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' RECEI`.' I MAR 04 2016 Subsoil Investigation Report prepared by: ENGINEERING Client: Mel-Ry Construction, Inc. Contact: Mack Mattos Address: 10967 S. Ocean Drive Jensen Beach, FL 34957 Project. Proposed Single Family Home Address: 689 Nettles Blvd. Jensen Beach, FL 34957 Wednesday,October 14 ical I Materials Testing ( Inspections ( Environmental N A7771 edera',,l lj�=Ij & TESTING INC. 250 SW 13th Ave Pompano Beach, FL 33069 Table of Contents Phone 954-784-2941 800-848-1919 Fax 954-784-7875 Client Information-------------__---_---------------------------------------pg. I Project Information------------------------------------------_____W_--------__.pg l General Soil Descriptions ------------- -------------------------------___�pg I Foundation Recommendations----------------------------------------_--_____pg 2 Excavations ------- 3 Grading— ------ ------------- —--- ----- ----- ------- -----------pg. 3 Appendicespg. 4. Soil Boring Log(s) Project Location Soil Boring Location(s) Soil Classifications Sampling Procedures Limitations of Liability For Your Information .COIL! Our findings in this report are based on soil conditions encountered in the test bore locations only, proposed structure to be built, (if available at this stage), Florida Building Code requirements and standard engineering practices. If your report is preliminary (i.e. vacant land or building to be demolished) additional borings are required within the foot print of the proposed structure once the location & layout of the proposed structure is known. Please read this report in its entirety and follow all recommendations. Failure to do so may result in the permitting agency (Building Department, etc.) withholding the Certificate of Occupancy. This will cause delays and additional costs. The Permitting Agency will require a final certification or signing off of the project prior to issuing the Certificate of Occupancy. All of our recommendations need to be followed to receive a final certification from F.E.T., including densities on each lift, demucking verification, piling inspection, etc., whichever recommendation applies to your project. Please schedule us at Ieast 24 hours in advance for all tests and inspections. If you choose to use another Engineering • Firm, you must verify they will provide you with the proper certification in writing, as outlined in our report. Our firm will only provide a certification letter if it has verified all work as recommended in our report. • MIAMI =114; Construction Material Engineering Council American Concrete institute Miami Dade County Florida Department of Transportation Phone 954-784 2941 .Jederal800-848-1919 TESTING INC. Fax 954-784-7875 250 SW 13th Ave Pompano Beach, FL 33069 fell -elan Co?m Wednesday, October 14, 2015 Mel-Ry Construction, Inc. 10967 S. Ocean Drive Jensen Beach, FL 34957 Attn.: Mack Mattos RE: Subsoit Investigation Proposed Single Family Home 689 Nettles Blvd. Jensen Beach, FL 34957 Dear Sirs: Job Order Number 15-SB-343 Pursuant to your request, Federal Engineering & Testing, Inc. has completed a subsoil investigation on 10/12/2015 at the above referenced site. The purpose of our investigation was to verify subsoil conditions relative to foundation preparation and design. A total of one (1) SPT boring was performed according to ASTM D-1586 drilled. down to a depth of thirty feet (30) and one (1) DCP boring was performed according to ASTM, D-6951 drilled down to a depth of fifteen feet (15) below the existing ground surface. (See attached field sketch for locations). The following is a general description of soil stratas for the subject site: Depth From To Description of Soils 0" 6" Topsoil & Vegetation 6" 3' Light Brown Sand with Shell Fragments 3' 6' Light Gray Sand with Shell Fragments 6' 9' Silty Gray Sand with Shell 9' 10'6" Very Light Gray Sand 1016" 14' Gray Silt with Traces of Organics 14' 30' lVery Light Gray Sand with Shell Groundwater table elevation was measured immediately at the completion of each boring and was found at an average depth of three (3) feet below existing ground surface. Fluctuation in water level should be anticipated due to seasonal variations and. run off as well as varying ground elevation, construction dewatering and pumping activities in the area. Site contractor must familiarize himself with site conditions in the event groundwater controls and dewatering is needed. Surface flooding may result under hurricane conditions and should be taken into consideration in the design of the project. The contractor shall make sure that groundwater levels on adjacent properties are not affected by the contractors dewatering activities. Specialty groundwater contractors shall be consulted for all work below the "groundwater level. The boring log(s) attached present a detailed description of the soils encountered at each location. The soil. stratification shown on the boring log(s) is basedon the examination of the recovered soil samples and interpretation of the driller's field log. It indicates only the approximate boundaries between soil types. The actual transitions between adjacent soil types may be gradual. Wednesday. October 14, 2015 689 Nettles Blvd. Jensen Beach, FL 34957 Page 2 Based on our understanding of the proposed structure and the information obtained from our field boring Iogs; it is evident that deep foundation systems are needed to support the proposed new structure without detrimental settlement to the structure. Per the Florida Building Code FBC 2010, Table 1824; deep foundation systems shall consist of one of the following alternatives: Alternatives Approximate Depth Driven Size Allowable Compression Pile Capacity in Tons Allowable Tension Pile Capacity in Tons Allowable Lateral Capacity In Tons Pin Piles 30' or Refusal 4 Inch 5 Tons I Ton N/A Helical Piles 30' or Refusal 3 Inch 12 Tons 6 Tons N/A Auger Cast Piles 30' BELS 12 Inch 25 Tons 12 Tons I Ton Auger Cast Piles 30' BELS 14 Inch 35 Tons 17 Tons 2 Tons "BELS - Below Existing Land Surface* Estimated Lateral Load for a Pile Top Deflection of t/ inch. Proposed pile length based on the existing ground elevations at the time of drilling. Pile length may vary depending on proposed grade beam elevations and inconsistent soil profiles. In the case of pin, helical and precast piles, a minimum of four (4) test piles shall be driven to determine production pile length. All work shall be in accordance with the local Building Code and Coastal Zone Construction Requirements (if required). Helical pile bearing capacity is dependent on helix numbers, size and spacing. The foundation contractor will be able to provide the most cost effective combination of helix designs. The above depths are the minimum depths required to achieve design capacities. Predrilling might be required to achieve design depths. All slabs for the subject structure shall be designed as structural slabs spanning between supports and designed by a Florida Registered Structural Engineer and placed under the supervision of a Geotechnical Engineer. All work shall be conducted by an experienced Florida Licensed Specialty Piling Contractor. All piles shall be designed by a professional engineer and shall be placed under the supervision of our Geotechnical Engineer to verify compliance with our recommendations. If the pile is not reinforced over the entire' length, we recommend a single #7 reinforcing steel bar be placed the full length of the pile to verify pile continuity. In case of existing structures in the vicinity of the pile driving operation, care shall be taken not to create excessive vibration. Vibration levels shall be monitored to verify compliance with county regulations. Steps must be taken to prevent excessive vibrations. In the event excessive vibrations are experienced during construction, alternative driving methods shall be implemented (i.e.: predrilling, jetting, hydraulic push, etc...). The minimum center to center spacing of piles or adjacent foundations shall be not less than twice the average diameter for round piles or 1-3/4 times the diagonal dimensions of rectangular piles, but in no case less than 30 inches. The installation of adjacent piles (located within 4 feet of each other) on the same working day is not recommended. We recommend that adjacent piles not be installed until the initial grouted pile has set overnight. The grout used in the pile installation shall develop a minimum compressive strength of 4000 PSI at 28 days. Wednesday, October 14.2015 689 Nettles Blvd. Jensen Beach, FL 34957 Page 3 ENGIlIEERING Any underground structures such as grease traps, septic systems, etc. must be supported on pile foundations, unless the deleterious material (i.e.: silt, muck, peat, etc...) is excavated in its entirety and replaced with compacted washed gravel such as pea rock or #57 stone below the water table elevations and clean granular materials above the water table. Excavations shall not extend within one (1) foot of the angle of repose next to existing footings or structures unless underpinned. Trenching shall be in compliance with the Florida Building Code, OSHA and Trench Safety Act requirements. Shorings shall be designed and inspected by a Florida licensed professional engineer. -Provisions shall be made by the architect, engineer of record and contractor to address differential settlements when tying in new to existing structures. Mixing of different foundation types shall not be used unless provided with expansion joints to address differential settlement. All outside ground surfaces must be sloped away from. the structure to avoid water accumulation and ponding. All rain waters shall be discharged away from all building foundations. Verify all water, sewer, plumbing, sprinkler and drainage lines are properly functioning with no leaks in the vicinity of the foundation. Regardless of the thoroughness of a geotechnical exploration, there is always the possibility that conditions may be different from those of the test locations; therefore, Federal Engineering & Testing, Inc. does not guarantee any subsoil condition between the bore test holes. A site plan showing the location of the proposed structure vas not provided at the time the soil borings were performed. For a more accurate portrayal of subsurface conditions, the site contractor should. perform test pits. If different conditions are encountered, Federal Engineering & Testing Inc., shall be notified to review the findings and make any recommendations as needed. In accepting this report the client understands that all data from the soil borings is intended for foundation analysis only and is not to be used for excavating, backfilling or pricing estimates. The site contractor must familiarize themselves with the job site conditions. Environmental analysis of the soil materials is not part of the scope of services. If environmental analysis of the soils is required, we can provide a proposal for performing an environmental analysis of the soil materials. For Environmental due diligence, a Phase I and/or Phase II Environmental Site Assessment is recommended. As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Federal Engine ;r�TR 96TMting, Inc. appreciates the opportunity to be of service to you at this phase of your project. Please feeliqv uof�Me may be of further service to you. No . ; Sincerg ;` 59394 ; TA� Keith Lefil�IQA,.-;��ti y fiS Federal Engirt, t 8c >± �1 xc. Florida. Reg. No. `'5939;91 Certificate of Authorization 4 5471 =Jederal Phone 954-784-2941 800-848-1919 TESTING INC. Fax 954-784-7875 250 SW 13th Ave Pompano Beach, FL 33069 feel -en costa SPT Test Boring Report Client: Mel-Ry Construction, Inc. Project: Proposed Single Family Home Address: 689 Nettles Blvd. Jensen Beach, FL 34957 Date of Test: October 12, 2015 Hole No.: B-1 Location: See Attached Drawing Depth (FT) Soil Descriptions Hammer BIows 'IN" 1 0" - 6" Topsoil & Vegetation 3 3 2 6" - 3' Light Brown Sand with Shell Fragments 4 3 7 3 4 3 4 3' - 6' Light Gray Sand with Shell Fragments 2 2 5 5 2 1 6 6'- 9' Silty Gray Sand with Shell 1 2 2 7 3 4 8 9'- 10'6" Very Light Gray Sand 2 2 6 9 2 1 10 10'6" - 14' Gray Silt with Traces of Organics 1 0 2 11 A A A 12 A A 13 A A 14 A A A. 15 10 11 16 12 12 23 17 A A 18 A A A 19 A A 20 A A A 21 13 12 22 14'- 30' Very Light Gray Sand with Shell 14 15 26 23 A A 24 A A A 25 A A 26 A A A 27 11 11 28 I8 29 29 30 Water Level: 316" Below Land Surface LIZ. -4 ' Z . Keith' �a`n�c�Pl. i Oo � ;r A = Auger Florida Ri$�3C��� Certificate of AuflidrizatedA45471 Phone 954-784-2941 emb, d e ra800-848-1919 & TESTING INC. Fax 954-784-7875 250 SW 13th Ave Pompano Beach, Fl. 33069 fed-eng coo Test Boring Report Client: Mel-Ry Construction, Inc. Date of Test: October 12, 2015 Project: Proposed Single Family Home Hole No.: B-2 Address: 689 Nettles Blvd. Location: See Attached Drawing Jensen Beach, FL 34957 Depth (FT) Soil Descriptions Hammer Blows "N" 1 0" - 6" Topsoil & Vegetation-, 2 2 2 6" - 316" Coarse Pale Brown Sand with Shell Fragments 4 3 6 3 6 4 8 4 316" - 6' Light Gray Sand with Shell Fragments 4 3 5 2 1 3 6 6'- 10' Gray Sand with Silt 2 3 7 4 3 5. 8 2 1 9 2 1 10 10' -13' Gray Silt 1 2 2 11 1 0 12 0 1 0 13 1 0 14 13' -15' Light Gray Sand with She1l 2 4 2 15 7 6 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ��`��1llelfl/Jf7i 29 30 Water Level: 315" A = Auger Below Land Surface O Keith e�3jtu�dA YS /� Federr �n injs Inc. Florida RegfNb:65939�11'Y Certificate of Authorization # 5471 ef►jM�, ...�i''s�` �Si_ {/'L/' '2. yf'' .•r. �:. �:� .�1�Ns++ - rc0�, .� m) $a �a� �r�s�rd�S�te',Locat•ion ,',d ►�'441:8T4i.+ /se$F L �.,1� ' ,i,�` a�a , K, � •r �x,a. ,a e�0� � sa � ;r t �'� •..%fit `�y*6r �� ��.9�t� Orf���' r _ , . , ., " _— : ' - _ . •. - _ , , � �. .S � V •!'' §lf S' r �'i��,ey ,RtOpa Sir s•—a _ . .. _ - fix Z„gpe�!'-ram � .. - --- - - --•-- -•- " - •- Soil Classifications Correlation of Penetration Resistance with Relative Density and Consistency Sands Dynamic Cone Penetrometer Penetrometer Resistance Standard Penetration Hamner Blows Relative Density 0 - 10 0 - 4 Very Loose 11 - 25 5 -10 Loose 26 - 45 11- 20 Firm. 45 - 75 21- 30 Very Firm 76 -120 31 - 50 Dense > 120 > 50 Very Dense Silts & Clay Dynamic Cone Penetrometer Penetrometer Resistance Standard Penetration Hammer Blows Relative Density 0-6 0-2 Very Soft 7-15 3-5 Soft 16-30 6-10 Firm 31 - 45 11 - 15 Stiff 46 - 90 16 - 30 Very Stiff 91 - 150 31 - 50 Hard Rock Hardness Description Soft Rock core crumbles when handled Medium Can break core with your hands Moderately Hard Thin edges of rock core can be broken with fingers Hard Thin edges of rock core cannot be broken with fingers Very Hard Rock core rings when struck with a hammer Sand Quantity Modifiers Very SIght Trace 0 - 2 % Slight Trace 2 - 5 % Trace 5 - 10 % Little Trace 10 - 15 % Some 15 - 30 % With > 30 Silt - Clay Quantity Modifiers Slightly Silty /Clayey 0 - 5 % Silty / Clayey 5 - 30 % Very Silty / Clayey 30 - 50 % Particle Size Boulder > 12 in Cobble 3 -12 in Gravel 4.76 mm - 3 in Sand 0.074 mm - 4.76 mm Silt 0.005 mm - 0.074 mm Clay < 0.005 mm EHGIHEE81�1G Drilling & Sampling Procedures The soil borings were installed in accordance with Standard Penetration Tests procedures as set forth in ASTAI D-1586. Representative samples were collected utilizing spilt -barrel techniques in accordance with the procedures set forth in "Penetration Tests and Spilt -Barrel Sampling of Soil in ASTM D-1586. The following field tests, measurements and laboratory analysis were performed/collected during the installation of each soil boring. Penetration Tests During the sampling procedures, Standard Penetration Tests were performed at five (5) foot intervals to obtain the standard penetration value (N) of the subsurface soil. The standard penetration value (N) is identified as the number of blows of a 140-pound hammer falling thirty (30) inches, required to advance the spilt -barrel sampler one (1) foot into the subsurface soil. The sampler was lower into the bottom of the previously cleaned drill hole and advanced by blows from the hammer. The number of blows was recorded for each of the three (3) successive increments of six (6) inches penetration. The "N" value is obtained by adding the second and third incremental numbers. Water Level Measurements Water Level depths were obtained during the test boring operations. In relatively pervious soils, such as sandy soils, the indicated depths are usually reliable groundwater levels. Seasonal variations, tidal conditions, temperature,. land -use and recent rainfall conditions may influence the depths to groundwater levels. Soil Properties / Classification All samples collected were classified in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System criteria to determined soil material properties and compared with published literature of the USDA Soil Conservation Survey. Ground Surface Elevations Ground surface elevations have not been provided for the proposed boring locations. Therefore, all references to depth of the various strata and materials encountered were from existing grade at the time of the drilling operations. ENGINEEf21NG Limitations of Liability Marranty We warrant that the services performed by Federal Engineering and Testing, Inc. (F.E.T.) are conducted in a manner consistent with the level of skill and care ordinarily exercised by members of the profession currently practicing under similar conditions. No other warranties, expressed or implied, are made. While the services of F.E.T. are an integral and valuable part of the design and construction process, we do not warrant, guarantee, or insure the quality or completeness of services or satisfactory performance provided by other members of the construction process and/or the construction plans and specifications which we have not prepared, nor the ultimate performance of building site materials. As mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Reports are not intended for 3rd party use. Subsurface Exploration Subsurface exploration is normally accomplished by test borings. The soil boring log includes sampling information, description of the materials recovered, approximate depths of boundaries between soil and rock strata and groundwater data. The log represents conditions specifically at the location and time the boring was made. The boundaries between different soil strata are indicated at specific depths; however, these depths are in fact approximate and dependent upon the frequency of sampling.. The transitions between soil stratum are often gradual. Water level readings are made at the time the boring was performed and can change with time, precipitation, canal levels, local well drawdown, and other factors. Regardless of the thoroughness of a Geotechnical exploration there is always a possibility that conditions may be different from those of the test locations; therefore F.E.T. does not guarantee any subsoil condition surrounding the bore test (toles. For a more accurate portrayal of subsurface conditions, the site contractor should perform tests pits. If different conditions are encountered, F.E.T. shall be notified to review the findings and make any recommendations as needed. • Laboratory and Field Tests Tests are performed in accordance with specific ASTM Standards unless otherwise indicated. All criteria included in a given ASTM Standard are not always required and performed. Each test report indicates the measurements and determinations actually made. Ownership of Tests /Reports All test results and/or reports prepared by F.E.T. pursuant to this agreement and/or Addendum(s) thereto, shall remain the property of F.E.T. until all monies due and owing to F.E.T. under this Agreement and/or Addendum(s) thereto, are paid in full. Analysis and Recommendations The Geotechnical report is prepared primarily to aid in the design of site work and structural foundations. Although the information in the report is expected to be sufficient for these purposes, it is not intended to determine the cost of construction or to stand alone as construction specifications. Analysis and Recommendations coat. In accepting this report the client understands that all data from the soil boring is intended for foundation analysis only and is not to be used for excavating, backfilling or pricing estimates. In accepting this report the client understands that all data from the soil boring is intended for foundation analysis only and is not to be used for excavating, backfrlling or pricing estimates. The site contractor must familiarize themselves with the job site conditions. Soil boring(s) on unmarked vacant property or existing structure(s) to be demolished is considered preliminary with further boring(s) to be performed after proposed building pad is staked out. Report recommendations are based primarily on data from test borings made at.the Iocations shown on the test boring reports. Soil' variations may exist between borings and may not become evident until construction. If variations are then noted, F.E.T. must be contacted so that field conditions can be examined and recommendations revised if necessary. The Geotechnical report states our understanding as to the location, dimensions, and structural features proposed of the site. Any significant changes in the nature, design, or location of the site improvements must be communicated to F.E.T. so that the Geotechnical analysis, conclusions, and recommendations can be appropriately adjusted. Construction Observations Construction observation and testing is an important element of Geotechnical services. The Geotechnical Engineer's Field Representative (Field Rep.) is the "owner's representative" observing the work of the contractor, perfornring tests, and reporting data from such tests and observations. The Geotechnical Engineer's Field Representative does not direct the contractor's construction means, methods, operations, or personnel. The Field. Rep. does not interfere with the relationship between the owner and the contractor, and except as an. observer, does not become a substitute owner on site. The Field Rep, is only collecting data for our Engineer to review. The Field Rep. is responsible for Ms/her safety only, but has no responsibility for the safety of other personnel and/or the general public at the site. If the Field Rep. does not feel that the site is offering a safe environment for him/her, the Field Rep. will stop his/her observation/ testing until he/she deems the site is safe. The Field Rep. is an important member of a team whose responsibility is to observe the test and work being done and report to the client whether that work is being carried out in general conformance with the plans and specifications. Limitations of Report Federal Engineering & Testing. Inc. shall- have no liability, in contract, tort or otherwise, for any inaccuracy, defect, or omission in interpreting this report and shall not in any event have any liability for lost profits or any other indirect, special, incidental, consequential, exemplary or, punitive damages. In the event of future conflict between owners and contractors the following applies: F.E.T.(s) legal and/or company representation and preparation for representation fees will be billed on an. hourly rate, i.e. deposition, expert witness, etc. F.E.T. has no obligation to amend its conclusions or recommendations after the date of this. report. Any alterations or changes in the location of the project shouldbe brought to our attention at the earliest convenience for review and applicability of this report. ;;�ederal Phone 954-784-2941 800-848-1919 it 8 TESTING INC. Fax 954-784-7875 250 SW 13th Ave Pompano Beach, FL 33069 fed eng com Soil / Aggregate Tests Soil Borings Density Compaction Tests Grain Size Analysis Moisture Contents Soil Classifications Limerock Bearing Ratios Florida Bearing Values Specific Gravity Carbonate Analysis Hydraulic Conductivity Organic Contents L.A. Abrasion FDOT Inspections QC Management Earthwork Inspections QC Concrete Inspections QC Asphalt Inspections Partial List of Services Geotechnical Engineering_ Services Field Inspection Services Fill & Quality Control Inspections Demucking Inspections Building Inspections Pile Driving Inspections Pile Load Tests Steel Inspection Threshold Inspection Bolt Inspection Weld Inspection Vibration Monitoring Geotechnical Engineering Foundation Engineering Foundation Design & Recommendation Subsoil Investigation Pile Load Calculations Piling Installation Monitoring Asphalt Services Backscatter Density Tests Extractions & Gradations Marshall Limits Bulk Specific Gravity Cores for Thickness Determination Asphalt Pavement Monitoring Asphalt Assessment Concrete Tests Concrete Strength. Testing Stump Tests Windsor Probe Testing, Schmidt Hammer Testing Core Testing Air Content Concrete Unit Weight Flexual Strength Testing Environmental Engineering Services Phase 1 Site Assessments Phase II Site Assessments Lead Base Paint Surveys Site Inspections Phase I Follow up on Contaminated Sites Report and Analysis Research of Property Records Installation of Monitoring Wells Air Monitoring Soil Borings Soil and Ground Water Analysis Roof Testing & Inspection Services TAS 105 Field Fastener Withdrawal Test TAS 106 Tile Uplift Test TAS 124 Bell Chamber / Bonded Pull Test TAS 126 Moisture Survey Windload Calculation Drainage Calculations Lightweight Concrete placement Inspection Roof Assessment / Evaluation Cap Sheet inspection Fastener Spacing Inspection Tile/ Shingle/ Standing Seam Inspection Base Sheet installation Inspection Insurance Mitigation Retrofit Mitigation/ Certification Roof Drainage Calculations W MIAW A Construction Material American Concrete Miami Dade Engineering Council Institute County (3 Florida Department of Transportation II®���Cata ■tf�- ■ III' f - _I• � � ■ - • • 1 I i 0 • ^ •�i■ . _, III i�■°i•�- � 0 1� • �� QA � ■ �� rt • j��q�y^t . 'i��tr �1 ii ■ Q Q tax m de �°""" iD<�c ++rr r �.d.•,a a • warm,. g ak 1 Ada prnh�eoduct approval FLs aIiITiJCnep Pdgglau aeJ Sher d�"atalled odmg vMeriagment over 19/32' COX plgeaod atteahed to tramses per aheew-g eeuchxnt 4grao on twat plan spa iarw m � ...e e�-� ��^� ~\ � PRE-ENC,IXEERED TRa95E9 s (dmortrmm w�maar�e ia.' ) d unct m yprtl g s�i� °ma. •i4°ae0 m�1et ear aRecrtsa n A9TM cm • �..aaala I b 3Y Nsi. a.�wvr! sia oem9�ro m 1w• to TT rmvw win w/32• CD% s bawiiweae m-nm. 30' �"� Tam•amd �'� �b fdt lniu ]3/'�i' W%°� •tl trN M wge9'e oe� p.e u lint• o Jmu M me . Y i P �6ast Vine iraY meta -CA � .�4�•�s daaed in rtsaI-a=zs- h �l as n . to as and 0, draoi gs TYPICAL SECTION Scale , 1/2' a 1'-0' MOM Window Schedule Mark Site Window Desenmt(on L 3'-r z r - SWG,E W G ] '-Y a Y-0• 6aiGLE NUN4 _q��� - ALL Windows to be white ESP aluminum inndocs thrtant Provide tm'a and structural -Worn r elevaponi'Seq - Aad ct approval abort for ndm mmu Curer nfmcatrorC LLu cindaos to withstand Pressure. stated m Permit INormat,on Box m these plan - ALL saridws ai bathrooms to be tempered 920 - ALL mpdown melon 18' of r-had floc to be tempera vent season - all g/r h to ordering mandoma a ou9 opening arsea poor 9qa �7 Door Schedule Mark Site Door Deae tion A 3'-0' X V-r 2 penal reads a -r X L' 2 p- M-dme C Tx C-r 2 pwml M� p1k.L D 2'-L• z L'-r 2 mend M podmt E 2 2'-0' X L'-r 2 pmd H- pv,tet P Y-a• X L'-r 2 paid Mmw`r+ 11-rdd - ALL exeenor down mdudng garage doors to thstend preswrea seated m par" formawon box on, these plane wndwdg oasdnrg/rough opening saes pnor to ordering i - See Product approval chart these plans ror extenor door anafa,tw information (inctudTig garage door) - Provide a eiat door I- tgpel that a 3.-O' wide a mnsmum and ono emergerzy escape door (not shuttered). This nag 6a the mine door d it meets both entene listed above. Attach dos to block all oath 1/4' da x 3tap -cans c1h mi. E pew matron m .max d ¢ails face d L. tram ech comer tlxu d P 8' FT Buck eac rza' P.T. bud 2 ode• r Malt Detail at Exterior Doors NTS Attach endow to bock can onh V4' da x 3' tap -tom a0.0 earn. and L' penNaw from[ each eam�r tWu P x Y PT Buck dr �a face rx,' P.T. Bud Detad at windows a:'X t `°der NTS W o Kona W o.I;;a`m FLOOR PLAN x t7 W,- m odic..' TYPIff rAI N07ESL 11. All mmosed attic leuan metenata matandd on attic flaora shall have a critical radiant 11. ALL a tda faces tallad shall copra in to ASTM A108J thru A108.4. 0 �• v'= e x a I. Contractor to verify ALL notes and dsenvans prior to maux not lam than O.I2 watt per posts cenemiecer. �xp� d foam plastic i aufaciowon AI08.1, AHS.l. AIIS.3. A13cds and A131.1 F cQ ire` i ,din much k. proce g eennls exposed on the underade d the oaf Eeck the euc walls °hell ply with eh F.B.C. R314 - ermt mro box oft code edrtian p Cement• fiber -Patten I m t backers m accordance with ASTM Ia.game gypaen OR CII18 I.A.W. hall m w 2. Contractor to STRICTLY Farce ALL OSHA Requramenta 3. ALL Lumber to he sed a Beam. RaFcera, ace.. co havo IL. board materiel hall cant to ASTM C36. C19, C415. C514. CL30. C931 CI395. C139L be Cr1use CIs end m tolled manufacturers reeommendewona be need as backer far the wall olio m tub arena and man panels ahowm areas. ° p "G° i" tf) v e um IA00 P.S.I. fiber street. G9L0 C1002. C104l,ClI I CI1'8 Cl2le a end shall installed Porting to the roV®rig: (FBC R'I023.55 19. Insulation including faeinge wch a retarders or spar permeable members maeayed bl f- h bl II 1 d tD 4. No dissimlar motels Lo touch. S. ALL Concrete awd for dabs shad be mi 2S00 PSI concrete. ALL Concrete d for vertical tined c Ile cent. tie beam, etc. to hell be 3.000u P.S.I. concrete and/or 4.000 P.S.I. grout L. Orywan at e=,l shall be leveled and attached to bottom chord 1. At tosses with par FBC R102.3.5. LL wood ei contact with concrete shall be pressure created S. ALL wall dimensions are rwanal and not finished wall m stud dmenums. 9. ALL plumbing tortures to be lom flow. 10. Contractor to Provide Dram at water heater accordance with the current edition of the Florida Plumbing Code. II. Cmitractm to Provide , 2' 11' side door at a bathroom fin handicap eccesebibtg regoramenta 12. Lowest finished floor to be set bg Governing Bwldng Department survegm ea set m f old. 13. Wall and CeiLng hall have flame -spread classdicatim of not greater than 200 p r FBC R302.9.1 14. ehnlnand,O pe gFBC R302 9h2ve anuk�-developed index M not treater $•s.m Ls.,,a on• - � r �0.,• xr� � ra upq PnV•" 24• Y w• lay t 3: ewe M iVH• r..e o..�mr-�r°s"evr.as.k W cq,ere�°aR.d o.oea• e. e.mo Pap.rov. ar � w• tss. i yr sins .0 Ivsr a.e oo+r esO°i... i air i' V,ameeei it n/r bq M be.i �m oo �• d. �• Oveaua 9" LL me m oor Pei rig assem i a row Pei rg anew a wa . cram spaces an a dhall have a flame spread Index t to exceed 26 with an accowpwn inq ' acs .+ eveloped ode% n t to teed 450 hen tested in accordance wit ASTri E 84. Insulation shall comply with F.B.C. R3I4. 20. ALL materials used below base flood Ievation • st be flood resistant. Thus is to include all wall coverings in garage and olsewhere if applicable. 21. ALL draw 5n . and written material herein constitute arimnal mock or this firm and the same or any art MAY NObe dlicated, disclosed, distributed d thereof or in manner thaut written c nt © or this firm. Any user ehareor, mthout consent. shall be indebted to�ihifirm row run ee-gym.-- � WALL SYMBOL LEGEND LL �• CBS inns - FA Pays solid oath ate and N a5 bin veto m 4W W Sheet Fatar ra0o iq tin 10'_O'. !qh 8pecm .2-no.c for mama io rum-O'a d vas aunt 10'-0 yewJ myeaUon ,.gored po inn q6c (� 2 v,mio•YbavaenapteMd vat .towel uutdla4on tit IeMg� z ao® mgxR-e bw°eu�m m°tb°da m r bowls �C ed m reccam. h NarA/C Nmces Q OF 5. Coma m Square Footage Breakdown W 15-230 Total A/C Space = 11.1 aq. ft. fY Cop lit . b i l