE 1. Chi:) .i 202" '49 ENV I f:ONMEt T'AI_ C:}-IARE--)E Cash Check # / Auth Code: Signature of Driver Receiving Cash: Check Charge Comments: WATER ADDED: T taHT! 2 Pm 2'65 Cash Received: Total COD Order Amount to Collect Without Standby Charges: GAL YARDS IN DRUM: WHEN ADDED. SIGNATURE CURB LINE CROSSED AT OWNER'S/AGENT'S REQUEST: CONCRETE DISPOSAL, FEE PARTIAL. _ FULL LOAD SIGNATURE ❑ LOAD WAS TESTED BY: Notice: Our drivers will ,make every effort to place materials where the customer designates, but the SPECIAL TERMS: Any water added is at customers own risk. If water is added on job, concrete strength Company assumes no responsibility for damages inside curb or property line. Customer agrees to the is no longer guaranteed. WARNING: Product may cause skin and/or eye irritation. CAUTION: Material terms of sale and delivery and accepts concrete as is. Due to important factors which are out of our may be hazardous to ydut safety and healthy"Plbase refer to the backside of this ticket for important control after delivery, this Company will not accept any responsibility for the finished results. No credit for safety handling�infonnation' and to the material safety data sheets for additional Information. returned concrete. Buyers exceptions and claims shall be deemed waived unless made to us in writing AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE — within one business day after the receipt of materials. 0 ri (� % /V-N— t � \` \ " i 1 66UNIVERSAL PREV TRK e LClAF) NUt t;. i INVOICE - This Delivery Ticket incorporates here^ by reference .Buyer's previously executed credit Application, if any, Seller's Standard Terms and Conditions, Seller's Quota i17 any, and Seller's Order Confirmation luding limitations of warranties), as if fully set forth on this Delivery Ticket (`'Agreement"). Seller will provide the Standard Tc....., and Conditions upon request.'Buyer dgrees that, unless otherwise noted on the front hereof, all qu1111t:itles and items were delivered as indicated and further expressly agrees to pay in accordance with the Agreement. AGGREGATE / CEMENT / CONCRETE kODUCTS / FLY ASH Aggregate products are naturally occurring materials including limestone, dolomite, gi;ani.te, volcanic rock, sand, gravel, and other siliceous materials. Cement products include Portland cement, masonry, pozzolan (Type :IP),:roof tile, and stucco. Concrete products include Portland cement and aggregate products including limestone, dolomite, granite, volcanic rock, sand, gravel, and other siliceous materials. 'These products, including fly ash, may contain more than 0.025% crystalline silica. Hazards: Freshly mixed wet cement and/or fly ash can cause eye irritation, skin and eye burns and allergic skin reactions. Dry concrete and iiggregate dust may cause irritation to eyes• skin, and/or respiratory tract. Dust from handling, crushing, grinding, cutting and/or drilling may contain silica, which may cause silicosis and cancer if inhaled. If ingested, keep warm, at rest, and drink large amounts of water. Fly Ash may contain trace amounts of almno- nia. Moisture can cause the ammonia to be released. Inhalation of ammonia can cause coughing and irritation or burns of the nose, throat and lungs. See physician. Health risk depends on duration and level of exposure. Safety: Avoid contact with eyes and prolonged. contact with skin. Wear ;loves, eye protection, and appropriate protective clothing. Wash hands thoroughly with mild soap and water after handling. Avoid breathing dust. If -exposed to dust above recommended limits (see .MSDS), wear suitable NIOSI-I-approved respiratory protection. i+'irst Aid: In case of eye contact, immediately flush eyes with flowing water for 15 minutes. If dust is inhaled, move to fresh air. If wet cement contact; skin. rinse thoroughly with water. Get proper inedical attention ifirritation persists. CEMEX, Memorial Hermann Tower 929 Gessner, Suite 1900 V7 combined Houston. Texas 77024 02/12 For more information please visit www.cenlexusa.com. .Este ticket de entrega include Como refe.rencia al comprador (ya previamente ejecutada on su aplicaci6n de cr6dito); cualquier t6rinino estindar, condiciones del vendedor, propuestas del vendedor y orden de contirmac.i6n del vendedor (con limitations y garantias), Como a.cuerdo total del ticket de entrega (`'Contrato" ). El vendedor proveera los t6rininos estdndares y condiciones detal- lados on caso de asi ser 1•cqucridos. Con cste clocumento, cl comprador acepta los mismos ya antes menc.ionados y que ]as cantidades y materiales fueron entrcggados Como se expresa en el mismo..Acepta pagar el monto de acuerdo al contrato: al m.enos que se identi- fique con uric nota al frcnte de este documento. AGREGADOS / CLMENTO / PRODUCTOS DE CONCRETO / CENIZAS VOLANTES Los productos de agregados son materiales natura.les como piedra caliza, dolomita, granito, coca volcdnica, arena, grava y otros materiales silicios. Los productos de cemento incluyen Cemento de tipo Portland, de albaniler%a, pozzolan (tipo IP), azt:tlejo de azotea y estuco. Los productos de concreto inCluyen cemento Portland y productos de agregados corno piedra caliza, dolomita, granito, rota volcanica, arena, Brava, y otros materiales silicios. Estos productos inc.luyen cenizas volantes (fly ash) la cual puede contener inns de 0.0251X, de silicio cristalino. Peligros: Mezcla de cemento fresco y/o cenizas volantes pueden causar irritaci6n en los ojos, quemadu.ras en piel y ojos, y reacciones al6rgicas en la piel. Concreto seco y polvo de agregados, pueden causar irritaci6n en los Ojos, piel y/o en la zona respiratoria. Polvo del manejo en el trituramiento, pulido, torte y/o perforaci6n puede contener materiales silicon. los cuales pueden causar silicosis pulmonar y cancer si son inhalados. En caso tie ser i.ngeridos. mantenerse 11 on temperatura caliza, reposar y tomar grandes cantidades de aqua. Las cenizas volantes pueden contener amoniaco. La tlumedad puede causar la liberaci6n del amoniaco. La inhalaci6n del amoniaco puede causar toser, irritaci611 o Seguridad: quemaduras en la na iz. garganta y pulmones. Acudir inmediatamente al medico. El riesgo en la salud depende en la durac.i6n y el nivel de la exposici6n. Seguridad: Evite el contacto con ojos y contacto prolongado con la piel. Use guantes, protecci6n en los ojos y ropa Primeros adeeuada para protecci6n. Lavese las manos con jab6n suave y agua despu6s del manejo de materiales. Evite .inhalar auxilios: polvos. Si se expone a polvos m6s de los limites recomendados, use protecci6n respiratoria. Primeros auxilios: Ell caso de contacto ell los ojos, inmediatar-nente fluya agua en .la parte afectada por 1.5 minutos. Si se inha.la polvo, exp6ngase a wire fresco. Si el cemento fresco tiene contacto con sus ojos, lavel.os a f'ondo con agua. Acuda a atenci6n m6dica inmediatamente si la irritaci6n continua. CEMEX, Memorial Hermann Tower 929 Gessner, Suite 1900 V7 combinado Houston, Texas 77024 02/12 Para mas informaci6n visita www.cemextisa.com. Cam' Plant: Begin Loading: ToaJob: Arrive Job: Start,Unload., finish Unload: Leave.Job: Return Plant: Customer Code: Customer Name: Customer Job Number: Order Code / Date: `10,7 0 MEL.--RY CONSTRUc—r7oN Wit+ 7 Ob/tr /1t1 Project Code: Project Name: Project Ob' Number. Order P.O. Number: Ticket Date: Delivery Address: Map Page: Map/Row/Column: I. OT—£::8`'.tg 1'�4ETTI:_E s IS1..! IND Delivery Instructionffs: Dispatcher: S ° �.i rr.:»'�et EI�t , 13.c.ACH . , • ° �.i�1; `sl .. �..�;... 3, 1�i,� � .• Ticket Number. 34355784 Due On Job: Slump: Truck Number: Driver Number:' Driver Name: End Use: i 3 0 :1'/ 5. o,3 1Y;ti0 Ll.l_e __''4 ;1. { `7)(,`0 4 .. B I U_Y i=)F Nl= Ul._D LOAD QUANTITY CUMULATIVE I QUANTITY MATERIAL CODE PRODUCTION DESCRIPTION ORDERED UOM I UNIT PRICE I AMOUNT -n;Is�41 Cash Check # /Auth Code: Signature of Driver Receiving Cash: Cash Received: Total COD Order Amount to Collect Without Standby Charges: Check Charge Comments: -WATER ADDED: ✓-� GAL YARDS IN .DRUM: 1� WHEN ADDED.. SIGNATURE CURB LINE CROSSED AT OWNER'S/AGENT'S REQUEST: CONCRETE" DE ftiOSAL. FEE: SIGNATURE r IA RT I AL _ �= JJt_�_:. L. ►era YARD I] LOAD WAS TESTED. BY: Notice:' Our drivers will make every effort to -place materials where the customer designates, but the. SPECIAL TERMS:; Any water added is at customers own risk. If water is added on job: concrete strength Company assumes no responsibility for damages inside curb or, property line. Customer, agrees'to the is no longs guaranteed. WARNING: ' Product may cause s'cin and/or eye irritation. CAUTION: Material terms of sale and delivery and accepts concrete as is. Due to important factors which are out of our may 6e haza'rdous to yr/ safety and health. Please refs to the backside of this ticket for important control after delivery, this Company will not accept any responsibility for the finished results: No credit for safety hagqdling infoourmat(ont;and to the material safett/data s eets for additional information. returned concrete. Buyers exceptions and claims shall be deemed waived unless made to us in writing AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: , within one business day after the receipt of materials. •68UNIVERSAL C•• RE..V TI N, a 1 /.?10215,`,` it''? V :r %1C NT 'i RR I S LOAD 1�l1 'f n ` • . �NV071ti CE This Delivery Ticket incorporates he--, by reference :Buyer's previously executed Credit Application, if any, Seller's Standard Terms and Conditions, Seller's Quote , if any, and Seller's Order ConfJ.rmatior; ;l.udin.g limitations of warranties), as if fully set forth on. this Delivery Ticket ("Ag.icunient"). Seller will provide the Standard. T_-__-.; and Conditions upon request Buyerlagrees that, unless otherwise noted on the front hereof, all quantities and. items were delivered as indicated and further expressly agrees to pay in accordance with the Agreement. AGGREGATE / CEMENT / CONCRETE PRODUCTS / FLY ASH Aggregate products are naturally occurring materials including limestone, dolomite, granite, volcanic rock, sand, gravel, and other siliceous materials. Cement products include Portland cement, masonry, pozzo.lan (Type IP), roof tile, and stucco. Concrete products include Portland cernent and aggregate products including limestone, dolomite, granite, volcanic rock, sand, gravel, and other siliceous materials. These products, including fly ash, may contain more than 0.025%n crystalline silica. Hazards: Freshly mixed wet cement and/or fly ash can cause eye irritation, skin and. eye burns and allergic skin reactions. Dry concrete and aggregate dust may cause irritation to eyes, skin, and/or respiratory tract. Dust :from handling, crushing, gr.indin.g. cutting and/or drilling rnay contain silica, which may cause silicosis and cancer if inhaled. If ingested., keep warm, at rest, and drink large arnounts of water. Fly Ash may contain trace amounts of ammo- nia. Moisture can cause the ammonia to be released. Inhalation of ammonia can cause coughing and irritation or burns of the nose, throat and. lungs. See physician. Health risk depends on duration and level of exposure. Safety: Avoid contact with eyes and prolonged contact with skin. Wear gloves. eye protection, and appropriate protective clothing. Wash hands thoroughly with mill soap and water after handling. Avoid breathing dust. If exposed to dust above recommended limits (see .MSDS), wear suitable NI:OSH-approved respiratory protection. First Aid: In case of eye contact, immediately flush eyes with flowing waterfor 1.5 minutes. If dust is inhaled, move to fresh air. if wet cement contacts skin, rinse thoroughly with water. Get proper medical attention. if irritation persists. CEMEX, Mernofial Hermann Tower 929 Gessne.r, Suite 1.900 V7 combined Houston, Texas 77024 02/12 For mare information please visit www.cernexusa.coni. Este ticket de entrega incluye como referencia a] comprador (ya previamente ejecutada en su aplicacion de credito); cualquier t6rmino estandar, condiciones del verrd.edor, propuestas del vendedor y orden de confirmaci6n del vendedor (con .limitations y garantfas), como acuerdo total del ticket de entrega ("Contrato"). El vendedor proveera Jos terminos esubdares y condiciones detal- lados en caso de asf ser requeridos. Con este documento, el cornprador acepta los mismos ya antes mencionados y que las cantidades y materiales fueron entregados como se expresa en el mismo..Acepta pagar el mo.nto de acuerdo al co.ntrato; al .menos que se identi- fi.que con una nota a.] frente de este documento. AGREGADOS / CEMEN'TO / PRODUCTOS DE CONCRETO / CENIZAS VOLANTES Los productos de agregados son materiales naturales como piedra caliza, dolomita, granito, coca volcarnica, arena, grava y otros materiales silicios. Los productos de cemento .incluyen. Cemento de tipo Portland, de albanilerfa, pozzo.lan (tipo IP), azulejo de azotea y estuco. Los productos de concreto incluyen cemento Portland y productos de agregados como piedra caliza, dolomita, granito. rota vol61nica, arena, grava., y otros materiales silicios..Estos productos incluyen cenizas volantes (fly ash) ]a cual puede contener rnas de 0.025%, de silicio cristalino. Peligros: M.ezcla de cemento fresco y/o cenizas volantes pueden causar irritation en los ojos, quemaduras en piel y ojos, y reacciones alergicas en la piel. Concreto seco y po.lvo de agregados, pueden causar irri.taci6n en Jos ojos, piel y/o en la zona respiratoria. Polvo del nranejo en el trituramiento, pulido, torte y/o perforaci6n puede contener materiales silicos, los cuales pueden causar silicosis pulmonar ycaneer si son inhalados. En caso de ser ingeridos, marntenerse en temperatura calida, reposar y tornar grandes cantidades de agua. Las cenizas volantes pueden contener amoniaco. La humedad puede causar la liberaci6n del amoniaco. La inhalation del amoniaco puede causar toser, irritaci6n o Segur luau: quemaduras en la narir..,, garganta y pulmones. Acudir inmediatamente a] medico. El riesgo en ]a salud depende en la duraci6n y el nivel de la expos.ic.i6n. Scguridad: l vite el contacto con Ojos y contacto prolongado Corr la piel. Use guantes, protection en los ojos y ropa Primerc►s adecuada Para protection. Lavese las manos con jabon suave y agua despues del manejo de materiales. Evite inhalar auxilios: polvos• Si se expose a polvos mas de los lirnites recomendados, use protecci611 re'spirator.ia. Prirneros auxilios: In caso de contacto en los ojos. inmediatamente fluya. agua en la parte afectada por 15 minutos. Si. se inhala polvo, exp6ngase a afire fresco. Si el cemento fresco tiene contacto con sus ojos. hrvelos a fo.ndo con agua. Acuda a atenci6rr rnedica irnnediatamente si .la irritation continua. CEMEX, Mernorial Hermann Tower 929 Gessner, Suite 1900 V7 conrbinado Houston, 'Texas 77024 02/12 Para'rMs informaci6n vis.ita www.cemexusa.cOm. 'CE C_X S�A Stude 1101i, Plant: Begin Loading: N J T6Job:-' Arrive Job: 01 tart Unload: Finish Unload: Leave Job: Return Plant: Customer Code: Customer Name: ME! Project Code: Project Name: Ticket Date: Delivery, Address: N T L. I SLAII�T, P, L. kI D ..J V Deliver yjnstructlons: A I Customer Job Number: Order Code / Date: Project P.O. Number. Order P.-O. Number: Map Page: Map/Row/Column: Dispatcher: Ticket Number: Due!n Job:-,) slump; Truck N um N Driver u bar,..,. Driver Nam 8 9 ' 1' - ' — !� 1 LJ R -x t LOAD LOAD CUMULATIVE ORDERED MATERIAL PRODUCTION UOM" UNIT PRICE AMOUNT QUANTITY QUANTITY QUANTITY �ATEIR REG 2, 3 0 r "30RC! iAW Y RM0'10'--4Tf-)L CHI-11 iGr'_ Q Cash Check# /Auth Code: Signature of Driver Receiving Cash: Cash Received: Total COD Order Amount to Collect Without Standby Charges: Check Charge Comments: WATER ADDED: GAL YARDS IN'DRUM: WHEN ADDED. SIGNATURE CURB LINE CROSSED AT OWNER'S/AGENT'S REQUEST: L FULL L' 0 RD YFnDS SIGNATURE Ll LOAD WAS TESTED BY/ Notice: Our driv'ers will make every effort to place materials where the customer designates, but the SPECIAL TERMS: Any water added is at customers own4risk. Ifwateris added"on job, concrete strength Company assumes no responsibility for damages inside curb or property line. Customer agrees to the is'no longer guaranteed. WARNING: Product maycaus'e skin andior eye` irritation CAUTION: Material may be hazardous to your safety and 66alth:-N Please irefer to e of this ticket for important terms of sale and delivery and accepts concrete as is. Due to important factors which are out of our th� backs control after delivery, this Company will not accept any responsibility for the finished results. No credit for safety handling information, and to the material safety data '§,heets,00additional information. returned concrete. Buyers exceptions and claims shall be deemed waived unless made to us in writing AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: within one business day after the receipt of materials. f 68UNIVERSAL Pi`: V T RI . . I . I D f, \I L 111 INV61ICE ']'his Delivery "Ticket incorporates herein by rcferc:r1Wl3uyer's previously executed Credit Application, if any, Seller's Standard Terms and. Conditions, Seller's Quc >n; ifany. and Seller's Order C'onfirtnatii ncluding limitations of warranties), a<f_if ('Lilly set forth on this Del.ivery_Ticket (`'A _;meat"). Seller w,NI provide the Standard ..,..ns and Conditions upon request. Buyer tfgrees that, unless otherwise noted on the front hereof, all qu',intit�4 s and items were delivered as indicated and further expressly agr es io pay in accordance with the Agreenacnt. ` AGGRIEj(;AT.E / CEMENT/ NCRI+;TE PROI)KI'S.,/ FLY ASH Aggregate products are naturally occurring materials including irnestone, dolomite, granite, votcarnc rock; sand, gravel, and other siliceous mater.itals. Ceinefil products include Portland ceme t, masonry, pozzolan (Typs, CP).-roof tile. and stucco. Concrete products includePortlandceipcnt and aggregate products inci Tiding limestone, dolonait.e,,lih,unite, volc,in+k, rock. sand, gravel, and other siliceous materials. I'h'ese products, including fly ash, n ray contain, more than crystallin -;,lira. Hazai-ds: Freshly rnixed wet cement and/or fly ash cah cause eye irritation, skin and eye burns and allergic skin reactions. Dry concrete and aggregate dust may cause 4ritation to eyes, stein, and/or respiratory tract. .Dust :from handling, crushing, grinding, cutting and/or drilling may contain silica, whioh may cause silicosis and cancer,, if.inhaled. If ingested, keep warm, at rest, and drink large amounts of water. Fly Ash. may contain trace amount cif ammo- nia. '.Moisture can cause the arnmonRi to be released. Inhalation of arnmonia can cause, coughing and irritation or buns of the nose, throat and hangs. See physician. I-Tealth risk depends on duration and level of exposure. Safety: Avoid contact with eyes and prolonged. contact with skin. Wear gloves, eye protection, and appibpriate protective clothi as . Wash hands thoroughly with mild soap and water after handling. Avoid. breathing dust —If exposed to dust al`•sc,►ve recommended limits (see MSDS), wear suitable NIOSH-approvedrespiratory protection. First Aid: In case of eye contact, immediately flush eyes with flowing water for 15 minutes. If' dust is inhaled, move to fresh air. l f wet cement contacts skin, rinse thorouglily with water. Get proper medical attention if irritation persists. C1 MEX, Memorial Hermann Tower � 29 Gessner, Suite 1.900 . V7 cgrnbined Houston. Texas 77024 02/12'- For more inforrnat►o.n please visit www.cemexusa.coin. .Este ticl{et de entrega inClllye como referencia al comprador (ya previamente ejecutada en su apl.icacion de credito); cualquier termino estandar, condiciones del vendedor, propuestas del vendedor y orden de confirm.ac.i6n del vendedor (can .limitations y garantfas), Como acuerdo total del ticket de entrega ("Contrato"). El vendedor proveera Jos terminos estandares y condiciones detal- lados en caso de asf ser reclucridos. Con este docurnento, el comprador acepta los rnismos ya antes mencionados y que las cantidades y materiales fueron entre.gados Como se expresa en el mismo. Acepta pagar el monto de acuerd.o al contrcto. al .menos que se identi- fique con una nota al frente de este docurnento. A(.iREUAVOg / (.:l:1V ENFO / FK(.)VUl l'()N liL UONC:I•tl+ II.) / (;ENIZA5 VOLAN'1EN Los. ld.uctos de agregados son materiales nat.u.rales Como piedra caliza, dolomita, granito, coca volcanica, arena, Brava y otros naate3roJales silicios. Los productos de cemento incluyen Cemcrrto de tipo Portland, de albariilerfa, pozzolan (tipo IP), azulejo de azotea y estuco` Los productos de concreto incluyen cemento Portland y productos de agregados como piedra caliza, dolomita, granito, rota volcanica, arena, grava, y otros materiales silicios. Estos productos incluyen cenizas volantes (fly ash) la cua.l puede contener mas de 0.025%, de silicio cristalino. Peligros: Mezela de cemento fresco y/o cenizas volantes pueden causar irritacion en los ojos, quemadu.ras en piel y ojos, y reacciones alergicas en la piel. Concreto seco y polvo de agregados, pueden causar irritacion en los ojos, piel y/o en la zona respiratoria. Polvo del manejo en el triturtmiento, pulido, torte y/o perforaci611 puede contener materiales silicos, los cuales pueden causar silicosis pulmonar y cancer si son inhalados. En caso de ser ingeridos, mantenerse en temperature caliza, reposar y tomar grandes cantidades de agua. Las cenizas volantes pueden contener amoniaco. Lahurnedad puede causar la liberaci6n del amoniaco. I...a inhalaci6n del amoniaco puede causar.toser, irritacion o Sef;n� idad: quemaduras en la nariz, garganta v pulmones. Acudir inmediatamente al. medico. El riesgo, en la salud depende en la duration y el nivel de la exposition. Seguridad.:.Evite el contacto con ojos y contacto p.rolongado con la piel. Use guantes, protection en, lo�-.Ojos y ropa Primeros adecuada para protecci6n..L6vese las rnanos con jabon suave y agua despuCs del manejo de materiales-..Ev to .inhalar auxilios: pol.vos. Si se expone a polvos mas de los limites recomendados, use protectiOn t espiratori.a. Primeros auxilios: En caso de contacto en los ojos, inmediatamente„fluya a,�it, e'n .l Tarte afectada poi 15 mi�utos. Si se inha.la polvo, exp6ngase a aire fresco. Si el cemento fresco time contacto on sus ojos, lavelos a fon-o con agua. Acuda a atenci6n rncdica inmediatamente si la irritacion continda. CEMEX, Memorial Hermann Tower 929 Gessner, Suite 1900 , V7 combinado Houston, Texas 77024 02/12 Para mils information visita www.cemexusa.cotn. _ L. Plant: Begin Loading: ` To Job: Arrive Job: tart Unload: Finish Unload: Leave Job: Return Plant: Customer Code: Customer Name:, Customer Job Number: Order Code !Date: -Project Coder' Project Name: Project P.O. Number: Order P.O. Number: .. Ticket Date: Delivery,Address: Map Page: Map/Row/Column: a •. '. , ' - . ' I _ r . , -,.Its .. _ . , Delivery Instructions; - Dispatcher: Ticket Number: Due On Job:. Slump: Truck)Jumber. Driver Number: Driver Name, .End Use: . ,. .V.. ` 4 tt.. 1. .i: � � •.P fib' .r i �..j: 1 1ZI_ t ,,. �d'�. ,: _. 1. t 11 !I .s. This Delivery 'picket incorporates h,1-4q by reference Biyer',s previously_execut-1 Credit Application, if any, Seller's Standard Terns and Conditions, Seller's Quo n, if any, and Seller's Order Confir atior. ;luding limitations of warranties), as i4ffully set forth on this Delivery Ticket ("Agi-cement"). Seller willprovidc the Standard Tu, tus and Conditions upon request. Buyer agrees that, unless otherwise noted on the front hereof, all quantities and items were delivered as indicated and further expressly agrees tom pay in accordance with the Agreement. AGGREGATE / CEMENT ! ` NCRETE PRODUCTS / FLY ASH Aggregate products are naturally occurring materials including nestone, dolomite, granite, volcanic rock, sand, gravel, and other siliceous materials;. Cement products include Portland.eemer masonry, pozzolan (Type IP), roof tile, and stucco: Concrete products include Portland cement and ,,agregate products inch jing limestone, dolomite, granite, volcanic rock, sand, gravel, and other siliceous materials. These produt,t�,, mcl'uding fly -,rill, 'ri� • contain more. than 0.02 jo crystalline silica. ,.4w,. Hazards: Freshly mixed wet cenient rand/or fly asli earl cause eye irritation, skin and burns and allergic skill reactions. Dry Micrete and aggregate dust may cause i,ritation to eyes, skin, and/or aspiratory tract. Dust from handling, crushing, grinding, cuttin and/or drillmg may contain silit:a, which may-=1~:ayse silicosis and cancer if inhaled: li ing0sted, Beep warin, at•rest, and drink large amounts of water, Fly, `Aslr may contain ;trade amounts,of armno- nia,, Moisture can cause the amnionia-to 1:.c released. Inhahttaoi{ t i arriinonia can cause, coughing and irritalion or burns of the nose,shroat and lungs. ;See l,::ystcian.:l-ealth ,•irk depends oh'duration and level of exposure:.. Salf tp.: Avoid contact with eyes arid. pi-blonged contact with skin. Wear gloves, eye protection, and -appropriate protecti to clothing. Wash hands thofiyug,'hly, with .,mild soap and wvt;,�r after handling. Avoid b:•4athing dust. If exposed to dust above'recornmcrr(]ed.A'imit� (sce hrISDS), we,.Tsuil,,,o ' ' NJOSH-approved ,espirarory protection. First Aid: In case of eye contact, immediatefy flt='.Qi eyes with flow n o mater For IS minutes. If dust .is i.ri%aled"move to fresh art: 1'' Wl cement contacts skin, rinse thorozs hly with water. Get proper �ffiedical attention i f irritation persists, CEMEX, Memorial Hemiann Tower 929 Gessner, S�uite.1900 ° r, f V7 combined Houston, Texas 77024 02/.1.2 For more inforndtion ' ease'�-`i>:t www.cen�exusa,com. Este ticket de entrega incluye Como refe.rencia al comprador (ya cjecutada.en su apl.icaci6n lc cre•iito); cualquier Ormino esuindar, condiciones del vendedor, propuestas del Aondedr ,, Orden de confi.rmaci6n del vended:o (col, ]iniitaciones y garantfas), comp acuerdo total del ticket de entrega ("Contrair"). l s:dor proveera Jos tcrminos estdndare° v-coiidicioiin s detal- lados en caso de asf ser r•equeridos. Corr este documento, el. coiri�lra- or .cepta los mis.mos yaantes mencionado�-- ,, quo las cant►,' , y materiales fueron entregados comp se expresa en el mismo.,._ -::,t £}agar el monto de acuerdo al contrato; al oenos que se ident: fique con una nota a] frente de este documento. AGREGADOS / CEMENTO / PRODUCTOS DE CONCRETO / CENIZAS W' LANTES Los productos de agregados son materiales naturaley como.pipdra caliza,, dolomita, granito, rota volcanica, sv ;ia, Brava y otros materiales silicios. Los productos do cemento incluyen Cem6fo,de tipo Portland., de albanilerfa, pozzcd:rn (tipo IP), azu , Cie, azotea y estuco. Los productos de,concreto incluyen cemento,Portland y productos de agregados como piedra c•aliza, do](,, grani.to, coca volcdnica, arena,,grava, y otros materi.al.es sili.ci.os.`E,.,,ti's prodi.ictos incluyen cenizas volantes (fly as'-) la cual pu,;,;., contener mas de 0.025% de silicio cristal.ino. Peligros: Mezcla de cemento fresco y/o cenizas volantes pueden ca:i ar imtaci6n en los ojos, quemadu'r•,,.s en i i Yl y- ojos; y reacciones aldrgicas en la piel. Concreto seco y polvo de agr'eggados, pueden causar irritaci6n e n los o'Pv ,.:Z y/o en la zona respiratoria. Polvo del manejo en el trituramiento,-putido, corte y/o perforaci6n puede cont.e.:.- ..ateriales silicos, los cuales pueden causar silicosis pulmonar y cancer fii sort initalados. En caso de ser ingeridos 'nantenerse en temperatura c tlida, reposar y tomar grander cantidades de agua. Las cenizas volantes pueden contener amoniaco. La humedad puede causar la liberaci6n del amoniaco. La inhalaci6n del' dmoniaco puede causar toser, Jrritaci6n o Seguridad: quemaduras en la nariz, garganta y pulmones. Acudir .inmediatarnente al medico. El riesgo en la salud depende Gin la duraci6n y el nivel de la exposici6n. Seguridad: Evite el contacto con ojos y contacto prolongado con. la piel. Use guantes, protecci6n en los ojos y ropa Primeros adecuada Para protecci6n. Ldvese las manos con jab6n suave y agua despucs del manejo de materiales. Evite inhalar auxilios: polvos. Si se expone a polvos mas de los limites recomendados, use protecci6n respiratoria. Primeros aux.i.lios: En caso de contacto en .los ojos, inmediatamente fluya agua�en .la parte afectada por 15 minutos. Si se .inhala polvo, exp6ngase a aire fresco. Si el cemento fresco tiene contacto con sus ojos, havelos a Tondo con agua. Acuda a atenci6n mcdica inrnediatarnente si la irl itaci6n continua. CEMEX,'Memorial Hermann Tower y29 Gressner, Suite 1900 V7 combinado Houston, -Texas 770244-14 . 1 02/12 Para mas informaci6n N isita www.cemexusa.com. f (eo ', � lS/ Ate• 't i. ' r a Plant: Begin Loading: To Job: Arrive Job: 'Start Unload: Finish Unload: Leave Job: Return Plant: Customer Code: Customer Name: Customer Job Number:- OrdetCode,/Date: - I--.—R j Project Coder �- Project Name: ' j ProjectP.D.,Numbec - .•' •$ r s 1_ y i Order P.O. Number: Ticket Date: Delivery Address: LU i' Map Page: Map/Row/Column: Delivery Instructions: i'l.•�,t3;,_<� Dispatcher: _ r/)) 11 e.l i'.•„ .t�li_! °,:1"NSw"iq ;:t_L P1F_ f i Ticket Number: 1 , t 34323852 Due On Job: Slump: Truck Number: Driver Number: Driver Name: End Use: 1.19•a.573 in tits lttc"?%��E,r i,• 1i)Wttxf?[� I31L_L�t` �='l7_1\?�'i.l:_L'r lJl�f(-4�srl.s�l�li ;' LOAD QUANTITY CUMULATIVE QUANTITY ORDERED QUANTITY MATERIAL CODE PRODUCTION DESCRIPTION UOM UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 1. n 00 .+ .1. .,. r /�.3� 11 r-Lld..'_I� .t.i l'1 v�1'fii r'},r�,• ° o 00 :i: 2.;.?274 9 EtalV' Wt.-AN IME-AI CIL-. C1-.11p, tjt: _ AJIP,,ti -5 pm 1.24 Cash Check # / Auth Code: SignatUr@ Of rxV@t R@Celving Cash: Cash Received: Total COD Order Amounfto Collect Check Without Standby Charges: Charge d� WATER ADDED: GAL YARDS IN DRUM: WHEN ADDED. SIGNATURE CURB LINE CROSSED AT OWNER'S/AGENT'S REQUEST: ` j L 1 '4: 1 ��\\ �— E 1,T) I. , FEE � 'r'ARLS ! / t/��t/ % SIGNATURE n:.� _ 1��� Y � � �.� •_ FULL. LOAD ❑ LOAD WAS TESTED BY: !! every effort to p+°GQ!r'O1Bs where the customer designates, but the tSOC1Ce: OUT' fifN8t5 P —1 SPECIAL TERMS: Any water added is at customers own risk. If water is added on job, concrete strength Will make i curb or property line. Customer agrees to the Com an assumes no responsibGity kreortto aiC vs concrete as is. Due to important factors which are out of our is no longer guaranteed. WARNING: Product may cause skin and/or eye irritation. CAUTION: Material may be hazardous to your safety and health. Please refer to the backside of this ticket for important terms oysale and delivery oriO not any mlity for the finished results. No for pUons safety information, and to the materia`safety�ata sheets for additional, information. waived unless made to us nredit ims shall 6e deeept control aeerv°4a„rrs e°x and claed writ writing AUTHORIZIing ED SIGNATURE; w•rnm' s day after the receipt of materials. T 1 V i UNIVERSAL PRE V Tj' K ; 1CJ0c'3,k :s V 711VVOIG`'E CRU : LOAD NUM 6 This Delivery Ticket incorporates herein by referen` 's previously executed c.�redtt Appucation, tt 011y, aeu,c, ") wllualu Terms and Conditions, Seller's Quota , if any, and Order Confirmation luding limitations of warranties), as if fully set forth on this Delivery Ticket (`'Agi _ ___ient"). Seller, tovide: the Standard. Te and Conditions upon request. Buyer agrees that, unless otherwise noted on the front hereof.', all quahtrrt` land items were, delivered as indicated and. further expressly agrees to,,, t7av in accordance with the Agreement. AGGREGATE / CEMENT Aggregate products are naturally occurring materials including siliceous materials. Cement products include Portland ,ceme, products include Portland cement and aggregate products inch other siliceous materials. These products, including fly ash, nT, CRETE PRODUCTS / FLY ASH Lstone,.dolomite, granite, volcanic rock, sand, gravel, and other masonry, pozzolan (Type IP), roof tile, and stucco. Concrete ng limestone, dolomite, granite, volcanic rock, sand, gravel, and contain more than 0.025% crystalline silica. Hazards: Freshly mixed wet cement and/or fly ash can catise-eye irritation, skin and. -eye burns and allergic skin reactions. Dry concrete and aggregate dust may cause irritation to eyes, skin. and/or respiratory tract. Dust from handling, crushing, grinding, cutting and/or drilling may contain silica, which may cause silicosis and cancer if inhaled. If ingested, keep warm, at rest, and drink large amounts of water. F ly Ash may contain trace amounts of ammo- nia. Moisture can cause the ammonia to be released. Inhalation of ammonia can cause coughing and irritation or burns of' the nose, throat and. lungs. See physician. Health risk depends on duration and level of exposure. Safety: Avoid contact with eyes andprolonged contact with skin. Wear gloves, eye protection, and appropriate protective clothing. Wash hands thoroughly with mild soap and water after handling. Avoid. breathing dust. If exposed to dust above .recommended limits (see .MS.DS), wear suitable NIOSI:1-approved respiratory protection. Fh-st Aid: In case of eye contact, immediately flush eyes with flowing water for 15 minutes. If dust is inhaled, move to fresh air. If wet cement contacts skin, rinse thoroughly with water. Get proper medical attention if .irritation persists. CEMEX, Memorial Hermann Tower 929 Gessner, Suite 1900 V7 combined Houston, Texas 77024 02/12 For more information please visit www.cemexusa.com. Este ticket de entrega incluye corno referencia al comprador (ya previamente ejecuta.da en su aplicaci6n de cr6dito); cualquier t6rmino estandar, condiciones del vendedor, propuestas del vendedor y orden de confirmaci6n del vendedor (con .limitaciones y garantfas), Como acuerdo total del ticket de entrega ("Contrato"). El vendedor proveera los terminos estindares y condiciones detal- lados en caso de asf ser requeridos. Con este documento, el comprador acepta los rnismos y<t antes mencionados y que las canticlades y materiales fueron entregados corno se expresa en el mismo. Acepta pagar el rnon.to de acuerdo al contaato; al menos que se identi- fique con Una nota al frente de este documento. AGREGADOS / CEMENTO / PRODUCTOS DE CONCRETO / CENIZAS VOLANTES Los productos de agregados son materiales naturales corno piedra caliza, dolomita, granito, coca voicanica, arena, brava y U«UZ� materiales silicios..Los productos de cemento incluyen Cemento de tipo Portland, de albatiilerfa, pozzolan (tipo IP), azulejo de azotea y estuco. Los productos de concreto incluyen cemento Portland y productos de agregados Como piedra caliza, dolomita, granito, roca volcinica, arena, Brava, y otros nateriales silicios. Est.os productos incluyen cenizas volantes (fly ash) la cual puede contener mas de 0.025% de si.licio cristalino. Peligros: Mezcla de cemento fresco y/o cenizas volantes pueden causar irritaci6n emvoti oios, quemaduras cn nel y (�jD, y rreacc.iones alergicas en la piel. Concreto seco y polvo de agregados, pueden cans, T ",%NN N:i6n-en los Ojos, pier I I d la zona respiratoria. Polvo del manejo en el trituramiento, pulido, corte y/o perforaci l puea< "'"cener materiales silicos, los cuales pueden causar silicosis pulmonar y cancer si. son inhalados. En caso de ser en temperatura calida, reposar y tomar grander cantidades de aqua. Las cenizas volantes pueden contener amon,t-Z ,, La humedad puede causar la liberaci611 del amoniaco. La inhalacion del amoniaco puede causar toser, irritaci6n o Segtn•idad: quemaduras en la nariz, garganta y pultriones. Acudir ininediatamente al medico. El riesgo en la salud depende en la duraci6n y cl nivel de la exposici6n. Seguridad: I3vite el contacto con Ojos y contacto prOlongado con 1<t piel. Use guanteS, proteccion ell 10.5 ojo,5 y ropa Primeros adectrada Para protecci6n. Lavese las manos con jab6n suave y agua despues del 1n.anejo de materiales. Evite inhaler atuxilios• polvos. Si se expone a polvos mas de los limiter .recomendados, use prgteccibn respiratovia. Primeros auxilios: Ian caso de contacto en los Ojos, ininediatamente fluya agua en la parte afectada poc 15 ". ut0, Si se inhala polvo, exp6ngase a aire fresco. Si el cemento fresco ti.ene contacto con sus Ojos, lavelos a fondv agua. Acuda a aienci6n medica inmediatantente si .la irritaci6n continua. CEMEX, Memorial Hermann Tower 929 Gessner, Suite 1900 V7 conibimdo Houston, Texas 77024 )2/12 Para mas informacik visits www.ce, A EzilI pr Jos Pr Plant: Begin Loading To Job- Arrive'Job:, 'St6rt Unload: Finish Unload: Le ave J66: Return Plant: Customer Code: Customer Name: -.Customer Job Number: Order Code f'Date:,. Y, Project Code: Project Name: Project P:O. Number: -Order P.O' Number: Ticket Date: Delivefy Address: Map Page: Map/Row/Column. Deiivery-instruGtions: Dispatcher Ticket Number: Due On Job: Slump: Truck Number'. Driver Number: Driver Nam End Use: 4 , � I , I LOAD QUANTITY CQUANTITY QUANTITY MATERIAL CODE UMULATIVE ORDERED PRODUCTION DESCRIPTION UOM UNIT PRICE AMOUNT fL 0 (..1 v, v; 41, tell, rt� _J dash Check'# Auth Code: Signature of Driver Receiving Cash: Cash Received: Total COD Order Amount to Collect Check Without Stah.dby Charges:,, 71 Charge 4 Comments: WATER ADDED. f GAL 'YARDS IN DRUM: -WHEN ADDED:' SIGNATURE CURB LINE CROSSED AT OWNER'S/AGENT'S, REQUEST: T SIGNATURE f_Mr%*T 7 t 1L FIJI L j. Q D LOAD WAS TESTED BY: Notice! Our drivers will make every effort to place materials where the customer designates, but the SPECIAL TERMS: Any water added is at customers own risk. If water is added on job, concrete strength Company assumes no responsibility for damages inside curb or property line. Customer agrees to the is no longer guaranteed, WARNING: Pr6duct may cause skin and/pr eye irritation. CAUTION: Material terms of sale and delivery and accepts concrete as is. Due to important factors which are out of our may be hazardous to your safety and health. Please refer to the backside of this ticket for important control after delivery, this Company will not accept any responsibility for the finished results. No,creditfor safety handling'information, and to the material safety data sheets for additional information. returned concrete. Buyers exceptions and claims shall be deemed waived unless made to us in writing AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: within one business day after the receipt of materials. 68UNIVERSAL r", This Delivery 'Picket incorporates herein by re' Terms and Conditions, Seller's Quota if any, set .forth on this .Delivery Ticket ("Agr�....ent"). Se. that, unless otherwise noted on the front hereof, all qu 1d � pay in accordance with the Agreement. AGGREGATE / CEMEN] previously executed Credit Application, if arty, Seller's Standard )h1e.r Confirmation Wing limitations of warranties), as.if fully ide the Standard. Te and Conditions upon request. Buyer agrees' d items were delivered as indicated and further expressly agrees to-� CRETE PRODUCTS / FLY ASH Aggregate products are naturally occurring materials rncl� tirr imestone:;dolomite, granite, volcanic rock, sand, gravel -,'and other I siliceous materials. Cement products include Portland c-rliei�t, masonry, pozzolan-(Type IP), roof tile, and stucco. Concrete i products include s a, ;,r1d cement and aggregate products inOiding limestone, dolomite, granite, volcanic: rock, sand, gra, el, .and other siliceous rm1 .ash These products, including fly ash, may contain more than 0.025% crystalline silica. Hazards: Freshly mixed wet cement and/or fly=ash can cause eye irritation, skin and eye bums and allergic skin k�: S. Di y concrete and aggregate dust may cause irritation to eyes, skin, and/or respiratory tract. Dust from handling, crushing, grinding, cutting and/or drilling may contain silica, which may cause silicosis and cancer if inhaled. If .ingested., .keep warm, at rest, and drink. large amounts of water. Fly Ash may contain trace arriounts` of ammo- nia. Moisture can cause the ammonia to be released. Inhalation, of ammonia can cause coughing and irritation ' or -burns of the nose, throat and lungs. See physician. Health riskdepends on duration and level of exposure. Safety: ' - Avoid' contact with eyes and -prolonged contact with skin. Wear gloves; eye protection, and appropriate protective clothing. Wash hands thoroughly'with mild soap and water after handling. Avoid breathing dust. If exposed .to dust above recommended limits (see MSDS); wear suitable NIOSH-approved respiratory protection. First Aid: In case of eye contact, irnmed.iate:ly flush eyes with flowing water for 15 minutes. If dust .is inhaled, .move to fresh air. If wet cement contacts skin, rinse thoroughly with water. Get proper medical attention. if irritation persists. CEMEX, Memorial Hermann Tower 929 Gessner, Suite 1900 ` -combined Houston, Texas 77024 02/1:2 For more information please.visit www.cemexusa.com.'. Este ticket de entrega incluye como referencia al comprador (ya previamente ejecutada en su aplicaci6n de crddito); cualquier t6m.iino estandar, condiciones del vend.edor, propuestas del vend.edor y orden de confirmac.i6n d.el' vendedo.r (con .lirnitaciones y garantfas), Como acuerdo total del ticket de entrega ("Contrato")'. El vendedor proveera los t6rminos estandares y condicioncs dotal- ; lados en caso de asf ser requeridos. Con este documento, el comprador acepia los mismos ya antes mencionados y que las cantidades y material.es fueron entregados como se expresa en el. mismo..Acepta pagar el. mon.to de acuerdo al contaato; al m.en.os que se identi.- fi.qu&.con una nota al frente de este documento. AGREGAA OS / (.:k MEl YO / YKUUUUYUS 11L+' C:ONUKh'I'U / UL;IVILAk"N VULA.IN I Ll N L. s productos de agregados son mate.riales naturales como, piedra caliza, dolomita, granito, rota vol.canica, arena, grava y otros materialcs silicios. Leis productos de cemerito incluyen Cemento de fipo Portland, de albariilerfa, pozzolan (tipo IP); azulejo de azotea y estuco. Los productos de concreto incluyen cemento Portland y productos do agregados como piedra caliza, dolomita, granito, rota volcanica, arena, grava, y otros rnateriales silicios. Estos.productos incluyen cenizas volantes (fly ash) la cual puede contener rnas de 0.025%v de silicio cristal..ino. Peligros: Mezcla de cemento fresco y/o'cenizas volantes pueden causar irritaci6n en los Ojos, quemaduras en piel y ojos, y reactions al6rgicas en la piel. Conereto seco y polvo de agregados, pueden causar irritaci.6n en los ojos, piel y/o en la zona respiratoria. Polvo del manejo en el trituramiento, pulido, torte y/o perforaci6n puede contener materiales silicon, los cual.es pueden causar si..licosis pulmonar y cancer si son inhalados. E.n caso de ser ingeridos, rnantener;se en tem.peratura calida, reposar y tomar grandes c�nti.dades de agua. Las cenizas volantes pueden contener amoniaco. Se uridad: La humedad puede causar la liberaci6n del amoniaco. La inhalaci6n del amoniaco puede causar toser, irritaci6n o g quemaduras en la nariz, garganta y pulmones. Acudir inmediatamente al medico. El riesgo en la salud depende en la durac.i6n y el nivel. de .la exposici6n. Seguridad; Evite el contacto con ojos y contacto prolongado con la piel. Use guantes, protecci6n en los ojos y ropa Primeros adecuada para protecci.6n. Lavese .las manos con jab6n suave y agua despu6s del manejo de material.es. Evite inhalar. auxilios: polvos. Si se expone a polvos mas de los limites recomendados, use protecci6n resp.iratori.a. Primeros auxilios: En caso de contacto en los ojos, inmediatamente fluya agua en la parte afectada por 15 minutos. Si se .in:ha.la po:lvo, exp6rrgase a aire fresco. Si el cemento fresco tiene contacto con sus ojos, lavel.os a fo.ndo con agua. Aeuda a atenci6n m6dica inmediatamente si la irritaci6n continua. CEMEX, Memorial Hermann Tower 929 Gessner, Suite 1900 V7 combinado Houston, Texas 77024 02/12 Para mas informaci6n visita www.cem.exusa.com.